Why many women only wanna fuck chad



Leader of the LASACKRO gang, outlaw in the west 🔫🤠
Aug 1, 2022
My theory on this is I see many cases of chads only being able to get sex but not commitment

Females don’t like to not feel like the “prise” in the relationship

My theory to why that is, is due to the higher likelihood of a very attractive man cheating and not helping her take care of the offspring

So because of that they biologically evolved to fuck chad for the best genetics but preferably date a htn-low chadlite to still stay on top

At least that’s the only way I can explain why many women put down their Chad boyfriend and try to destroy his ego when she notices he’s getting way more attention than her in public
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Schizo ramblings dnrd
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Not necessary a direct result of needing validation from a less confident man

But could potentially just be a defense mechanism from a gender made up of retarded people

They are defensive and while women do have a high emotional intelligence, this can lead them to over analyze as well, the other side of manipulation, is that women are also emotional fragile

So they'll read too far into a situation and may actually be led to believe they are at risk of being replaced

May not be a mental defense mechanism as much as it is a biological one, they can't help but become emotional because the thought of being replaced, and the evolutionary stimuli makes them think

"No one will provide for me" (illicits more emotion in them than anything As its their base requirement in nature)
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Not necessary a direct result of needing validation from a less confident man

But could potentially just be a defense mechanism from a gender made up of retarded people

They are defensive and while women do have a high emotional intelligence, this can lead them to over analyze as well, the other side of manipulation, is that women are also emotional fragile

So they'll read too far into a situation and may actually be led to believe they are at risk of being replaced

May not be a mental defense mechanism as much as it is a biological one, they can't help but become emotional because the thought of being replaced, and the evolutionary stimuli makes them think

"No one will provide for me" (illicits more emotion in them than anything As its their base requirement in nature)
I just notice some women with boyfriends who are much more attractive than them treat them similar to how they would treat a Stacy friend

They try to put them down and don’t support and are happy about their success

In ovulation periods women find more masculine stronger boned guys more attractive than in their usual life

Probably litterally a biological way to get the strongest healthiest genetics from chad and make the oofy doofy raise it

There’s a reason women’s ovulation literally evolved to be invisible it’s not like it is with dogs because male dogs don’t raise offspring anyway they just fuck

Women are literally evolved to cheat due to how many times they did it
OP theorizes about women like they're quasars in distant galaxies
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OP theorizes about women like they're quasars in distant galaxies
Last time I spoke to a foid was when my mom kicked me out at 16 :feelswhy:
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Last time I spoke to a foid was when my mom kicked me out at 16 :feelswhy:
That's a good one tbh i chuckled internally (not out loud, zoomer trait)
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for LTRs, a HTN is ideal

even in those relationships I admit in bed women want the guy to be "chad like" and i say with quotation marks because they dont actually want a guy who would be rated chad, but someone who knows what they are doing (at least later on its fine at first for it to be weird) meaning being confident having a good dick etc

you guys confuse that with chad
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for LTRs, a HTN is ideal

even in those relationships I admit in bed women want the guy to be "chad like" and i say with quotation marks because they dont actually want a guy who would be rated chad, but someone who knows what they are doing (at least later on its fine at first for it to be weird) meaning being confident having a good dick etc

you guys confuse that with chad
some of the biggest slayers I knew were htn
some of the biggest slayers I knew were htn
I'm not surprised, most studies based on facial attractiveness find that ideal faces are ones that are "high averageness" which in incel terms corresponds to a HTN facially.
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My theory on this is I see many cases of chads only being able to get sex but not commitment

Females don’t like to not feel like the “prise” in the relationship

My theory to why that is, is due to the higher likelihood of a very attractive man cheating and not helping her take care of the offspring

So because of that they biologically evolved to fuck chad for the best genetics but preferably date a htn-low chadlite to still stay on top

At least that’s the only way I can explain why many women put down their Chad boyfriend and try to destroy his ego when she notices he’s getting way more attention than her in public
Genetics doesn't explain this behavior, despite you being right.
My theory on this is I see many cases of chads only being able to get sex but not commitment

Females don’t like to not feel like the “prise” in the relationship

My theory to why that is, is due to the higher likelihood of a very attractive man cheating and not helping her take care of the offspring

So because of that they biologically evolved to fuck chad for the best genetics but preferably date a htn-low chadlite to still stay on top

At least that’s the only way I can explain why many women put down their Chad boyfriend and try to destroy his ego when she notices he’s getting way more attention than her in public
Women don't try to date Chad due to low-self-esteem, or a belief that he'll cheat.
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I'm not surprised, most studies based on facial attractiveness find that ideal faces are ones that are "high averageness" which in incel terms corresponds to a HTN facially.
weirdly chads seemed to go from LTR to LTR
weirdly chads seemed to go from LTR to LTR
Yes there are stupid women who try LTR 6'5 football players making 6+ figures, im saying htn is what satisfies a ltr most
Yes there are stupid women who try LTR 6'5 football players making 6+ figures, im saying htn is what satisfies a ltr most
yeah and the 6'5 football player could have a LTN face

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