why do girls find dead eyes attractive?



bruxism saves lives
Jan 11, 2024

Girls all over tiktok simp for these eyes. why?
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because these eyes are blue and linger on attractive faces
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Reactions: Deleted member 23558, Danish_Retard, pl@yboi and 16 others
its not neccesary eyes,its just that all other features match with the eyes
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Reactions: looksseg, blmratiopiggypoop and Akhi
who cares what fried people in tiktok think.
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Reactions: Danish_Retard, Repentsinner, looksseg and 2 others
a failo on an otherwise gl guy can be endearing or even ascending

put the same feature on an avg guy and hell look uglier
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Reactions: Clown Show, aspiringexcel, Danish_Retard and 6 others
a failo on an otherwise gl guy can be endearing or even ascending

put the same feature on an avg guy and hell look uglier
so u have to be htn -chadlite to pull them off?
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Reactions: blmratiopiggypoop and Akhi
because some of those guys have great jaws
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who cares what fried people in tiktok think.
Bro what. Every normie is on tiktok. So what is,popular there > what is considered ‘ideal’ on this basement forum
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Bro what. Every normie is on tiktok. So what is,popular there > what is considered ‘ideal’ on this basement forum
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i hate lorenzo....
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Bro what. Every normie is on tiktok. So what is,popular there > what is considered ‘ideal’ on this basement forum
only generations I'm not interested in are on tiktok.
so basically good jaw + zygos + good brows = dead eye hailo?
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Dead eyes are different from lazy eyes, if you have negative tilt + lots of scléral show it’s over. Spacing is essential too (lazy eyes are close set)
See that in every case they have scleral show or low spacing but positive tilt and vice versa
sclera show makes dead eyes
your saying wider eyes is ideal for dead eye look w pct?
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sclera show makes dead eyes
your saying wider eyes is ideal for dead eye look w pct?
Wider eyes, great spacing (ipd or something like that), neutral or positive tilt
The thing for sure is that negative eyebrows+ negative eyes and scleral show = over
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facial harmony
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1. More basement autists find Ramirez attractive than actual women
2. His are low-set too
3. They're not that crazy, he was just a fucking hard drug addict, which is why they look so prominent
not true at all. Ramirez is not considered polarizing like Barret
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only generations I'm not interested in are on tiktok.
oldcel rambles, most peoples goal here is to get a jb
dark triad, dimorphic and mysterious all in one
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Because the rest of their face is already attractive and the eyes seem unique. A person that isn’t otherwise really attractive with these eyes could probably be seen as creepy by some, like they need to get more sleep or something. It’s the same way some people say big noses are attractive. Many features COULD be attractive if they harmonize with the rest of your face.
Because the rest of their face is already attractive and the eyes seem unique. A person that isn’t otherwise really attractive with these eyes could probably be seen as creepy by some, like they need to get more sleep or something. It’s the same way some people say big noses are attractive. Many features COULD be attractive if they harmonize with the rest of your face.
when people post big noses are ideal it’s usually people with big noses just coping that it’s ideal, but with these actual foids and jbs are posting the vids making it not cope if u know what i mean
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because all there other features are maxxed
They do not its just all the other features but their brain thinks is the dead eyes to make them attractive + all the series/movie halo
They do not its just all the other features but their brain thinks is the dead eyes to make them attractive + all the series/movie halo
Cope, they’re a striking feature but they only halo you further if the rest of the face is good. It’s like natural black mascara, makes your eyes pop out.

Some indian with this eyes will look like shit.

Makes you unique compared to hot goy #23426.

Remove them and they just become generic looking.
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looks mysterious
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"dead" eyes = good looking and intense in a dark kind of way.
Emphasis on good looking, as usual it's just a different flavour of Chad.
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if ones htn - chadlite they should be able to pull them off.
when would deadeyes not be a hailo on these people?
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It's not about the dead eyes, It's about all the other features, including the eye area itself, the eyebrow tickness, eyelashes density, supraorbital and infraorbital, canthal tilt
"Bad" undereyes, lower eyelid laxity, flat and low-set zygos are actually the most appealing in my opinion
That's why I'm getting IOIs then. Ty

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