Why do they keep importing migrants from underdeveloped countries when it takes only at least 500 people to sustain genetics diversity?



Seeking immortality
Apr 2, 2020
Thus, a Ne>50 is needed for short-term population viability and Ne>500 needed for long-term viability. The “50/500” rule was based on goal of maintaining genetic diversity (Franklin, 1980). Shaffer (1981) outlined the concept known as the minimum viable population.

And if you look at relatively homogeneous countries like SK and JP, they are doing just fine.
and if you want labour force, there are automated machines for unskilled, repetitive jobs.

Japan is already working on that: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications...-artificial-intelligence-and-robots-schneider

But I do support the educated or highly skilled migrants because they are less prone to committing a violent crime.

For most crime types and in different settings, an established research finding is that education lowers criminality.

I also support giving a shelter for vulnerable people (women and children) who are fleeing actual wars.
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To lower wages and increase their negotiation power
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To mix humanity into a race of workers and consumers to get rid of cultures and races altogether.
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Ill only support getting rid of immigrants in Europe once every white person gets out of south africa

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