Why I don't think racepill is cope tbh (theory)


Deleted member 7313

May 23, 2020
@arianaisawesome RacePill Theory:

C1) If you had to choose between the most attractive girl of either black, white, asian, or indian, which would you choose?
answer is white (don't cope)

And next:

C2) Could you see yourself with a long term relationship with a niggress, a gook, a curry?

answer is nope (don't cope)


P1) Racepill is denying partners solely based on their race or idealizing a certain race over others. We can conclude from C1 and C2 that both of these conditions are met. Therefore, Racepill exists.

Also even if you answer different than white and nope, it should be obvious that many women would answer the way along this pattern. So i'd argue that it's enough of a reality to make racepill genuine and not cope like people believe

** I see threads on here everyday saying "racepill is cope, you're just ugly, chads have no race" that's why this was made
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racepill isnt the same as in group preference. you as a white guy saying youd rather date a white woman is igp. you as a white guy and most other guys of different ethnicities saying theyd rather date an asian girl is racepill
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Racepill is very well documented. Anyone here that tries to deny/understate the massive advantage whites have in the dating market is coping hard
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jfl youre pakistani
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Preferences exist, mind blown. Someone give this guy an award.
  • JFL
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Preferences exist, mind blown. Someone give this guy an award.

I see threads on here everyday saying "racepill is cope, you're just ugly, chads have no race" that's why this was made
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I see threads on here everyday saying "racepill is cope, you're just ugly, chads have no race" that's why this was made
Both sides hold some truth, people here complaining about their lack of success with women like to cope with the notion their race is the only thing holding them back, when they’re in fact, unattractive/ugly thus unable to get women.

If you’re attractive, you’re attractive, if not, then you’re not.

That’s not to say women do not hold certain preferences when it comes to race, because they do. The world isn’t black and white, however.

in b4 cretins reply to this by saying “muh curries could never be found attractive”
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I could consider LTRing a gook or a Latina if she's very good-looking, christian, conservative, NEET, virgin and has an overall good personality. I'm probably more lax than the average foid tbh
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yes, whites are the most beautiful race.
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over for self hating pakistanis
we know the reaosn why whites are most attractive
drum roll please.....
there you're welcome
nibba skin and black eyes no one likes
they are ugly and represent 90% of the world
it only took one man with genetic blue eye mutation for it to spread
humans are innately JBW
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over for self hating pakistanis
we know the reaosn why whites are most attractive
drum roll please.....
there you're welcome
nibba skin and black eyes no one likes
they are ugly and represent 90% of the world
it only took one man with genetic blue eye mutation for it to spread
humans are innately JBW
Such based tbh. Everyday I wish i was 100% pure white with colored eyes rather than my current mix shit. The prime white women of blonde hair blue eyes would never look at an ethnic, it is brutal tbh.
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Well done smart guy
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Such based tbh. Everyday I wish i was 100% pure white with colored eyes rather than my current mix shit. The prime white women of blonde hair blue eyes would never look at an ethnic, it is brutal tbh.
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I'm cool with my skin, but it's cope to deny that white people have an advantage in the dating market.
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RacePill Theory:

C1) If you had to choose between the most attractive girl of either black, white, asian, or indian, which would you choose?
answer is white (don't cope)

And next:

C2) Could you see yourself with a long term relationship with a niggress, a gook, a curry?

answer is nope (don't cope)

C1) Latina. No cope.

C2) Yes. No cope.
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Race pill is correct like 50% of the time, but preference still exists for your own race
when people look for a partner, many times they will prefer their partner to share the same traits as their parent
however its over if you are asian in a western country because noodlewhores are the biggest whores
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C1) Latina. No cope.

C2) Yes. No cope.
C2 you only answer that because you are asian, if you were white you wouldn't want to pollute your colour
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C2 you only answer that because you are asian, if you were white you wouldn't want to pollute your colour

yeah good point
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Asian women are most wipe according to tinder. Logic flawed. But white wash does halo is colonized countries.
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Racepill is very well documented. Anyone here that tries to deny/understate the massive advantage whites have in the dating market is coping hard
and also whites have it better in life in general. inb4 ur gonnat ell me white privilege isn't a thing except in looks jfl
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C1) with everything else being completely equal, id prefer someone who looks and is from a background similar to mine tbh. no shit western whites tend to be higher smv on average, huge revelation to post abt that.
C2) id prefer to be w an attractive curry, would def not want a gook or niggress tho. hispanics, whites, and menas are also good.

tbh its a minor factor compared to many other things. in ur case, 5'7 and recessed is pretty much a death sentence, its not like being pakistani is whats holding u back.
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@arianaisawesome RacePill Theory:

C1) If you had to choose between the most attractive girl of either black, white, asian, or indian, which would you choose?
answer is white (don't cope)

And next:

C2) Could you see yourself with a long term relationship with a niggress, a gook, a curry?

answer is nope (don't cope)


P1) Racepill is denying partners solely based on their race or idealizing a certain race over others. We can conclude from C1 and C2 that both of these conditions are met. Therefore, Racepill exists.

Also even if you answer different than white and nope, it should be obvious that many women would answer the way along this pattern. So i'd argue that it's enough of a reality to make racepill genuine and not cope like people believe

** I see threads on here everyday saying "racepill is cope, you're just ugly, chads have no race" that's why this was made
For me. The answer for breeding, or not breeding. Are so different.
For breeding, I think I could only go white, Latin, maybe 1/2 arab, maybe 1/4 asian and 1/4 black.
Something like that
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C1) with everything else being completely equal, id prefer someone who looks and is from a background similar to mine tbh. no shit western whites tend to be higher smv on average, huge revelation to post abt that.
C2) id prefer to be w an attractive curry, would def not want a gook or niggress tho. hispanics, whites, and menas are also good.

tbh its a minor factor compared to many other things. in ur case, 5'7 and recessed is pretty much a death sentence, its not like being pakistani is whats holding u back.

This is a massive strawman of the racepill theory tbh. Of course two things in looks outweigh one, that's inevitable, but the weight of each individually does not supercede race. This is like saying "yeah you forgot how to breathe, but what killed you even more was cancer and getting stabbed, not forgetting how to breathe" we want to compare each thing individually and see which matters more.

If we were to compare a 5'10 No jaw curry man vs a 5'10 no jaw white man, white would slay infinitely more than the curry, obviously. Then change 5'10 no jaw curry vs 5'7 normal growth white man, obviously white man still slays infinitely. The one that is debateable is this : 5'10 normal growth curry vs 5'10 no jaw White. But if we look at reality, the white man is still slaying more and less likely to be incel because white is just standard and default, easier to fit in society and get a girlfriend especially in USA. This is why IMO race pill is number one, then maybe height and face tied.
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This is a massive strawman of the racepill theory tbh. Of course two things in looks outweigh one, that's inevitable, but the weight of each individually does not supercede race. This is like saying "yeah you forgot how to breathe, but what killed you even more was cancer and getting stabbed, not forgetting how to breathe" we want to compare each thing individually and see which matters more.
ye its a fallacious argument, but it def is accurate for this specific post. it seems more like u scapegoat one quality of urs so that u can feel like "it was always over for me since im paki" instead of accepting that u drew shit hands in multiple diff areas (much more unlikely and harder to cope with).

If we were to compare a 5'10 No jaw curry man vs a 5'10 no jaw white man, white would slay infinitely more than the curry, obviously. Then change 5'10 no jaw curry vs 5'7 normal growth white man, obviously white man still slays infinitely. The one that is debateable is this : 5'10 normal growth curry vs 5'10 no jaw White. But if we look at reality, the white man is still slaying more and less likely to be incel because white is just standard and default, easier to fit in society and get a girlfriend especially in USA. This is why IMO race pill is number one, then maybe height and face tied.
from what ive seen living in a major southern us city, this doesnt seem remotely true, but u wont change ur opinion anyways. since neither height nor race can be changed, what do u plan to do?
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ye its a fallacious argument, but it def is accurate for this specific post. it seems more like u scapegoat one quality of urs so that u can feel like "it was always over for me since im paki" instead of accepting that u drew shit hands in multiple diff areas (much more unlikely and harder to cope with).

from what ive seen living in a major southern us city, this doesnt seem remotely true, but u wont change ur opinion anyways. since neither height nor race can be changed, what do u plan to do?

Tbh I dont at all mean to use these pills to complain or sm tho about my position, I just think the pills are good discussion material and I feel a lot of evidence defends my views tbh. I also dont mean to give any attention to my personal position at all tbh, my title is mainly just for fun and not to add as substance for any of my posts. What I plan to do for my situation is very personal so I dont rlly talk about it, plus most ppl dont care
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ye its a fallacious argument, but it def is accurate for this specific post. it seems more like u scapegoat one quality of urs so that u can feel like "it was always over for me since im paki" instead of accepting that u drew shit hands in multiple diff areas (much more unlikely and harder to cope with).

wtf are you talking about, he didn't give that impression at all. You just started attacking him saying "forget the racepill brah, u ugly"


the racepill is undeniable fact anyway
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Racepill is real. I have had Latina & Filipina girls tell me they’re dating me ‘cause I’m White.
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Racepill is real. I have had Latina & Filipina girls tell me they’re dating me ‘cause I’m White.

it's just a fact, pure and simple. Like being under 6ft is a failo, so are a lot of ethnic phenos
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wtf are you talking about, he didn't give that impression at all. You just started attacking him saying "forget the racepill brah, u ugly"


the racepill is undeniable fact anyway

nah not attacking him, i just remember his face from a previous post he made and it didnt rly match up with all the defeatist posts he makes lol. obv racepill exists, that doesnt mean that every ethnic should give up, as is a general vibe w threads like these.
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Racepill is false because everyone has different tastes, beauty is subjective, not absolute. I like white women, latinas, asians, and middle easterns, while my friend only likes white women and thinks that all the others are ugly. And it's the same with women, some women see all asian men as ugly while others actually like asian men, this is why you'll see some women mock asian men on twitter and then you'll see hot women on instagram who are with asian men who seem way uglier.

Many looksmax users will cope by saying that those men are just cucks and not actually getting laid but they're actually wrong and they don't realize it because they think that all women have the same tastes but it's clearly not the case. Beauty is subjective to an extent, fat people are unattractive to the vast majority of people because they are unhealthy and it shows, and short men are unattractive to taller women because women want men who are taller than them, but I have seen black women with white men, I have seen white women with asian men, and I have seen all sorts of ethnic mixing, this is very common where I live but less common in other countries that are more traditional. Usually, the more ethnic diversity there is in a country, and the less traditional it is, the less the racepill is going to be true, and vice versa.
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Racepill is false because everyone has different tastes, beauty is subjective, not absolute. I like white women, latinas, asians, and middle easterns, while my friend only likes white women and thinks that all the others are ugly. And it's the same with women, some women see all asian men as ugly while others actually like asian men, this is why you'll see some women mock asian men on twitter and then you'll see hot women on instagram who are with asian men who seem way uglier.

Many looksmax users will cope by saying that those men are just cucks and not actually getting laid but they're actually wrong and they don't realize it because they think that all women have the same tastes but it's clearly not the case. Beauty is subjective to an extent, fat people are unattractive to the vast majority of people because they are unhealthy and it shows, and short men are unattractive to taller women because women want men who are taller than them, but I have seen black women with white men, I have seen white women with asian men, and I have seen all sorts of ethnic mixing, this is very common where I live but less common in other countries that are more traditional. Usually, the more ethnic diversity there is in a country, and the less traditional it is, the less the racepill is going to be true, and vice versa.
People don't realize that humans have PREFERENCES. Like even on this site, people have different taste on what an attractive girl is. If you post your "ideal woman," legit some guys will think they are average and vice versa.
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plenty of gigachads date nonwhite girls

failed thread SFcel
Aggregate racial preferences differ by culture and geography.

For example, if you are an Asian male you will have more dating options if you move to an Asian Country.

A lot of it is cultural programming so finding a place (even a small niche sub demographic) where your race is worshiped is ideal.

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