Why is test recommended?



PFS isn’t real
Jun 5, 2024
I understand the TRT and test recommendation ideology for jaw and chin growth and masculinization of the face…but it’s such a looksmin. You will have a downregulation in collagen production in your face. Just look at a lot of guys on test, their nasolabial folds are way more pronounced, mine were too when I was on cycle. Skin texture aswell will be fucked due to this collagen reduction. Not to mention the aldosterone uptake causing water retention by default. Someone explain to me if I’m wrong on anything and not just “well take diuretics jfl”. I’m glad to be going back to enclomiphene which never looksminned me but gave me the uptake in DHT from the endogenous raise of my production also still giving me the benefits of higher testosterone. Using enclomiphene and then occasionally a SARM or anavar I believe is the way to go if your trying to frame max.
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You're better off staying natural until you get to a point in your 40s or 50s where your testosterone levels are below the healthy range, then a doctor will prescribe you TRT and you can pay it with your insurance, not only will it be cheaper, but you'll also get blood testing done and the dose will be pure, not cut with a bunch of filler like you would get from your average dealer at the gym or online.

You don't need TRT when you're young because your test levels are peaked. And even, there are some men who have very high test levels in their 50s or even 60s, it depends, but if your doctor recommends it, you shouldn't turn it down, because it will make your life better. Low test levels leads to excessive fat gain and muscle loss, it's the main reason why old men often have a huge belly and no muscle mass. It's a serious looksmin and you can't do sports anymore, it just ruins your quality of life.
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You're better off staying natural until you get to a point in your 40s or 50s where your testosterone levels are below the healthy range, then a doctor will prescribe you TRT and you can pay it with your insurance, not only will it be cheaper, but you'll also get blood testing done and the dose will be pure, not cut with a bunch of filler like you would get from your average dealer at the gym or online.

You don't need TRT when you're young because your test levels are peaked. And even, there are some men who have very high test levels in their 50s or even 60s, it depends, but if your doctor recommends it, you shouldn't turn it down, because it will make your life better. Low test levels leads to excessive fat gain and muscle loss, it's the main reason why old men often have a huge belly and no muscle mass. It's a serious looksmin and you can't do sports anymore, it just ruins your quality of life.
this is the ideal scenario, but if you're an abused dog incel, hopping on test might be the best decision you'll ever make.
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You're better off staying natural until you get to a point in your 40s or 50s where your testosterone levels are below the healthy range, then a doctor will prescribe you TRT and you can pay it with your insurance, not only will it be cheaper, but you'll also get blood testing done and the dose will be pure, not cut with a bunch of filler like you would get from your average dealer at the gym or online.

You don't need TRT when you're young because your test levels are peaked. And even, there are some men who have very high test levels in their 50s or even 60s, it depends, but if your doctor recommends it, you shouldn't turn it down, because it will make your life better. Low test levels leads to excessive fat gain and muscle loss, it's the main reason why old men often have a huge belly and no muscle mass. It's a serious looksmin and you can't do sports anymore, it just ruins your quality of life.
High iq
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this is the ideal scenario, but if you're an abused dog incel, hopping on test might be the best decision you'll ever make.
Not really, if you're insecure and get on testosterone, you'll just worsen your body dysmorphia. I've seen it far too often, guys feel small so they hop on gear, gain lots of muscle but the insecurity and low self worth hasn't left, they're just a lot bigger.

Women do like muscles but what they despise is insecure whiny men who have no confidence.
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Not really, if you're insecure and get on testosterone, you'll just worsen your body dysmorphia. I've seen it far too often, guys feel small so they hop on gear, gain lots of muscle but the insecurity and low self worth hasn't left, they're just a lot bigger.

Women do like muscles but what they despise is insecure whiny men who have no confidence.
you're kinda missing the point, it's not really so much about the muscles.
you're kinda missing the point, it's not really so much about the muscles.
My point is, you can be depressed even with high testosterone levels, it's all a matter of how you view yourself and the world also.
Your perception on life can make you feel like shit even if your hormone levels are all good.

Why else would people go see therapists? Truth is, if you have major trauma, a drug isn't going to fix that, talking about it with a mental health professional would do a lot more for you. Only a doctor can evaluate if your hormone levels are alright.
My point is, you can be depressed even with high testosterone levels, it's all a matter of how you view yourself and the world also.
Your perception on life can make you feel like shit even if your hormone levels are all good.

Why else would people go see therapists? Truth is, if you have major trauma, a drug isn't going to fix that, talking about it with a mental health professional would do a lot more for you. Only a doctor can evaluate if your hormone levels are alright.
therapists only work for women
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  • JFL
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username checks out
I was going to pick a different one but since that was my original one I felt I would be more easily recognizable.
However, most of the people I knew on here moved onto better things so I think it was pointless.
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I was going to pick a different one but since that was my original one I felt I would be more easily recognizable.
However, most of the people I knew on here moved onto better things so I think it was pointless.
I wouldn't even mind the name, if it wasn't for the very tryhard "OG user" bio combined with the negative post to rep ratio.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16636 and Deleted member 88653
You're better off staying natural until you get to a point in your 40s or 50s where your testosterone levels are below the healthy range, then a doctor will prescribe you TRT and you can pay it with your insurance, not only will it be cheaper, but you'll also get blood testing done and the dose will be pure, not cut with a bunch of filler like you would get from your average dealer at the gym or online.

You don't need TRT when you're young because your test levels are peaked. And even, there are some men who have very high test levels in their 50s or even 60s, it depends, but if your doctor recommends it, you shouldn't turn it down, because it will make your life better. Low test levels leads to excessive fat gain and muscle loss, it's the main reason why old men often have a huge belly and no muscle mass. It's a serious looksmin and you can't do sports anymore, it just ruins your quality of life.
I mean I agree about waiting for hypogonadism. But 40s and 50s? That’s a stretch. I had 600 total T with my diet and lifestyle on point when I was 19…Far from optimal and you could argue “well it’s in range”(retard argument). After I hopped on enclo and especially after I started test I noticed a very positive improvement. I only am going back to enclomiphene now because test has some looksmin that I am just not wanting to inherit at this stage in my life. We all know face is more important than body anyways. As I stated enclomiphene + the occasional SARM or even Anavar which I will be testing WITH bloodwork before and after. I will make sure to make a post on that. Anavar gave me more significant strength and visible gains then test ever has even at 500mg a week of enanthate.
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this is the ideal scenario, but if you're an abused dog incel, hopping on test might be the best decision you'll ever make.
This too, Im so low inhib on cycle. Im not joking after I started my first cycle of test and Anavar I remember I stopped caring about my seatbelt in my car. Not shitting you. I was gonna message you 6PSL about the fact that I’m gonna go back to enclo. Hoping I don’t start missing test. I had way better libido on enclo however..
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I understand the TRT and test recommendation ideology for jaw and chin growth and masculinization of the face…but it’s such a looksmin. You will have a downregulation in collagen production in your face. Just look at a lot of guys on test, their nasolabial folds are way more pronounced, mine were too when I was on cycle. Skin texture aswell will be fucked due to this collagen reduction. Not to mention the aldosterone uptake causing water retention by default. Someone explain to me if I’m wrong on anything and not just “well take diuretics jfl”. I’m glad to be going back to enclomiphene which never looksminned me but gave me the uptake in DHT from the endogenous raise of my production also still giving me the benefits of higher testosterone. Using enclomiphene and then occasionally a SARM or anavar I believe is the way to go if your trying to frame max.
Good post bro
But skin and hair are definitely fixable
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Cuz muh muh bones
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I understand the TRT and test recommendation ideology for jaw and chin growth and masculinization of the face…but it’s such a looksmin. You will have a downregulation in collagen production in your face.
Doesnt happen, no function for that it can upregulate
Just look at a lot of guys on test, their nasolabial folds are way more pronounced, mine were too when I was on cycle.
Roids do that and aging, so does getting bloated, which if u didnt do things right u were prolly bloated
Skin texture aswell will be fucked due to this collagen reduction.
Not to mention the aldosterone uptake causing water retention by default.
This doesnt matter diuretics are base ancillaries on cycle
Someone explain to me if I’m wrong on anything and not just “well take diuretics jfl”
…., i mean thats kinda the solution…. U dont forget to take test with AI same way u dont forget to take it with diuretics or the rest of the ancillaries
. I’m glad to be going back to enclomiphene which never looksminned me but gave me the uptake in DHT from the endogenous raise of my production also still giving me the benefits of higher testosterone.
Barely higher
Using enclomiphene and then occasionally a SARM or anavar I believe is the way to go if your trying to frame max.
no its not, test is safer and 100x better if yk what ur doing, u just gotta lock in and learn
Cuz muh muh bones
Bro I might just run this cycle and stop because I know your face gets masculine even into your 20’s and roiding now will get my body accustomed to exogenous androgens so it might signal my body to stop producing more
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Bro I might just run this cycle and stop because I know your face gets masculine even into your 20’s and roiding now will get my body accustomed to exogenous androgens so it might signal my body to stop producing more
Tbh if you roid now and sheet your face will change fast asf
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Test would decrease your normal testosterone levels after a week or so and your body is gonna take Time to return back to normal. So you need to live on it and your balls are gonna be smaller, Don't take it bro
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Even if you stop your test levels gonna be fucked you chosed this gangsta life not me
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Tbh if you roid now and sheet your face will change fast asf
Yeah but it might not compare to what happens naturally in the future
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Doesnt happen, no function for that it can upregulate

Roids do that and aging, so does getting bloated, which if u didnt do things right u were prolly bloated


This doesnt matter diuretics are base ancillaries on cycle

…., i mean thats kinda the solution…. U dont forget to take test with AI same way u dont forget to take it with diuretics or the rest of the ancillaries

Barely higher

no its not, test is safer and 100x better if yk what ur doing, u just gotta lock in and learn
You wrote this reply and you sound like you want to sound smart about AAS usage but you’re not. The only thing I’ll agree with is that test is safer…but if we are talking about not only short term but overtime I think enclo and an oral is much better. Orals deliver a fast transformation and something like Anavar really does not impact your bloodwork much unless you have shit genetics. Test is great and all but as I stated before, I never noticed nearly as much even on 500mg of test a week vs 25-50mg of Anavar for a month. It’s a much better ROI.

Anyways, I’d love for you to explain to me how I’m wrong and also link me to the studies that prove every other study I’ve seen that talks about the inhibition of collagen from exogenous testosterone.
You wrote this reply and you sound like you want to sound smart about AAS usage but you’re not. The only thing I’ll agree with is that test is safer…but if we are talking about not only short term but overtime I think enclo and an oral is much better. Orals deliver a fast
transformation and something like Anavar really does not impact your bloodwork much unless you have shit genetics.
Thats why u cruise, i dont see ur point are u comparing cycles to riding var, var wont get u anywhere as far as test
Test is great and all but as I stated before, I never noticed nearly as much even on 500mg of test a week vs 25-50mg of Anavar for a month. It’s a much better ROI.
U js got bunk or used it wrong
Anyways, I’d love for you to explain to me how I’m wrong and also link me to the studies that prove every other study I’ve seen that talks about the inhibition of collagen from exogenous testosterone.
Collagen sides is dose dependent, what studies u want ur js wrong
ive guided people on here with 0 issues not just on roids, im studying roids, i promise u ik more about roids than anyone on this forum
Thats why u cruise, i dont see ur point are u comparing cycles to riding var, var wont get u anywhere as far as test
Anecdotally my strength progression was far superior on anavar compared to when Im just on test. Also even TRT levels will still cause an uptake in aldosterone(looksmin unless you waste money on elplerenone which is not safe long term and not to mention an ARB like telmisartan can be bad if your someone who doesn't have blood pressure issues).
U js got bunk or used it wrong
Lol. Ok I got bunk...sure. Even with blood test to prove its not LOL.
Collagen sides is dose dependent, what studies u want ur js wrong
ive guided people on here with 0 issues not just on roids, im studying roids, i promise u ik more about roids than anyone on this forum
That's great, im sure you have some knowledge and guiding people here is not hard considering most of the people who talk about roids are....KIDS.
Anecdotally my strength progression was far superior on anavar compared to when Im just on test. Also even TRT levels will still cause an uptake in aldosterone(looksmin unless you waste money on elplerenone which is not safe long term and not to mention an ARB like telmisartan can be bad if your someone who doesn't have blood pressure issues).
U take ancillaries for a reason, u dont have to be sick to use them, u realize “bad for someone who doesnt have blood pressure issues” isnt a good arguement since their use is IF u develop BP issues on cycle, so u can manage it till ur off, ancillaries arent used for a chance of something their used after something
Lol. Ok I got bunk...sure. Even with blood test to prove its not LOL.
Blood tests cant prove test is bunk, u have to check it with a kit, id like to see ur blood tests tho
This study doesnt say shit about ur point, it talks about dualrole in test, how it does NOT affect collagen synthesis alone but lowers Ang II-induced collagen synthesis in cardiac fibroblasts thru the ERK1/2 pathway, test increases p-ERK1/2 expression without Ang II meaning its dependent on co-stimulators like Ang II
That's great, im sure you have some knowledge and guiding people here is not hard considering most of the people who talk about roids are....KIDS.
What?, how does guiding an adult or a kid have a difference, either way they either listen or dont, also no i only guide kids after making sure they understand EVERYTHING
I wouldn't even mind the name, if it wasn't for the very tryhard "OG user" bio combined with the negative post to rep ratio.
For a site about looksmaxxing, most of the users aren't even doing anything to improve.

I'd rather have a negative ratio and actually ascend rather than the opposite. But you do you
For a site about looksmaxxing, most of the users aren't even doing anything to improve.

I'd rather have a negative ratio and actually ascend rather than the opposite. But you do you
once again, missing the point, but anyways, who says im not trying to ascend ?
I mean I agree about waiting for hypogonadism. But 40s and 50s? That’s a stretch. I had 600 total T with my diet and lifestyle on point when I was 19…Far from optimal and you could argue “well it’s in range”(retard argument). After I hopped on enclo and especially after I started test I noticed a very positive improvement. I only am going back to enclomiphene now because test has some looksmin that I am just not wanting to inherit at this stage in my life. We all know face is more important than body anyways. As I stated enclomiphene + the occasional SARM or even Anavar which I will be testing WITH bloodwork before and after. I will make sure to make a post on that. Anavar gave me more significant strength and visible gains then test ever has even at 500mg a week of enanthate.
If only test was everything for gaining muscle, truth is it doesn't have a huge impact if you're in the healthy range.

Most guys who do steroid cycles end up with mediocre physiques, because they rely on the drugs to do everything and don't train hard.
A natural lifter who trains hard will get a better physique most of the time, especially since they can maintain their gains while the roider cannot
You wrote this reply and you sound like you want to sound smart about AAS usage but you’re not. The only thing I’ll agree with is that test is safer…but if we are talking about not only short term but overtime I think enclo and an oral is much better. Orals deliver a fast transformation and something like Anavar really does not impact your bloodwork much unless you have shit genetics. Test is great and all but as I stated before, I never noticed nearly as much even on 500mg of test a week vs 25-50mg of Anavar for a month. It’s a much better ROI.

Anyways, I’d love for you to explain to me how I’m wrong and also link me to the studies that prove every other study I’ve seen that talks about the inhibition of collagen from exogenous testosterone.
Anavar is notoriously terrible on your lipid profile, considerably more than test, that's not just a result of having shitty genetics. Anavar is a DHT derived compound and is therefore very good for gaining strength, doesn't mean it is better than test for building  muscle. Also as far as I can remember from browsing steroid forums a while ago, DHT is far worse on collagen than testosterone itself, so taking finasteride with your test (which you should be doing anyway if you're prone to MPB) will reduce the aging effects.
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Anavar is notoriously terrible on your lipid profile, considerably more than test, that's not just a result of having shitty genetics. Anavar is a DHT derived compound and is therefore very good for gaining strength, doesn't mean it is better than test for building  muscle. Also as far as I can remember from browsing steroid forums a while ago, DHT is far worse on collagen than testosterone itself, so taking finasteride with your test (which you should be doing anyway if you're prone to MPB) will reduce the aging effects.
I understand the TRT and test recommendation ideology for jaw and chin growth and masculinization of the face…but it’s such a looksmin. You will have a downregulation in collagen production in your face. Just look at a lot of guys on test, their nasolabial folds are way more pronounced, mine were too when I was on cycle. Skin texture aswell will be fucked due to this collagen reduction. Not to mention the aldosterone uptake causing water retention by default. Someone explain to me if I’m wrong on anything and not just “well take diuretics jfl”. I’m glad to be going back to enclomiphene which never looksminned me but gave me the uptake in DHT from the endogenous raise of my production also still giving me the benefits of higher testosterone. Using enclomiphene and then occasionally a SARM or anavar I believe is the way to go if your trying to frame max.
Androgenicity if sub19 yo
Myscle building but you will make 85% of the gains after just 1 year so you have to keep increasing the doses or add other compounds
+overlooked but mental effect top entrepreneurs are all on trt for a reason
Androgenicity if sub19 yo
Myscle building but you will make 85% of the gains after just 1 year so you have to keep increasing the doses or add other compounds
+overlooked but mental effect top entrepreneurs are all on trt for a reason
I loved the way I felt mentally. Unfortunately im one of the cases where I just bloat really, really bad. I couldn't do it. Diet was on point, cardio, lifting 6x a week.

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