Why eating clean is a "meme": the McDicks diet



Apr 1, 2019
Eating an overall healthy and balanced diet is good for energy and satiety, we all know this; however, it is important to not get stuck in a "healthy" vs "unhealthy" mindset. A way of thinking where you can only eat certain healthy foods, because the moment you "stop dieting," you will go back to eating slop and regain all of the weight and then some.

You should allow yourself some cheat foods and some days where you eat more unhealthy. The most important part is hitting your macros (more importantly calories and protein) when trying to lose weight. For example the foods I will be eating today:

McDicks visit: 1 bigmac, 1 quarterpounder.

Later today at home: 450g of chicken.

All adding up to 1482 calories, 150g of protein, 87g of carbs and 60g of fats. I can pretty much hit similar numbers with "healthy" foods. If you eat more than I do (you probably should) you can cram even more junk in there and still hit your macros.

The only reliable factor that will determine if you will be successful in your diet is if you can stick to it long-term.
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Whatever I never get fat anyway
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Or don't be a pussy (optional)
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Keeping Insulin resistance in check is important too. Junk food is an L long term.
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Keeping Insulin resistance in check is important too. Junk food is an L long term.
I am not talking about eating junk 24/7, but allowing yourself to eat foods you enjoy without feeling "guilty."
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I am not talking about eating junk 24/7, but allowing yourself to eat foods you enjoy without feeling "guilty."
the only downside is junk is not filling on purpose
after a big mac u will usually crvae another
  • JFL
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McDonald's tastes like shit. Dunno why subhuman normies gobble it like it's ambrosia from Mt. Olympus or something.

A medium rare steak with black pepper sauce tastes so much better.

Keep eating goyslop normies!
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we fitness heads call the binge-starve cycle "bulking and cutting"
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McDonalds and Burger King are not cheat meals. Zoomer thinking is a meme.
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the only downside is junk is not filling on purpose
after a big mac u will usually crvae another
I don't think McDonalds is the "worst" when it comes to addicting foods or junk food in general. McDonalds fills me much more than some ice cream or some potato chips. The meat itself is not that bad (especially in my country where it is locally sourced). The only real "shitty" part is the bun tbh. I usually feel full after 2 burgers without any extra. I haven't had McDicks in like 6 months, though, so we will see.
  • JFL
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it’s so easy to lose weight when eating mcdonald’s

i’ve lost 20 pounds primarily eating mcdonald’s and kfc
IMG 7457
IMG 7392
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McDonalds and Burger King are not cheat meals. Zoomer thinking is a meme.
as long as it fits your macro, nothing is a “cheat meal”.

Obviously it has bad sides for people like acne (in my case) and feeling dizzy or sugar high
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  • JFL
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it’s so easy to lose weight when eating mcdonald’s

i’ve lost 20 pounds primarily eating mcdonald’s and kfc
View attachment 2560890View attachment 2560891
unironically, i lived 1 month in spain in erasmus and i ate only burger king and mc donald.

Didn’t get fat and MY SKIN WAS THE BEST IT EVER BEEN. No acne, nothing.

People don’t get that our bodies can adapt to things
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For some reason when I eat fast food it feels so shitty afterwards and then I get cravings. They definitely putting some shit in that food. Never ending cycle. Never touching that shit again.
do you eat fast food in america? that’s why

i gained weight while eating fast food in america yet am able to maintain and lose weight overseas
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it’s so easy to lose weight when eating mcdonald’s

i’ve lost 20 pounds primarily eating mcdonald’s and kfc
View attachment 2560890View attachment 2560891
Many years ago, I lost weight on the "Pizza diet." I was literally eating only pizza, just sitting in my room and losing crazy weight. It really comes down to calories in the end.

How is McDicks in China? Any crazy items?
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For some reason when I eat fast food it feels so shitty afterwards and then I get cravings. They definitely putting some shit in that food. Never ending cycle. Never touching that shit again.
for me it’s more of a placebo thing, cuz i start thinking the conventional way of “this is poison” but in reality…
unironically, i lived 1 month in spain in erasmus and i ate only burger king and mc donald.

Didn’t get fat and MY SKIN WAS THE BEST IT EVER BEEN. No acne, nothing.

People don’t get that our bodies can adapt to things
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint
do you eat fast food in america? that’s why

i gained weight while eating fast food in america yet am able to maintain and lose weight overseas
true too, if you are in america everything you eat will be unhealthy anyway.

Might as well geomaxx to europe
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Eating clean didn’t do shit for me
Now days I just count calories and eat ehatver
I still try to eat “clean” 60% of time
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as long as it fits your macro, nothing is a “cheat meal”.

Obviously it has bad sides for people like acne (in my case) and feeling dizzy or sugar high

This is the dumbest take ever and NOT true.

Processed food is the devil. Fitting your macros means jackshit when your macros are filled with gayness.

Go watch Andrew Huberman. This has been debunked a million times.

What causes you to put on excess fat is a multi layered analysis, but when people are eating processed food, not getting enough sleep, frequently eating throughout the day etc etc etc these are underlying factors as to why someone will continue to put on the fat despite managing their macros.

Stop being a fucking bro-scientist and take it from somebody that's actually studied sports science.
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  • JFL
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This is the dumbest take ever and NOT true.

Processed food is the devil. Fitting your macros means jackshit when your macros are filled with gayness.

Go watch Andrew Huberman. This has been debunked a million times.

What causes you to put on excess fat is a multi layered analysis, but when people are eating processed food, not getting enough sleep, frequently throughout the day etc etc etc these are underlying factors as to why someone will continue to put on the fat despite managing their macros.

Stop being a fucking bro-scientist and take it from somebody that's actually studied sports science.
Literally calories in calories out. Fast foods may cause a degradation in energy levels, which may cause a decrease in overall calories out, but as long as you take activity levels into account, it is the same result. If you don't eat in a surplus, you cannot gain fat.
  • JFL
Reactions: Whitepill_Saint and MakinItHappen
This is the dumbest take ever and NOT true.

Processed food is the devil. Fitting your macros means jackshit when your macros are filled with gayness.

Go watch Andrew Huberman. This has been debunked a million times.

What causes you to put on excess fat is a multi layered analysis, but when people are eating processed food, not getting enough sleep, frequently throughout the day etc etc etc these are underlying factors as to why someone will continue to put on the fat despite managing their macros.

Stop being a fucking bro-scientist and take it from somebody that's actually studied sports science.

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the faggot fears the caniac combo
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This is the dumbest take ever and NOT true.

Processed food is the devil. Fitting your macros means jackshit when your macros are filled with gayness.

Go watch Andrew Huberman. This has been debunked a million times.

What causes you to put on excess fat is a multi layered analysis, but when people are eating processed food, not getting enough sleep, frequently throughout the day etc etc etc these are underlying factors as to why someone will continue to put on the fat despite managing their macros.

Stop being a fucking bro-scientist and take it from somebody that's actually studied sports science.
i’ll take it from you, no problem. I’m not narci or anything.

I had different experiences with junk food in my life so i wouldn’t know what that does either.

But anyway i’m not fat and i can cook healthy stuff and make them tasty too so i never really needed junk food if not for some dopamine rush
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Eating clean is for crybabys
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This just in: Processed foods are bad for you. In other news: Water wet.

He even says 2/3 of your foods should be healthy unprocessed foods, not that you should cut out junk food entirely. I agree with him.
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Literally calories in calories out. Fast foods may cause a degradation in energy levels, which may cause a decrease in overall calories out, but as long as you take activity levels into account, it is the same result. If you don't eat in a surplus, you cannot gain fat.

This calories in calories out shit is mainstream, dumbed down for ordinary square people bullshit.

It's just an over simplification to sell to casuals that have no time or care of mind to understand further. It's a fundamental law but it's deeper than that, but yeah, continue your bro-scientist crap and see how far that takes you.
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This calories in calories out shit is mainstream, dumbed down for ordinary square people bullshit.

It's just an over simplification to sell to casuals that have no time or care of mind to understand further. It's a fundamental law but it's deeper than that, but yeah, continue your bro-scientist crap and see how far that takes you.
It's literally true, though, when it comes to weight gain and weight loss. All calories are not equal in terms of their overall "quality," some calories fill you up more, some give you longer lasting energy, etc, but the overall impact on your weight gain and weight loss is the same as long as protein is accounted for.
This just in: Processed foods are bad for you. In other news: Water wet.

He even says 2/3 of your foods should be healthy unprocessed foods, not that you should cut out junk food entirely. I agree with him.
cutting out junk food is cope. It’s like saying you will never jerk off again after trying the first time.

It exists, is really good, and it’s easily accessible.

I actually REALLY enjoy taking mc donald’s on a weekend
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This just in: Processed foods are bad for you. In other news: Water wet.

He even says 2/3 of your foods should be healthy unprocessed foods, not that you should cut out junk food entirely. I agree with him.

You fucking dumb cunting Zoomer faggot stupid little twat that knows absolutely jackshit about diet and nutrition.

You just heard some faggot on social media talking about how a little processed food is good for you and now you are spouting it on the forum as though it's your own revolutionary discovery.

Don't talk to me about WATER when that's all you are doing. STATING THE BANALE OBVIOUS. You are just on a fucking dumb puncahbly retarded low level of awareness that you have no clue.

Calories in calories out is some gay shit for bro science twats in the 2010s. IT'S AN OVERSIMPLICATION and can lead you to heading in the wrong path.
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You fucking dumb cunting Zoomer faggot stupid little twat that knows absolutely jackshit about diet and nutrition.

You just heard some faggot on social media talking about how a little processed food is good for you and now you are spouting it on the forum as though it's your own revolutionary discoery.

Don't talk to me about WATER when that's all you are doing. You are just on a fucking dumb puncahbly retarded low level.

Calories in calories out is some gay shit for bro science twats in the 2010s. IT'S AN OVERSIMPLICATION and can lead you to heading in the wrong path.

How old are you? I am personally a huge boomer in my 30s. I studied nutritional science in school when I attended a sports focused school, not that the information they gave would be super up to date for today's standards (eat every 3 hours to fuel your metabolism crap was taught). I have also studied it in my spare time online reading scientific publications trying to actually figure out if "a calorie is a calorie" and pretty much every study where calories and protein intake is accounted for, weight loss remains the same from diet to diet.

Calories in calories out is not bro-science, it's literal science that most scientists would agree with when it comes to weight loss and weight gain. Now, can junk food in the long term lead to metabolic diseases like diabetes 2 that will impact your overall metabolism? Sure. Does it affect overall weight loss and weight gain in a healthy induvial? No.

And, I do not think that linking to a Youtube video from snake oil salesman Thomas DeLauer proves your point. Show me peer-reviewed studies that prove that "calories in, calories out" is not accurate and not some Youtube video.

Edit: I took a look at the studies posted in the shownotes of the video. None of the studies really prove that calories in calories out do not matter. A couple of studies seemed to suggest that restricting your eating window to later in the day has a favorable affect on your overall body composition, but it is not significant enough of a difference nor enough of a sample size to draw any conclusion from those studies. You would need a metanalysis of multiple studies that show a similar to result for there to be any conclusion on such matters. The rest of the studies just talked about metabolic health, which is not what this thread is about.
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Eating an overall healthy and balanced diet is good for energy and satiety, we all know this; however, it is important to not get stuck in a "healthy" vs "unhealthy" mindset. A way of thinking where you can only eat certain healthy foods, because the moment you "stop dieting," you will go back to eating slop and regain all of the weight and then some.

You should allow yourself some cheat foods and some days where you eat more unhealthy. The most important part is hitting your macros (more importantly calories and protein) when trying to lose weight. For example the foods I will be eating today:

McDicks visit: 1 bigmac, 1 quarterpounder.

Later today at home: 450g of chicken.

All adding up to 1482 calories, 150g of protein, 87g of carbs and 60g of fats. I can pretty much hit similar numbers with "healthy" foods. If you eat more than I do (you probably should) you can cram even more junk in there and still hit your macros.

The only reliable factor that will determine if you will be successful in your diet is if you can stick to it long-term.
Idk but should i eat sugar im 16 yo
Idk but should i eat sugar im 16 yo
Sugar is fine in normal amounts, just don't overdo it. Sugar in the form of fruit where it is combined with fiber will cause a much smaller spike in blood sugar, which is preferred. I eat fruit almost every day, fruit is goated.
amerilardest thread of 2023 award
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Real healthy food can taste better than any unhealthy food.
Keep yourself blind
I lovev a maccies a couple times a week usually get 20 nuggets, 2 big Mac's and a large fries.
I'm still lean.
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JFL at 75% of diet from non processed food. Fucking americans man. 25% of the diet being processed foods is sill too high. Max 5%. Processed food is so fucking bad.
retarded fucking thread and you are nutritionally illiterate.

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