Why do leftists control almost all media srs?



Jan 2, 2019
And before you say "da joose!" this is also the case in countries where jews actually don't control the media. Why is it that almost media ends up under the control of these freaks? I don't get it. Do progressive shitweebs has some innate desire to control all the news media for some reason?
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tha juice
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Jews control everything everywhere
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And before you say "da joose!" this is also the case in countries where jews actually don't control the media. Why is it that almost media ends up under the control of these freaks? I don't get it. Do progressive shitweebs has some innate desire to control all the news media for some reason?
they are communists
communists have a strong desire to suppress anyone with different opinion
they are funded by jews

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Most people are leftists. There isn't some huge conspiracy. It's just because the media caters to the left because most people are left-leaning which means they will get more money.
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Most people are leftists. There isn't some huge conspiracy. It's just because the media caters to the left because most people are left-leaning which means they will get more money.

Disagree. It did not use to be that everybody was a degenerate.
Besides globalists owning the media, it also has to do with the simple fact that people who are high in creativity (right brain) tend to go into fields like journalism and the media. These people are by their very nature more left leaning than your logical analytic thinker who rather tends to be found in STEM fields. Thus the media has a leftist bias.
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Besides globalists owning the media, it also has to do with the simple fact that people who are high in creativity (right brain) tend to go into fields like journalism and the media. These people are by their very nature more left leaning than your logical analytic thinker who rather tends to be found in STEM fields. Thus the media has a leftist bias.
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oy vey
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Leftists don't control the media, liberals do. Liberals and leftists are two different things. Leftists (anti imperialism, anti war, anti-capitalists, pro social welfare and social programs that help people) are hated by the media. Look at how Jeremy Corbyn got destroyed by the media. He was smeared as anti-semetic. Bernie Sanders another leftist also got destroyed by the media- he was called a sexist over his supporters posting snake emojis online, meanwhile the media has given neoliberal establishment hack Joe Biden a pass despite being an alleged rapist and child predator. The media always smears leftists as sexist, racist, anti-semetic, what other bs anti politics label. The media is owned by the neoliberal establishment- they love Obama, Biden, Hillary, etc.
Hard to say,the lack of right winger intelectuals and right wingers in the media is a problem.
The right wing ideologies itself are a problem too,left wing ideologies attract more young people because they are more revolucionary,they say they will give liberty for woman that kinda stuff,these young people that are envolved by left wing ideologies are the ones that became intelectuals or go to the media.
Leftists don't control the media, liberals do. Liberals and leftists are two different things. Leftists (anti imperialism, anti war, anti-capitalists, pro social welfare and social programs that help people) are hated by the media. Look at how Jeremy Corbyn got destroyed by the media. He was smeared as anti-semetic. Bernie Sanders another leftist also got destroyed by the media- he was called a sexist over his supporters posting snake emojis online, meanwhile the media has given neoliberal establishment hack Joe Biden a pass despite being an alleged rapist and child predator. The media always smears leftists as sexist, racist, anti-semetic, what other bs anti politics label. The media is owned by the neoliberal establishment- they love Obama, Biden, Hillary, etc.
brutal tbh. really dont get bernie guy tho is he really any good?
brutal tbh. really dont get bernie guy tho is he really any good?

Bernie's policies would be a life saver for millions of people. Bernie's platform was based on guaranteeing universal healthcare as a human right, making public colleges tuition free, ending endless wars, and taking on the corporate establishment that owns everything. Sadly, he got cucked bigly by the media and establishment and ended up selling out by endorsing the establishment neoliberal hack Joe Biden.
6 corporations worth billions own 90% of the media in the US. The mainstream media functions to manufacture consent amongst the masses into supporting policies that would benefit the owners of the media. Because Bernie intended to raise taxes on billionaires and large corporations, the media destroyed him. Likewise any leftist will always get destroyed by the media because the media is owned by the wealthy elite.
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Leftist Jews control American media and basically the entire world is influenced by America because globalism
Leftist Jews control American media and basically the entire world is influenced by America because globalism

Bernie Sanders is a leftist jew and he was literally smeared as an anti-semite because he said Palestinian deserves to live with dignity and he called out Bibi Netahnyu (Israel's Prime Minister). The media is owned by neoliberal establishment types not leftists. Leftists and liberals are not the same.
Dont watch tv or news
Bernie Sanders is a leftist jew and he was literally smeared as an anti-semite because he said Palestinian deserves to live with dignity and he called out Bibi Netahnyu (Israel's Prime Minister). The media is owned by neoliberal establishment types not leftists. Leftists and liberals are not the same.
Yeah what we call leftism today isn't the same as traditional socialism/communism but I admit I'm not very informed on the differences between them
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Most people are leftists. There isn't some huge conspiracy. It's just because the media caters to the left because most people are left-leaning which means they will get more money.
Nop they pretend to be left but are very right wing inside. Like most people behave bluepilled but are actually blackpilled
i think its cause governments profit more off leftist tbh.

left is feminism, floods the job market.

pro abortion, keeps people working longer & disproportionaly kills off lower class kids more likely to cause damage/use drugs.

easier to brainwash/fall prey to propaganda. they typically all agree with everything. don't dispute with each other, right side stuff is considered 'the bad side'

don't you know you're ment to be on the left inkwell? everyone else is
Leftists don't control the media, liberals do. Liberals and leftists are two different things. Leftists (anti imperialism, anti war, anti-capitalists, pro social welfare and social programs that help people) are hated by the media. Look at how Jeremy Corbyn got destroyed by the media. He was smeared as anti-semetic. Bernie Sanders another leftist also got destroyed by the media- he was called a sexist over his supporters posting snake emojis online, meanwhile the media has given neoliberal establishment hack Joe Biden a pass despite being an alleged rapist and child predator. The media always smears leftists as sexist, racist, anti-semetic, what other bs anti politics label. The media is owned by the neoliberal establishment- they love Obama, Biden, Hillary, etc.
I don't agree tbh. Obama set up obamacare? he's not on the left?
and from what I remember during the elections media didn't really like either candidate but Hilary was seen as the less shit choice
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