Why do so many men hate women for simply existing? It makes me really sad and worried about my future and idk how to deal with it.



Jan 9, 2020

HOW can they be so oblivious to how much suffering they cause to men yet think these same men hate them for no reason?
  • JFL
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  • WTF
Reactions: IndianJock, Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 2658 and 5 others
just wait until they find themselves locked in cages
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, MiroslavBulldosex, Chadeep and 1 other person
just wait until they find themselves locked in cages
Look at this one tho

level 1

1 point·14 minutes ago·edited 3 minutes ago

I've been wondering about misogyny lately. A lot. I've read a few books on it trying to understand it.
Because incest isn't a thing most cultures are supposed to do, men had to get women from neighboring tribes. Often these were enemy tribes. Sometimes they would kill the men and kidnap their women to take home to be their wives. This still goes on in tribes in Asia, South America, Papa New Guinea, etc. The men have major fear and paranoia towards their Women. They were literally sleeping with the enemy. He killed her family. She might try to poison him, kill him for revenge. In these tribes of Papua New Guinea and South America we sometimes see extreme fear, and misogyny and violence towards Women. 80% of societies were patriarchial. Meaning the women left her family to live with his tribe. He had a brotherhood, but she has no sisterhood. In addition to being an "other" because she's from a warring tribe, she has no family support, but he does. It gives her a great disadvantage, he has a network, but she doesn't.
In many cultures there is an unusual amount of Scapegoating of women and blaming. Women talk a lot, they lie, they cheat, they gossip, witch trials, etc.
I grew up in New York City and as a child never heard anything misgynistic or any gender Stereotypes. I attended many different schools and was very observant and watched people a lot. I moved to Iowa when I was 18 years old. I frequently encountered negative stereotypes about Women there. I saw the reverse as true. I actually saw that behavior more on men that they said women were guilty of. Mostly Women were saying these Stereotypes. Like I said, I was observant, and my observations contradicted many stereotypes that I heard. It really bothered me. I did research online and found many scientific studies that backed up my observations, not the Stereotypes. I felt vindicated. Men actually talk more and gossip more. They are more negative when they gossip too. They are more emotional. I could go on and on. They lie more. Sounds sexist, but there are many studies backing this up. This is what I observed. I never heard biases so I could see clearly.
How in the world are men spreading false rumors about Women isn't amazing when you realize a few things.
Men controlled the culture completely. They were responsible for most literature and philosophy and science. Women weren't allowed to participate. In ancient Greece, a Philosopher said don't educate Women, it's like giving poison to a snake. Men barred women from most activities outside the home for thousands of years. She couldn't go to a mine or sail on a boat, because that was bad luck. She couldn't be in the orchestra because it was indecent. They always had a crazy excuse to exclude women. Men controlled the narrative.
I'm about to sound sexist, but. Masculinity is really similar to Narcissist Personality Disorder. Narcissist often accuse others of what they are doing. If they are cheating, they accuse you of cheating. Most Stereotypes about women are actually true for men. Whores, sluts describe women. But who is more apt to be that way? Narcissistic personality disorder is very similar to masculinity in:

  1. They think they are better than you and deserve special treatment. They need praise, admiration and to be the center of attention. American women and Women of the English world are discriminated against in STEM more than most of the world. Engineers and computer jobs are filled by women in Indonesia, Middle East, South America, Russia, Eastern Europe much, much MUCH more so than in the English world. A Russian women said she never even heard Women were bad at math until she learned English. The poverty rate for American women is one of the highest out of the developed world, with one of the highest gaps between men and women. Children's poverty one of the highest as well.
  2. They don't see other people as human. They turn other people into objects not separate from themselves. They see other as objects to fulfill their needs. American music and media sexually objectifies women more than many other countries, so American men can be worse. Despite them taking pride they they aren't like Arab men, it's just a different kind of Misogyny.
  3. They don't have empathy for you or feel bad for you if you are suffering. American men are less likely to be friends with women then European and South American men like Brazilians. This makes men from America even less empathetic. My mom is from Brazil and says that Brazilian men and women can talk to each other and be friends and no one will think they're flirting like they do here. We have a very weird culture here but we're just so used to it that we don't realize it's weird.when she tells people in South America or culture is like they always change their mind and don't come they are shocked.
  4. They are often sadistic and hate to see other people happy. It reminds them of how they are unhappy. It makes them jealous. They also feel powerful and important if they can make you scared and fearful. It gives them energy as they deplete yours. They are emotional vampires. Just look at the domestic violence, rape and what they consider sex to be from porn.
  5. They feel like they are the victim though they are the perpetrator or aggressor. This self proclaimed victim status gives them the right to abuse others because they deserve it. She how Women are often blamed it Scapegoated for abuse.
  6. Narcissists are unable to handle criticism. If you confront them, they will never admit wrong doing. Then they accuse you of doing it instead. See how no man can admit to being bad, and if you complain about it, you are the monster for bringing it up. see how men all over the Internet complaining about feminists like they're evil Nazis. I didn't see some man haters, but mostly feminists are just pointing out how men are abusing them.
Their similarities just go on and on forever with NPD. It's really astonishing.
The hatred, the crimes and extremely illogical things I see men say about women only make sense when I think of men in this way and in the context of masculinity being a Narcissistic personality disorder. Which they often accuse Women of having narcissism. (Of course they do.) #Notallmen. BUT:
Men online complain about women nagging. But it's really that he doesn't want to listen or care about her problems.
Men online complain about women being illogical and crazy, but it's really that she has a mind of her own and the act of not agreeing with him makes her "crazy." Narcissists also have trouble believing someone can actually have a different experience than them. If they are cold, but you are hot, they have trouble believing it. A true story from someone who divorced a narc.
Women want emotional intimacy with men, but men don't want to give that because they fear intimacy and closeness. They want to get away from her to avoid closeness. A big cause of divorce is women feeling ignored.
He also hates her and the guilt of that makes him want to distance himself from her too.
Men demean women and talk badly about her and don't defend Women because men upholding the narrative that they are dominant gives them the right to control and be in charge. Men would lose friends if they pointed out the sexism. Men force other men into it and benefit from being in charge.
Men feel betrayed by their mothers, that she left him for the father, this makes them want to control women because she might betray him like his mother did. Very creepy, but a psychologist said that many of his male patients first masturbated to his mother. I have trouble believing it, but since he works there who knows.
Men want to dominate women and as a license to do so make up many stories about her inferiority. It's s narrative to suit him.
Men want to be independent and free, but being in a relationship makes them feel the opposite. They hate the feeling of being dependent on a woman.
Men want to hate women but feel guilty about it, but they want women to enjoy being abused and hated.
Men are selfish and want women to make no demands. If a woman makes a demand he feels very angry that she's unhappy. He feels like a failure.
Men see women as an object for sex, praise, cooking and cleaning. He sees her as a toy to take out when he needs and wants it. He wants to put her away when not needed like a doll. A woman is in the wrong in his mind because she's making demands and wants his time and attention, but that's not in her right. He wants to put her away when not needed. Men cannot be close to an object or have intimacy with one.
Men historically have seen women as their property. Therefore he feels entitled to abuse her. That's why domestic abusers and rapists go unpunished.
Pornography is an expression of men's power over women and desire to control and dominate.
Men are afraid of being a sissy making him afraid of being feminine. Thus a hatred of Femininity.
Men to be masculine and tough feel they have to dominate and control women or they will feel emmasculated and weak.
When men abuse, they project all their bad characteristics of himself and his bad mother onto her. Men know what they do is wrong, however, they are sadistic and enjoy the power it brings them. They only make up excuses to project bad characteristics onto women so he can say a woman is bad and deserves it to make him seem less deviant and guilty. All men do this as a group and as a patriarchial order to protect themselves from blame and guilt. Blame shift.

This bitch thinks I dont want( or atleast didnt use to) want female companionship and intimitacy, and that I instead just want a portable sex doll since the age of 11
  • WTF
  • Ugh..
  • Love it
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 2658, maxmendietta and 3 others
Look at this one tho

level 1

1 point·14 minutes ago·edited 3 minutes ago

I've been wondering about misogyny lately. A lot. I've read a few books on it trying to understand it.
Because incest isn't a thing most cultures are supposed to do, men had to get women from neighboring tribes. Often these were enemy tribes. Sometimes they would kill the men and kidnap their women to take home to be their wives. This still goes on in tribes in Asia, South America, Papa New Guinea, etc. The men have major fear and paranoia towards their Women. They were literally sleeping with the enemy. He killed her family. She might try to poison him, kill him for revenge. In these tribes of Papua New Guinea and South America we sometimes see extreme fear, and misogyny and violence towards Women. 80% of societies were patriarchial. Meaning the women left her family to live with his tribe. He had a brotherhood, but she has no sisterhood. In addition to being an "other" because she's from a warring tribe, she has no family support, but he does. It gives her a great disadvantage, he has a network, but she doesn't.
In many cultures there is an unusual amount of Scapegoating of women and blaming. Women talk a lot, they lie, they cheat, they gossip, witch trials, etc.
I grew up in New York City and as a child never heard anything misgynistic or any gender Stereotypes. I attended many different schools and was very observant and watched people a lot. I moved to Iowa when I was 18 years old. I frequently encountered negative stereotypes about Women there. I saw the reverse as true. I actually saw that behavior more on men that they said women were guilty of. Mostly Women were saying these Stereotypes. Like I said, I was observant, and my observations contradicted many stereotypes that I heard. It really bothered me. I did research online and found many scientific studies that backed up my observations, not the Stereotypes. I felt vindicated. Men actually talk more and gossip more. They are more negative when they gossip too. They are more emotional. I could go on and on. They lie more. Sounds sexist, but there are many studies backing this up. This is what I observed. I never heard biases so I could see clearly.
How in the world are men spreading false rumors about Women isn't amazing when you realize a few things.
Men controlled the culture completely. They were responsible for most literature and philosophy and science. Women weren't allowed to participate. In ancient Greece, a Philosopher said don't educate Women, it's like giving poison to a snake. Men barred women from most activities outside the home for thousands of years. She couldn't go to a mine or sail on a boat, because that was bad luck. She couldn't be in the orchestra because it was indecent. They always had a crazy excuse to exclude women. Men controlled the narrative.
I'm about to sound sexist, but. Masculinity is really similar to Narcissist Personality Disorder. Narcissist often accuse others of what they are doing. If they are cheating, they accuse you of cheating. Most Stereotypes about women are actually true for men. Whores, sluts describe women. But who is more apt to be that way? Narcissistic personality disorder is very similar to masculinity in:

  1. They think they are better than you and deserve special treatment. They need praise, admiration and to be the center of attention. American women and Women of the English world are discriminated against in STEM more than most of the world. Engineers and computer jobs are filled by women in Indonesia, Middle East, South America, Russia, Eastern Europe much, much MUCH more so than in the English world. A Russian women said she never even heard Women were bad at math until she learned English. The poverty rate for American women is one of the highest out of the developed world, with one of the highest gaps between men and women. Children's poverty one of the highest as well.
  2. They don't see other people as human. They turn other people into objects not separate from themselves. They see other as objects to fulfill their needs. American music and media sexually objectifies women more than many other countries, so American men can be worse. Despite them taking pride they they aren't like Arab men, it's just a different kind of Misogyny.
  3. They don't have empathy for you or feel bad for you if you are suffering. American men are less likely to be friends with women then European and South American men like Brazilians. This makes men from America even less empathetic. My mom is from Brazil and says that Brazilian men and women can talk to each other and be friends and no one will think they're flirting like they do here. We have a very weird culture here but we're just so used to it that we don't realize it's weird.when she tells people in South America or culture is like they always change their mind and don't come they are shocked.
  4. They are often sadistic and hate to see other people happy. It reminds them of how they are unhappy. It makes them jealous. They also feel powerful and important if they can make you scared and fearful. It gives them energy as they deplete yours. They are emotional vampires. Just look at the domestic violence, rape and what they consider sex to be from porn.
  5. They feel like they are the victim though they are the perpetrator or aggressor. This self proclaimed victim status gives them the right to abuse others because they deserve it. She how Women are often blamed it Scapegoated for abuse.
  6. Narcissists are unable to handle criticism. If you confront them, they will never admit wrong doing. Then they accuse you of doing it instead. See how no man can admit to being bad, and if you complain about it, you are the monster for bringing it up. see how men all over the Internet complaining about feminists like they're evil Nazis. I didn't see some man haters, but mostly feminists are just pointing out how men are abusing them.
Their similarities just go on and on forever with NPD. It's really astonishing.
The hatred, the crimes and extremely illogical things I see men say about women only make sense when I think of men in this way and in the context of masculinity being a Narcissistic personality disorder. Which they often accuse Women of having narcissism. (Of course they do.) #Notallmen. BUT:
Men online complain about women nagging. But it's really that he doesn't want to listen or care about her problems.
Men online complain about women being illogical and crazy, but it's really that she has a mind of her own and the act of not agreeing with him makes her "crazy." Narcissists also have trouble believing someone can actually have a different experience than them. If they are cold, but you are hot, they have trouble believing it. A true story from someone who divorced a narc.
Women want emotional intimacy with men, but men don't want to give that because they fear intimacy and closeness. They want to get away from her to avoid closeness. A big cause of divorce is women feeling ignored.
He also hates her and the guilt of that makes him want to distance himself from her too.
Men demean women and talk badly about her and don't defend Women because men upholding the narrative that they are dominant gives them the right to control and be in charge. Men would lose friends if they pointed out the sexism. Men force other men into it and benefit from being in charge.
Men feel betrayed by their mothers, that she left him for the father, this makes them want to control women because she might betray him like his mother did. Very creepy, but a psychologist said that many of his male patients first masturbated to his mother. I have trouble believing it, but since he works there who knows.
Men want to dominate women and as a license to do so make up many stories about her inferiority. It's s narrative to suit him.
Men want to be independent and free, but being in a relationship makes them feel the opposite. They hate the feeling of being dependent on a woman.
Men want to hate women but feel guilty about it, but they want women to enjoy being abused and hated.
Men are selfish and want women to make no demands. If a woman makes a demand he feels very angry that she's unhappy. He feels like a failure.
Men see women as an object for sex, praise, cooking and cleaning. He sees her as a toy to take out when he needs and wants it. He wants to put her away when not needed like a doll. A woman is in the wrong in his mind because she's making demands and wants his time and attention, but that's not in her right. He wants to put her away when not needed. Men cannot be close to an object or have intimacy with one.
Men historically have seen women as their property. Therefore he feels entitled to abuse her. That's why domestic abusers and rapists go unpunished.
Pornography is an expression of men's power over women and desire to control and dominate.
Men are afraid of being a sissy making him afraid of being feminine. Thus a hatred of Femininity.
Men to be masculine and tough feel they have to dominate and control women or they will feel emmasculated and weak.
When men abuse, they project all their bad characteristics of himself and his bad mother onto her. Men know what they do is wrong, however, they are sadistic and enjoy the power it brings them. They only make up excuses to project bad characteristics onto women so he can say a woman is bad and deserves it to make him seem less deviant and guilty. All men do this as a group and as a patriarchial order to protect themselves from blame and guilt. Blame shift.

This bitch thinks I dont want( or atleast didnt use to) want female companionship and intimitacy, and that I instead just want a portable sex doll since the age of 11

this cunt is stupid as fuck. first off, her mom is a dumb cunt for thinking brazilian men are actually friends with women. they are sex starved too. russian women are seen as equal due to the artifacts of communism. most men love femininity and do not hate it but that does not mean men want to be seen as feminine themselves.

that's all i could stand to read from this retard
  • +1
Reactions: IndianJock, Deleted member 6401, Ruby and 2 others
this cunt is stupid as fuck. first off, her mom is a dumb cunt for thinking brazilian men are actually friends with women. they are sex starved too. russian women are seen as equal due to the artifacts of communism. most men love femininity and do not hate it but that does not mean men want to be seen as feminine themselves.

that's all i could stand to read from this retard
Apparently according to her most women are actually very narcissistic and manly because she thinks masculinity is the same as narcissicm disorder
  • +1
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, auboutduprecipice and Chadeep
Look at this one tho

level 1

1 point·14 minutes ago·edited 3 minutes ago

I've been wondering about misogyny lately. A lot. I've read a few books on it trying to understand it.
Because incest isn't a thing most cultures are supposed to do, men had to get women from neighboring tribes. Often these were enemy tribes. Sometimes they would kill the men and kidnap their women to take home to be their wives. This still goes on in tribes in Asia, South America, Papa New Guinea, etc. The men have major fear and paranoia towards their Women. They were literally sleeping with the enemy. He killed her family. She might try to poison him, kill him for revenge. In these tribes of Papua New Guinea and South America we sometimes see extreme fear, and misogyny and violence towards Women. 80% of societies were patriarchial. Meaning the women left her family to live with his tribe. He had a brotherhood, but she has no sisterhood. In addition to being an "other" because she's from a warring tribe, she has no family support, but he does. It gives her a great disadvantage, he has a network, but she doesn't.
In many cultures there is an unusual amount of Scapegoating of women and blaming. Women talk a lot, they lie, they cheat, they gossip, witch trials, etc.
I grew up in New York City and as a child never heard anything misgynistic or any gender Stereotypes. I attended many different schools and was very observant and watched people a lot. I moved to Iowa when I was 18 years old. I frequently encountered negative stereotypes about Women there. I saw the reverse as true. I actually saw that behavior more on men that they said women were guilty of. Mostly Women were saying these Stereotypes. Like I said, I was observant, and my observations contradicted many stereotypes that I heard. It really bothered me. I did research online and found many scientific studies that backed up my observations, not the Stereotypes. I felt vindicated. Men actually talk more and gossip more. They are more negative when they gossip too. They are more emotional. I could go on and on. They lie more. Sounds sexist, but there are many studies backing this up. This is what I observed. I never heard biases so I could see clearly.
How in the world are men spreading false rumors about Women isn't amazing when you realize a few things.
Men controlled the culture completely. They were responsible for most literature and philosophy and science. Women weren't allowed to participate. In ancient Greece, a Philosopher said don't educate Women, it's like giving poison to a snake. Men barred women from most activities outside the home for thousands of years. She couldn't go to a mine or sail on a boat, because that was bad luck. She couldn't be in the orchestra because it was indecent. They always had a crazy excuse to exclude women. Men controlled the narrative.
I'm about to sound sexist, but. Masculinity is really similar to Narcissist Personality Disorder. Narcissist often accuse others of what they are doing. If they are cheating, they accuse you of cheating. Most Stereotypes about women are actually true for men. Whores, sluts describe women. But who is more apt to be that way? Narcissistic personality disorder is very similar to masculinity in:

  1. They think they are better than you and deserve special treatment. They need praise, admiration and to be the center of attention. American women and Women of the English world are discriminated against in STEM more than most of the world. Engineers and computer jobs are filled by women in Indonesia, Middle East, South America, Russia, Eastern Europe much, much MUCH more so than in the English world. A Russian women said she never even heard Women were bad at math until she learned English. The poverty rate for American women is one of the highest out of the developed world, with one of the highest gaps between men and women. Children's poverty one of the highest as well.
  2. They don't see other people as human. They turn other people into objects not separate from themselves. They see other as objects to fulfill their needs. American music and media sexually objectifies women more than many other countries, so American men can be worse. Despite them taking pride they they aren't like Arab men, it's just a different kind of Misogyny.
  3. They don't have empathy for you or feel bad for you if you are suffering. American men are less likely to be friends with women then European and South American men like Brazilians. This makes men from America even less empathetic. My mom is from Brazil and says that Brazilian men and women can talk to each other and be friends and no one will think they're flirting like they do here. We have a very weird culture here but we're just so used to it that we don't realize it's weird.when she tells people in South America or culture is like they always change their mind and don't come they are shocked.
  4. They are often sadistic and hate to see other people happy. It reminds them of how they are unhappy. It makes them jealous. They also feel powerful and important if they can make you scared and fearful. It gives them energy as they deplete yours. They are emotional vampires. Just look at the domestic violence, rape and what they consider sex to be from porn.
  5. They feel like they are the victim though they are the perpetrator or aggressor. This self proclaimed victim status gives them the right to abuse others because they deserve it. She how Women are often blamed it Scapegoated for abuse.
  6. Narcissists are unable to handle criticism. If you confront them, they will never admit wrong doing. Then they accuse you of doing it instead. See how no man can admit to being bad, and if you complain about it, you are the monster for bringing it up. see how men all over the Internet complaining about feminists like they're evil Nazis. I didn't see some man haters, but mostly feminists are just pointing out how men are abusing them.
Their similarities just go on and on forever with NPD. It's really astonishing.
The hatred, the crimes and extremely illogical things I see men say about women only make sense when I think of men in this way and in the context of masculinity being a Narcissistic personality disorder. Which they often accuse Women of having narcissism. (Of course they do.) #Notallmen. BUT:
Men online complain about women nagging. But it's really that he doesn't want to listen or care about her problems.
Men online complain about women being illogical and crazy, but it's really that she has a mind of her own and the act of not agreeing with him makes her "crazy." Narcissists also have trouble believing someone can actually have a different experience than them. If they are cold, but you are hot, they have trouble believing it. A true story from someone who divorced a narc.
Women want emotional intimacy with men, but men don't want to give that because they fear intimacy and closeness. They want to get away from her to avoid closeness. A big cause of divorce is women feeling ignored.
He also hates her and the guilt of that makes him want to distance himself from her too.
Men demean women and talk badly about her and don't defend Women because men upholding the narrative that they are dominant gives them the right to control and be in charge. Men would lose friends if they pointed out the sexism. Men force other men into it and benefit from being in charge.
Men feel betrayed by their mothers, that she left him for the father, this makes them want to control women because she might betray him like his mother did. Very creepy, but a psychologist said that many of his male patients first masturbated to his mother. I have trouble believing it, but since he works there who knows.
Men want to dominate women and as a license to do so make up many stories about her inferiority. It's s narrative to suit him.
Men want to be independent and free, but being in a relationship makes them feel the opposite. They hate the feeling of being dependent on a woman.
Men want to hate women but feel guilty about it, but they want women to enjoy being abused and hated.
Men are selfish and want women to make no demands. If a woman makes a demand he feels very angry that she's unhappy. He feels like a failure.
Men see women as an object for sex, praise, cooking and cleaning. He sees her as a toy to take out when he needs and wants it. He wants to put her away when not needed like a doll. A woman is in the wrong in his mind because she's making demands and wants his time and attention, but that's not in her right. He wants to put her away when not needed. Men cannot be close to an object or have intimacy with one.
Men historically have seen women as their property. Therefore he feels entitled to abuse her. That's why domestic abusers and rapists go unpunished.
Pornography is an expression of men's power over women and desire to control and dominate.
Men are afraid of being a sissy making him afraid of being feminine. Thus a hatred of Femininity.
Men to be masculine and tough feel they have to dominate and control women or they will feel emmasculated and weak.
When men abuse, they project all their bad characteristics of himself and his bad mother onto her. Men know what they do is wrong, however, they are sadistic and enjoy the power it brings them. They only make up excuses to project bad characteristics onto women so he can say a woman is bad and deserves it to make him seem less deviant and guilty. All men do this as a group and as a patriarchial order to protect themselves from blame and guilt. Blame shift.

This bitch thinks I dont want( or atleast didnt use to) want female companionship and intimitacy, and that I instead just want a portable sex doll since the age of 11
Dn read but All Women are Sluts
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Ruby, MiroslavBulldosex and 1 other person
Dn read but All Women are Sluts
Every time a female tries to ponder publically on why so many men hate females now I get the very sudden and natural urge to grab her by the neck and start choking her whilst simultaneously smashing her head against the sharp edge of a wooden table ngl
  • JFL
  • Woah
  • +1
Reactions: Alesund, Deleted member 6401 and Chadeep
Every time a female tries to ponder publically on why so many men hate females now I get the very sudden and natural urge to grab her by the neck and start choking her whilst simultaneously smashing her head against the sharp edge of a wooden table ngl
Will this degeneracy of these hoes ever come to an end? They are narcissistic in nature you can't change em it's a biological trait from years of evolution. Sometimes I feel like they have too much power over everything but still cry about patriarchy like a child.
  • +1
Reactions: IndianJock and Deleted member 6401

HOW can they be so oblivious to how much suffering they cause to men yet think these same men hate them for no reason?

I was about to call you a cuck for the title op
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 2658, diggbicc and 3 others
Will this degeneracy of these hoes ever come to an end? They are narcissistic in nature you can't change em it's a biological trait from years of evolution. Sometimes I feel like they have too much power over everything but still cry about patriarchy like a child.
Females ARE literal children, that's why they're NEVER satisfied with just one chad, one man in their life, no, she must explore every type of chad on this planet.
  • WTF
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Chadeep
Females ARE literal children, that's why they're NEVER satisfied with just one chad, one man in their life, no, she must explore every type of chad on this planet.
That's true jfl at men not liking femininity. Men love femininity. It's the problem the she acts like a man and acting all independent and shit. Why are they so delusional. You can't expect any empathy , caring , softness from a modern female and they say men Hate Femininity when they are not feminine enough themselves.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Deleted member 2658, Jagged0 and 1 other person
coz kami sama asked this to be
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  • JFL
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