Why do retards project everything on me



biggest rotter on the internet
Aug 5, 2023
Why do people who legit fit the standard far more for what theyre projecting for project it on me. Is this just a trait I get because I’m aspie and ntfags despise non NTs.

I’ve noticed I’ve gotten projected literally every single thing in the book coming from somebody who legit actually had that trait while I pretty much don’t.

@AOL @NotAMogger @Manletmachine @greycel ive noticed normies never do it to anybody else online or irl. It seems I’m the only one why is this? I think that mass shooters should target people who do this and massacre their families instead
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Why do people who legit fit the standard far more for what theyre projecting for project it on me. Is this just a trait I get because I’m aspie and ntfags despise non NTs.

I’ve noticed I’ve gotten projected literally every single thing in the book coming from somebody who legit actually had that trait while I pretty much don’t.

@AOL @NotAMogger @Manletmachine @greycel ive noticed normies never do it to anybody else online or irl. It seems I’m the only one why is this? I think that mass shooters should target people who do this and massacre their families instead
Why do people who legit fit the standard far more for what theyre projecting for project it on me. Is this just a trait I get because I’m aspie and ntfags despise non NTs.

I’ve noticed I’ve gotten projected literally every single thing in the book coming from somebody who legit actually had that trait while I pretty much don’t.

@AOL @NotAMogger @Manletmachine @greycel ive noticed normies never do it to anybody else online or irl. It seems I’m the only one why is this? I think that mass shooters should target people who do this and massacre their families instead
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Fuck off with your bullshit. I legit see 5’3 deformed looking retards get treated like kings just for being NT while I don’t.

Fuck off cunt
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Fuck off with your bullshit. I legit see 5’3 deformed looking retards get treated like kings just for being NT while I don’t.

Fuck off cunt

Enough of jokes. Then it must be your behavior bra.
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Fuck off with your bullshit. I legit see 5’3 deformed looking retards get treated like kings just for being NT while I don’t.

Fuck off cunt
Normies feel repulsion toward non NTness. KILL NORMIES.
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Enough of jokes. Then it must be your behavior bra.
Yes I’m diagnosed non NT which explains it. This is why I hate neurotypicals and despise neurotypical Incels.

Nt Incels legit doxxed and bullied @BrettyBoy off the forums they deserve to be incel & die alone
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Normies feel repulsion toward non NTness. KILL NORMIES.
Yup another case and point is a guy like @tibot who mogs half - 75% of this forum yet got shitted on by Mumbai Dravidians
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Nt Incels legit doxxed and bullied @
Was he ugly?
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I’ve had a shorter gook shit on my height despite me being 2 inches taller and me being taller than almost all the co workers at 16.

At the same time I’ve been called tallfag fakecel online by dudes who are legit 5’9 and 5’10 for some retarded reason.

I’ve also been called poor by food stamp receivers and rich by actual richfags who make good money. I’ve been called broke by jobless bum friends of mine who one dude I even paid shit for because he himself wanted to NT maxx a bit ago.

I’ve been shitted on once for a falio online by this ugly flat maxilla egotistical Brazilian subhuman who @Lebgfinal who’s a low iq poorfag NEET at 24. His parents should’ve been shot so they couldn’t have reproduced and created him. Then also considered a giga fakecel by sperg HTNs who have had gfs in the past

I’ve been called a life mogger by entitled Incels who’ve never experienced suffering except not getting pussy.

I need to be jacked and start collecting guns I want to beat and kill people
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For the most part if it wasn’t for my autism I’d be considered high iq and extremely informative but due to how many arguments I’ve been in where I hold back I don’t.

Why do people who legit fit the standard far more for what theyre projecting for project it on me. Is this just a trait I get because I’m aspie and ntfags despise non NTs.

I’ve noticed I’ve gotten projected literally every single thing in the book coming from somebody who legit actually had that trait while I pretty much don’t.

@AOL @NotAMogger @Manletmachine @greycel ive noticed normies never do it to anybody else online or irl. It seems I’m the only one why is this? I think that mass shooters should target people who do this and massacre their families instead
Because of many reasons:
  1. One is they might be right, and you can’t see that aspect about yourself given the non-NT characteristics
  2. Two, you may not be it, but they’re doing it to see how you’d react to being called it. Whether it’s to get under your skin, or tilt you in a particular direction out of curiosity for how you might react (similar to women’s shit tests), or to tilt you in a particular direction for their benefit, such as having you agree with their logic (for their ego, or potentially if you guys are in a group setting and it’s them vs somebody else, and they want to convince you indirectly to join their side)
  3. They might want to engage with you more, so they are trying to find middle ground by talking in a confrontational manner (I.e. how friends do accusing each other in a banter-ish way)
  4. You have been labelled as an “easy target” given your high agreeable nature, or how you react in silence to what they say. Note: if this is you bro, then don’t go chasing the other extreme and be narcy to your friends
  5. They see you as somebody they can confide in, you are trustworthy, but they don’t have the guts to reveal it through their own accord so choose you as the target
  6. You might just be very unlucky and be surrounded with a lot of narcy people (high chance if all these people interact with one another too, they might’ve rubbed off on each other… I.e. close group of friends or family)
I understand btw. Simply because I didn’t want to talk to somebody in a social setting and shunned her.. I came to find out later she was saying I “act like a school shooter” jfl behind my back. I called her out on this, and she went silent lmao
This is fine. You can call them out, but only if you think it’s justified. If she said it in front of me I’d have laughed it off, I don’t really care.
The part I was irritated about was she decided to say it behind my back
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It doesn’t happen irl anymore @greycel because I’m a grown man out of hs now. But it was annoying as fuck. It was mainly due to my autism I saw other autists treated this way including one 6’0 KHHV friend of mine and a 6’5 ogre KHV friend of mine. Both were ogre framed and tall.
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What are they projecting onto you?
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What are they projecting onto you?
It doesn’t happen anymore but I notice NTfags project a load of random shit onto me whether online or irl. I think it’s best to just stay away from discord fags for the most part.

I regret wasting a whole fucking year being in incel discord servers. Legit would’ve been better if I just rotted on the forums with 50K+ posts on both
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It doesn’t happen irl anymore @greycel because I’m a grown man out of hs now. But it was annoying as fuck. It was mainly due to my autism I saw other autists treated this way including one 6’0 KHHV friend of mine and a 6’5 ogre KHV friend of mine. Both were ogre framed and tall.
Whatever the case may be bro
You shouldn’t ever hold that sense of revenge
Even if somebody has purposely wronged you
I’m sure they were unaware of how they act, and if they knew to what extent it does a toll on you.. they would’ve actively tried to not do that

Regardless, even if a small cunt minority of them might continue to.. don’t let it affect you.
Don’t bring yourself down to their level
Don’t let the anger and revenge eat away at your soul

IMG 1477
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It doesn’t happen anymore but I notice NTfags project a load of random shit onto me whether online or irl. I think it’s best to just stay away from discord fags for the most part.

I regret wasting a whole fucking year being in incel discord servers. Legit would’ve been better if I just rotted on the forums with 50K+ posts on both
Was it that discord you invited me in, or a different one?
Invite me to the discord if you want, I can chat with them and see what type of people they are
I’m decent at reading people’s natures, their intentions, insecurities, ideals, likes and dislikes etc
Why do people who legit fit the standard far more for what theyre projecting for project it on me. Is this just a trait I get because I’m aspie and ntfags despise non NTs.

I’ve noticed I’ve gotten projected literally every single thing in the book coming from somebody who legit actually had that trait while I pretty much don’t.

@AOL @NotAMogger @Manletmachine @greycel ive noticed normies never do it to anybody else online or irl. It seems I’m the only one why is this? I think that mass shooters should target people who do this and massacre their families instead
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Reactions: ElTruecel and greycel
Was it that discord you invited me in,
No ofc not. Not at all
Invite me to the discord if you want, I can chat with them and see what type of people they are
I’m decent at reading people’s natures, their intentions, insecurities, ideals, likes and dislikes etc
I’m not in any other discord servers nowadays I’ve been gone from them for months
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Was it that discord you invited me in,
The one you’re in has been around since 2018. I’ve known some of those guys for nearly a decade
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failed normies made non nt pill seem like a joke

theres huge difference between non nt in aspie way and being non nt in depressive failed normie rotfraud way and most non nt fags are the latter. worse offenders are guys who look good but not quite chadly and rot because they want everything to be perfect (depressive narcies).
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I’ve had a shorter gook shit on my height despite me being 2 inches taller and me being taller than almost all the co workers at 16.

At the same time I’ve been called tallfag fakecel online by dudes who are legit 5’9 and 5’10 for some retarded reason.

I’ve also been called poor by food stamp receivers and rich by actual richfags who make good money. I’ve been called broke by jobless bum friends of mine who one dude I even paid shit for because he himself wanted to NT maxx a bit ago.

I’ve been shitted on once for a falio online by this ugly flat maxilla egotistical Brazilian subhuman who @Lebgfinal who’s a low iq poorfag NEET at 24. His parents should’ve been shot so they couldn’t have reproduced and created him. Then also considered a giga fakecel by sperg HTNs who have had gfs in the past

I’ve been called a life mogger by entitled Incels who’ve never experienced suffering except not getting pussy.

I need to be jacked and start collecting guns I want to beat and kill people
Why did you ping me? I have no idea what your sentence means and why I am being involved in it. Elaborate please.
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