Why doesn't US just nuke Iran?



Dec 11, 2019
They could finish this war in seconds, I never understood why US didn't use nukes anymore after WW2, they had many opportunities - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc.
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need 25 kills first
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  • JFL
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It's actually not illegal to use nukes in a war and the fears of starting a world-wide nuclear war are exaggerated, Iran has no nuclear capabilities and I doubt other countries would nuke US in retaliation, because then they will get nuked too...
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unethical you jingoist simpleton
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You know, the US actually has some really small nukes and also nukes with variable yield - they are basically just like regular bombs, more powerful, but not hugely powerful as a regular nuke. Their yield is equivalent to 10, 20, 50, 100, 300 tons of TNT, so they could be used just like normal bombs for precision or carpet bombing, but they won't have the devastating effect of a regular atomic bomb, I don't understand why US isn't using these weapons.
They wouls destroy earth
iran has nukes too
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Bc iran is a close allie to russia and nuking them would pull russia in who would nuke back. The thing is with nuclear weapons that if one country will use them, everyone else who has them will use them aswell which would result in a nuclear holocaust. Nuclear weapons are one of the main reasons we are somewhat at peace as world leaders are well aware that a nuclear war would be our end.
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Bc iran is a close allie to russia and nuking them would pull russia in who would nuke back. The thing is with nuclear weapons that if one country will use them, everyone else who has them will use them aswell which would result in a nuclear holocaust.
Nah, US could nuke Iran to ashes, and Russia wouldn't do a thing about it, what are they gonna do, nuke US back? For what? So they would get nuked too in return? They aren't that dumb, to risk their country for Iran...
Caveman-tier IQ. Using nuclear weapons could start a spiral of escalation and other countries using them, not to mention the ethics behind it.
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  • JFL
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There would be total outrage at the US government. It would literally be genocide. I think ethical reasons do play a part too.
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Nukes will never be used im sure but i really dgaf man srs
There would be total outrage at the US government. It would literally be genocide. I think ethical reasons do play a part too.
No one complained when they used nukes on Japan, and killed a shit-ton of civilians and Japan is a civilized country with hard-working, honest people, do you think people will complain if they would use small, tactical nukes targeting military bases of a terrorist nation?
Bc iran is a close allie to russia and nuking them would pull russia in who would nuke back. The thing is with nuclear weapons that if one country will use them, everyone else who has them will use them aswell which would result in a nuclear holocaust. Nuclear weapons are one of the main reasons we are somewhat at peace as world leaders are well aware that a nuclear war would be our end.

Russia would't nuke back agianst us or nato . But they might invade other allies.

This is to op The ethics of it and nuking shit will be more regular and nobody wants that. And depending how many nukes would be droped can make the region more instable. And probaly new and much bigger refgee crisis in to europe
No one complained when they used nukes on Japan, and killed a shit-ton of civilians and Japan is a civilized country with hard-working, honest people, do you think people will complain if they would use small, tactical nukes targeting military bases of a terrorist nation?

Seems like you need to brush up on your history.

Japan was far from a 'civilized country' when America dropped nukes on them. they were Million times worse than Iran if you look at what they did in China and Southeast Asia.

And America only used the Nukes on them because they had no other choice. Invading Japan would've resulted in the loss of Millions of lives from both sides.
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Reactions: Hector and hebbewem
They could finish this war in seconds, I never understood why US didn't use nukes anymore after WW2, they had many opportunities - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc.
Yes bro who cares about a few million sand people
What we should nuke is Israel, fucking zionists, Iran should go full Treblinka on them
Seems like you need to brush up on your history.

Japan was far from a 'civilized country' when America dropped nukes on them. they were Million times worse than Iran if you look at what they did in China and Southeast Asia.

And America only used the Nukes on them because they had no other choice. Invading Japan would've resulted in the loss of Millions of lives from both sides.
Yes bro who cares about a few million sand people
They would destroy America immediately if they could, why should you be concerned about them.
Trump supporters are now banned from this sub, permanently. That includes any Republican, as long as he's in office-- but let's be honest: if you're still a Republican in 2020, that's who you were all along.

You can't ban me for being a fascist! That makes you intolerant too!
And if I'm an environmentalist, that means I have to let poisonous spiders bite my kids, right?

If I hurt them that'd be hurting the environment! What a hypocrite I would be for being an environmentalist that hurts the environment! Hurr durr, see how stupid it sounds to actually answer them?

Tolerance does not extend to things that are trying to kill the system. If you allow that, guess what-- the system dies. But don't worry, you can be secure in the knowledge that you played fair with a fascist's word games.
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Trump supporters are now banned from this sub, permanently. That includes any Republican, as long as he's in office-- but let's be honest: if you're still a Republican in 2020, that's who you were all along.

And if I'm an environmentalist, that means I have to let poisonous spiders bite my kids, right?

If I hurt them that'd be hurting the environment! What a hypocrite I would be for being an environmentalist that hurts the environment! Hurr durr, see how stupid it sounds to actually answer them?

Tolerance does not extend to things that are trying to kill the system. If you allow that, guess what-- the system dies. But don't worry, you can be secure in the knowledge that you played fair with a fascist's word games.

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No one complained when they used nukes on Japan, and killed a shit-ton of civilians and Japan is a civilized country with hard-working, honest people, do you think people will complain if they would use small, tactical nukes targeting military bases of a terrorist nation?
Holy fuck you are dumb
They could finish this war in seconds, I never understood why US didn't use nukes anymore after WW2, they had many opportunities - Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, etc.
Well, the majority of U.S. citizens would not allow this which means their leaders wouldn’t dare do it. Also, if they nuked Iran right now, besides facing retaliation from their own citizens they’ll also face retaliation from other countries like China, Russia or North Korea.
Iran has biological weapons thats why
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A lot of answers, 2 quick ones:

Iran can do some serious damage to a lot of countries, including israel, european countries and middle eastern countries;

Money. US would spend a lot of money. China would take advantage of that. And public opinion. Trump is basically reelected. Imagine throwing everything away because of some shit country.

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