Why is white skin / pale skin considered feminine?

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Roped femboy
Jun 10, 2023
Like I want pale skin because it’s feminine and I’m femboymaxxing but I never understood why exactly it is feminine. Is it not kind of ironic? Like white people are known for their white / pale skin which is more common in their race and whites also conquered like majority of the world which is literal dominance so you would expect white skin / pale skin to be associated with masculinity and dominance but the reverse is true. In every culture white skin is seen as more female dimorphic and not masculine hence it is preferred more in feminine faces and woman. There was a study that showed the lighter you make the skin the more it is perceived as female
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  • JFL
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There is a sociological reason behind this. Back in the Victorian era and I think in the ages before that too, most people were a bit more tan since they worked the land and practiced jobs that would make them stay in the sun for hours. What you started to see was that the upper, non-working class elite would often stay fair and this would eventually become a symbol of status. I think you might guess in which gender this was most apparent, since women weren't even allowed to do heavy jobs back then. So that's how it became almost a sign of femininity.
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because it turns red like a tomato when you slap it
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It only applies to white females though. For gooks, mena and south Asian women I find pale skin disgusting because it contrasts so much with the rest of their features.
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White skin means status, therefore resources, therefore the ability to provide security and comfort to produce offspring..

White skin means being somewhere in the shade, away from the cold or sun, without therefore having to go places and do things, because you are too important to be exposed to too many external factors, so you are preserved, and therefore implicitly valuable to the species..

Other types of skins are associated with dirt, dust, or too much exposure to the sun, cold, wind etc. hence physical labor, hence lack of genetic value (or any other kind of resources, because if you had any other kind of resources, you might not end up in that context), hence slavery..
  • JFL
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It's just shitskin cope
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Because theyre not outside working and inside like a house wife

Its extremely feminine and even childish
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  • Ugh..
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White skin means status, therefore resources, therefore the ability to provide security and comfort to produce offspring..

White skin means being somewhere in the shade, away from the cold or sun, without therefore having to go places and do things, because you are too important to be exposed to too many external factors, so you are preserved, and therefore implicitly valuable to the species..

Other types of skins are associated with dirt, dust, or too much exposure to the sun, cold, wind etc. hence physical labor, hence lack of genetic value (or any other kind of resources, because if you had any other kind of resources, you might not end up in that context), hence slavery..
It doesn’t make sense for white skin to be associated with resources and it simply NOT because to get resources you have to work outside the house thus you get darker skin. That’s one of the many reasons darker skin is seen as masculine because men are the ones who get resources and are often darker than women as historically men worked outside women stayed inside. Literally hard Labour itself is masculine it has no association with females “dirt, dust, or too” that masculine, the ideal of purity and cleanliness is associated with females and femininity. Men would work in hard labour in factories in the industry revolution, would hunt on dirt and getting messy to obtain food and resources while women would stay inside clean and not doing labour work.

Even in the gay community the lighter skin partner is the “bottom” usually and takes the submssive and feminine role so there is clearly something biological at play because it seems lighter / white skin being feminine is universal even when it’s not a dynamic between a man and woman
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  • JFL
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White skin is just a nice trait. Nothing to do with dimorphism
Not true, white skin is dimorphic, I had to look it up, it’s because men generally have darker skin than women because they’re the ones obtaining resources so their skin will be darker because they were outside more often in most of history. So the darker the skin the more masculine it is perceived as the further it looos unlike the skin of a female which is light, and the lighter and lighter the skin, the more feminine it is seen. Even in the gay and lesbian community the one with the lighter skin is usually the bottom or the one who receives which shows lighter skin is universally seen as more feminine, female and “submissive” rather than dominant, male and masculine
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  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
Like I want pale skin because it’s feminine and I’m femboymaxxing but I never understood why exactly it is feminine. Is it not kind of ironic? Like white people are known for their white / pale skin which is more common in their race and whites also conquered like majority of the world which is literal dominance so you would expect white skin / pale skin to be associated with masculinity and dominance but the reverse is true. In every culture white skin is seen as more female dimorphic and not masculine hence it is preferred more in feminine faces and woman. There was a study that showed the lighter you make the skin the more it is perceived as female

The whole staying indoors vs working outside stuff aside, maybe biblical influences?

Light = pure, chaste, angelic, and dark = demonic, evil, corrupted.

Since being a dainty, innocent virgin is tied to femininity, there might be a correlation.
  • JFL
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Its not feminine

White women tan extremely hard to be darker to be more attractive

If pale was feminine they wouldn't be doing that.

White men & White women prefer tan

Ethnic men & women prefer white skin

Stop trying to put bullshit reasons with it and lies
  • JFL
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It doesn’t make sense for white skin to be associated with resources when to get resources you have to work outside the house thus you get darker skin. That’s one of the many reasons darker skin is seen as masculine because men are the ones who get resources and are often darker than women

It's paired in the context that he can survive without going out himself for resources, because there are out there (in the past they were slaves bringing food products, today they are blue collar workers producing more money and more value than you pay them for) who are there to do that for you..


During this time, the kings/queens/royalties/princes/emperors, etc. they were in their castles or whatever space as far away from the outside elements as possible, doing nothing because they didn't need to, so they had orgies with chads and stacys, had children, raised them, and did things that were generally less physically demanding..

  • JFL
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It's paired in the context that he can survive without going out himself for resources, because there are out there (in the past they were slaves bringing food products, today they are blue collar workers producing more money and more value than you pay them for) who are there to do that for you..

View attachment 3144937

During this time, the kings/queens/royalties/princes/emperors, etc. they were in their castles or whatever space as far away from the outside elements as possible, doing nothing because they didn't need to, so they had orgies with chads and stacys, had children, raised them, and did things that were generally less physically demanding..

View attachment 3144962
I can see white skin being associated with status but my point was on masculine vs femininity despite it being associated with status white skin is still perceived as feminine in nearly every single culture including white cultures themselves and I looked it up it is because in general through out history men do hard labour and work outside while women stay inside so men tend to have darker skin than women so the darker and further away the skin is to a woman (darker and darker), the more and more masculine / male dimorphic it is perceived. In general masculinity tends to be associated with lack of elegance and status either way because the poor, aka majority or people would general work in Europe while royalty stays inside. To work and provide for your family is masculine and that required going outside getting dark from the sun. Even in Europe when they had monarchies in the past those were minority, majority of people functioned where the man goes outside to work so hard Labour get messy in dirt collecting resources while the woman stays inside thus is clean and skin is light because she isn’t in the sun working hard
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  • JFL
Reactions: Suns9999
Like I want pale skin because it’s feminine and I’m femboymaxxing but I never understood why exactly it is feminine. Is it not kind of ironic? Like white people are known for their white / pale skin which is more common in their race and whites also conquered like majority of the world which is literal dominance so you would expect white skin / pale skin to be associated with masculinity and dominance but the reverse is true. In every culture white skin is seen as more female dimorphic and not masculine hence it is preferred more in feminine faces and woman. There was a study that showed the lighter you make the skin the more it is perceived as female
Imo I think it’s feminine cuz foids would naturally stay inside and be Tradwife whereas men went outside and did work n shi
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Not seen as femnine
  • JFL
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Like I want pale skin because it’s feminine and I’m femboymaxxing but I never understood why exactly it is feminine. Is it not kind of ironic? Like white people are known for their white / pale skin which is more common in their race and whites also conquered like majority of the world which is literal dominance so you would expect white skin / pale skin to be associated with masculinity and dominance but the reverse is true. In every culture white skin is seen as more female dimorphic and not masculine hence it is preferred more in feminine faces and woman. There was a study that showed the lighter you make the skin the more it is perceived as female
Makes my cock hard on women ngl that’s why it’s feminine

Darker skin makes women’s pussies wet that’s why it’s masculine
  • JFL
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Can’t get a tan being in the kitchen all the time

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