Why do ethnics always smell so bad



cavill enthusiast
Aug 12, 2023
Everytime I‘m in a bus and someone smells really bad and stinks up the whole bus its always some shitskin arab, turk or nafri

disgusting sandnigger culture teaches them to not wash themselves or what? how can they even walk around like that its so disgusting and infuriating
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It's a defense mechanism when we are among whites to avoid being contaminated with western values.

That's why the only way they have to spread democracy is through planes against countries without an air force like Palestine.
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It's a defense mechanism when we are among whites to avoid being contaminated with western values.
western values being a healthy functioning adult, instead of a shitskin subhuman?

just say you smell u disgusting arab
That's why the only way they have to spread democracy is through planes against countries without an air force like Palestine.
well the west would whoop any middle eastern countries military, keep coping
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Brownskin smells bad.Dunno why
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It's diet , different cultures have different diets.
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And the thing that I hate the fucking most is that after getting off the bus, you start smelling like them too.
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Reactions: Manletmachine and Deleted member 7580
Everytime I‘m in a bus and someone smells really bad and stinks up the whole bus its always some shitskin arab, turk or nafri

disgusting sandnigger culture teaches them to not wash themselves or what? how can they even walk around like that its so disgusting and infuriating
Because white people have advanced from using smelly materials for food/clothing but ethnics are convinced it’s culture
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western values being a healthy functioning adult, instead of a shitskin subhuman?

just say you smell u disgusting arab
Dumbass going around smelling like red flowers and thinking at the same time he is High T. You can't be both at the same time son, either you sacrifice one or the other.
well the west would whoop any middle eastern countries military, keep coping
You must be confused son. Ever heard of Afghanistan? Wars are not won by the one who inflicts more harm but by the one who is able to absorb it the most with composture. USA won every battle and only had 60.000 deaths in Vietnam compared to 1 million changs and yet still lost the war.
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Dumbass going around smelling like red flowers and thinking at the same time he is High T. You can't be both at the same time son, either you sacrifice one or the other.

You must be confused son. Ever heard of Afghanistan? Wars are not won by the one who inflicts more harm but by the one who is able to absorb it the most with composture. USA won every battle and only had 60.000 deaths in Vietnam compared to 1 million changs and yet still lost the war.
I don’t understand how people can do lion shit like this ngl
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Dumbass going around smelling like red flowers and thinking at the same time he is High T. You can't be both at the same time son, either you sacrifice one or the other.

You must be confused son. Ever heard of Afghanistan? Wars are not won by the one who inflicts more harm but by the one who is able to absorb it the most with composture. USA won every battle and only had 60.000 deaths in Vietnam compared to 1 million changs and yet still lost the war.
High T doesn’t mean smelling like shit have you been telling your mom the reason you don’t shower is because it makes you high T jfl
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Reactions: PsychoH, Gilbert_Durandal, currybrah and 1 other person
It's a defense mechanism when we are among whites to avoid being contaminated with western values.

That's why the only way they have to spread democracy is through planes against countries without an air force like Palestine.
Wasn't Islam all about cleanliness, and didn't Qutham have ocd about cleanliness?
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Reactions: Pikabro
It's a defense mechanism when we are among whites to avoid being contaminated with western values.

That's why the only way they have to spread democracy is through planes against countries without an air force like Palestine.
go back home help your fellow brothers then

all talk no action
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Reactions: Gilbert_Durandal, Infinite, Akhi and 1 other person
High T doesn’t mean smelling like shit have you been telling your mom the reason you don’t shower is because it makes you high T jfl
Was just joking tbh but whatever.
Dumbass going around smelling like red flowers and thinking at the same time he is High T. You can't be both at the same time son, either you sacrifice one or the other.
not stinking like shit and sweat doesnt mean you only apply feminine fragrance

stop strawmanning and use some actual arguments
You must be confused son. Ever heard of Afghanistan? Wars are not won by the one who inflicts more harm but by the one who is able to absorb it the most with composture. USA won every battle and only had 60.000 deaths in Vietnam compared to 1 million changs and yet still lost the war.
yes i have read about afghanistan, afaik the US was successful in invading and occupying it

read about operation desert storm, us whopped iraq‘s whole military in not even 2 months

the difference is comical, muslim world is mostly a shithole
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High T doesn’t mean smelling like shit have you been telling your mom the reason you don’t shower is because it makes you high T jfl
broo look how high T i am i dont wash myself like a caveman
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Never experienced this with turks, and idk about arabs never met them in mass. True about indians but water
Keep fighting when you’re so disadvantaged and casualties are a dozen of your people for every americunt
For once you don't have anywhere else to go if you are vietnamese and the idea of foreign rulership is repulsive. Two, eastern societies are way more collective minded than western ones. Three, cultural and religious background like when you see videos of orphan children in Gaza thanking God for their situation while in other parts of the world they wouldn't perceive the situation closely to that.
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Wait until you go with a bus in the Balkans and it smells of strong garlic and cabbage from the oldcels
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, fuxkdakikez and Akhi
For once you don't have anywhere else to go if you are vietnamese and the idea of foreign rulership is repulsive. Two, eastern societies are way more collective minded than western ones. Three, cultural and religious background like when you see videos of orphan children in Gaza thanking God for their situation while in other parts of the world they wouldn't perceive the situation closely to that.
yh I know, real lion stuff
it's the opposite in my experience,

whites don't wash their asses, eat liver cheese roll in class (the whole class stinks) and the only perfume they know is axe deodorant

muslims on the other hand have to be clean, or else u are cursed it's literally a part of your deen (faith)

u have to wash yourself multiple times a day as a muslims, keep fingernails short, clean yourself right and with water after every bathroom use, smell good (use perfume yes) and u have to be shaved
it's the opposite in my experience,

whites don't wash their asses, eat liver cheese roll in class (the whole class stinks) and the only perfume they know is axe deodorant

muslims on the other hand have to be clean, or else u are cursed it's literally a part of your deen (faith)

u have to wash yourself multiple times a day as a muslims, keep fingernails short, clean yourself right and with water after every bathroom use, smell good (use perfume yes) and u have to be shaved
You wrote all this just for muzzies to still smell bad
You wrote all this just for muzzies to still smell bad
sorry u are the thing OP described, shitskin with bitchtits and the frame of an 12 year old

don't force me to post a pic of your face so whole .org makes fun of u again
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go back home help your fellow brothers then

all talk no action
It's a low intensity scale war. Israel has 7 fronts opened now and only the Gaza one is full scale. They want a big escalation for arab nations and others to make the USA get involved and also to distract the focus from Gaza to other parts while the other side wants to keep tarnishing the image of Israel and it's economy so that it reaches a point the entire international community will be against it so they will make them accept a palestinian state.

It would be really dumb for any arab nation to escalate the conflict.

Watch Judge Napolitano in YouTube.
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You forgot to add curries
sorry u are the thing OP described, shitskin with bitchtits and the frame of an 12 year old

don't force me to post a pic of your face so whole .org makes fun of u again
Go for it and enjoy your perma ban. Keep spamming your coping mechanisms saying lies about me. My shoulders are 19 inches, I'm white af, and I got rid of my STAGE 1 gyno. I'm an unfrauded 6'1 btw

Ps: nobody was making fun of me, my muzzy enemies were spamming bs. Normal users who don't have beef with me were saying I look decent
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Reactions: Deleted member 27066 and st.hamudi but 6‘5
Go for it and enjoy your perma ban. Keep spamming your coping mechanisms saying lies about me. My shoulders are 19 inches, I'm white af, and I got rid of my STAGE 1 gyno. I'm an unfrauded 6'1 btw

Ps: nobody was making fun of me, my muzzy enemies were spamming bs. Normal users who don't have beef with me were saying I look decent
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They eat a lot of food that smell like shit like onions or other strong flavours
Arabs have strong cologne game

Turks don't smell tbh

Curries, well... 💩
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Reactions: 5'7 zoomer, Detective and yeeyeeslayer
it's the opposite in my experience,

whites don't wash their asses, eat liver cheese roll in class (the whole class stinks) and the only perfume they know is axe deodorant

muslims on the other hand have to be clean, or else u are cursed it's literally a part of your deen (faith)

u have to wash yourself multiple times a day as a muslims, keep fingernails short, clean yourself right and with water after every bathroom use, smell good (use perfume yes) and u have to be shaved
well it might be bias but i never see white people stinking the bus (other than homeless alcoholics) its always some brownskin

but yea there were a few nerd whites in my class with disgusting jausenbrote who never washed themselves with greasy hair etc
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r/pics - Homo Antecessor looks like he knows how to have a good time

alr nigga, anyways, what I would do if I were you is to heavily perfume your tie or shirt collar and whiff it jfl
well it might be bias but i never see white people stinking the bus (other than homeless alcoholics) its always some brownskin

but yea there were a few nerd whites in my class with disgusting jausenbrote who never washed themselves with greasy hair etc
maybe u just associate the bad smell of the bus with them cause of your hate towards non-whites

@germanmogger lmk your unbiased opinion

races that stink:

1.Indians (self explanatory)
2. Africans, they have got a natural bodysmell that stinks + their food

the other races are equal, its just a question of hygiene

asians smell the least tho
A girl told me i smell like cigarettes wood and my house
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Reactions: st.hamudi but 6‘5
Shaving isn't allowed for muslims though
yes it is, u can shave your whole body except the beard (until a certain lenght)
and u have to shorten your moustache cause its unhygienic
also u have to be shaven down there and under your arms

the rest is your free choice
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I like to know that i'm a part of ethnic culture

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