Why couldn’t I love my gf like she loved me?

Deleted member 2095

Deleted member 2095

Jun 18, 2019
She did everything for me. She wanted my T-shirt’s when I had to leave because they reminded her of my smell. She always wanted to see me 24/7 and would stalk me everywhere. Idk why but I feel like I couldn’t love her the same. I treated her bad often. Was it because I never had to fight for her? Because I thought whatever I did, she would always come back? Because I’m a depressed subhuman? Why does it hurt so much now that she left and things are over forever?
because i do not care friendo. hihihi
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Imagine ltring a bitch in 2020 :lul:
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idk i never had 1
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Because you were younger and dumber, and yes, people usually miss something after losing It, forgive yourself bro
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She did everything for me. She wanted my T-shirt’s when I had to leave because they reminded her of my smell. She always wanted to see me 24/7 and would stalk me everywhere. Idk why but I feel like I couldn’t love her the same. I treated her bad often. Was it because I never had to fight for her? Because I thought whatever I did, she would always come back? Because I’m a depressed subhuman? Why does it hurt so much now that she left and things are over forever?
The only reason she did all that is because you held your frame and didnt simp for her. Had you loved her the same way she did love you, your relationship wouldve been over even faster.

basically you did everything right, its just a matter of time when a foid will feel like "trying new things" and "moving to the next chapter of her life" and monkey branch to a different dude. If you acted like a "nice guy" and told her that you love her all the time and bought her flowers all the time, she woulda monkey branched off your ass in a heartbeat. If you put her on pedestal, she will dump you even faster. So you did everything right tbh. You can never act "needy" and "pushy" and too dependent of her, it will not work.

Stop theorycrafting and accept the blackpill. Think about it logically, she did all that shit with t-shirts etc. and at the end of the day she monkey branched to a different dude or just left you like everything that you lived through together never happened. Its like you never even existed, youre erased from her memory and now shes with a different dude most likely. And whats unironic is- same shit will happen to him sooner rather than later.
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The only reason she did all that is because you held your frame and didnt simp for her. Had you loved her the same way she did love you, your relationship wouldve been over even faster.

basically you did everything right, its just a matter of time when a foid will feel like "trying new things" and "moving to the next chapter of her life" and monkey branch to a different dude. If you acted like a "nice guy" and told her that you love her all the time and bought her flowers all the time, she woulda monkey branched off your ass in a heartbeat. If you put her on pedestal, she will dump you even faster. So you did everything right tbh. You can never act "needy" and "pushy" and too dependent of her, it will not work.

Stop theorycrafting and accept the blackpill. Think about it logically, she did all that shit with t-shirts etc. and at the end of the day she monkey branched to a different dude or just left you like everything that you lived through together never happened. Its like you never even existed, youre erased from her memory and now shes with a different dude most likely. And whats unironic is- same shit will happen to him sooner rather than later.
Unironically true the more you cling to her and fulfill her needs of attention the more of an ego boost she gets to monkey branch to a higher SMV guy
She did everything for me. She wanted my T-shirt’s when I had to leave because they reminded her of my smell. She always wanted to see me 24/7 and would stalk me everywhere. Idk why but I feel like I couldn’t love her the same. I treated her bad often. Was it because I never had to fight for her? Because I thought whatever I did, she would always come back? Because I’m a depressed subhuman? Why does it hurt so much now that she left and things are over forever?
What happened again? If she always came back to you you did something right lol. Didn’t she break up w you cause you cheated or some shit?
MAN YOU RE BITCH WHY DID YOU MAKE HER SAD :feelswhy: :feelswhy: :feelswhy: :feelswhy: :feelswhy:
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imagine you have what everyone want and brag on looksmax site
What happened again? If she always came back to you you did something right lol. Didn’t she break up w you cause you cheated or some shit?
What happened again? If she always came back to you you did something right lol. Didn’t she break up w you cause you cheated or some shit?
she broke up because I was treating her bad tbh but I later found out she was sexting another guy and sending him nudes half a year before she broke up with me and had FaceTime sex with him. Later on she stopped doing this but he kept trying and she told him to leave her alone because she felt like it was very wrong because she has a boyfriend. I found out about all this because I logged into her snapchat account after our breakup. In my eyes she was able to do this because she thought I was treating her bad and justified it with my behavior.... I’m just so sad because I treated her bad and I remember so many situations where I could have behaved nicer. It destroys me tbh. She has a new boyfriend it seems like and I feel like a clown for still caring. But I have these insane guilt thoughts and she has been blocking me for 1 month now and I don’t know what to do from here
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And I ask myself why I was always pushing her away so much. Why I always thought she was annoying... in hindsight she was so good for me and did so much for me
but I later found out she was sexting another guy and sending him nudes half a year before she broke up with me and had FaceTime sex with him
it was already over when it began. i doubt she broke up cus you werent nice, shes just saying that to have a reason. she probably has already set her mind on breaking up at that time and was just looking for someone to replace you with and when she found someone thats when she broke up.
the break up was planned all along, thats the point.
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And I ask myself why I was always pushing her away so much. Why I always thought she was annoying... in hindsight she was so good for me and did so much for me
Again if you acted like a „Gentleman“, ltr wouldve ended much faster. If she left you like that, she never truly loved you to begin with. Im sure most of the time u treated her nicely and sometimes not. Which is exactly how it should be. Bait and switch. Youre just focused on the occasions where u didnt treat her well, because youre in this beta regret mode.
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it was already over when it began. i doubt she broke up cus you werent nice, shes just saying that to have a reason. she probably has already set her mind on breaking up at that time and was just looking for someone to replace you with and when she found someone thats when she broke up.
Ok but what lead her to do this? I mean she was so deeply in love with me. She literally couldn’t leave me alone. She gave me so much love. I’m so confused
Tbh I also have some OCD issues and annoyed her with it sometimes and I regret it so much
Ok but what lead her to do this? I mean she was so deeply in love with me. She literally couldn’t leave me alone. She gave me so much love. I’m so confused

the lightswitch effect, she thinks who ever guy she's with rn has a higher smv then you
Ok but what lead her to do this? I mean she was so deeply in love with me. She literally couldn’t leave me alone. She gave me so much love. I’m so confused
if she l*ved you so much, then how could she just ghost you like that and already moved on with another guy?
doesnt make sense.
if she l*ved you so much, then how could she just ghost you like that and already moved on with another guy?
doesnt make sense.
She didn’t, at first.. 2 weeks after she broke up with me I convinced her to meet me again and that’s when she told me she has been seeing another guy in those 2 weeks and slept with him once. She said she ended things with him again because she still had feelings for me. We tried again, even though deep down I knew this was the end. We met again one time and felt like things couldn’t be the same anymore so we both kinda agreed on breaking up for ever. After that she blocked me everywhere and a few days ago she posted a snapchat story of her with another guy (a mutual friend of us told me)..
It just destroys me to think that I could have behaved better towards her in this or that situation which probably would have rescued this relationship or at least would have hindered from cheating (sexting another guy)
Ok but what lead her to do this? I mean she was so deeply in love with me. She literally couldn’t leave me alone. She gave me so much love. I’m so confused
If she was sexting another nigga 6 months in she wasn’t deeply in love with you. She started dating you because she liked how much of a dickhead you were. If you were nicer the only thing that would’ve changed was the amount of people she cheated on you with, she would’ve known you were a little bitch and taken advantage of that. I also know you said that you bothered her with your OCD issues. Don’t ever be weak in front of your bitches. I struggle with that shit too sometimes I show a glimmer of weakness to hoes because I let my guard down, but they don’t care and you gotta remember and internalize that.

If you were indifferent to the break up and posted a picture of you with another girl I guarantee she would have come crawling back to you. You have to forget her and realize that you did the best for her. I bet her new boyfriend treats her like a simp, eventually she’s going to realize how much of a cuck he is and remember about you and how much she misses that aggression . And when that happens he will be cheated on and replaced just like you. She might even text you back and I know it’ll be hard but you have to ignore that hoe. It is what it is. Stop feeling so guilty cause you did your best bro bro. I guarantee when you get your next girlfriend your feelings for your ex will diminish asap. At the end of the day you only miss the “love” and not her.
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If she was sexting another nigga 6 months in she wasn’t deeply in love with you. She started dating you because she liked how much of a dickhead you were. If you were nicer the only thing that would’ve changed was the amount of people she cheated on you with, she would’ve known you were a little bitch and taken advantage of that. I also know you said that you bothered her with your OCD issues. Don’t ever be weak in front of your bitches. I struggle with that shit too sometimes I show a glimmer of weakness to hoes because I let my guard down, but they don’t care and you gotta remember and internalize that.

If you were indifferent to the break up and posted a picture of you with another girl I guarantee she would have come crawling back to you. You have to forget her and realize that you did the best for her. I bet her new boyfriend treats her like a simp, eventually she’s going to realize how much of a cuck he is and remember about you and how much she misses that aggression . And when that happens he will be cheated on and replaced just like you. She might even text you back and I know it’ll be hard but you have to ignore that hoe. It is what it is. Stop feeling so guilty cause you did your best bro bro. I guarantee when you get your next girlfriend your feelings for your ex will diminish asap. At the end of the day you only miss the “love” and not her.
She sent them another nigga 6 months BEFORE she broke up with me. Things must have gone down hill before that so that she was able to do this. She even asked him multiple times if she had a better booty than his gf JFL just goes to show how mentally ill she actually is. What do u mean by weak? Tbh I showed some weakness sometimes but it was mostly the months before we broke up but she cheated on me before I hit her with my OCD issues. Trust me she really loved me, I never had a human feel this way about me. I guess that’s also why I couldn’t love her back so much because I never experienced shit like this
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She sent them another nigga 6 months BEFORE she broke up with me. Things must have gone down hill before that so that she was able to do this. She even asked him if she had a better booty than his gf JFL just goes to show how mentally ill she actually is. What do u mean by weak? Tbh I showed some weakness sometimes but it was mostly the months before we broke up but she cheated on me before I hit her with my OCD issues
It goes to show women ain’t shit my nigga. It’s NEVER good to show weakness cause they always remember that shit trust. You should read up on hypergamy and actually internalize that shit. Women don’t need a reason to dump your ass and replace you. I just want you to know you did everything you can as a nigga, you just fucked with the wrong hoe. In the future ask if they’ve ever cheated, if they say yes only pump and dump them they aren’t LTR material. Once a cheater always a cheater
Once a cheater always a cheater
Is this 100% true? I can imagine she would take care to never do that shit again in the future. She even told him to stop sexting her at some point. He asked why, because in the past she wanted it and then she replied that things weren’t going that good in our relationship during that time that’s why she did it

by showing weakness I mean earlier this year I had some strange chronic abdominal pain and I thought it was colon cancer or some shit so I was panicking until I had a coloscopy after a month or so. I remember asking her if she ever experienced something like this or if she thinks it’s something sinister lmao...
also I asked her more than once if she thought my shoulders were broad because I was gymcelling at that time and wanted to look masc jfl I cringe so hard right now
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Is this 100% true? I can imagine she would take care to never do that shit again in the future. She even told him to stop sexting her at some point. He asked why, because in the past she wanted it and then she replied that things weren’t going that good in our relationship during that time that’s why she did it

by showing weakness I mean earlier this year I had some strange chronic abdominal pain and I thought it was colon cancer or some shit so I was panicking until I had a coloscopy after a month or so. I remember asking her if she ever experienced something like this or if she thinks it’s something sinister lmao...
also I asked her more than once if she thought my shoulders were broad because I was gymcelling at that time and wanted to look masc jfl I cringe so hard right now
It is 100% true all the time, no doubt, non-negotiable. Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater, no exceptions At ALL . And you’re wrong. Instead of making sure she doesn’t do it again she’ll make sure to be more sneaky and make sure to hide it better next time so she doesn’t get caught.

The gym shit came off as insecurity, but it’s not that big of a deal. You have to plant the imagine in their heads you’re a god who doesn’t give a fuck early in the relationship . I asked one of my exes the other week what she thought about me to confirm something. She told me she likes how I don’t care. She told me she has a type cause of me. I can PM you her DM’s to blackpill you. She clearly still wants me but I’m not trynna LTR that hoe again
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It is 100% true all the time, no doubt, non-negotiable. Once a cheater ALWAYS a cheater, no exceptions At ALL . And you’re wrong. Instead of making sure she doesn’t do it again she’ll make sure to be more sneaky and make sure to hide it better next time so she doesn’t get caught.

The gym shit came off as insecurity, but it’s not that big of a deal. You have to plant the imagine in their heads you’re a god who doesn’t give a fuck early in the relationship . I asked one of my exes the other week what she thought about me to confirm something. She told me she likes how I don’t care. She told me she has a type cause of me. I can PM you her DM’s to blackpill you. She clearly still wants me but I’m not trynna LTR that hoe again
How the fck do I gain her interest back srsly? So what if I actually came across as insecure towards her? What do I do in that case? I don’t wanna LTR anymore, just wanna fck her again in the coming months/years maybe lol she had a great body tbh
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How the fck do I gain her interest back srsly? So what if I actually came across as insecure towards her? What do I do in that case? I don’t wanna LTR anymore, just wanna fck her again in the coming months/years maybe lol she had a great body tbh
Like I said the insecurity shit isn’t that big of a deal just a heads up. And I don’t think you got my message. You have to move on and get with other girls. If she hits you back up after that you can determine if you want her as a side hoe. But the goal isn’t to gain her interest, it’s to move on and get with other girls. Her coming back to you can be a plus but don’t get attached emotionally. If you keep thinking about her and don’t indirectly show off to her that you’ve moved on and are good with out her I doubt she’ll ever let you hit it again. You can’t and you won’t be with this bitch forever bro bro
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Like I said the insecurity shit isn’t that big of a deal just a heads up. And I don’t think you got my message. You have to move on and get with other girls. If she hits you back up after that you can determine if you want her as a side hoe. But the goal isn’t to gain her interest, it’s to move on and get with other girls. Her coming back to you can be a plus but don’t get attached emotionally. If you keep thinking about her and don’t indirectly show off to her that you’ve moved on and are good with out her I doubt she’ll ever let you hit it again. You can’t and you won’t be with this bitch forever bro bro
Alright I got it. This is too much games bruh lmao. So I was in a LTR for 2 yrs with her. Why did I start to take her for granted? I just assumed she would be there forever. Literally never would I have thought she could break up with me like that. Why did I make this mistake? Do you think it’s because she gave me this exact feeling? I never really had to fight for her. Maybe that’s why? I always had the feeling that whatever I did, she would always come back to me. I even told her this one time jfl
Alright I got it. This is too much games bruh lmao. So I was in a LTR for 2 yrs with her. Why did I start to take her for granted? I just assumed she would be there forever. Literally never would I have thought she could break up with me like that. Why did I make this mistake? Do you think it’s because she gave me this exact feeling? I never really had to fight for her. Maybe that’s why? I always had the feeling that whatever I did, she would always come back to me. I even told her this one time jfl
Is she your first girlfriend?
Is she your first girlfriend?
I had a gf of 1 year when I was like 13 actually and another one for like 3 months when I was around 15 but yeah she was my first "serious" adult-ish LTR. I don’t even know why I feel so attached now that it’s over. Never happened with any other girl I had a thing with in my life. I’m turning 23 next week
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I had a gf of 1 year when I was like 12 actually and another one for like 3 months when I was around 15 but yeah she was my first "serious" adult-ish LTR. I don’t even know why I feel so attached now that it’s over. Never happened with any other girl I had a thing with in my life
It’s all hormones. You’re probably just hurt because of how fast she switched up on you. If she started arguing a lot, nagging you, and becoming being a bitch slowly over time you wouldn’t feel like you do now. This is how all LTR’s are, it’s time to move on you’re for the streets now so act like it 😛
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The only reason she did all that is because you held your frame and didnt simp for her. Had you loved her the same way she did love you, your relationship wouldve been over even faster.

basically you did everything right, its just a matter of time when a foid will feel like "trying new things" and "moving to the next chapter of her life" and monkey branch to a different dude. If you acted like a "nice guy" and told her that you love her all the time and bought her flowers all the time, she woulda monkey branched off your ass in a heartbeat. If you put her on pedestal, she will dump you even faster. So you did everything right tbh. You can never act "needy" and "pushy" and too dependent of her, it will not work.

Stop theorycrafting and accept the blackpill. Think about it logically, she did all that shit with t-shirts etc. and at the end of the day she monkey branched to a different dude or just left you like everything that you lived through together never happened. Its like you never even existed, youre erased from her memory and now shes with a different dude most likely. And whats unironic is- same shit will happen to him sooner rather than later.
Exactly what my mom says
She says she hates when men act thirsty for her
She says it’s like they’re desperate and it’s annoying to women
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Brag thread
How the fck do I gain her interest back srsly? So what if I actually came across as insecure towards her? What do I do in that case? I don’t wanna LTR anymore, just wanna fck her again in the coming months/years maybe lol she had a great body tbh
i think youve already blew it by "convincing her to meet you again". she knows now that she could go back at any time and that makes you undesirable cus females want what they cant have - grass is always greener on the other side kinda.
best you can do now is probably to just wait it out.
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i think youve already blew it by "convincing her to meet you again". she knows now that she could go back at any time and that makes you undesirable cus females want what they cant have - grass is always greener on the other side kinda.
best you can do now is probably to just wait it out.
I‘m never chasing a girl again. Tbh breaking up is the biggest form of disrespect. They are basically okay with not having you in your life ever again so they should feel it. and my ex even broke up via WhatsApp after a 2 yr long LTR which is a sick joke. The day she broke up with me I actually had many reasons to break up as well but I never thought deeper into it, never wanted to hurt her like that
I still have our old photos on my phone (Over 3000). It has been over 2 months since our breakup and when I see the pictures I almost feel like I have forgotten what she looks like and my heart stops for a second. It’s so unreal that she’s gone. How could she leave like that. Yes I had my problems man fuck but I could and would have changed for her. It seriously changes my image on humanity to see how easily it is for some people to just leave like that. Like nothing ever happened. It’s the truest form of sadness a man can imagine
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No man I really miss her so bad what would I gain from bragging here. I wish u get a cute gf too tbh every good guy deserves it
Shut up cunt
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Can’t relate. Never had a girlfriend.
What do I do? Tbh I want to start over with her... I feel like if I treated her better she wouldn’t have cheated or broke up with me. I made her cry a couple of times and there are so many situations in my head where I could have treated her better. Makes me so angry to have these memories where I could have behaved better deadsrs
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I have all these memories where I could have treated her better... what do I so with those? It’s destroying me boyos. And she is ignoring me.. how cruel this world is. Why was I so annoyed by her so often? I don’t get it man
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i hope op dies an painful death just for the thread title

what is this brag level

he trascended any braglevel beofre
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i hope op dies an painful death just for the thread title

what is this brag level

he trascended any braglevel beofre
How is this brag tbh? What would I gain from bragging here? Think about it bruh I have mental problems tbh that’s why I couldn’t treat her good. It’s so fucked up. I had this one chance in life to get a good girl and I still fucked it up. You don’t realize how empty I feel inside me since we aren’t together anymore
Grow a pair you pussy
If she was sexting another nigga 6 months in she wasn’t deeply in love with you. She started dating you because she liked how much of a dickhead you were. If you were nicer the only thing that would’ve changed was the amount of people she cheated on you with, she would’ve known you were a little bitch and taken advantage of that. I also know you said that you bothered her with your OCD issues. Don’t ever be weak in front of your bitches. I struggle with that shit too sometimes I show a glimmer of weakness to hoes because I let my guard down, but they don’t care and you gotta remember and internalize that.

If you were indifferent to the break up and posted a picture of you with another girl I guarantee she would have come crawling back to you. You have to forget her and realize that you did the best for her. I bet her new boyfriend treats her like a simp, eventually she’s going to realize how much of a cuck he is and remember about you and how much she misses that aggression . And when that happens he will be cheated on and replaced just like you. She might even text you back and I know it’ll be hard but you have to ignore that hoe. It is what it is. Stop feeling so guilty cause you did your best bro bro. I guarantee when you get your next girlfriend your feelings for your ex will diminish asap. At the end of the day you only miss the “love” and not her.
this is tough to read but it’s so true. i was also in the same position as op and it really fucks my head that they don’t care as soon as we start caring🤦🏻‍♂️

also do you think it’s cope to say that if i didn’t cheat my ex would still be with me or no? she says that’s the reason she left but i truly doubt it was.
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this is tough to read but it’s so true. i was also in the same position as op and it really fucks my head that they don’t care as soon as we start caring🤦🏻‍♂️

also do you think it’s cope to say that if i didn’t cheat my ex would still be with me or no? she says that’s the reason she left but i truly doubt it was.
nah if you cheated your ex probably wouldn't be with you. after someone cheat's in a relationship and gets caught the relationship is never the same. if a cuck get's cheated on and his girlfriend doesn't leave him he becomes extremely paranoid. if you're not completely cucked you'll actively seek to cheat for revenge. it's the same for girls except if they stay with you they will try to cheat no matter how many times she says she's forgiven you just so they can say they won the situation and move on. it's over bro, even if she stayed with you it'd just be even more painful when you find out she got a facial from a group of dudes and rubs it in your face just to leave you
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