Why I care about anecdotal data more than empirical data



narrow-orbits brachy-skull ogre
May 16, 2020
Many people strongly believe that empirical data, being scientific and more trustworthy, is the only kind of evidence one should focus on and one shouldn’t pay much attention to anecdotal data.

I agree with this position on topics like psychology, racism and sexism, etc. but not for measurements about oneself that are related to one’s own social status. In my opinion, anecdotal evidence is more important than impirical with things like height, penis size, age of virginity loss, etc.

Why? Because average is perceived as below average. Below-average people are invisible. A 5'10" man in the US seems slightly short to others even though he’s average. A guy who lost his virginity at 15 is not seen as an early fucker even though 15 is 1–2 years before the average.

Here are some examples of “below average is invisible” in my life:
  • I don’t know anyone with a 3–digit SAT score (33% of SAT scores are 990 or lower, OR 33% of SAT test-takers’ scores (Mean? Superscore? Highest Composite? Who knows…) are 990 or lower (I don’t know how SAT percentile is calculated))
  • I don’t know any guys with penises shorter than 6 inches (15.24 cm)
  • I hear about people losing their virginities at 14–15 much more than I hear about people losing it at 16–17 which is statistically average.
  • The majority of upperclassmen I see in the hallway at high school are at least 6 feet tall. In the USA, where the average male height is 5'10", my observation clearly must be biased.
To sum it up, being above average is not enough to FEEL above average and to be seen as above average or cool by others.

Think about the reason why you look these stats up. Is it out of genuine interest in the science and statistics? No, for most people it’s not. You care about these stats because you want the following things:
  • Validation
  • Ego boost
  • Sense of superiority over other men
If the things listed above, not knowledge and scientific insight, are what you’re after, you need to stop caring about empirical data and focus on anecdotal data. People get their sense of what’s average based on everything that people around them talk about. Their intuitive sense of average doesn’t come from scientific studies. If you want to be respected, it’s time to compare yourself to what people THINK the distribution is and not the statistical distribution.
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Most people dont obsess over being worshiped by women
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If that were true then porn wouldn't exist
There is all kinds of porn

Throw up, hairy pussy, Asian with squid going in her ass

fantasy and reality are different
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There is all kinds of porn

Throw up, hairy pussy, Asian with squid going in her ass

fantasy and reality are different
Fantasies are often ambitions in disguise
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Fantasies are often ambitions in disguise
Sometimes they’re just fantasies

people in the real world don’t have a single track mind like a horny teen or a stunted mid 20s man child
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This goes both ways. You say
being above average is not enough to feel above average and to be seen as above average or cool by others.
because you live in an environment where this is true.

Conversely there are people who live in an environment where even below average for the entire population will be above average for their life experience relative to others.
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Ethnics suffer most from blackpill. Which is mostly racepill
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This goes both ways. You say

because you live in an environment where this is true.

Conversely there are people who live in an environment where even below average for the entire population will be above average for their life experience relative to others.

I was referring to the average of the environment one is in not the general population average.

A height of 6'0" (182.88 cm) among young men (ages 18–24) is at a percentile of 80.1, yet it seems like ~50% of the seniors in my school are 6 feet or taller. Of course this cannot be true, and it’s due to skewed perception because below-average people are invisible.

The US penis size average is 5.1 inches, but everyone I know is at least 6. If I travel to Congo, where the average dick length is 7.1 inches, I expect that every guy I’ll meet is above 8 inches.
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average height is stupid. people under 5'6 cannot be considered sexually competitive.

take that out of the average the average sex haver height becomes 6'
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anecdote is empirical

science includes naturalistic observation and small sample size experiments

most of the science that gets published is shit tier non interventional, poorly powered, poorly controlled shit by mathematical illiterates anyways
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I highly agree, a lot of studies are bastardized and devoid of any intuitive sense.

Facts don’t exist, as they’re constantly changing.
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Bump based
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high IQ thread
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OP= sheltered clueless retard coping desperately for a reason to complain by lying to himself that he doesnt see the bottom 50% of the attractiveness distribution. Its not that deep. You're some mid cracker suburban piece of shit with zero life experience and genuine fucktard level iq thinking you're entitled to a stacy and you refuse to settle for your looksmatch
  • Hmm...
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OP= sheltered clueless retard coping desperately for a reason to complain by lying to himself that he doesnt see the bottom 50% of the attractiveness distribution. Its not that deep. You're some mid cracker suburban piece of shit with zero life experience and genuine fucktard level iq thinking you're entitled to a stacy and you refuse to settle for your looksmatch

Why’s my thinking fucktard-level-IQ?

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