Why confidence matters



Apr 6, 2019
I have read lot about red pill, black pill and looks theory. I came to the conclusion that this whole "just be confident" thing is about charisma. Charisma matters a lot.
Charisma is basically about your body language, your facial expressions and your voice. Why you should work on those? Because they can be a huge failo if you are bad at those. Having a presence in the room alone if very important and the reason why height matters so much. If you have rounded shoulders with a nerd neck, if you are walking and moving weird and have a fast and slurred pronunciation in your speech, you will come of as weird. Now most absolute lookism worshiper and blackpillers argue that Chico would slay even with bad body language and that you with a PSL of 1 would not benefit from it at all. The issue is you are looking at both extreme which are pretty rare. I think the most guys here are at average level of looks.

The next point is, everything matters. Think about it for a moment. You see a beautiful girl with a perfect body, but she's speaks in a very irritating voice and she just talks too much and is just a weird person. You would still try to fuck her but you wouldn't enjoy her company. Now imagine the same girl with a good personality and a feminin voice, you would much more into her. Now women are less visual than men sexually. Of course attractiveness has the same importance for women as for men but in mens attractiveness, his mannerism play a bigger role.

Now the last story to round this topic up. I have a chad friend, that guy is 6`2 with wide shoulders and a good body. He's good looking in the face and was raised by his perfect family in a house. He is so fucking popular and was rated as the best looking guy in my school grade. He slayed a lot. At every party he would make out with at least one girl. He even made that one girl cheat on her beta chad with him on his birthday. Anyways, that guy got tricked into a LTR with a sloot and she is constantly breaking up with him, cheating on him etc. with uglier guys, guys with a worse SMV. Why? Because his game sucks, he's a beta in a alpha body. So don't think that you just have to ascend look wise and then will slay easily, that would happen if you would go to male model level of looks. NT + social skills + game + looks is the way to go.
inb4 didn't read, not a single word.
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I have read lot about red pill, black pill and looks theory. I came to the conclusion that this whole "just be confident" thing is about charisma. Charisma matters a lot.
Charisma is basically about your body language, your facial expressions and your voice. Why you should work on those? Because they can be a huge failo if you are bad at those. Having a presence in the room alone if very important and the reason why height matters so much. If you have rounded shoulders with a nerd neck, if you are walking and moving weird and have a fast and slurred pronunciation in your speech, you will come of as weird. Now most absolute lookism worshiper and blackpillers argue that Chico would slay even with bad body language and that you with a PSL of 1 would not benefit from it at all. The issue is you are looking at both extreme which are pretty rare. I think the most guys here are at average level of looks.

The next point is, everything matters. Think about it for a moment. You see a beautiful girl with a perfect body, but she's speaks in a very irritating voice and she just talks too much and is just a weird person. You would still try to fuck her but you wouldn't enjoy her company. Now imagine the same girl with a good personality and a feminin voice, you would much more into her. Now women are less visual than men sexually. Of course attractiveness has the same importance for women as for men but in mens attractiveness, his mannerism play a bigger role.

Now the last story to round this topic up. I have a chad friend, that guy is 6`2 with wide shoulders and a good body. He's good looking in the face and was raised by his perfect family in a house. He is so fucking popular and was rated as the best looking guy in my school grade. He slayed a lot. At every party he would make out with at least one girl. He even made that one girl cheat on her beta chad with him on his birthday. Anyways, that guy got tricked into a LTR with a sloot and she is constantly breaking up with him, cheating on him etc. with uglier guys, guys with a worse SMV. Why? Because his game sucks, he's a beta in a alpha body. So don't think that you just have to ascend look wise and then will slay easily, that would happen if you would go to male model level of looks. NT + social skills + game + looks is the way to go.
inb4 didn't read, not a single word.
Of course bro. Confidence and personality are imo more important than looks, as long as youre not crazy hot or straight up repellent.

Thing is, too many people confuse charisma and personality with "just always be nice and.smile", the bluepilled personality portrayed by movies with the loser getting the hot girl by being nice and weird and doing everything for her.
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dn rd
looks = confidence = Charisma
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Legit but matters little after 6 PSL and tall height for slays, legit for LTR at 6+ PSL i guess or long term slaying with same girl
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Charisma is helps you with other guys, being good looking helps you with girls
Of course bro. Confidence and personality are imo more important than looks, as long as youre not crazy hot or straight up repellent.

Thing is, too many people confuse charisma and personality with "just always be nice and.smile", the bluepilled personality portrayed by movies with the loser getting the hot girl by being nice and weird and doing everything for her.
Yes but I have got the feeling that most guys here thinks its all about looks. Men, I have nuked my LTR by being a beta and bad game. The guys here should realize that they also have to work on their personality, their social skills and game.

Legit but matters little after 6 PSL and tall height for slays, legit for LTR at 6+ PSL i guess or long term slaying with same girl
I don't know men, I know the chaddiest chad that every existed and he is very good looking but also he has a slow controlled way of walking and moving. His facial expression are very calm etc. Its not always just plain your facial aesthetic that make you attractive you know.

dn rd
looks = confidence = Charisma
Not true, good looks in young age may lead to charisma but its not the looks itself.
This thread is a semi cope, sorry.

I do agree that people underestimate the importance of being extroverted/confident but it’s truly not that important if your goal is to have ONS after you are 6PSL or more.

If you’re an annoying 6 PSL youll grt ONS but probably ghosted after a few fucks at most
This thread is a semi cope, sorry.

I do agree that people underestimate the importance of being extroverted/confident but it’s truly not that important if your goal is to have ONS after you are 6PSL or more.

If you’re an annoying 6 PSL youll grt ONS but probably ghosted after a few fucks at most
Look, I will agree that looks are everything to get a girl interested in you, especially at a time where tinder is mainstream. My point is, after that initial attraction phase, you will have to have game and personality. The second thing is, I believe that in looks, body language and voice etc. Is included. If you are bad at those, you will look worse. If you don't have a presence in the room, you won't be attractive. Thats it. Thats the reason why height and frame matters, and not only face. What exactly is attractive about a tall body? What makes a long limb aesthetic?
Look, I will agree that looks are everything to get a girl interested in you, especially at a time where tinder is mainstream. My point is, after that initial attraction phase, you will have to have game and personality. The second thing is, I believe that in looks, body language and voice etc. Is included. If you are bad at those, you will look worse. If you don't have a presence in the room, you won't be attractive. Thats it. Thats the reason why height and frame matters, and not only face. What exactly is attractive about a tall body? What makes a long limb aesthetic?
it could be argued that none of this matters if you’re only slightly above average or above average when females have the choice of giga chad ONS and chad LTR
This thread is a semi cope, sorry.

I do agree that people underestimate the importance of being extroverted/confident but it’s truly not that important if your goal is to have ONS after you are 6PSL or more.
The issue is you are looking at both extreme which are pretty rare. I think the most guys here are at average level of looks
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6 PSL is not extreme at all
it could be argued that none of this matters if you’re only slightly above average or above average when females have the choice of giga chad ONS and chad LTR
No chad goes into a LTR, and if he will cheat on her (and she will know it and will be in constant anxiety). After he breaks up with her, her world will be shattered. I think you overestimate the amount of chads out their. Look around. normies can have sex too. I have a plain average friend who is fucking a girl who is a 7-8/10.
r/theredpill is that way
r/theredpill is that way
The truth is probably between black pill and red pill. I hate that the red pill give looks way to little attention while blackpills is just delusional about how much looks matters.
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No chad goes into a LTR, and if he will cheat on her (and she will know it and will be in constant anxiety). After he breaks up with her, her world will be shattered. I think you overestimate the amount of chads out their. Look around. normies can have sex too. I have a plain average friend who is fucking a girl who is a 7-8/10.
Ofc Chad goes into LTR lol, it’s generally with another giga stacy or a female below his looksmatch if he’s autistic or high inhib (seen this happen a lot)
6 PSL is not extreme at all
It fucking is. It‘s legit like 97th percentile. Even 5psl is on the rare side which is like 70-80 percentile lol. Keep in mind that pictures dont mean anything, people usually fraud 1-1.5 PSL online. A legit 6 psl irl is very rare
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Ofc Chad goes into LTR lol, it’s generally with another giga stacy or a female below his looksmatch if he’s autistic or high inhib (seen this happen a lot)
Every chad that I have encountered has either just had short LTRs or cheated. If you are Chad, why would you limit your sexual partners to one person? As a women, it's clear. She needs security, her biological instincts tell her that if she fucks she has to expect children to raise.
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cope. just act normal
I only read the title. The only thing that truly matters is abundance = you have other women in your life or have been with a a lot of women or they just find you attractive. Everything else just shows that. Including confidence. If you are confident around a hottie it means she isn't anything special to you and you have lots of experience with girls like her.

I have gone from getting rejected hard to that same girl smiling and giggling in my presence after she saw who my ex was.

Girls will fuck you just because your gf is hot.
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The truth is probably between black pill and red pill. I hate that the red pill give looks way to little attention while blackpills is just delusional about how much looks matters.
It's a lot closer to the blackpill since pretty much everything about the blackpill has science backing it up.
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cope. just act normal
That is my point. Being weird is a failo.

It fucking is. It‘s legit like 97th percentile. Even 5psl is on the rare side which is like 70-80 percentile lol. Keep in mind that pictures dont mean anything, people usually fraud 1-1.5 PSL online. A legit 6 psl irl is very rare
I agree with that. I would say the top 10% of male get all the hot women. So out of 10 guys you would have to be the hottest to slay. I don't know how rare PSL 6 is, but I would say its at most 10%.
It fucking is. It‘s legit like 97th percentile. Even 5psl is on the rare side which is like 70-80 percentile lol. Keep in mind that pictures dont mean anything, people usually fraud 1-1.5 PSL online. A legit 6 psl irl is very rare
Fraud 1.5?? No way man, maybe 0.5-.75 lol
It's a lot closer to the blackpill since pretty much everything about the blackpill has science backing it up.
You can't just say muh science. Its hard to research human interactions in a empirical way. Of course studies show a certain direction but as today, we can't still say what EXACTLY is making someone attractive, we just know that attractiveness matters a lot.
Every chad that I have encountered has either just had short LTRs or cheated. If you are Chad, why would you limit your sexual partners to one person? As a women, it's clear. She needs security, her biological instincts tell her that if she fucks she has to expect children to raise.
Could never understand it why would a chad be in a relationship in the first place
Be high t, have a extroverted personality with an edge and you’re good.
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Anyone here know todd valentine? Not that gl and he fucking slays like crazy
I have a fast and slurried pronnounciation, i hate this. Your thread is legit but i wish it had tips on how to improve in these areas such as charisma, social engineering, how to have a better pronnounciation etc..
dn rd
looks = confidence = Charisma

Gotta agree looks gives confidence which gives charisma, but doesnt work in the other way tbh. You can have charisma but not be super confident or good looking
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Charisma matters a lot.
everything matters.
everything matters, is true.

Most importantly though, imo. What matters most. What is the hyrarchy, in matters.
I think it's this:
1. Looks (face, length, structure, etc.)
2. Power/Status
3. Resources/Money/Wealth
4. Relaxed personality - low in neuroticism
5. Charisma - Extraversion
6. etc.

On the top ones. There is where the biggest returns on investement and effort can be made. And the lower ones, have deminishing returns.
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no charisma for your face
It matters but why are you guys always talking about slaying? The goal is to get a hot and loyal girlfriend to ltr with. It's not to fuck as many as bar sluts as possible
I have read lot about red pill, black pill and looks theory. I came to the conclusion that this whole "just be confident" thing is about charisma. Charisma matters a lot.
Charisma is basically about your body language, your facial expressions and your voice. Why you should work on those? Because they can be a huge failo if you are bad at those. Having a presence in the room alone if very important and the reason why height matters so much. If you have rounded shoulders with a nerd neck, if you are walking and moving weird and have a fast and slurred pronunciation in your speech, you will come of as weird. Now most absolute lookism worshiper and blackpillers argue that Chico would slay even with bad body language and that you with a PSL of 1 would not benefit from it at all. The issue is you are looking at both extreme which are pretty rare. I think the most guys here are at average level of looks.

The next point is, everything matters. Think about it for a moment. You see a beautiful girl with a perfect body, but she's speaks in a very irritating voice and she just talks too much and is just a weird person. You would still try to fuck her but you wouldn't enjoy her company. Now imagine the same girl with a good personality and a feminin voice, you would much more into her. Now women are less visual than men sexually. Of course attractiveness has the same importance for women as for men but in mens attractiveness, his mannerism play a bigger role.

Now the last story to round this topic up. I have a chad friend, that guy is 6`2 with wide shoulders and a good body. He's good looking in the face and was raised by his perfect family in a house. He is so fucking popular and was rated as the best looking guy in my school grade. He slayed a lot. At every party he would make out with at least one girl. He even made that one girl cheat on her beta chad with him on his birthday. Anyways, that guy got tricked into a LTR with a sloot and she is constantly breaking up with him, cheating on him etc. with uglier guys, guys with a worse SMV. Why? Because his game sucks, he's a beta in a alpha body. So don't think that you just have to ascend look wise and then will slay easily, that would happen if you would go to male model level of looks. NT + social skills + game + looks is the way to go.
inb4 didn't read, not a single word.
Yea I guess I agree, if you have a decent base in terms of looks (PSL 5.5+) and height (a few inches above average in that area) than you need confidence and low inhibition to truly reach your full slaying potential.
It matters but why are you guys always talking about slaying? The goal is to get a hot and loyal girlfriend to ltr with. It's not to fuck as many as bar sluts as possible
Nah I wanna fuck with these foids a little, once I ascend Im gonna be permanently fucking with their heads, tricking them into thinking ill commit but just pumping and dumping them. Besides there's no such thing as a loyal woman, they'll dump you in a second if gigachad comes along. Fuck LTRs and fuck marriage.
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It matters but why are you guys always talking about slaying? The goal is to get a hot and loyal girlfriend to ltr with. It's not to fuck as many as bar sluts as possible
HAHAHAH, bro, I don't want to wake you up but foids aren't loyal. Even as chad you get cheated on, dumped etc. Your only bet is to use them for sex. Don't expect any loyalty from them. As soon your life goes downwards they will be faster gone than you think.

Yea I guess I agree, if you have a decent base in terms of looks (PSL 5.5+) and height (a few inches above average in that area) than you need confidence and low inhibition to truly reach your full slaying potential.

Nah I wanna fuck with these foids a little, once I ascend Im gonna be permanently fucking with their heads, tricking them into thinking ill commit but just pumping and dumping them. Besides there's no such thing as a loyal woman, they'll dump you in a second if gigachad comes along. Fuck LTRs and fuck marriage.
True. Foids are just after the best they can get. As long as you are their best option, you are fine but if they can get someone better than you, they will dump your ass without any little bit of empathy. They are robots which are designed to get the best genetic partner. Their love isn't the love we men feel, their love is admiration. If you look good, have good status etc. they will admire you but if someone is better or if you show weakness and they see bad sites, they will dump your ass.

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