Why PSL Rates Are Inaccurate and Cope


Deleted member 2846

Aug 17, 2019
All that matters is your IRL and SMV score. PSL should only be used to analyze faces based on male’s tendencies and attractive faces... come to think of it, that’s what PSL does.

PSL is a very lose term, no one actually means that PSL rates mean. Everyone has their own slight variation on how they rate. It’s subjectively objective. We hone in on 1 agreed aspect which is face, but not everyone rates just face. We rate other things like height, race, skin color, etc along with face because we may just subconsciously coping even before the rate we think of comes into our heads. Attraction is based on a fraction of a second for everyone, but when you stop and think about it, you come to other conclusions which we don’t even consciously do, like we add on height, race, past people that may have looked similar to the ratee. All this is done in a fraction of a second, which is what women do, but we sort of “zoom in” into what the nitty gritty and when we stop and think, we start to hesitate (like @cocainecowboy pointed here on my “which guy? thread) on the guy.

Not to mention that these photos we are rating. We are not rating them IRL, but over photos (and the rare video) through a camera phone lens through your computer screen.

Attraction is not black and white like PSL makes it out to be. Height, pheno, skin color, hair, face, frame, body are all taken into consideration for a women to find you attractive or not. Not just your “PSL” rating. However, PSL is very good at finding what the most women find attractive and WHY, but if you fall into the 2.5-6.5PSL range, women will have all types of biases and preferences.

Like I said, PSL should be strictly used analyze facial features, but NOT attractiveness to women. We will never know what women truly like and the harder you look for the answer, the more delusional you will become.

Thread inspired by @LordNorwood
Mentions: @cocainecowboy @Titbot @KEy21 @FatJattMofo @LordNorwood @ArabIncel @Dyorotic2 @OwlGod @tincelw @Deliciadecu @Gudru @chadpreetinthemaking @BigBoy
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PSL has value, but IRL matters most ofc
Yeah pretty much tbh, you could have a high PSL score but a multitude of things could detract from your SMV, and SMV is really endgame to everything, because its the culmination of all your characteristics.
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Exactly. Hypothetically there might be a 3 foot 6 inches tall man with a face that mogs Sean O’Pry’s face. But even a 3 PSL shitskinned deathnik whose 5’7” will pull more than him. Ergo PSL means nothing
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Reactions: EthnicelAscension, Deleted member 1751 and LowTierNormie
I think PSL ratings gone to shit as soon as the above average looking guys started to join.
No one wanna inflate there already inflated egos so it's understandable.
Like there is nothing more annoying than seeing a rate post of someone saying "iT's OvEr fOr mE" and then you look at his pictures and he is a chadlite!
For real how low T can a man get with that attention whoring bitch behavior!!
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Reactions: MandibularCel, EthnicelAscension, Deleted member 2012 and 4 others
no i would argue PSL WOULD make sense, but people here refuse to accept PSL scale is not absolute and not perfect. its just an interpretation of the real world, not the real world itself. it can be (and it is) wrong in many ways, but that doesnt mean its useless. it can always progress

i just find it amusing people here are getting surgeries left and right based on aspie basement theories written by people who never talked to women etc
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If psl was a 100% accurate and looks were a 100% objective there wouldn't be people into midget porn
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incels like number, so they put value to everything
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  • JFL
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This thread is cope

psl measures your attractiveness from a scientific point of view

irl = subjective preferences + psl
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Completely agreed. I think out of the three rating systems, PSL is the easiest defined and also the least useful. It's at its very best when predicting Tinder results because that is the closest environment to what it is actually measuring. But if you try and use it to understand pairings in real life you will be constantly confused.
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The thing is, you can tell who is more beautiful than who even without knowledge, but at what PSL the person actually is start to be a bit complicated, even more at high PSL.
Do not agree
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Completely agreed. I think out of the three rating systems, PSL is the easiest defined and also the least useful. It's at its very best when predicting Tinder results because that is the closest environment to what it is actually measuring. But if you try and use it to understand pairings in real life you will be constantly confused.

Yeah like for Tinder it’s best because Tinder is mostly based on face. Women generally swipe left or right based on the first impression they get when looking at the guys face. However IRL at a bar or a club or whatever it’s totally different.
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Another Circlejerking Thread
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Massive cope.

Just simply say that you can't swallow the blackpill.
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Massive cope.

Just simply say that you can't swallow the blackpill.
Tuesday at 10:52 AM
Tuesday at 10:52 AM
Tuesday at 10:52 AM

Extreme legit
PSL incel put a random number as a rating and when i point that something like tinder matches is 10x more objective indicator, they just lol
Your rating is literally this -

1. How females threat you IRL, attention from females, dating life quality, assuming u are a regular guy
2. Quality of tinder matches and how well u do on dating sites with photo of a face

3. How well people threat you, if they want to be around you, ability to make friends maybe

How low iq u must be thinking rating from some random incels here has some more value than things above
I observed some ratings of people here and found they were all heavy misplaced, compared to lookism rating, or IRL appeal
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Reactions: LordNorwood, cardiologist, EthnicelAscension and 2 others
Rating is cope, not sure why you guys still care to rate
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PSL should be strictly used analyze facial features, but NOT attractiveness to women
Are you saying that a 4 PSL can slay more than a 7 PSL? This is a whole new level of blue pilled cope.
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  • JFL
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Are you saying that a 4 PSL can slay more than a 7 PSL? This is a whole new level of blue pilled cope.
This sentence alone is a prove that u are an incel 100 percent
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  • JFL
Reactions: MandibularCel, Mediocre Normalfag and Deleted member 2846
I'll watch when the movie comes out
If psl was a 100% accurate and looks were a 100% objective there wouldn't be people into midget porn
simple truth
High iq post, btw what does SMV mean? i have no clue.
PSL = shit

Yes bro just because a bunch of autists think you cheekbone is nice and so on you're a slayer. JFL

the average jock gets much more pussy than your average male model or whatever you call it.

For ratings: Just use the x/10 scale ffs. I cant stand the autism of 8 PSL 4 PSL IS AVG BECAUSE MUH DEVIATION

fuck yourself cunts
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I hate the rules
PSL = shit

Yes bro just because a bunch of autists think you cheekbone is nice and so on you're a slayer. JFL

the average jock gets much more pussy than your average male model or whatever you call it.

For ratings: Just use the x/10 scale ffs. I cant stand the autism of 8 PSL 4 PSL IS AVG BECAUSE MUH DEVIATION

fuck yourself cunts
True it doesnt matter if guys on here think your a slayer but it matters if you actually get women lol
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All that matters is your IRL and SMV score. PSL should only be used to analyze faces based on male’s tendencies and attractive faces... come to think of it, that’s what PSL does.

PSL is a very lose term, no one actually means that PSL rates mean. Everyone has their own slight variation on how they rate. It’s subjectively objective. We hone in on 1 agreed aspect which is face, but not everyone rates just face. We rate other things like height, race, skin color, etc along with face because we may just subconsciously coping even before the rate we think of comes into our heads. Attraction is based on a fraction of a second for everyone, but when you stop and think about it, you come to other conclusions which we don’t even consciously do, like we add on height, race, past people that may have looked similar to the ratee. All this is done in a fraction of a second, which is what women do, but we sort of “zoom in” into what the nitty gritty and when we stop and think, we start to hesitate (like @cocainecowboy pointed here on my “which guy? thread) on the guy.

Not to mention that these photos we are rating. We are not rating them IRL, but over photos (and the rare video) through a camera phone lens through your computer screen.

Attraction is not black and white like PSL makes it out to be. Height, pheno, skin color, hair, face, frame, body are all taken into consideration for a women to find you attractive or not. Not just your “PSL” rating. However, PSL is very good at finding what the most women find attractive and WHY, but if you fall into the 2.5-6.5PSL range, women will have all types of biases and preferences.

Like I said, PSL should be strictly used analyze facial features, but NOT attractiveness to women. We will never know what women truly like and the harder you look for the answer, the more delusional you will become.

Thread inspired by @LordNorwood
Mentions: @cocainecowboy @Titbot @KEy21 @FatJattMofo @LordNorwood @ArabIncel @Dyorotic2 @OwlGod @tincelw @Deliciadecu @Gudru @chadpreetinthemaking @BigBoy
good thread
High iq post, btw what does SMV mean? i have no clue.
SMV = Sexual Market Value
Is there a 'scale' of sorts or 'rating' for irl and smv? Wasnt psl technically supposed to measure irl at least facially?
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  • +1
Reactions: BigChinHispanic
imo the problem with psl is it completely overlooks peoples personal preferences, just because some features are attractive in terms of psl doesn't mean that people irl will find those features attractive and vice versa
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so can i fuck or not?
the average jock gets much more pussy than your average male model or whatever you call it
Still would choose MM over jock any day. Top-tier MMs like Elias de Poot or Taylor Fuchs would have more appeal and turn more heads. Girls would reminisce about that "super hot" guy they saw the other day while the average jock is forgotten about.
  • +1
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Still would choose MM over jock any day. Top-tier MMs like Elias de Poot or Taylor Fuchs would have more appeal and turn more heads. Girls would reminisce about that "super hot" guy they saw the other day while the average jock is forgotten about.
you are comparing a top tier MM to an average jock lol. you need to compare top tier to top tier and you would have lots of status as an athlete
you are comparing a top tier MM to an average jock lol. you need to compare top tier to top tier and you would have lots of status as an athlete
Good point. Still would choose top-tier MM over top-tier jock. Getting paid to wear clothes and socialize with other models... imagine.
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Reactions: EthnicelAscension
If psl was a 100% accurate and looks were a 100% objective there wouldn't be people into midget porn

99% of people that enjoy midget porn are men. Women don't get turned on by that shit. C'mon bro, THINK.

But yeah. PSL to an extent is just autistic mental masturbation.
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Reactions: EthnicelAscension, Deleted member 2846 and Deleted member 685
This thread is mostly cope,
PSL ratings are based on what features you have and what you don’t have that are deemed to be good and bad by PSL. PSL’s standards are very accurate on how real life females perceive attractiveness to these traits.

PSL ratings are given and based on features like vertically narrow eyes, well developed maxilla, proper jaw growth, high set cheekbones, facial ratios, etc, all features that females will find attractive IRL

All features that woman IRL will find attractive, PSL acknowledges, its a load of horseshit to say the history of PSL knowledge on looks is thrown out the window and that woman have their own “IRL scale” that completely defies all the stardards and knowledge has been found in the past few years.

Obviously this isn’t black and white,
PSL wanks off to hooded eyes and extremely wide and square jaws and chins where IRL these may not be the personal ideal of some females, but they are still going to be close to it even if it’s not ideal to them

PSL rating is DIRECTLY correlated to how attractive you are to woman, given there isn’t an extreme outliar in your height or frame or some other factor.
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Reactions: Deleted member 3195 and EthnicelAscension
This sentence alone is a prove that u are an incel 100 percent
So. Yet another incel forum has been infiltrated by validation-hungry normies who think they're the center of the universe. Thus "incel" has become an insult here thanks to these faggots. You're essentially going around showing off 20 dollar bills to homeless people to prove your wealth. Get out you pathetic roach.
All that matters is your IRL and SMV score. PSL should only be used to analyze faces based on male’s tendencies and attractive faces... come to think of it, that’s what PSL does.

PSL is a very lose term, no one actually means that PSL rates mean. Everyone has their own slight variation on how they rate. It’s subjectively objective. We hone in on 1 agreed aspect which is face, but not everyone rates just face. We rate other things like height, race, skin color, etc along with face because we may just subconsciously coping even before the rate we think of comes into our heads. Attraction is based on a fraction of a second for everyone, but when you stop and think about it, you come to other conclusions which we don’t even consciously do, like we add on height, race, past people that may have looked similar to the ratee. All this is done in a fraction of a second, which is what women do, but we sort of “zoom in” into what the nitty gritty and when we stop and think, we start to hesitate (like @cocainecowboy pointed here on my “which guy? thread) on the guy.

Not to mention that these photos we are rating. We are not rating them IRL, but over photos (and the rare video) through a camera phone lens through your computer screen.

Attraction is not black and white like PSL makes it out to be. Height, pheno, skin color, hair, face, frame, body are all taken into consideration for a women to find you attractive or not. Not just your “PSL” rating. However, PSL is very good at finding what the most women find attractive and WHY, but if you fall into the 2.5-6.5PSL range, women will have all types of biases and preferences.

Like I said, PSL should be strictly used analyze facial features, but NOT attractiveness to women. We will never know what women truly like and the harder you look for the answer, the more delusional you will become.

Thread inspired by @LordNorwood
Mentions: @cocainecowboy @Titbot @KEy21 @FatJattMofo @LordNorwood @ArabIncel @Dyorotic2 @OwlGod @tincelw @Deliciadecu @Gudru @chadpreetinthemaking @BigBoy

Before i begin i will define terms that's the best way to have a conversation .

PSL is the measure of a persons aesthetic value.

This is ultimately subjective often down to the system in power and region of the world.

For instance the white populations perfer antes


However in some system like the east asian's

They perfer flatter faces for women


Beauty is a subjective thing and what is beautiful is down to what system is in charge.

SMV is the measure of your sexual value overall that is not psl itself but rather other stuff height wealth frame stuff life this this will increase smv but psl doesn't change.

PSL is very useful if you want to measure someones aesthetic appeal over all smv is how quick 1 can get a shag.

Both are important but they serve their own purpose for each intended thing but both are very much so subjective the very fact 1 has different beauty ideals is some what proof of this.

So to get accuracy in the western one you are looking for antes faces with good facial projection and typical western features for eastern ones the tendency or preference is for feminine faces.

It's not cope and it is measurable but what is beautiful changes with the system.
Sexual attraction is objective

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