Why landwhales have such high SMV



Jun 13, 2019
200kg landwhales can easily find 1000s of men begging them for sex in their dating app messages. In real life they even sometimes get hit on by LTN and MTN. On the dating apps they can source hookups with HTN at least once a month. These landwhales could get sex from a new MTN everyday of the year. This is how bad hypergamy is and how blackpilled you need to be.

To most of you here, you probably wouldnt touch a 200kg landwhale and your friends also say they wouldn't, so you are confused where they can get these men from. Dating apps have 100% inflated their egos. Landwhales have two ways they can source sex from men. The first being that men who like normal women are becoming incel, facing rejection etc so in the end, they decide to fuck a fat chick to soothe their horniness and feel disgusted afterwards. This is becoming very common due to how hard it is for the average man to get a slim woman to sleep with. The second way landwhales get sex is via the BBW fetish route. Some men (I would guess 10% of men) have a fetish for BBW women due to porn abuse or their natural preference. These men go crazy over BBW women and prefer them over the slim women.

Being a 200kg landwhale is a pretty niche market as not many women are that weight. Sure in the west, women are overweight but the average weight of a woman is 70kg. This is no where near 200kg and so when these 10% of men discover a 200kg BBW (1-2% of women) they go crazy for her which gives her the choice to be picky and have lots of sex. It gets even worse when normies without a BBW fetish (30% of men) go 1 year without sex and they also become desperate and slide in the 200kg landwhales inbox thinking she will be the easiest path to get laid. This creates a huge inflation in the landwhales SMV.
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Landwhales get Sex, but never with chads they want.
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Dnrd get Sex, but never with chads they want.
They get sex with plenty of HTNs and chad-lites, just no commitment
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They get sex with plenty of HTNs and chad-lites, just no commitment
They want commitmeng very much, but everyone Just Pumps and dumps them
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They want commitmeng very much, but everyone Just Pumps and dumps them
As they should
the rock conan obrien GIF by Team Coco
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They have high appeal cause they're seen as more attainable. Closer you are to average, the more guys will show interest in boning you. Juggernaut law. Doesn't mean they can get relationships, but dudes will wanna fuck because they think they'll be easier to slay, but it's actually the opposite. High ego from tons of guys walking up to them, so they actually have higher standards then women who fog them by 3psl
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Reactions: proxyy, heightmaxxing and Xangsane
One word answer

Pussy ass and boobs
They get sex with plenty of HTNs and chad-lites, just no commitment
Landwhales usually don't get gl niggas, even on ONS (just think about this statistically and it'll make sense)

It happens once in a blue moon
  • +1
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Landwhales usually don't get gl niggas, even on ONS (just think about this statistically and it'll make sense)

It happens once in a blue moon
who gets gl niggas?
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Reactions: proxyy and Xangsane
It’s not landwhales, it’s foids in general

You can’t lose as a foid
I mean for LTR/marriage, not hookups
Prolly similar stats

I've never come across a couple where the woman is morbidly obese and the guy is considerably gl

I'm sure they exist, but must be pretty rare tbh
  • +1
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Prolly similar stats

I've never come across a couple where the woman is morbidly obese and the guy is considerably gl

I'm sure they exist, but must be pretty rare tbh
But the foid is usually what face level?
  • JFL
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If you fucked a fat person you are like a pedophile or like an animal fucker
  • JFL
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Landwhales usually don't get gl niggas, even on ONS (just think about this statistically and it'll make sense)

It happens once in a blue moon
If they are pretty in the face, and not morbidly obese, they do get sex with plenty of gl guys.

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