Why I distrust cultural memetic products



God make my neurotransmitters great inc
Nov 3, 2022
For something to imbibe itself in culture, it must by necessity share or appeal in a certain permutation or configuration atleast to the masses (which is why Lay Buddhism is even possible in the first place). Tragic culture is no doubt the highest form of culture and as such as noted by German Idealists and similar thinkers partakes in securing a vital biological function that is common to many. However the plebian mass , simply by virtue of their existence (weak chests and a penchant for happy endings no matter how camouflaged) will necessarily eschew cultural products that are too sour / cannot be reconciled with yeast life (why Manichaeism died out). I wondered if this was a personal revelation and that the Vedas are imperfect because of their mass diffusion into the Hinduism /current Neo-Vedanta sphere but realised the Vedas, along with most of Aristotle's thought was codified and confined with access only to the elite (The high castes in India and the Peripatetic school in Greek) . Since we are now aware of the decadence of the elite in line with the Close of the Hominid Cycle and the high crested hoaty waves of the tides of kali Yuga just upon the horizons, I am left with no choice but to go deeper and deeper into degradation until I wash up ashore in some Halls of Mandos esque island or perhaps Haitian cannibals dwelling shithole. May God's grace be upon me
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