Why do MEN Chase EXTREMES?



It's hard to be Good in a World of Evil 🧑🏻‍🌾
Aug 6, 2023
Familiarise yourself with the concept of too much being bad
We men (especially), like to chase extremes
Believing more is better

We should strive for Gigachad over Chad over Chadlite etc
Or its better to be 9 inches over 8 inches over 7 inches etc
Or 6ft 10 is better than 6ft 8 which is better than 6ft 6..

Truth is, all of this is just a form of competitiveness that we have prioritised. And doing so, we have deluded ourselves from chasing the true goal. A better life quality.

High HTN- Low Chadlite will give best life quality
6.5x5.25 would give best sex
6ft-6ft4 is the ideal height

It's the same competitiveness we laugh at, when we see body builders, on every roid known to mankind, comparing their arms trying to see who has a bigger circumference.
Until we hop on our first cycle...

Don't let other people around you or on social media who praise extremes, fool you. You are losing sight of the true goal.
Often the most ideal position is (very) slightly higher than above average.
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For example

Bigger is better was a psyop made by the J3w5 to make men insecure and easy to lead. The way I like to explain this is that if guys had an average dick size of slightly larger than what women can accommodate for, off-the-bat (minimal foreplay), so say 6-6.5 inches, then every dude would be claiming he has a micro dick. It’s all about competition, chasing extremes, forgetting the entire point of it is to give better sex.
Just think about that.
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Hi Five Fist Bump GIF by KAKTUZBOY
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We focus too much on the direction, and trying to go as far in that direction as possible.. a rat race.
Even if it has negative returns past a point.

Do you care more about appealing to your ignorant homie, than your girl?

Guys need to know when to stop.

Don't get too caught up in who can go the furthest.
You've forgotten the true destination.
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Just become high HTN bro theory
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@ryuken @nathan @Chadeep @SecularIslamist @ElTruecel @HarrierDuBois@Lefty Rankin @truthhurts @kaligula567 @enchanted_elixir @itzyaboyJJ @alurmo @horizontallytall @BigJimsWornOutTires @LancasteR @shizuku11111 @Xangsane @ShawarmaFilth @yeeyeeslayer @Zenis
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Just become high HTN bro theory
Yes exactly

Why get the jaw implants as a High HTN- Low Chadlite. Even if you can reach Chad, why do you want to?

It's a worse life quality. You are going to experience a worse life on average

Trust me, aim for everything in life to be slightly higher than above average.
If you chase an extreme, you become incompatible with humanity

Chasing slightly higher than above average, in whatever "positive" direction people go for, is ideal
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Men aren't content with bare minimum unless you're a bum. Always try to be the best but only a few can afford to. Getting mogged is considered humiliation
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Men aren't content with bare minimum unless you're a bum. Always try to be the best but only a few can afford to. Getting mogged is considered humiliation
Exactly, the mog never ends.
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Very High IQ thread
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The only thing I disagree with is that “6.5x5.25 would give best sex.”

This is just not true. If you can you should strive for 7-8 length and 5.5-6.5 girth that’s probably where the “best” sex occurs.

At 7.2x5.5 I often wish I had an extra inch in both length and girth.

And this also doesn’t apply to attractiveness, medium facial attractiveness is not better than maximum facial attractiveness. There are zero downsides to looking better and better unless you think getting pussy and respect and love TOO easily is a downside (which it might be)

It’s objectively best to be

Chad face
Slightly roided physique
Multi millionaire
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good thread
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Familiarise yourself with the concept of too much being bad
We men (especially), like to chase extremes
Believing more is better

We should strive for Gigachad over Chad over Chadlite etc
Or its better to be 9 inches over 8 inches over 7 inches etc
Or 6ft 10 is better than 6ft 8 which is better than 6ft 6..

Truth is, all of this is just a form of competitiveness that we have prioritised. And doing so, we have deluded ourselves from chasing the true goal. A better life quality.

High HTN- Low Chadlite will give best life quality
6.5x5.25 would give best sex
6ft-6ft4 is the ideal height

It's the same competitiveness we laugh at, when we see body builders, on every roid known to mankind, comparing their arms trying to see who has a bigger circumference.
Until we hop on our first cycle...

Don't let other people around you or on social media who praise extremes, fool you. You are losing sight of the true goal.
Often the most ideal position is (very) slightly higher than above average.
Because Either you do something to the fullest it can be done otherwise you rope. What’s the point of mediocre life
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Familiarise yourself with the concept of too much being bad
We men (especially), like to chase extremes
Believing more is better

We should strive for Gigachad over Chad over Chadlite etc
Or its better to be 9 inches over 8 inches over 7 inches etc
Or 6ft 10 is better than 6ft 8 which is better than 6ft 6..

Truth is, all of this is just a form of competitiveness that we have prioritised. And doing so, we have deluded ourselves from chasing the true goal. A better life quality.

High HTN- Low Chadlite will give best life quality
6.5x5.25 would give best sex
6ft-6ft4 is the ideal height

It's the same competitiveness we laugh at, when we see body builders, on every roid known to mankind, comparing their arms trying to see who has a bigger circumference.
Until we hop on our first cycle...

Don't let other people around you or on social media who praise extremes, fool you. You are losing sight of the true goal.
Often the most ideal position is (very) slightly higher than above average.

You are as goodlooking as your weakest feture
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top 0.01% or death, but its meaningless if your appeal to women is shit
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Familiarise yourself with the concept of too much being bad
We men (especially), like to chase extremes
Believing more is better

We should strive for Gigachad over Chad over Chadlite etc
Or its better to be 9 inches over 8 inches over 7 inches etc
Or 6ft 10 is better than 6ft 8 which is better than 6ft 6..

Truth is, all of this is just a form of competitiveness that we have prioritised. And doing so, we have deluded ourselves from chasing the true goal. A better life quality.

High HTN- Low Chadlite will give best life quality
6.5x5.25 would give best sex
6ft-6ft4 is the ideal height

It's the same competitiveness we laugh at, when we see body builders, on every roid known to mankind, comparing their arms trying to see who has a bigger circumference.
Until we hop on our first cycle...

Don't let other people around you or on social media who praise extremes, fool you. You are losing sight of the true goal.
Often the most ideal position is (very) slightly higher than above average.
You are a good soul bro
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agree with the premise of the thread
I feel like a Chad face will always be the ideal over a lower level face even if you're deemed as objectively attractive by nearly all with a chadlite face.
The only negative I can imagine from having a Chad face over a Chadlite face is if you struggle to cope with seeing average looking guys with status outperform you with women while you feel like it is your god given right for every woman to instantly fuck you upon asking given your evidential genetic superiority.
It seems quite common for Chads/male models to be gay and this is possibly a coping mechanism to deal with the retarded selection choices of foids since when dealing with gay males they get the instant results they expect to come to them from women.

Imagine being some nobody Chad who's just going about his daily life in uni like everyone else, sure people will treat him better and things will be easier for him, but I remember looking at a Chad in my uni gym once and thinking that he goes about his day just the same as I do, women aren't stopping him and asking to fuck in the middle of his gym session whereas a giga status guy would be mobbed if he entered the gym.
Also Chads are pretty much always born rather than made via looksmaxxing so it gives the Chad a lack of perspective on the true nature of people and can cause you to be bluepilled if you have been exceptionally attractive your entire life. Maybe that is a better life regardless but I feel like developing a bite deformity then ascending with jaw surgery gives you an insane level-up that gives you a new lease of life into your late 20s, like levelling up your game character
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But yes it is naive to think that increasing your rarity within a specific trait will have a major impact on your life quality, after a certain point it just comes down to you feeling better about yourself for becoming more rare within that trait, rather than it shifting the needle in a significant way in how people respond to you.

I used to regularly post that being 99th percentile in face (effectively means very high facial averageness) while being 50th percentile in everything else is the most ideal setting to pick if you had to choose one thing to be 99th% in while being 50th% in everything else.
I believe that hypothetical person would live a very great life.

True what you said about the bodybuilders comparing arms. From the outside it seems like complete mental illness but when I was completely immersed in gymcel culture I thought 16" arms which were 17" pumped were shit and I needed 18s to get ideal proportions.
Would 18s have looked better on me as a lanklet? Quite possibly but the amount of investment it would take to get there would be absolutely monumental for how small the potential rewards would be. Now my arms are probably 14" but because I'm no longer immersed n gymcel culture I simply dont care and dont see it as a failo, meaning a foid with no interest in gymcelling likely doesnt see it as a failo.

Also I am on the upper end of most traits that are deemed to be beneficial (height, dick size, IQ, net worth for age, 88th% face) yet because I'm an aspie loner none of it matters, this brings me back to the idea that mogging harder in these traits really are just for your own sense of satisfaction when going through long dry spells despite trying to escape is possible.

Also I was gonna make a thread along the following lines but I think this is a good place to post it
If you are unanimously considered on here to be a HTN you are probably seen as attractive by more or less everyone irl
The only problem can be that you feel life is unfair when you dont receive chad treatment despite most people you encounter thinking you're attractive, but on looksmax you fall short of being a Chadlite

It's the same with bodybuilding forums, being 210lbs built at 6'4 was considered as too light and skinny despite it leaving you with more lean mass on your body with 99% of men.
A legit Olympic swimmer tier physique mogs everyone yet irl yet its seen as a joke in bodybuilding circles

In the redpill sphere everyone claims to be making $10k per month online like it's the bare minimum entry level income when it income mogs nearly every normie under 35 you'll ever encounter
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Extremes feel better. Peaks. I'll take lower lows and higher highs all day every day brah. Live like a beast.
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i'm a low chadlite and money is the real answer.
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Need to mention that this forum also has higher standards (for men) than women
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High HTN- Low Chadlite will give best life quality
6.5x5.25 would give best sex
6ft-6ft4 is the ideal height
Unless Chad comes to your girl, impregnates her while making her cum 100 times with his 8/10 face, 6'7 height and 8 inch dicko
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Because Either you do something to the fullest it can be done otherwise you rope. What’s the point of mediocre life
The "fullest" or best, is not at the extreme. It peaks earlier
Mediocre life quality is at Chad too believe it or not, Chad is equivalent to low HTN as part of life quality
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Extremes feel better. Peaks. I'll take lower lows and higher highs all day every day brah. Live like a beast.
Fair enough, that means you place more priority in your ego than life quality
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The "fullest" or best, is not at the extreme. It peaks earlier
Mediocre life quality is at Chad too believe it or not, Chad is equivalent to low HTN as part of life quality
Stop coping. Either get rich and do drugs with foids or live life of monk with no pleasure. There is no chad
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Stop coping. Either get rich and do drugs with foids or live life of monk with no pleasure. There is no chad
Chad and above exists, what are you on?

Also why are you so fanatical with chasing extremes. The truth lies in between the extremes

Ofc it would, it's subjective to other people. And in order to tailor with a large majority of the population, you are trying to subjectively appeal to every person on average
Chad and above exists, what are you on?

Also why are you so fanatical with chasing extremes. The truth lies in between the extremes

Ofc it would, it's subjective to other people. And in order to tailor with a large majority of the population, you are trying to subjectively appeal to every person on average
Extreme is the only way. I’m on 30mg Adderall last year of college and I’m grinding it out as hard as possible to the MAX because I must be EXTREMELY RICH otherwise rope
Either you go all in or you don‘t go in at all
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Extreme is the only way. I’m on 30mg Adderall last year of college and I’m grinding it out as hard as possible to the MAX because I must be EXTREMELY RICH otherwise rope
Ask yourself if the extremes like Billionaires/ Hyper Millionaires (100mil+) will have a better life quality than somebody who's earning one million or so, every year

Not just in what they are capable of doing, but with their interactions with others in society

Think about both sides of the coin, and you'll intuitively come to the balance
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this is something i been saying autists in here are so delusional.

With everything in life, once u reach a certain point it doesn’t matter anymore. Even with things like money once u reach a few millions. ur life will not change. everything you can buy at 100 million u can buy at 20 million.

chasing extremes is the equivalent of roid heads who think being as wide as possible like a balloon is attractive to women. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE GAZE
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this is something i been saying autists in here are so delusional.

With everything in life, once u reach a certain point it doesn’t matter anymore. Even with things like money once u reach a few millions. ur life will not change. everything you can buy at 100 million u can buy at 20 million.

chasing extremes is the equivalent of roid heads who think being as wide as possible like a balloon is attractive to women. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE GAZE
Bro yeah
But this is not even about it doesn't matter anymore

It's that having too much is a negative for your life quality too bro
It will affect your life overall more negatively past that point

Happy to see u agree
Why half-ass it?

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