Why can't normies enjoy shows/movies that "lack action"?



Jan 2, 2019
It seems to me that anything that doesn't have shit exploding every 10 min is seen by normies as boring. It's like their brains are so turned off that they require raw visual and audio stimuli and can't find any enjoyment just watching people on screen talk about something interesting or important. This is why I'm starting to find myself enjoying sci-fi novels more and more and sci-fi shows less and less. Novels leave much more room for actual intelligent/interesting shit rather than just action only.
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thanks aristotle 😝
  • WTF
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Yeah, a lot of normies thought bladerunner 2049 was slow and boring meanwhile most psl members loved it.
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normies :rage: :rage: :rage:
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I have too much adhd and aphantasia for novels. I literally stop watching movies less than halfway through cause I can't sit down and focus on it.
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You sound like a fucking nerd the type I’d bully
They spend all their time on instagram and tiktok, so they don’t have time to actually ponder about life and develop complex thinking or whatever
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