Why don't the stemcels here just betabuxx a hot latina from a poor spanish neighborhood?



Nov 11, 2018
Why don't the stemcels here just betabuxx a hot latina from a poor spanish neighborhood?
Why don't the stemcels here just betabuxx a hot latina from a poor spanish neighborhood?

Tbh this would be there best bet. Most on here are just burning their neurotransmitters and lives away dreaming of ascending when they have no money, high inhibition or a shit base.

But before you spend the next 30 years handing over your money for some girl who doesn't really like you. You might aswell try your absoloute best to looksmax so you can quell that thought in your mind that says "what if"
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Ive thought about this. Probably tonnnnss of trad catholic latinas around Latin America if you’re outside big cities
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Because of hypocrisy.

They argue that love isn’t real, but then go against ‘Betabuxxing’ when it is the most logical conclusion to their argument ie paying for a woman like a whore.
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Ive thought about this. Probably tonnnnss of trad catholic latinas around Latin America if you’re outside big cities
i was thinking more so like the ghettos of california but tbh, now that i think of it, those ghetto latina women are probably annoying as hell to be around for a long period of time and they probably just say nonsensical things all day long. your idea might be better, some rural foid.
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i was thinking more so like the ghettos of california but tbh, now that i think of it, those ghetto latina women are probably annoying as hell to be around for a long period of time and they probably just say nonsensical things all day long. your idea might be better, some rural foid.
I know what you meant, rural trad femininity mogs urban broke to oblivion
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1. Hot latinas from poor neighborhoods are the exception not the rule. And most of those are pregnant by 19.
2. They only speak like 4th grade english, you feel like a Pedo talking to them.
3. They are frequently conditioned by their culture to distrust westerners.
4. LTRing such a woman you are effectively admitting to yourself you are a loser that can't score a white woman, too hard a pill for many to swallow.
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1. Hot latinas from poor neighborhoods are the exception not the rule. And most of those are pregnant by 19.
2. They only speak like 4th grade english, you feel like a Pedo talking to them.
3. They are frequently conditioned by their culture to distrust westerners.
4. LTRing such a woman you are effectively admitting to yourself you are a loser that can't score a white woman, too hard a pill for many to swallow.
good points but what if i like them more than white women, from a looks perspective.
good points but what if i like them more than white women, from a looks perspective.
Then you are lucky man if you are capable of that self deception.

And I will add to my prior list. It seems like many Latinas in poor Countries are not motivated to want to move to the US, they are not ambitious in the same way most Asians are. They would rather just live in a slum with their family.
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Then you are lucky man if you are capable of that self deception.

And I will add to my prior list. It seems like many Latinas in poor Countries are not motivated to want to move to the US, they are not ambitious in the same way most Asians are. They would rather just live in a slum with their family.
That's actually ideal, since having a latina move to your own country will quickly diminish the competitive advantage you had.
Unrealistic perception
Then you are lucky man if you are capable of that self deception.

And I will add to my prior list. It seems like many Latinas in poor Countries are not motivated to want to move to the US, they are not ambitious in the same way most Asians are. They would rather just live in a slum with their family.
They're not ambitious... Lol
Ive thought about this. Probably tonnnnss of trad catholic latinas around Latin America if you’re outside big cities

I dont think there are left any trad women besides muslim women, and thats only because they would get beaten or stoned to death
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Because betabuxxing is fucking retarded and not every country has "trad latinas" roflmao.
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Ive thought about this. Probably tonnnnss of trad catholic latinas around Latin America if you’re outside big cities
I haven’t a clue about rural South America. But wouldn’t the cartel just rape the good looking ones or kidnap them?

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