Why Looksmaxxing Is A Futile Pursuit For Me


Deleted member 22705

Sep 30, 2022
As I have steadily lost weight, I am a few pounds under 205 lbs right now. It has become obvious that even reaching LTN is impossible for me. My flaws are listed below.
1. Asymmetrical eyes
(this is a big one but unnoticed by people who saw my pics), I was offered the option of doing orbital decompression on my right eye with Dr. Taban and didn't take it, due to the risk, I sincerely regret this decision since it could have potentially brought my eyes to average looking. The eye asymmetry is far more noticeable in motion especially when I look down.
2. Eyebrows
I am currently using latisse and do notice small improvements my eyebrows are little thicker, darker and longer, it also has the effect of opening up the eyes more, but it will make the eye coloring darker, which is a negative since I have extremely dark eyes already. Nevertheless it's obvious I won't be getting attractive eyebrows. anytime soon.
3. Nose
Big failo, mostly the tip is bulbous and overly thick. But overall nose is too wide, this feature actually got deformed by puberty, I had a normal looking nose as a kid.
4. Lips
Small and thin, now I am actually getting wrinkles on my lower lip, some chapping too but that can be easily fixed. Also have a small black spot on my lower lip, which can be seen close up, which appeared a few years ago, no wonder girls are disgusted at the idea of kissing me.
5. Downward growth
My midface is a little long this is actually unattractive even in kid photos I see downward growth especially going from a baby to a kid. This was probably caused by my improper bite and lack of mewing and proper tongue posture.
6. Overly wide and blocky face
Even at a lower body fat, my face still looks bloated, because my bones are overly wide and lack definition. Even with the surgery improving my angularity, the implant was too thick which further worsens the issue. It looks somewhat unnatural.
7. recessed mandible/short face syndrome
This deharmonizes my face, further worsening the apperance of my midface and eye area. Other than that it's repulsive to look at.

This doesn't even include issues with my hair, skin and facial hair, which will always be there even after softmaxxing. As you can see I have issues with every single feature, poor facial harmony and bone structure. Surgery can't correct all these issues in a natural and attractive way. Even with all the surgeries needed to correct every one of these issues which will be extremely expensive probably around 80k total, not including other costs, and the perfect outcome I can't reach greater than LTN or at best low MTN. But due to the failure of such surgeries and the lack of a decent base, I would likely remain sub LTN as I am now and potentially disfigured or suffering functional issues.

As such there's no hope of ascenscion or even being treated normally by people, especially women, the whole world will continue being disgusted by me due to my appearance and there's no way out but death. Nevertheless I will lose the weight, keep doing latisse for at least 6 weeks and go on accutane. I might consider getting electrolysis for my underneck hair, but it's likely to be expensive and useless.
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Dude you should see my looksmaxxing journey. Nothing is impossible. You can't just give up at 205 lbs. lmfao. Even if you are very tall.
Not sure if it's a good idea to post pics of myself on here. But I used to be a fat ass, 168.2 lbs and sedentary, and now I'm a Manlet Chad with six-pack abs. Though I am still scrawny. I need to bulk up. I weighed in at 134.4 lbs this morning.
Dude you should see my looksmaxxing journey. Nothing is impossible. You can't just give up at 205 lbs. lmfao. Even if you are very tall.
Not sure if it's a good idea to post pics of myself on here. But I used to be a fat ass, 168.2 lbs and sedentary, and now I'm a Manlet Chad with six-pack abs. Though I am still scrawny. I need to bulk up. I weighed in at 134.4 lbs this morning.
You can see my pics, they are everywhere on this site. I have too many issues. That being said I do plan on losing weight.
You can see my pics, they are everywhere on this site. I have too many issues. That being said I do plan on losing weight.
It seems you're trying to lose weight for the wrong reasons. You may want to reconsider your priorities and restore your self-worth
It seems you're trying to lose weight for the wrong reasons. You may want to reconsider your priorities and restore your self-worth
It doesn't matter since I can't live a normal life due to being ugly. Even if I died right now it'd make no difference, I am already dead and don't get a chance at life because of my looks.
It doesn't matter since I can't live a normal life due to being ugly. Even if I died right now it'd make no difference, I am already dead and don't get a chance at life because of my looks.
I mean yeah.. so what are you going to do?
I mean yeah.. so what are you going to do?
Probably LDAR and hope future technology can save me. But realistically I will probably die within a decade.
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Probably LDAR and hope future technology can save me. But realistically I will probably die within a decade.
Lol your conclusions aren’t even logical. If you LDAR you will not only look more like shit but you will feel more like shit because you will let your health go, if you want to see what future technology brings(in my opinion the level of cope future technology will bring will be amazing) you gotta live until that shit gets released first.
Keep going!
It's better to live life as less ugly than ugly.
Am I wrong?
It doesn't matter since I can't live a normal life due to being ugly. Even if I died right now it'd make no difference, I am already dead and don't get a chance at life because of my looks.
You're clearly defeated and have bigger issues than your weight. Attempting to drop a few pounds in your state of mind will 1) not yield lasting results and 2) only add to your frustration, once you realize your life hasn't changed as expected. There's a reason most people fail to stay lean in the long term. It's dissatisfaction. Hedonic eating is one of the biggest coping strategies of our species
where are the pictures??
So basically you are going to wait till sex androids come out instead of losing weight?
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Keep going!
It's better to live life as less ugly than ugly.
Am I wrong?
You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, we're a pessimistic species and tend to blank out anything positive if our expectations aren't met. So eventually, we throw in the towel and stop making an effort, because we've lost anyway
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You're absolutely right. Unfortunately, we're a pessimistic species and tend to blank out anything positive if our expectations aren't met. So eventually, we throw in the towel and stop making an effort, because we've lost anyway

these “all or nothing”, “black or white” “chad eats pizza and still slays” “chad doesn’t need to shower and go to the gym” people are lost causes. you can’t help people who don’t want to help themselves
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It is a futile pursuit for the average guy tbh,
too much money, effort, and time
you can’t help people who don’t want to help themselves
I couldn't agree more. I'm just trying to help people reflect. A lot of people are in too much pain to think objectively. It helps sometimes to give a hint and make them think
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your eye area isn't even bad retard. Lose 50lbs comeback again
It is a futile pursuit for the average guy tbh,
too much money, effort, and time
It's better to live life as a High MTN than a LTN
lose the fat u fucking dumbass cuck
Dude you should see my looksmaxxing journey. Nothing is impossible. You can't just give up at 205 lbs. lmfao. Even if you are very tall.
Not sure if it's a good idea to post pics of myself on here. But I used to be a fat ass, 168.2 lbs and sedentary, and now I'm a Manlet Chad with six-pack abs. Though I am still scrawny. I need to bulk up. I weighed in at 134.4 lbs this morning.
Did your head look bigger after you lost weight?
Did your head look bigger after you lost weight?
I've never noticed. My face is a lot leaner obviously. But I don't know about the size of my head. When I was fat, it was excess body fat not extra muscle. So maybe it's not noticeable.
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