Why do girls want to descend their bf?



Adidasmaxxed Chad
Dec 8, 2018
I see it all the time, guys neglect gym because girls convince them that muscles arent that important, that its better to just order food and watch tv together, to not care about appearance that much, and when they get ugly or out of shape, they drop hin for another and he starts looksmaxing again lol. Why do girls discourage guys to looksmax?
So they will have excuse to change him with another chad.
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They don't at all in my experience they want you to look good to impress their friends

It's dumb men who gets comfortable and start being lazy
Don't blame girls for men being lazy and comfortable
Never settle never be comfortable
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So they can cuck him
so they can control them

they want to take the beautiful free bird , put it in a cage and throw away the key

and when the bird gets boring and silent , they realize their mistake and search for a new bird that is still free

women are stupid
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You don't see this often, but when you do it's probably somewhat valid. Some women probably prefer some fluff on a guy (assuming you're in a relationship). This is also why gymcelling is cope. Maybe she thought you're losing too much weight, keeping a bodyweight that's too low (she doesn't like your massive veins etc). MAybe she thinks having sex and cuddling with a guy who has some fluff feels better.

I could find myself telling a girl the same too btw. If I think she's at an ideal weight and she's still trying to starve herself because she thinks it looks better for me, I'll tell her to stop ASAP.

Some of the stuff others mentioned are probably somewhat valid too. She feels insecure, wants to cuck him, whatever.
You don't see this often, but when you do it's probably somewhat valid. Some women probably prefer some fluff on a guy (assuming you're in a relationship). This is also why gymcelling is cope. Maybe she thought you're losing too much weight, keeping a bodyweight that's too low (she doesn't like your massive veins etc). MAybe she thinks having sex and cuddling with a guy who has some fluff feels better.

I could find myself telling a girl the same too btw. If I think she's at an ideal weight and she's still trying to starve herself because she thinks it looks better for me, I'll tell her to stop ASAP.

Some of the stuff others mentioned are probably somewhat valid too. She feels insecure, wants to cuck him, whatever.

What about it is cope? I covered pretty much every reason a woman might say something like that.

What the fuck was her name again? I think it was Chris Pratt's wife, gf or whoever that said she actually prefer the Chris Pratt with some meat on his body. Feels softer to hug or whatever. Do you seriously think she's gonna cuck Chris Pratt? JFL. The stuff below might be an addition to that too: (the first part)

She feels insecure, wants to cuck him, whatever.
What about it is cope? I covered pretty much every reason a woman might say something like that.

What the fuck was her name again? I think it was Chris Pratt's wife, gf or whoever that said she actually prefer the Chris Pratt with some meat on his body. Feels softer to hug or whatever. Do you seriously think she's gonna cuck Chris Pratt? JFL. The stuff below might be an addition to that too: (the first part)
yes, it is most definitely cope
you're coping if you think women "prefer a bit of fluff so they can cuddle" JFLLL
Img 0923 jpg

this is what they want
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yes, it is most definitely cope
you're coping if you think women "prefer a bit of fluff so they can cuddle" JFLLL
View attachment 372671
this is what they want

Some women do. That's why if you have a good face (bone structure wise, harmony wise), it's game over. Body doesn't matter at that point. So I could uniorincally imagine a girl thinking that a guy becoming too muscular or too low bodyfat is a negative, if she's already really attracted to his face, demeaner, personality, behavior, status, money).

That's also why people on here (especially the early days) have been saying that gymcelling is cope. It's mostly just not be a fat obese pig theory. Apart from that it doesn't seem to matter that much. It can also become too much (if you do roids etc).
@jackthenerd is right. We gymcels have an awful tendency to overestimate the efficacy of body over face. According to multiple studies, foids mostly just want someone who looks fit and healthy without being obsessive. Abs take an obsessive dedication to training and especially diet to maintain, as anyone who's dieted down to reveal them (as opposed to having them naturally, a trait very few possess) knows all too well. They're also hidden behind clothes for the vast majority of your waking life, and unless you're on steroids and have been for a while, the same holds true for pretty much your entire physique that you work so hard to maintain unless you have thick bones and a wide frame that let you fill out without getting fluffy (thus hiding your precious abs behind multiple layers of lard).

Think about it: Why would a girl date a 5/10 at 10% bodyfat who quivers in his shoes at the sight of pizza and beer because it'll make him retain water and bump his body fat percentage up to 10.5%, when she can date a 5/10 at 15% bodyfat who'll enjoy those things with her without hesitation?
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I dont think its that hard to maintain low bf levels or a good physique. Before I fell for the bulking meme, I was 10-11% bf always and ate pizza too.

There were also a lot of tinder experiments where a good body could compensate a mediocre face. You also see a lot of average looking guys with good bodys slaying girls. I wouldnt underestimate it, it would surely ascend a few guys here.
I dont think its that hard to maintain low bf levels or a good physique. Before I fell for the bulking meme, I was 10-11% bf always and ate pizza too.
Most people have a very hard time maintaining 10-11% naturally, and of course you're going to gain bf% bulking, the entire point is to lift and gain weight so you're more muscular when you diet back down to your ideal bf%. That's how the vast majority of people who build muscle successfully do it. Bulking doesn't become a meme until you start gaining at a stupid rate i.e. dirty bulking, or you do it after your first 2-3 years when your potential for further muscle gain can be measured in grams, assuming you stay natural.
I have no clue

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