Why do women NOT want to be "the girl next door" yet we lads LOVE the girl next door look?



Jun 11, 2021
A lot of women don't want the girl next door type of vibe, but we like it on women.
Is it a female gaze thing or are they just hypergamous?
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is my avi “girl next door” ?
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Screenshot 2024 07 09 at 42215 PM
Screenshot 2024 07 09 at 42226 PM

A lot of women don't want the girl next door type of vibe, but we like it on women.
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  • JFL
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Beggars can't be choosers. Men don't love the "girl next door" look. They just know that their chances of pulling a model Stacy are extremely slim to none. So they convince themselves that they prefer the "girl next door" look.
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looks model-ish
Girl next door means homely girl
A cute girl not like a hot girl
I wonder why foids DON'T want that look.
Beggars can't be choosers. Men don't love the "girl next door" look. They just know that their chances of pulling a model Stacy are extremely slim to none. So they convince themselves that they prefer the "girl next door" look.
Elab pls?
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German say
Das mädchen von nebenan
The Girl from overthere
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Zooey deschanel in that one 2009 movie

thoughts on that look?
I could have piped her convos were great and I touched her and stuff
Then I said my age 17 she was like what
Never say your age when young ngl
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Because women think they're movie stars or something
They see Kim Kardashian and they think: I'm literally her
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Because women think they're movie stars or something
They see Kim Kardashian and they think: I'm literally her
they think "girl next door" is an insult?
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Because women are gullible and easily manipulated by Jewish propaganda that tells them to be career whores and club thots. If women knew what actually attracted men, especially high value men, their lifestyles and behavior would completely change.
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Women want to be what Chad wants them to be.

Us ugly men will fuck whatever moves. They know that. That’s like a piece of steak in Africa trying to look appetizing to a starved nigger child — it’ll look appetizing no matter what
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They want to be the "prom queen" type of girl that attracts everyone not the "girl next door" that attracts some normie
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Because women are gullible and easily manipulated by Jewish propaganda that tells them to be career whores and club thots.
And it’s not just that but their makeup choices and fashion. They think “girl next door” is an insult.
If women knew what actually attracted men, especially high value men, their lifestyles and behavior would completely change.
And what is that?
Women want to be what Chad wants them to be.
Which is?
Us ugly men will fuck whatever moves. They know that. That’s like a piece of steak in Africa trying to look appetizing to a starved nigger child — it’ll look appetizing no matter what
So you’re saying girl next door isn’t ideal
They want to be the "prom queen" type of girl that attracts everyone not the "girl next door" that attracts some normie
So they want to be visible to Chad which is why they think girl next door is an insult?
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Men Prefer Girl Next door look cuz they aren't delusional.
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Men Prefer Girl Next door look cuz they aren't delusional.
So why do women find that term insulting if they’re called it?
A lot of women don't want the girl next door type of vibe, but we like it on women.
Is it a female gaze thing or are they just hypergamous?
Hypergamy. Girl next dorr == attainable

Women want to be unattainable because they are evil children of the devil species like Eve they want men to be led into hell
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So they want to be visible to Chad which is why they think girl next door is an insult?
I don't think it's about just being visible to chad. They want to be visible to everyone and have the social life and standing of some gl girl from a movie or some Netflix series. "Girl next door" implies they might just have a small social circle with an occasional boyfriend every now and then like some random becky, not the grandiose shit they see online. They just think they deserve better which is why so many girls are giga depressed these days lul
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Female narcissism (for various reasons). The girl next door is too inconspicuous, insipid, not very hedonistic. On the contrary, males for this very reason appreciate her
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Hypergamy. Girl next dorr == attainable
And they feel insulted if they are called this?
Women want to be unattainable because they are evil children of the devil species like Eve they want men to be led into hell
Why do they want to be unattainable?
Because it means average Becky.
Any other reasons why they do NOT want to be the girl next door?
I don't think it's about just being visible to chad. They want to be visible to everyone and have the social life and standing of some gl girl from a movie or some Netflix series. "Girl next door" implies they might just have a small social circle with an occasional boyfriend every now and then like some random becky, not the grandiose shit they see online. They just think they deserve better which is why so many girls are giga depressed these days lul
What comes to your mind when you hear girl next door and do you think this is 90% of women?
Why depressed?
Female narcissism (for various reasons). The girl next door is too inconspicuous, insipid, not very hedonistic. On the contrary, males for this very reason appreciate her
And be honest do you think NOT wanting to be a girl next door is female gaze?
What about her?
just is
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Beggars can't be choosers. Men don't love the "girl next door" look. They just know that their chances of pulling a model Stacy are extremely slim to none. So they convince themselves that they prefer the "girl next door" look.
Juggernaut Theory jfl.
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A lot of women don't want the girl next door type of vibe, but we like it on women.
Is it a female gaze thing or are they just hypergamous?
Women see sluts getting attention from men because they are easy, so they think they need to be like them too. They don't see the difference between good and bad attention. Combine this with the fact that every girl wants to stand out and be unique, not a copy of thousands and boring or prude (which they think the girl next door type is), and you end up with a fear of being labeled as the girl next door.
attainability fallacy. it used to be circa 1950s, the girl next door represented someone wholesome, within your league, and therefore prime wife material. its just taken 70 years for people to finally realize that kind of girl has been selected out of existence by modern pozzed society

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