Why is there no a good guide regarding the restoration of gut health?



The next Chadlite™
Jun 27, 2022
I need to do this right now since it is ruining my life and my health in general, since I was a child I always used to have very strong stomach pains and I didn’t tolerate a lot of foods. I have itchiness on my scalp and skin (new pimples are coming out), bad breathe/smell (I haven’t tried scratching my tongue tho), bad natural body odor (404 pheromones), etc.

In the last two weeks I have eaten too much processed food and I feel like an estrogenic cuck and junk food is starting to disgust me, I don’t tolerate it anymore, I would like to be on a strict diet but I don’t even know the basics and my Bluepilled parents want me to continue eating pizza/hamburgers… Everlywell and/or Viome are not available in my country and I don’t know what to do to get a complete analysis/test on my gut health/microbiome, would it be overdoing?

My destroyed gut doesn’t allow me to read a book about the microbiome diet due to the laziness and low energy it causes me. Should I only hope in foods such as low-fat Greek yogurt/water kefir & mastic gum to provide me with probiotics, supplement chlorophyll, more fiber and completely eliminate processed food?

I need help right now. 😥
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I also would like to know but without the carnivore agenda. I would guess that you should eat fermented foods for gut health.
Better get that shit under control before you develop IBD. Gut microbiome tests are cope and bullshit just cut out all the bullshit you're eating, cook high quality unprocessed REAL foods, fermented vegetables, high fiber, sodium butyrate, and your gut mucosal lining will start healing. The only probiotics I'd buy is Visbiome (expensive btw) most of everything else is cope just look at the studies. Or you could avoid spending money on probiotics and make homemade kefir which will contain way more probiotics than any form you can purchase at a fraction of the cost. With the dogshit you're eating you're allowing your gut mucosal lining to weaken and it's only a matter of time until it breaks through and bad bacteria enters and you're fucked with IBD. I know cause it happened to me.

Also, you already made this thread months ago sounds like you're too lazy to stop eating dogshit foods tbh
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i think the main ways to heal it is through diet and probiotics, gut health is pretty mainstream though so you can probably find info on it on yt and other places
Better get that shit under control before you develop IBD. Gut microbiome tests are cope and bullshit just cut out all the bullshit you're eating, cook high quality unprocessed REAL foods, fermented vegetables, high fiber, sodium butyrate, and your gut mucosal lining will start healing. The only probiotics I'd buy is Visbiome (expensive btw) most of everything else is cope just look at the studies. Or you could avoid spending money on probiotics and make homemade kefir which will contain way more probiotics than any form you can purchase at a fraction of the cost. With the dogshit you're eating you're allowing your gut mucosal lining to weaken and it's only a matter of time until it breaks through and bad bacteria enters and you're fucked with IBD. I know cause it happened to me.

Also, you already made this thread months ago sounds like you're too lazy to stop eating dogshit foods tbh
what’s ibd?
what’s ibd?
Inflammatory bowel disease, in the form of either ulcerative colitis (affecting the large intestine), or crohn's disease (affecting the entire digestive tract). It's when your immune system attacks your digestive system. When you're genetically predisposed to it and then eat shit foods you're setting yourself up to get it early on like I did.
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Inflammatory bowel disease, in the form of either ulcerative colitis (affecting the large intestine), or crohn's disease (affecting the entire digestive tract). It's when your immune system attacks your digestive system. When you're genetically predisposed to it and then eat shit foods you're setting yourself up to get it early on like I did.
thanks, what does sodium butryate do btw?
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It increases mucosal synthesis / improves gut barrier quality.
could you take butryic acid on it’s own? i’m trying to lower my sodium intake
I need to do this right now since it is ruining my life and my health in general, since I was a child I always used to have very strong stomach pains and I didn’t tolerate a lot of foods. I have itchiness on my scalp and skin (new pimples are coming out), bad breathe/smell (I haven’t tried scratching my tongue tho), bad natural body odor (404 pheromones), etc.

In the last two weeks I have eaten too much processed food and I feel like an estrogenic cuck and junk food is starting to disgust me, I don’t tolerate it anymore, I would like to be on a strict diet but I don’t even know the basics and my Bluepilled parents want me to continue eating pizza/hamburgers… Everlywell and/or Viome are not available in my country and I don’t know what to do to get a complete analysis/test on my gut health/microbiome, would it be overdoing?

My destroyed gut doesn’t allow me to read a book about the microbiome diet due to the laziness and low energy it causes me. Should I only hope in foods such as low-fat Greek yogurt/water kefir & mastic gum to provide me with probiotics, supplement chlorophyll, more fiber and completely eliminate processed food?

I need help right now. 😥
Because it's really just eat right for a prolonged period of time and pray you're not a genetic failure for it not to work
Meat, organs, fruit (peel it off, fiber is shit) honey, dairy and raw egg yolk, do your best to get these grassfed/game/organic/unpasturized/pasture-raised
because it's foid pseudoscience

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