Why Dark Triad is the only route for me (part 3)



Juggernaut Genes Possessor
Jul 12, 2019
Follow on from part 2 with link to part 1 in this thread

I'll start off by bringing attention to this legit take from Prometheus

Many narcissists are able to effectively use their traits for personal success by smoothly navigating social interactions to achieve their primary aims.

However, when you pair this trait with autism, it creates an internal conflict whereby the individual has grand estimations of their abilities (& proofs), but they fail socially since social dexterity is necessary for social success.

This is why a man can be 6ft4 yet struggles with LTR, despite height being one of the most important traits for dating success.

Seeing people that he views as below him doing better than him socially (based on height and race) therefore creates extreme anger which explains his racist and heightist rage.

I have at times admitted to being "narcy" but I moreso use it is a synonym for being vain or egotistical because I don't think my natural behaviour comes close to that of a true narcissist based on the following definition "People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about the feelings of others."

The problem I have is extreme sensitivity to other's emotions to the point of it crippling me, I've made threads before on how I always have to keep my voice down when having convos in public or even in my own apartment due to fear a neighbour would hear any inappropriate dicsussions and form a bad opinion of me despite me literally never seeing them.
In effect, I try to make sure that my actions impact other people's lives in the smallest way possible which even means that I do my best to ensure complete strangers dont think I'm a twat in passing by ensuring I tone down any convos I have with people in public.

Living with such a condition is hard because I am constantly trapped in a state of hyper analysis over how everyone is perceiving me which is why I tend to absorb information coming from others but I never transmit anything back out myself, in simplier terms when I'm surrounded by people I'm unfamiliar with my brain is working so hard in terms of perceiving everything around me that I am too paralyzed to speak or act myself, this gets me labelled as the quiet kid/school shooter even in my adult life when thrown among a group of NT normies.

This is why drinking changes my personality so drastically because I go from being concerned about everyone elses opinion to being too low in sentience to pick up on how people are perceiving me which allows me to ignore bodylanguage (and other cues im hyper sensitive to when sober) so if a foid seems standoffish when I approach her at first I dont even realize and just plow through which usually makes her more receptive.
Foids prefer men who are low in sentience and have no reaction to any negative emotions they display.
They want man who is solely concerned with the mans own interests, not the interests of the foid
This is why being low sentience mogs being high sentience for getting foids, since foids are low sentience creatures you can relate to them way easier by being low sentience

Now, what can I do about this brutal handicap I have of caring too much about the emotions of others?
Absolutely nothing, it is set in stone as part of my personality for life and even if I was living the most mogger life imagineable I would still lower my voice when passing people on the street so as not to have them think I'm arrogant.
At least accepting this flaw can allow me to move on to things I can change, or think of ways to use this "flaw" to my advantage

I think something I have as an advantage which could be labelled as narcissism but is actually something else is my incredible self belief and inability to see flaws in myself, not an inability to see flaws out of delusion which is a trait I hate in normies, but inability to see flaws because I have a high sentience level and worked on any areas where I was lacking.
I genuinely have no insecurities when it comes to my face, yes I am aware that I could look better if certain features looked different and I'm not delusional to think that I dont encounter guys who facemog me, but so long as I am truly content with my face and I have reached a certain threshold of objective attractiveness (HTN) it simply doesn't matter to me if someone facemogs me.
Getting surgery was the missing piece of the puzzle for me because it fixed something I was longing for all this years, I pinned my hopes on the idea that "if I just get my jaw deformity fixed I wont need any other adjustments" and it turned out to be the case.
How many people out there can genuinely say they're completely satisfied with their face at 29 years old when most people have let themselves go or descended from their peak naturally by that age whereas I am just coming off the back of an ascension and have never looked better.

This allows me to be impenetrable because if I wanted to destroy someone I think I could find an issue with their face that would haunt them if I pointed it out to them whereas no normie can tell me something about my face that firstly I dont already know and secondly something Im insecure about since im truly content.
This is just an in-theory attack because insulting someone for their face seems a bridge too far for most people and even though slander over race is a thing, it's like the final blackpill that race is just an extension of face is off limits for normies

Now onto other things have no insecurities about: Height is self explanitory, I'm not one of those abused dogs that feels inferior when they have a rare encounter with a guy taller than themselves because their ego is built on being the tallest guy wherever they go, I genuinely never care about being heightmogged.
Also my physique, I was extremely unhappy with my physique growing up to the point of being repulsed by my calves and forearms and feeling repulsed when I seen my body on video but I have since gained a load of mass and lost it and I no longer care about not having the ideal frame or physique.
I actually think the extreme taper of my lower legs and ankles looks kinda cool because of how rare it is, even if other males think it looks comical or twinkish I actually get satisfaction from having 1/1000 bone structure (while also having a base level of strength and muscle on my frame now)
I have been complimented on my size countless times while in peak roidcel clubbing days so I no longer crave validation for it, I am in the process of regaining mass because it just feels cooler to have more muscle and ofc looks better but it no longer defines me since I was just compensating for having an underbite with physique obsesseion while waiting for surgery.

My mental capabilities: I always found it interesting when I seen people squirm over trying not to look stupid in school or cover up any of their own perceived learning flaws. Most students downplayed the importance of school by making it seem cool to not try and uncool to try. I legit never had the slightest bit of insecurity over my academic abilities and always downplayed what I knew by telling the teacher I dont know the answer when she would ask me a question I just didnt feel like answering, whereas she would ask someone who didnt know the answer and theyd stumble around desperately trying to think of something to say.
Inb4 someone calls me a low IQ dunning kruger schizo, I really dont care about any slander towards my intellectual capabilites because I know I'm content with it and always have been. If I had higher capabilities maybe I would've gone into physics/applied maths or some shit which would've led me down a boring path but I just didnt care for that overly autist minded stuff despite being an autist, I was always far more drawn towards creative pursuits like video making and writing (out of necessity to get points and theories across) rather than just learning some shit.
Because I have no insecurities about my physical form or my mental capabilities, this leaves me with a lot of ammo to eviscerate others for their lack of those traits while any shots they fire back at me would be completely ineffective.

Insane amount of rambling before I even get to anything dark triad but I am just explaining what level of narcissism I have or rather what level of self grandeur I have

Being dark triad with foids:
An idea that came to mind is that in order to get to a foid or punish her for her behaviour, you need to make her feel guilt for her actions
If foids can be brainwashed into feeling guilt for what some random white did to some random ethnic 300 years ago, then you can make them feel guilt for their own subhuman actions
I remember getting a bus back from a festival with foids Id never met prior to that day and they were obviously on a downer for whatever reason as our bus was beginning to take off and they began looking out the window at the girls we were passing and leaving snarky comments about them like "aww is that one on her own, she has no friends" in a sarcastic way not a concerned way. I then said they were mean/lousy for such comments and they were so taken aback by it, they didnt try challenge me on it but it was just like having them absorb that information that someone held them to account for the things they were saying sent them into a state of shock. That was when I was in my Zyzz "never put people down kunt, just be a sickcunt" phase
But when I was in my clubbing dark knight phase I always held cuntish foids to account and many of them were shocked at having a guy willing to stand up to their bs behaviour. I didnt tigger guilt in them since they were emboldened by their actions when drunk but if you catch a foid sober you can make inflict guilt.
I remember telling a girl off once for being a cunt in a club while I was trying to order a drink at the bar and a guy next to me said "i agree with you there man" but I just thought he would only observe it, he would never intervene himself the way I did.
More rambling but basically I will brainstorm techniques for making foids feel guilty since I managed to do it without particularly trying in the past over trivial things, next part coming whenever
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Dnr but based dark triad W nonetheless
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Will re-read all 3 threads later and respond properly
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I also thought being dark triad would be beneficial for me since i heard that it might be attractive.

However my problem is that I have a friendly appearance and look like a ‘cutecel’ when smiling.

I tried to put on the dark triad act, but it only worked counterintuitive and not in my favor.

When i was being myself and was smiling more which made me look NT and high trust, I got more positive reinforcement. Especially when it came down to women.

I think being 6ft3, wide framed with muscles and having an cutecel face is a unique look which some women really like.

Also you can get away more with saying “freaky” things because it will be perceived as cute.
I remember from 2 years back when i was sitting on the couch and asked for a blowjob from a women and she gave me it because i gave her that really cut face and smile. Which made it seem natural, non threatening and NT.

I stay away from the aggressive type
because it never works out and just makes me look retarded and autistic.
I’m kind in nature and it shows on upon my face.
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