Why "Confidence" Is Irrelevant In 2019



Dec 14, 2018
As you have most likely heard "Girls LOVE confidence" :soy:

Now assuming confidence is a factor in attraction (which I believe it is, you can't be non-NT and get girls. Unless you're Chad), it is a common belief that "A girl will choose a confident 6/10 over a shy 8/10."

But that model does not hold true, and here's why:

Yes, maybe a girl will pick the confident 6/10 over a shy 8/10, but that's assuming those are her only two options.

In 2019, women are not restricted to two options, or a small town population. With Tinder, she now has 100s to 1000s of confident GOOD-LOOKING men willing to date her.

So basically, you can be as confident as you want, but she'll have options that are just as confident as you AND better looking. So why would she choose you?

JFL thinking "I'm gonna go in the club and be the most confident guy in there". Guess what? Every other dude in there is confident too. Confidence is not as rare as you think. You're not setting yourself apart.
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As you have most likely heard "Girls LOVE confidence" :soy:

Now assuming confidence is a factor in attraction (which I believe it is, you can't be non-NT and get girls. Unless you're Chad), it is a common belief that "A girl will choose a confident 6/10 over a shy 8/10."

But that model does not hold true, and here's why:

Yes, maybe a girl will pick the confident 6/10 over a shy 8/10, but that's assuming those are her only two options.

In 2019, women are not restricted to two options, or a small town population. With Tinder, she now has 100s to 1000s of confident GOOD-LOOKING men willing to date her.

So basically, you can be as confident as you want, but she'll have options that are just as confident as you AND better looking. So why would she choose you?

JFL thinking "I'm gonna go in the club and be the most confident guy in there". Guess what? Every other dude in there is confident too. Confidence is not as rare as you think. You're not setting yourself apart.

Confidence only works if a woman has already chosen you . If she already likes you ( obv for your looks )- whatever you say or do is “ cool and confident “ - even grabbing her ass in the club will be “ confident “ if you are a chad .

On the other hand , if she is already turned off by you , and if you act “ confident “ , it means creepy weirdo with an attitude problem . If you grab her ass , you will go to jail .

Confidence , personality , sense of humor , game everything is shit in 2019 . It’s simple . Looks looks and looks . Little bit of money and status if your looks are 7 ish . Otherwise you better be 8 plus . Anything below 8 and without money / status ? Game over .
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because people arnt as narcy as you. people in the real word build relationships and connections which looks help with but it’s not the end all. but if you keep on thinking in this negative way your gonna get negative results
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because people arnt as narcy as you. people in the real word build relationships and connections which looks help with but it’s not the end all. but if you keep on thinking in this negative way your gonna get negative results

Being positive doesn’t make you a chad of chadlite
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Confidence is still relevant if you want to date your looksmatch. Yes you can't dick down a girl above your league by displaying confidence, but to say girls don't care about it at all is cope.
It’s all about B O N E S
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Reactions: androidcel, dogtown and Final82
because people arnt as narcy as you. people in the real word build relationships and connections which looks help with but it’s not the end all. but if you keep on thinking in this negative way your gonna get negative results

Blue pilled .
Confidence is still relevant if you want to date your looksmatch. Yes you can't dick down a girl above your league by displaying confidence, but to say girls don't care about it at all is cope.

Agree and disagree . Looks are 80 percent of attraction , status / money 15-18 percent , “ confidence , sense of humor and personality 2-5 percent at the most .”
It’s all about B O N E S

Facial bones .
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because people arnt as narcy as you. people in the real word build relationships and connections which looks help with but it’s not the end all. but if you keep on thinking in this negative way your gonna get negative results

I have approached over ( at least ) 600-800 women in person in last 15 years when I used to think what exactly you had said above . I have met them at work , school , common interest groups , house parties , through friends , through speed dating , cold approach in bar , clubs , grocery stores , museums and painting events ( which I love ), gym . Yes , I have tried to build “ connection “ by being confident and social . Does it work ? Yes and no . If she finds you attractive , it sure works - but then you don’t need the facade of confidence and connection anyways . I know guys who are jobless , thugs , with serious mental health issues who can barely socialize being with hot educated great ladies . You know the secrete ? They are good looking . I also know confident cool guys with pretty ladies . Well , those are also good looking guys . And I know confident , cool guys with great careers without women - well I take that back . When I did all the above in “ real life “, I gathered a lot of female “ friends “ but none would date me . They would happily go to gym with me , chat with me , even Travel with me . But won’t date me . You know why ? Well that’s the whole idea of this forum . It’s hard but red pill and black pill will eventually help you . Blue pill does nothing other than destroy your self esteem and giving you false mirage .
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Agree and disagree . Looks are 80 percent of attraction , status / money 15-18 percent , “ confidence , sense of humor and personality 2-5 percent at the most .”
But as OP said girls today are not restricted to two options with dating apps, and thus they can always find guys who are good-looking and confident. Girls, especially prime Stacys always feel entitled to men who excel in every aspect. Yes they would not prefer a 6/10 confident guy over a 8/10 shy guy, but they can easily find dozens of 8/10 confident guys.

If you're good-looking but shy and introvert , you'll still get pussies, but you're not living your full potential, i.e fucking your looksmatch.
  • +1
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But as OP said girls today are not restricted to two options with dating apps, and thus they can always find guys who are good-looking and confident. Girls, especially prime Stacys always feel entitled to men who excel in every aspect. Yes they would not prefer a 6/10 confident guy over a 8/10 shy guy, but they can easily find dozens of 8/10 confident guys.

If you're good-looking but shy and introvert , you'll still get pussies, but you're not living your full potential, i.e fucking your looksmatch.

Good looks by default gives you confidence ( unless you have serious mental health issues )because of positive experiences with women . Imagine if you approach 4 girls in a club each Saturday night and 2 say yes and you go with one of them at your place every Saturday - won’t you be confident ? You know , by positive experience , that women like you .

On the other hand , imagine you approaching 10 girls each Saturday and all saying no to you . How would you feel after 6 months ? Would you still be “ confident “ while approaching girl number # 250? Hello no . It’s cause and effect relationship and women read it easily via mans body language
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Being positive doesn’t make you a chad of chadlite
legit half the niggas on this site are average and are mad they can’t get their dream girl
I have approached over ( at least ) 600-800 women in person in last 15 years when I used to think what exactly you had said above . I have met them at work , school , common interest groups , house parties , through friends , through speed dating , cold approach in bar , clubs , grocery stores , museums and painting events ( which I love ), gym . Yes , I have tried to build “ connection “ by being confident and social . Does it work ? Yes and no . If she finds you attractive , it sure works - but then you don’t need the facade of confidence and connection anyways . I know guys who are jobless , thugs , with serious mental health issues who can barely socialize being with hot educated great ladies . You know the secrete ? They are good looking . I also know confident cool guys with pretty ladies . Well , those are also good looking guys . And I know confident , cool guys with great careers without women - well I take that back . When I did all the above in “ real life “, I gathered a lot of female “ friends “ but none would date me . They would happily go to gym with me , chat with me , even Travel with me . But won’t date me . You know why ? Well that’s the whole idea of this forum . It’s hard but red pill and black pill will eventually help you . Blue pill does nothing other than destroy your self esteem and giving you false mirage .
obviously there is a heirarchy and you can’t get every female. I know that there might be people who truly are not blessed like in terms of height, finance, looks, body but that’s truly the 5% of this forum. I think tbh some people watch too much shit or fantasize too much and think every female is suppose to like them. Also what’s wrong with having female friends for just their company? a female is just another human being used for interaction, maybe it might be lead to something sexual but they don’t owe you sex just cuz your “chad” or got a milli in the bank.
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Confindence matters as a way of approaching women and expressing intrest
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Good looks by default gives you confidence ( unless you have serious mental health issues )because of positive experiences with women . Imagine if you approach 4 girls in a club each Saturday night and 2 say yes and you go with one of them at your place every Saturday - won’t you be confident ? You know , by positive experience , that women like you .

On the other hand , imagine you approaching 10 girls each Saturday and all saying no to you . How would you feel after 6 months ? Would you still be “ confident “ while approaching girl number # 250? Hello no . It’s cause and effect relationship and women read it easily via mans body language
I seen the pics of people on this forum and the way they talk. They can’t dress for shit and they way they express themselves is too informal like a porno scene.
legit half the niggas on this site are average and are mad they can’t get their dream girl

obviously there is a heirarchy and you can’t get every female. I know that there might be people who truly are not blessed like in terms of height, finance, looks, body but that’s truly the 5% of this forum. I think tbh some people watch too much shit or fantasize too much and think every female is suppose to like them. Also what’s wrong with having female friends for just their company? a female is just another human being used for interaction, maybe it might be lead to something sexual but they don’t owe you sex just cuz your “chad” or got a milli in the bank.

1. Average is not enough
2. Women make shit friends
  • +1
Reactions: Blitz, Future Arablite and Final82
1. Average is not enough
2. Women make shit friends
average isn’t enough to get pussy every week at the club i agree.

women do make great friends, just that bunch of you are cucks and don’t know how take charge when needed
average isn’t enough to get pussy every week at the club i agree.

women do make great friends, just that bunch of you are cucks and don’t know how take charge when needed

Thanks for the enticing knowledge . Stay blue pilled till your self esteem goes in drain .
average isn’t enough to get pussy every week at the club i agree.

women do make great friends, just that bunch of you are cucks and don’t know how take charge when needed

Why would I want to be friends with women, they offer nothing to.

Male friends > no friends > females friends

Should only use females for sex nothing more until hypergamy is destroyed and they are put back in there place, you acting alpha won’t do shit to her
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Reactions: dodt, androidcel, Final82 and 2 others
Confidence is still relevant if you want to date your looksmatch. Yes you can't dick down a girl above your league by displaying confidence, but to say girls don't care about it at all is cope.
Confindence matters as a way of approaching women and expressing intrest
Let me make it clear that I believe confidence DOES increase your attractiveness, but going from a 3/10 to 5/10 via confidence still leaves you empty handed.
  • +1
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Why would I want to be friends with women, they offer nothing to.

Male friends > no friends > females friends

Should only use females for sex nothing more until hypergamy is destroyed and they are put back in there place, you acting alpha won’t do shit to her

Just use them for sex and tap/intrude into their social circles to get to know even more girls you could fuck. Otherwise treat them platonic. The only females to actually care about and treat well in this world should be your mother and sister/s if you have any.
  • +1
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Let me make it clear that I believe confidence DOES increase your attractiveness, but going from a 3/10 to 5/10 via confidence still leaves you empty handed.

Confidence can help to raise your value from say 8.5 to 8.75 /10 . That’s a huge change because after 8/10 , each 0.1 increase will add a lot to your value nad raise your value exponentially. So yes it does matter in this situation. .

Unfortunately , if you are sub8, confidence is unlikely to change the outcome , as going from 5/10 to 6/10 still means shit . May be you can get a landwhale . Yes , then it may count . But can’t get you a normal average 5/10 Becky .
Why would I want to be friends with women, they offer nothing to.

Male friends > no friends > females friends

Should only use females for sex nothing more until hypergamy is destroyed and they are put back in there place, you acting alpha won’t do shit to her
I agree . The thinking of having women friends is actually an ultra cuck and blue pilled behavior .
  • +1
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Why would I want to be friends with women, they offer nothing to.

Male friends > no friends > females friends

Should only use females for sex nothing more until hypergamy is destroyed and they are put back in there place, you acting alpha won’t do shit to her
They can hook you up with other girls
They can hook you up with other girls
Another big myth . If you are an attractive guy - she would take you before “ hooking you up “ with her female friend .
  • +1
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Thanks for the enticing knowledge . Stay blue pilled till your self esteem goes in drain .
my life is great ? ???. my self esteem a all time high. it seems like your life is the opposite way that’s why u thinking negative
Why would I want to be friends with women, they offer nothing to.

Male friends > no friends > females friends

Should only use females for sex nothing more until hypergamy is destroyed and they are put back in there place, you acting alpha won’t do shit to her
“should only use females for sex” great mindset you got, good luck attracting anybody with that attitude my friend
my life is great ? ???. my self esteem a all time high. it seems like your life is the opposite way that’s why u thinking negative

“should only use females for sex” great mindset you got, good luck attracting anybody with that attitude my friend
Good for you man if you are happy and doing good ! Of course , I am a loser in life and I accept it . Bad genes ,horrible parenting , child abuse , and wrong priorities towards beta cucked career and neglecting prime youth and looks maxing in teens has completely ruined my life . I accept that I am a big failure .
my life is great ? ???. my self esteem a all time high. it seems like your life is the opposite way that’s why u thinking negative

“should only use females for sex” great mindset you got, good luck attracting anybody with that attitude my friend

I attracted a asian girl from my looks i’ll Be fine, because
looks> personality

Respecting women is a meme
  • +1
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“should only use females for sex” great mindset you got, good luck attracting anybody with that attitude my friend



Most bluepilled thing I've seen on this site yet.



Most bluepilled thing I've seen on this site yet.

Let him cope, he will learn soon
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Most bluepilled thing I've seen on this site yet.
bruh even i brag about shit like that. but you can’t have that mindset going in. if you think sex is the only important thing in life gl being a failure. remember this a forum not real life
bruh even i brag about shit like that. but you can’t have that mindset going in. if you think sex is the only important thing in life gl being a failure. remember this a forum not real life
The problem with "just making friends with girls don't only think about sex" is that they are NOT your friends. In a real geniune friendship each person respects each other and is willing to take action to show that. Girls will never do anything for you. It's constantly you serving them.
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The problem with "just making friends with girls don't only think about sex" is that they are NOT your friends. In a real geniune friendship each person respects each other and is willing to take action to show that. Girls will never do anything for you. It's constantly you serving them.
what do you mean by serving them? i can’t infer what you are trying to say by that cuz serving is prob 2 diff definitions for us
what do you mean by serving them? i can’t infer what you are trying to say by that cuz serving is prob 2 diff definitions for us
Like they call you at a random time and ask "omg can you please drive me to ____"
You have to constantly entertain them by making them laugh, or they'll focus on someone else.
You have to listen to them complain about their boyfriend, even though she can just have a much better relationship with you (JFL).
They will never jump in front of a bullet for you, unlike men who become cucks and sacrifice themselves JFL
Like they call you at a random time and ask "omg can you please drive me to ____"
You have to constantly entertain them by making them laugh, or they'll focus on someone else.
You have to listen to them complain about their boyfriend, even though she can just have a much better relationship with you (JFL).
They will never jump in front of a bullet for you, unlike men who become cucks and sacrifice themselves JFL
never had that happen never will happen.
Confidence is good, but whats even better is BONEFIDENCE

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