Why do girls lie about their lay counts?



Ascended ex-mentalcel
Sep 11, 2018
All the girls I've fucked (2) have said I am their second guy they're with, but later on they slip something that reveals that's not the case? Both of these girls was me meeting them and fucking them in a 6 hour window so obviously they've been whoring around.
Women lie all the time
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Because they dont want seen as slutty
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"both the women i've slept with"
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I've posted my ascension story on this forum. No longer a mentalcel but can't change my name :feelsautistic:

Having a ons is the epitome of sluttyness tho
Post face
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@VST @androidcel
I can pm u pic later this evening
They don't want you to see them as sluts, it's pretty obvious op.
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They want you to feel special so you marry her and become a loyal betabux.
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woman always lie u retard. why would lieing about this be any different
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woman always lie u retard. why would lieing about this be any different
How do you expect me to know that women lie when I never had any kind of relationship with a woman.
Lying is in their nature
To inflate their SMV.

Being a known slut means a man is less likely to invest time and resources into a whore, because he knows there’s a higher likelihood hood he will become cucked and raise another man’s offspring.

Also, what’s rarer(not shared) and less used up, is more valuable, relating to whores.
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I've posted my ascension story on this forum. No longer a mentalcel but can't change my name :feelsautistic:

Having a ons is the epitome of sluttyness tho
Link to story please. Did you meet them with Tinder?
All the girls I've fucked (2) have said I am their second guy they're with, but later on they slip something that reveals that's not the case? Both of these girls was me meeting them and fucking them in a 6 hour window so obviously they've been whoring around.
Haha you were probably the second guy that week or at the most , that month lol
why do girls lie about everything?
All the girls I've fucked (2) have said I am their second guy they're with, but later on they slip something that reveals that's not the case? Both of these girls was me meeting them and fucking them in a 6 hour window so obviously they've been whoring around.
Always multiply by 3-100 depending upon woman’s SMV and urban / rural location to get her real lays .

For example , a 22 year old 5/10 Becky in rural Nebraska who never left her hometown , starts dating you after meeting in church . She says she had 3 Bfs in the past . Probably I would go with Factor of 3 with her - so she probably has fucked 9-10 guys .

A 29 year old hot sales manager blonde Stacie (9/10) living in Manhattan, who grew up in liberal New York City , and traveling 2-3/ month For business starts dating you ( lucky you !! After looks max and money max may be ) . She obv meets you on bumble . She admits of 8 relationships prior . For this whore , I might consider a factor of 50( no joke - being realistic here ) she probably has rode 400 plus cocks . It’s so easy for her . Let’s assume she started real cock carousel at 18. Each month , 3 chads / Tyrone’s is a joke for her . So in a year , 36 guys . Plus vacations, business travels and ladies night out adds up quickly - so at least 40 cocks a year . 40 * 12 years of manhattan ride = 480 . Give some benefit of doubt and you still are at 400 at the least . We haven’t counted sex parties , 3 somes, and her early teen years 12-18 . Women have it so so easy and most men have no clue how much an average western woman fucks . A lot .
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Always multiply by 3-100 depending upon woman’s SMV and urban / rural location to get her real lays .

For example , a 22 year old 5/10 Becky in rural Nebraska who never left her hometown , starts dating you after meeting in church . She says she had 3 Bfs in the past . Probably I would go with Factor of 3 with her - so she probably has fucked 9-10 guys .

A 29 year old hot sales manager blonde Stacie (9/10) living in Manhattan, who grew up in liberal New York City , and traveling 2-3/ month For business starts dating you ( lucky you !! After looks max and money max may be ) . She obv meets you on bumble . She admits of 8 relationships prior . For this whore , I might consider a factor of 50( no joke - being realistic here ) she probably has rode 400 plus cocks . It’s so easy for her . Let’s assume she started real cock carousel at 18. Each month , 3 chads / Tyrone’s is a joke for her . So in a year , 36 guys . Plus vacations, business travels and ladies night out adds up quickly - so at least 40 cocks a year . 40 * 12 years of manhattan ride = 480 . Give some benefit of doubt and you still are at 400 at the least . We haven’t counted sex parties , 3 somes, and her early teen years 12-18 . Women have it so so easy and most men have no clue how much an average western woman fucks . A lot .
Absolutely brutal :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Absolutely brutal :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
I have fucked over 60 chicks . ( 5 GFs , 5 -6 ONS with co worker chicks in the past ) and rest of them sugar babies . But this number is minuscule compared to Stacie’s living in New York or LA. Even chads can’t match their body count . One of the sugar baby I was fucking had a body count over 100 and she was just 23 . She ( and many other sugar babies ) admitted that she goes on vacation alone to hook up with hottest guys in new countries / towns . She returned from Jonanasburg after spending 2 weeks there and admitted of fucking 7 Tyrone’s in those 2 weeks . She was fucking me as a sugar daddy , she had a regular BF who was totally unaware of her other adventures and she was riding the carousel on the side . That’s your typical 7 plus /10 looking western white ( as most Stacie’s are white - no racist here) woman . She had a good job and was a “ regular “ girl .
Social conditioning, Madonna whore complex
Show non-judgement to a girl, and she'll tell you her wildest fantasies.
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Always multiply by 3-100 depending upon woman’s SMV and urban / rural location to get her real lays .

For example , a 22 year old 5/10 Becky in rural Nebraska who never left her hometown , starts dating you after meeting in church . She says she had 3 Bfs in the past . Probably I would go with Factor of 3 with her - so she probably has fucked 9-10 guys .

A 29 year old hot sales manager blonde Stacie (9/10) living in Manhattan, who grew up in liberal New York City , and traveling 2-3/ month For business starts dating you ( lucky you !! After looks max and money max may be ) . She obv meets you on bumble . She admits of 8 relationships prior . For this whore , I might consider a factor of 50( no joke - being realistic here ) she probably has rode 400 plus cocks . It’s so easy for her . Let’s assume she started real cock carousel at 18. Each month , 3 chads / Tyrone’s is a joke for her . So in a year , 36 guys . Plus vacations, business travels and ladies night out adds up quickly - so at least 40 cocks a year . 40 * 12 years of manhattan ride = 480 . Give some benefit of doubt and you still are at 400 at the least . We haven’t counted sex parties , 3 somes, and her early teen years 12-18 . Women have it so so easy and most men have no clue how much an average western woman fucks . A lot .
I can't even comprehend this because girls have been so platonic around me my whole life I always believed they 'just didn't want to have sex as much as guys'.
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I can't even comprehend this because girls have been so platonic around me my whole life I always believed they 'just didn't want to have sex as much as guys'.
I can relate to you . I never had this realization till my early 30/s when I started sugar dating . I always thought of women as pious , delicate , caring and vulnerable cute people who needed support and help. I always thought of men as lustful creatures who always thought of sex . This was partly because of my experiences with women in most of my teens and 20/s . Other than few positive sexual / romantic experiences , I was friendzoned or “ platonic “ zoned or felt that women don’t want sex and they are waiting for the right BF to come along .

Well , women are way more soperficial , slutty , manipulative and cunning femoids than you can ever imagine . They have agenda when they meet a man . She immediately puts him in 3 categories : 1) hot and definitely somebody she would fuck 2) beta bux resource provider to exploit and potentially friendzone or rarely date after Wall to marry . And 3) useless disgusting male that doesn’t deserve to live .

Most women immediately know your hierarchy in sexual market within 2 minutes of meeting you . You can rarely hide your inceldom or sexual deprivation from women . They are instinctual to pick up on this . Whenever I had a GF , I noticed a difference in the way women interacted with me . Even at work . They sense that you are getting validational Pussy .
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It is an adaptive behavior, show they are less promiscuous so more likely have fidelity, reducing the chance for a man to raise a child that isn't his own which has immense fitness implications. The same reasons why men are more attracted to virgins cross-culturally.
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I can relate to you . I never had this realization till my early 30/s when I started sugar dating . I always thought of women as pious , delicate , caring and vulnerable cute people who needed support and help. I always thought of men as lustful creatures who always thought of sex . This was partly because of my experiences with women in most of my teens and 20/s . Other than few positive sexual / romantic experiences , I was friendzoned or “ platonic “ zoned or felt that women don’t want sex and they are waiting for the right BF to come along .

Well , women are way more soperficial , slutty , manipulative and cunning femoids than you can ever imagine . They have agenda when they meet a man . She immediately puts him in 3 categories : 1) hot and definitely somebody she would fuck 2) beta bux resource provider to exploit and potentially friendzone or rarely date after Wall to marry . And 3) useless disgusting male that doesn’t deserve to live .

Most women immediately know your hierarchy in sexual market within 2 minutes of meeting you . You can rarely hide your inceldom or sexual deprivation from women . They are instinctual to pick up on this . Whenever I had a GF , I noticed a difference in the way women interacted with me . Even at work . They sense that you are getting validational Pussy .
Bro you’re reading my mind when saying all this. It’s insane. I always thought that boys are mean and rough, and girls are sweet and kind and would never hurt people’s feelings. Reality hit me hard too late. Most girls are just as nasty and crude as guys, and torment people if they’re sub8. That’s why I don’t “fall in love” anymore. Girls aren’t so innocent.
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I can relate to you . I never had this realization till my early 30/s when I started sugar dating . I always thought of women as pious , delicate , caring and vulnerable cute people who needed support and help. I always thought of men as lustful creatures who always thought of sex . This was partly because of my experiences with women in most of my teens and 20/s . Other than few positive sexual / romantic experiences , I was friendzoned or “ platonic “ zoned or felt that women don’t want sex and they are waiting for the right BF to come along .

If low t had a face
Bro you’re reading my mind when saying all this. It’s insane. I always thought that boys are mean and rough, and girls are sweet and kind and would never hurt people’s feelings. Reality hit me hard too late. Most girls are just as nasty and crude as guys, and torment people if they’re sub8. That’s why I don’t “fall in love” anymore. Girls aren’t so innocent.

There is nothing like falling in love in current era. May be back in 1950. Not anymore .

Because women are so narcissistic and get so much attention nowadays on social media - they have changed to their primitive worst. Even if you are interacting with a woman without any romantic interest , she , by default is judging your SMV and will behave with you accordingly. For example , you are at the bank and just opening an account while the bank teller is a young woman. Even if you have zero intent of hitting on her , her interaction and behavior towards you is solely based off your SMV- aka looks (90 percent ) and money / status (10 percent ). If you are a chad / Tyrone , she will be pleasant , laughing , playing with her hair , will go an extra mile to offer you some proportional discount etc and might ask for your number too ! Unfortunately, if you are an average looking guy , her interaction will be distant , no to minimal eye contact ( looking at computer screen whole time ), very dry and will finish the work quickly to get rid of you . Most Modern western women have become a nightmare to even interact normally , in current era . This is cause they have so many options on tinder / bumble and are entitled due to heavy attention from Simps , beta orbiters and blue pilled cucks. If all men decided to stop giving any attention to these chicks , they will crash within one week .
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