Why leg lengthening is the most retarded cope



why kill yourself? you never had life JFL 😂
May 10, 2023
IDK why autists in this forum constantly cope with "im going to get Leg lengthening till im 6'2". Leg lengthening is the most dumbest cope and I'd rather have you coping with mewing. Out of all the people claiming they are getting LL, probably only lik 5% are actualy that retarded to get it.

Reasons why LL is complete cope

1. 5'8 Incel + 2 inches = 5'10 incel
Even if you are 2-3 inches taller than you are now. Chances are you would still be incel. If you actually believe you would slay with LL get some 3 inch lifts, put em on and see if you slay. Exactly

2. The Price
Pretty fucking obvious. Leg lengthening can literally buy you a car, a house down payment, infinite tactical soap. But instead you spend it on a nigga breaking your legs. Also for those of you who are like "imma just get it in turkey or india or some shit". The reason why it's 30k is because the surgeons are less experienced, have less patients, have worse equipment and have lower success rates. Yeah you can get LL cheaper but is it worth possibly fucking up your leg and wasting 30k just for 2 inches of height? If you are going to get LL just get it for 100k

3. Waste of fucking time
Think about this realistically. Who is going to get more women? A guy who just wears lifts, actually talks to women, gets his money up, looksmaxxes? or some nigga grinding for 10 years just so he can waste 100k on leg lengthening

4. The risks
kind of already said this earlier but LL has some risks (even if you get a good surgeon)
1. Can actually make legs shorter if your bones don't heal correctly
2. Infections
3. Injury to blood vessels
4. Nerve damage (as with all cosmetic surgeries)
5. Joint Stiffness

5. You have to cut everyone off
How the fuck are you going to explain you growing 2-3 inches

6. T-Rex Arms
You won't even look porportionate if you over lengthening. This is mainly for those considering getting double LL
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Reactions: Deleted member 24347, GunDevilHybrid, Myth and 4 others
Imagine paying 100k for this operation and ending up with shorter legs what a joke
  • JFL
Reactions: Myth
Imagine paying 100k for this operation and ending up with shorter legs what a joke
to be fair, it is unlikely to happen unless your calcium levels are fucked or just have extremely shitty genes. But still it is a complete waste of money just for a possibility of getting fucked up and even then not getting women
what an autist
  • +1
Reactions: OverCoper
Also retards who do this, usually have short wingspans so they end up having long legs and short arms, which looks subhuman as fuck JFL
6’1 + 8 inches LL = chad
  • JFL
Reactions: truecel12
Also retards who do this, usually have short wingspans so they end up having long legs and short arms, which looks subhuman as fuck JFL
kys moron that’s not even your opinion you just read the other thread and are mindlessly parroting what RL said
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24347
kys moron that’s not even your opinion you just read the other thread and are mindlessly parroting what RL said
I'll be honest I dnr the whole thread
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Reactions: Deleted member 24347
LL is only worth it if you’re at least 5’9 and can afford to get the full 3-4 inches done.
LL is only worth it if you’re at least 5’9 and can afford to get the full 3-4 inches done.
Even that height while it would make a big impact , not as useful as a Manlet going from 5ft 6-5ft 10.
  • +1
Reactions: Artemis
only 3 point is valid cuz u waste a lot of time almost a year.
but rest is cope if someone has money and is 5'7-5'5 LL gives is worth
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 24347
Leg lengthening at 5’8 above is extreme cope tbh, if you weren’t getting any female attention at your current height you won’t get it at your dream height lol
  • +1
Reactions: AscensionMan98
Leg lengthening at 5’8 above is extreme cope tbh, if you weren’t getting any female attention at your current height you won’t get it at your dream height lol
yeah cuz height is not purely about the number, being naturally tall you have thicker joints and bones, wider clavicles
Leg lengthening at 5’8 above is extreme cope tbh, if you weren’t getting any female attention at your current height you won’t get it at your dream height lol
Correct if you didn't get any ioi or you at least larped height online and didn't get matches it's not worth it , unless you geo max
what if I LL to 6'5" or some shit
what if I’m a millionaire

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