Why did you start looksmaxing?



Dec 5, 2021
Why did you start this journey?

In my case, I got ghosted so hard by my lifelong crush that it fucking killed my ambitions in life, but when I found that she had a bf soon after that happened (in fact the new bf is a fucking ltn beta cuck despite that girl being a goddess) that motivated me to take this path of improving myself, maybe I will try to steal his gf in a future when I hit the chadlite status, idk
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Not for girls, not for other people, but essentially for a career/myself.

I'm in a band, worked my ass off for years. Been told by multiple people I'm going to go far. Started getting some growth and every single time I look at photography shots, I hate my side profile.

I was doing a shoot, and the photographer flashed a few frontal shots, she told me to turn to the right, didn't flash a single shot and instantly said ''turn back to me, sorry!'' and I realised there and then, the blackpill is correct. They wanted a side profile shot, and didn't think my side profile was appealing. I have a slightly recessive jaw, my gonial angle isn't that strong, and I've always kept lean/low body-fat to make sure I don't look fat.

I was offered a shitty Chin Implant from a London surgeon, and ended up finding this forum. Not only have I now got a set plan of Bimax to fix my problems, but I've also found tricks to get better skin and some grooming hacks, despite at-least 70% of people here being degenerates just wanting to put down others, you get a good bunch of people genuinely wanting to help and genuinely wanting to receive help, we all have different goals, and it's not a competition here.
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Probably ego
Because I can fuck jbs legally now
>assuming i looksmax
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Never thought about this but only reason I found this place was I searched up “how to get wider jaw “ and then scrolled down for 600 google results to get every one of them. must’ve been in a rly bad place to be doing that type of shit, can’t remember when I first realised “huh so a good jaw makes you good looking” but I think the reason I started was when I was in this friend group that completely betrayed me for my ex after being there for 5-6 years and throughout childhood just because she was good looking, so it blackpilled me that people will value someone else who they knew for a year who’s rly good looking over someone they knew for 6 years. Kinda funny that I was hella blue pilled and never thought about my looks ever until that happend, I valued being talented or having skills and being smart/educated, now all I care about is looking presentable and I feel bitter at the world for convincing me otherwise. makes you think how many people get turned evil with completely different beliefs over night when one individual situation life hits them badly. A part of it is fear, the world is a scary place and things like looks, good mental health, knowledge and money keeps you protected so you feel in danger when you’re not looksmaxed because you’re vunerable (in my perspective)
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So yeah I looksmax so I don’t feel vulnerable anymore
Why did you start this journey?

In my case, I got ghosted so hard by my lifelong crush that it fucking killed my ambitions in life, but when I found that she had a bf soon after that happened (in fact the new bf is a fucking ltn beta cuck despite that girl being a goddess) that motivated me to take this path of improving myself, maybe I will try to steal his gf in a future when I hit the chadlite status, idk
Doesn’t your story literally imply that your looks were not the problem? If this “goddess” settled for a ltn?
Doesn’t your story literally imply that your looks were not the problem? If this “goddess” settled for a ltn?
Also by the time you “steal” the girl back you’ll have to live knowing that your girl got railed by this “ltn beta cuck” lol
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I dated this girl for a while and made the classic mistake of letting myself go (got fat.) I dumped her and my little brother told me "Bro I love you, but you're ugly now you really gotta get back to how you were"

My mind was blown lol, I couldn't even conceptualize me being ugly. But I looked in the mirror and realized he was right and I really looked like shit. All I needed to do was lose weight really, but learned a lot of shit and came back harder
Doesn’t your story literally imply that your looks were not the problem? If this “goddess” settled for a ltn?
It never was the problem, but I got blackpilled so hard that I think this wouldn't have happened if I were better looking. Also, maybe that guy fits her beauty standards better than me, idk, but according to this forum standards he is a ltn, way shorter than me, weak chin, etc etc. In fact that makes me more frustrated, I mean, I wouldn't have minded if she would have picked a chad over me, but holy shit
I used to do good do in middle school with girls because I was sent 1 year late which for a period made me the tallest/most developed guy of the class but eventually everyone caught up to me and my success plummeted (first year of HS basically) so now I'm here to gain the throne back.
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i like looking in the mirror and seeing myself become more of a mogger each day
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Why else? Being thought of as 'a hot guy' by girls is a mad dopamine rush. Also how you look affects you in non-sexual parts of life. There's no escaping the sexual market because you could withdraw from it and it follows you in various aspects. No sense complaining about it just make use of what you have. I feel really bad for ugly dudes I mean, not having a good base from which to build on.
I'm a skinny caucasian nerd with no charm or personality and I want to increase my SMV when I transfer to a four year college.
I want to develop a good sense of humor.
Because looks are insanely important nowadays. The ratio reward/effort makes it completely worth it.
Seeing pretty stacies
Why did you start this journey?

In my case, I got ghosted so hard by my lifelong crush that it fucking killed my ambitions in life, but when I found that she had a bf soon after that happened (in fact the new bf is a fucking ltn beta cuck despite that girl being a goddess) that motivated me to take this path of improving myself, maybe I will try to steal his gf in a future when I hit the chadlite status, idk
Self hatred
same as you, rejection and the realisation that looks matter more than people tend to imagine.

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