Why Tinder isn't reality



Oct 24, 2020
Tinder is not reality and I'll explain why with a stock market analogy, but I'll also explain why it still sucks.

When you are an investor in the stock market you're constantly analysing new opportunities to make money. You have an unending list of assets to examine and thus you are very picky and invest your limited supply of money (even a billion is "limited", they're just managing with bigger stakes) in a limited amount of high-return assets.
So you end up with investors who are mostly uneducated about the domain in which they're investing ; you have finance sharks investing in development studios, or furniture companies, etc. They're investing based on perceived signals of value ; stock index, index variations in the past, etc. But they don't know or give a shit about the fundamentals of the company they're putting money into ; do they make good games that will allow them to last, do they have a good logistic system for their furniture, etc. They don't have the time to dig into that. The stock market is completely disjointed from the real economy because there's a constant influx of new assets to buy.

It's the same with Tinder. You have investors (Tinder sluts) constantly analysing new opportunities to maximise their pleasure. They have an unending list of men (assets) to examine with a limited supply of time and thus are very picky. Swipe left = next asset, swipe right = buy offer.
These Tinder sluts are mostly uneducated investors regarding what would constitute a man with high return for them, so they have to rely on perceived signals of value : looks, NTness, etc. They don't have the time to meet up with every single dude to assess his true worth so they have to rely on those superficial signals. And same as with the stock market, you constantly have new assets (new men) to examine, so it keeps the girl in a state where she holds up for the next very good opportunity.

Both Tinder and the stock market are heavily inflated because you have a lot of speculation. Every investor rushes to assets with high perceived value and wants to secure it (stock = taking majority shares of it, tinder = getting commitment). But since it's so desired you have to battle with a lot of competitors (other girls who want Chad) while there could be other assets with lesser perceived signals but better fundamentals waiting around. Thus why the Chad phenomenon is so exacerbated on Tinder.

But it isn't reality, as isn't the stock market regarding the real economy. It's a flawed economic layer where investors speculate and new assets come in faster than old assets come out. Unless you can market a product with very good perceived signals of value, in which case investors will line up for it, then you're probably losing time. If you're not very good-looking, and do not have the possibility to show excellent perceived signals on Tinder, then you're better off not trying. If you are, then jackpot.

Girls you meet IRL will instead analyse your fundamentals much more. Is he reliable, will he weather my emotional storm, is he masculine enough in his demeanour, etc. IRL compatibility is a thing. Looks are still potent because it shows value, but it's nowhere as important as it is on Tinder. If anything unless it's very low (<3PSL) then it's probably not a failo enough to warrant inceldom on its own.

The downside is that girls who become investors (join Tinder or something of the sort) :
1) probably have a spoiled personality because they're prone to excessively rely on perceived signals
2) will become very hypergamous regarding those perceived signals even in real life because the stock market (Tinder) makes them think there's much better assets out there for her (because they equate perceived signals with fundamentals).
But rest assured that not all girls become investors.
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That's also why i cage when i see "theories" about SMV and races or whatever made UPON TINDER statistics.
it's like taking diseaseful rats instead of healthy ones to do experiments.
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I mean yeah i agree with your cope, you can think of it as shopping online versus in retail, too. If you go to a shop with the intention of buying something, you're limited to what's available and you've already decided on a purchase in your head. USually you end up walking away with something whereas online with all the options you can just research endlessly.

So there is definitely an element of advantage in IRL where the girl is tricked somewhat into believing that you're a good option simply because you're in front of her making moves and you're attractive to her

whereas online there's no such forced bias and in contrast, infinite option so hypergamy goes out of control

we also know that a lot of women simply don't do tinder but...
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I mean yeah i agree with your cope, you can think of it as shopping online versus in retail, too. If you go to a shop with the intention of buying something, you're limited to what's available and you've already decided on a purchase in your head. USually you end up walking away with something whereas online with all the options you can just research endlessly.

So there is definitely an element of advantage in IRL where the girl is tricked somewhat into believing that you're a good option simply because you're in front of her making moves and you're attractive to her

whereas online there's no such forced bias and in contrast, infinite option so hypergamy goes out of control

we also know that a lot of women simply don't do tinder but...
I feel like there should a argument against my point in your post jfl but there isn't
Tinder definitely engenders the paradox of choice
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Tinder IS real life
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So you saying on a app based solely on pictures, being good looking matter more because you ain't gonna meet them in person ?(no shit sherlock) I've been into slaying for like 4-5 years and got decent amount of slays from both irl and tinder. I've learned that actually being above average in looks + above average in NTness(able to have a proper conversation while not being a average boing guy) will get you really good results. Both have + and - sides.
positive- very time friendly, easy, fast, you know girl is attracted when you go on a date, a lot of new prospects, more for lazy guys.
down sides are- competition is way higher, quality is gonna take a small dip for certain, maybe don't look as good as on the pictures, attention whores, catfishes, almost impossible to slay above your SMV (looksmatch, statusmatch etc).

Real life(clubs, throgh friends, etc)-
positve - you can pick a girl to talk to after you see how she looks in person, talking to a new girl in person with decent skills(ntness) will rise you above 80% of guys just like that, girls don't have that much prospects as tinder girls, more fun, can get results faster going from 0-100. Your good sides like fashion, confidence, good looks etc will come even more into play while in real life, usually you can get more quality girls way easier if you know what you doing because way less competition, Able to get lucky and slay something way above your looksmatch.
Downsides- way more time consuming and frustrating, maybe she has a boyfriend, you are not her type, she busy, she just there to party, maybe not looking for anything.

Problem is that these days most girls have Instagram and have a ton of prospects which is making them hypergamus, they have a ton of good looking guys hitting them up in their DMs. Also they see all this goodlooking guys in their city on Social media platform. It is becoming way more difficult if you don't have your shit together(good social media site, status, decent people skills etc, looksmax).
I have friends who date way above their looksmatch but they are getting cucked hard and being a little slave to her, only know a few that are dating above their looksmax that have a decent relationship(they are old slayers with heaps of experience).
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So you saying on a app based solely on pictures, being good looking matter more because you ain't gonna meet them in person ?(no shit sherlock) I've been into slaying for like 4-5 years and got decent amount of slays from both irl and tinder. I've learned that actually being above average in looks + above average in NTness(able to have a proper conversation while not being a average boing guy) will get you really good results. Both have + and - sides.
positive- very time friendly, easy, fast, you know girl is attracted when you go on a date, a lot of new prospects, more for lazy guys.
down sides are- competition is way higher, quality is gonna take a small dip for certain, maybe don't look as good as on the pictures, attention whores, catfishes, almost impossible to slay above your SMV (looksmatch, statusmatch etc).

Real life(clubs, throgh friends, etc)-
positve - you can pick a girl to talk to after you see how she looks in person, talking to a new girl in person with decent skills(ntness) will rise you above 80% of guys just like that, girls don't have that much prospects as tinder girls, more fun, can get results faster going from 0-100. Your good sides like fashion, confidence, good looks etc will come even more into play while in real life, usually you can get more quality girls way easier if you know what you doing because way less competition, Able to get lucky and slay something way above your looksmatch.
Downsides- way more time consuming and frustrating, maybe she has a boyfriend, you are not her type, she busy, she just there to party, maybe not looking for anything.

Problem is that these days most girls have Instagram and have a ton of prospects which is making them hypergamus, they have a ton of good looking guys hitting them up in their DMs. Also they see all this goodlooking guys in their city on Social media platform. It is becoming way more difficult if you don't have your shit together(good social media site, status, decent people skills etc, looksmax).
I have friends who date way above their looksmatch but they are getting cucked hard and being a little slave to her, only know a few that are dating above their looksmax that have a decent relationship(they are old slayers with heaps of experience).
Thanks for the effort bro I'll give you that. Useful reflexions btw. What I say isn't water for everybody though, it is for you and me but a lot of people need to be explained why in economic (autistic) terms why Tinder isn't real life. When you see countless threads based upon Tinder statistics you know some people can hardly make the difference. This is probably because most guys here barely leave their place (me included tbh) and so consider Tinder as their only viable dating option.

Instagram is a middle-of-the-way problem because girls here aren't active "investors" as with Tinder. It still sucks, and Instagram is more used than Tinder, so there's that, but it's not as bad for the girl's hypergamous drive. To keep the analogy, Instagram is like index-based funds & trusts. You put your money there (create an account, maintain it somewhat, use it for friends) and get some returns. It doesn't inflate the market as much but in both cases (stock market & Instagram) it can be more destructive than anything else. We're not there yet thankfully.
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tinder isn’t real life but unfortunately every girl knows they can get chads for ONS💔

there is truly no greater tragedy than to be born with sub par genetics
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Also making a thread on this soon. Glad to see another based user. A lot of these guys here only use online datings apps and use that as their SMV indicator not understanding Tinder's algorithm is made for men TO FAIL in general.

Guys like @Amnesia of course can only use tinder, never have to approach, go to social events and get plenty of lays in a year. The majority of us here HAVE TO go out and use all types of sourcing (bars,clubs,parties,social events)
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tinder isn’t real life but unfortunately every girl knows they can get chads for ONS💔

there is truly no greater tragedy than to be born with sub par genetics
The majority of them truly doesn't. Only on Tinder will a 4PSL girl be able to get fucked by Chad. On Instagram, which is middle of the road between Tinder and IRL, average girls don't expect to get Chad, though they can be bitter because they are exposed to him. IRL average girls don't expect to get Chad. I've met some girls over the year and while bitches definitely be hypergamous they didn't feel entitled to Chad. Only on Tinder because they are active investors, and some Chads actually respond to their offers there.
Also making a thread on this soon. Glad to see another based user. A lot of these guys here only use online datings apps and use that as their SMV indicator not understanding Tinder's algorithm is made for men TO FAIL in general.

Guys like @Amnesia of course can only use tinder, never have to approach, go to social events and get plenty of lays in a year. The majority of us here HAVE TO go out and use all types of sourcing (bars,clubs,parties,social events)
Yes on top of the fucked up economics Tinder is made to make men pay (unfortunately paying is a bad strategy because it doesn't improve your signals, only your visibility, it's like having a boring average company stock put 24h on the front of the stock exchange main page)
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Most guys problems here is not their psl, heigh or race its the part that they are autistic who can't hold a normal conversation with a femoid. A average guy with enough new prospects will get laid eventually but a hot guy who can't even talk to a girl and stays home and plays video games all day without giving enough effort on tinder or anywhere in dating is not gonna get laid. I did and do so much better( better quality and quantity) than some of my better looking, higher smv friends that its crazy but i put in way more effort in all parts of slaying, most guys are either too lazy or cba to put the work in. One of my friend who slayed the best girls i've seen told me: everybody sees the results but nobody sees how many rejections, how many fuck ups, how many ugly girls, how many easy slays i lost because i fucked up, how much effort was to get to this lvl. And only now i know how hard it is. Most guys don't have what it takes. But i'm happy about it because that means less competition and more pussy for me ;)))
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Most guys problems here is not their psl, heigh or race its the part that they are autistic who can't hold a normal conversation with a femoid. A average guy with enough new prospects will get laid eventually but a hot guy who can't even talk to a girl and stays home and plays video games all day without giving enough effort on tinder or anywhere in dating is not gonna get laid. I did and do so much better( better quality and quantity) than some of my better looking, higher smv friends that its crazy but i put in way more effort in all parts of slaying, most guys are either too lazy or cba to put the work in. One of my friend who slayed the best girls i've seen told me: everybody sees the results but nobody sees how many rejections, how many fuck ups, how many ugly girls, how many easy slays i lost because i fucked up, how much effort was to get to this lvl. And only now i know how hard it is. Most guys don't have what it takes. But i'm happy about it because that means less competition and more pussy for me ;)))
Basically redpill advice but it only works starting at high tier normie. If you're dead average then yeah you'll get laid but the bitch will be the one in control because you can't pull off redpill tricks properly
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everybody sees the results but nobody sees how many rejections, how many fuck ups, how many ugly girls, how many easy slays i lost because i fucked up, how much effort was to get to this lvl
THIS. This is what true slayers go through
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Basically redpill advice but it only works starting at high tier normie. If you're dead average then yeah you'll get laid but the bitch will be the one in control because you can't pull off redpill tricks properly

Well honestly if you are below average/average and put in some work into your status/looks/nt you will easy beat 80% of guys. 3 years of looksmax, gymmax, statusmax and nt max will put you above 80% of your peers. For me it took like 2 years of trial and error while listening to good advice to go from 4-5/10 irl to 8-9/10 irl (thats my opinion on stats, maybe im wrong). I do think i had good starting point but i upgraded myself in lookswise for sure 2 points, NT wise a ton and everything else a ton.
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You could take online ads and IRL salesmen as an example.

The formers require to be excruciantly striking to potentially gain a new user's attention, while shilling something face-to-face in real life is a lot more easier.
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Keep coping

Tinder is real life
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Well honestly if you are below average/average and put in some work into your status/looks/nt you will easy beat 80% of guys. 3 years of looksmax, gymmax, statusmax and nt max will put you above 80% of your peers. For me it took like 2 years of trial and error while listening to good advice to go from 4-5/10 irl to 8-9/10 irl (thats my opinion on stats, maybe im wrong). I do think i had good starting point but i upgraded myself in lookswise for sure 2 points, NT wise a ton and everything else a ton.
Agreed but I don't think you went form 4-5 to 8-9 seems too much. If you're average putting effort actually puts you well above the rest of course though.
You could take online ads and IRL salesmen as an example.

The formers require to be excruciantly striking to potentially gain a new user's attention, while shilling something face-to-face in real life is a lot more easier.
Yes that's good too
Some quick facts about Tinder:

-user base is overwhelmingly male, the odds are stacked against you. This is like expecting to win the jackpot every time you touch the slots. It ain’t gonna happen, bud that’s how the game makes money. This should be obvious

-the quality of bitches you will meet on Tinder are low. Even if they are physically attractive, the majority of them are gonna be hypergamous sluts of the highest degree. That’s why they are on Tinder. So of course when instamaxxed roided fraud monkey rolls around, they will jump ship like you never existed.

-Tinder is part of the big tech monster that is currently waging war against the nuclear family structure. It cleverly leverages women’s hypergamous nature to sap poor beta’s out of their money and create a generation of broken sluts who don’t have the ability to pair bond. It is what it is.

Approach bitches in real life. Be extremely attractive(that’s the only reason you should be on this site)
Gain status
Become rich
Quit being such a fucking pussy.
Hope this helps.
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just buy clitcoin bro
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Basically redpill advice but it only works starting at high tier normie. If you're dead average then yeah you'll get laid but the bitch will be the one in control because you can't pull off redpill tricks properly
Redpill advice works but the uglier you are the more game you need.

You can do well if your below average, but you need such good game on the level of a pimp. Look at pimps, many of them are ugly and they are the biggest slayers strictly speaking (get the most respect and submissiveness out of women, the most worship).

You also stand out WAY more by having extreme game, than you do being good looking. Say 3 in 100 guys are good looking, less than 1 in 1000 men have game on the level of a pimp.
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Redpill advice works but the uglier you are the more game you need.

You can do well if your below average, but you need such good game on the level of a pimp. Look at pimps, many of them are ugly and they are the biggest slayers strictly speaking (get the most respect and submissiveness out of women, the most worship).

You also stand out WAY more by having extreme game, than you do being good looking. Say 3 in 100 guys are good looking, less than 1 in 1000 men have game on the level of a pimp.
Is game that important really? You have vids of those ugly pimps?
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Tinder is not reality and I'll explain why with a stock market analogy, but I'll also explain why it still sucks.

When you are an investor in the stock market you're constantly analysing new opportunities to make money. You have an unending list of assets to examine and thus you are very picky and invest your limited supply of money (even a billion is "limited", they're just managing with bigger stakes) in a limited amount of high-return assets.
So you end up with investors who are mostly uneducated about the domain in which they're investing ; you have finance sharks investing in development studios, or furniture companies, etc. They're investing based on perceived signals of value ; stock index, index variations in the past, etc. But they don't know or give a shit about the fundamentals of the company they're putting money into ; do they make good games that will allow them to last, do they have a good logistic system for their furniture, etc. They don't have the time to dig into that. The stock market is completely disjointed from the real economy because there's a constant influx of new assets to buy.

It's the same with Tinder. You have investors (Tinder sluts) constantly analysing new opportunities to maximise their pleasure. They have an unending list of men (assets) to examine with a limited supply of time and thus are very picky. Swipe left = next asset, swipe right = buy offer.
These Tinder sluts are mostly uneducated investors regarding what would constitute a man with high return for them, so they have to rely on perceived signals of value : looks, NTness, etc. They don't have the time to meet up with every single dude to assess his true worth so they have to rely on those superficial signals. And same as with the stock market, you constantly have new assets (new men) to examine, so it keeps the girl in a state where she holds up for the next very good opportunity.

Both Tinder and the stock market are heavily inflated because you have a lot of speculation. Every investor rushes to assets with high perceived value and wants to secure it (stock = taking majority shares of it, tinder = getting commitment). But since it's so desired you have to battle with a lot of competitors (other girls who want Chad) while there could be other assets with lesser perceived signals but better fundamentals waiting around. Thus why the Chad phenomenon is so exacerbated on Tinder.

But it isn't reality, as isn't the stock market regarding the real economy. It's a flawed economic layer where investors speculate and new assets come in faster than old assets come out. Unless you can market a product with very good perceived signals of value, in which case investors will line up for it, then you're probably losing time. If you're not very good-looking, and do not have the possibility to show excellent perceived signals on Tinder, then you're better off not trying. If you are, then jackpot.

Girls you meet IRL will instead analyse your fundamentals much more. Is he reliable, will he weather my emotional storm, is he masculine enough in his demeanour, etc. IRL compatibility is a thing. Looks are still potent because it shows value, but it's nowhere as important as it is on Tinder. If anything unless it's very low (<3PSL) then it's probably not a failo enough to warrant inceldom on its own.

The downside is that girls who become investors (join Tinder or something of the sort) :
1) probably have a spoiled personality because they're prone to excessively rely on perceived signals
2) will become very hypergamous regarding those perceived signals even in real life because the stock market (Tinder) makes them think there's much better assets out there for her (because they equate perceived signals with fundamentals).
But rest assured that not all girls become investors.

Interesting theory. So tinder is the stock market & we're on the precipice of the equivalent "Great Depression"?
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Redpill advice works but the uglier you are the more game you need.

You can do well if your below average, but you need such good game on the level of a pimp. Look at pimps, many of them are ugly and they are the biggest slayers strictly speaking (get the most respect and submissiveness out of women, the most worship).

You also stand out WAY more by having extreme game, than you do being good looking. Say 3 in 100 guys are good looking, less than 1 in 1000 men have game on the level of a pimp.
an ugly pimp = harassment... dont get it twisted, you need a minimum of good looks to "game" at least a 5/10irl
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an ugly pimp = harassment... dont get it twisted, you need a minimum of good looks to "game" at least a 5/10irl
Look at the vids i posted above. They are pimps who were successful in spite of their ugliness.

Look at Putin, he has more sex appeal than random good looking guys, despite being short and kinda ugly. Its because he is status maxxed and has dominant energy and leader personality. He would make an excellent pimp if he wasnt so busy running Russia.
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were not in the 70's where gullible new women with daddy issues went to new big cities for a better furure bro
Women nature is timeless, if u understand game u know that pimpong is a direct attack. On femald nature.

Daddy issues has nothing to do with it, thats a silly cope thats unproven, complete vaginal word. Never forget that psychology as its taught is NOT a hard science, and is dominated by females (tells u all u need to know about its validity, just like gender studies or sociology degrees, full of vaginal disconnected from reality shit).
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Look at the vids i posted above. They are pimps who were successful in spite of their ugliness.

Look at Putin, he has more sex appeal than random good looking guys, despite being short and kinda ugly. Its because he is status maxxed and has dominant energy and leader personality. He would make an excellent pimp if he wasnt so busy running Russia.
youre talking about a leader of a nuclear nation please stop. COPE
for regular people you need to have a minimum of looks to make a womans pussy wet you cant fight this
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Redpill advice works but the uglier you are the more game you need.

You can do well if your below average, but you need such good game on the level of a pimp. Look at pimps, many of them are ugly and they are the biggest slayers strictly speaking (get the most respect and submissiveness out of women, the most worship).

You also stand out WAY more by having extreme game, than you do being good looking. Say 3 in 100 guys are good looking, less than 1 in 1000 men have game on the level of a pimp.
Interesting but redpilled post, your kind is a dying breed. Diehard PUAs barely exist anymore. i tip my fedora to you sir, may you never be consoomed by the blackpill.
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youre talking about a leader of a nuclear nation please stop. COPE
for regular people you need to have a minimum of looks to make a womans pussy wet you cant fight this
Women desire leadership more than anybody. Its those traits Putin has that would translate so well to pimping.
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Interesting but redpilled post, your kind is a dying breed. Diehard PUAs barely exist anymore. i tip my fedora to you sir, may you never be consoomed by the blackpill.
I was blackpilled hardcore for 6 years, but eventually saw too much proof of 'RedPill'

The problem is thay redpill is full of 'fake alpha' types who have no game themselves, but larroting what theyve heard without truly understanding it.

The advocates for 'RedPill' are terrible, the pimps do a much better job of making the case than any PUA frauds do. Thats why blackpills winning, and had my mind for so long too.

Patrice O'Neal (The Black Phillip Show) was the guy who snapped me out of the blackpill hypnosis, again because he had legit game and proved it first hand, through his own energy and not following contrived scripts.
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Women desire leadership more than anybody
bro we're 2020/21 western woman dont give a single FUCK about muh leadership. what lidership does ex felon jeremy meeks has to offer to the daughter of that british billionaire? NONE.
if we were in 70's youd be absolutely right but now? hell to the mf no
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Patrice O'Neal (The Black Phillip Show)
ive listened to him also and he was right in the "before social media era", maybe you dont understand me, the problem is ig facebook fucking tiktok tinder and all that shit. if you try to run that alpha game on them without having the looks and the preselection, they will dump your mf ass in no time
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ive listened to him also and he was right in the "before social media era", maybe you dont understand me, the problem is ig facebook fucking tiktok tinder and all that shit. if you try to run that alpha game on them without having the looks and the preselection, they will dump your mf ass in no time
This is all false, irl game works even better these days, because the competition is so weak. I said 1/1000 men have the game of a pimp, among millenials its probably 1/10000.

The fact that there is so little leadership or game among guys, makes this pimping even more powerful today than ever before.

Look at women their sexual fantasies, they are becoming more and more extreme (rape and murder fantasies on the rise).

Why is that? Again, because the lack of masculinity is SO extreme, these girls are EXTREMELY THIRSTY for some leadership and game. Again, these are natural needs all women have innately, they cant feel like a women without these needs being met, and thats why women now are more depressed than ever.

A pimp in 2020 has more value than a pimp in 1970s
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This is all false, irl game works even better these days, because the competition is so weak. I said 1/1000 men have the game of a pimp, among millenials its probably 1/10000.

The fact that there is so little leadership or game among guys, makes this pimping even more powerful today than ever before.

Look at women their sexual fantasies, they are becoming more and more extreme (rape and murder fantasies on the rise).

Why is that? Again, because the lack of masculinity is SO extreme, these girls are EXTREMELY THIRSTY for some leadership and game. Again, these are natural needs all women have innately, they cant feel like a women without these needs being met, and thats why women now are more depressed than ever.

A pimp in 2020 has more value than a pimp in 1970s
bro u dont know what youre talking bout, western women are not raised to submit to you. THEY DON'T NEED US at all family culture is none existent anymore in western society, bro they dont give a flying fuck about masculinity but if they need to fuck they will fuck the best genetically gifted male available and keep going with their lives. they dont need you to protect them as the pimps did, they dont need you to buy them nice things since they have good jobs too, the governement is providing and protecting them, again they dont fucking need us.
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bro u dont know what youre talking bout, western women are not raised to submit to you. THEY DON'T NEED US at all family culture is none existent anymore in western society, bro they dont give a flying fuck about masculinity but if they need to fuck they will fuck the best genetically gifted male available and keep going with their lives. they dont need you to protect them as the pimps did, they dont need you to buy them nice things since they have good jobs too, the governement is providing and protecting them, again they dont fucking need us.
You dont understand pimping then bro.

Pimps offer ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, except being her man, and making her feel like a woman. No protection, nothing.

Read this, a pimp explaining how he acted with his hoes.
IMG 20201109 174955

Does this look like protection to you? Its the opposite. Women NEED abuse and control from men, to feep happy in this World. Thats the unchanging psychology of women, its what pimps exploit for money.

And the whored know they're being exploited, but guess what? That just turns them on more. It taps into their masochism even deeper, thats the power men have over women when they realise how psychology weak bitches are, and have the resolve to break them.
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You dont understand pimping then bro.

Pimps offer ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, except being her man, and making her feel like a woman. No protection, nothing.

Read this, a pimp explaining how he acted with his hoes.
View attachment 893470

Does this look like protection to you? Its the opposite. Women NEED abuse and control from men, to feep happy in this World. Thats the unchanging psychology of women, its what pimps exploit for money.

And the whored know they're being exploited, but guess what? That just turns them on more. It taps into their masochism even deeper, thats the power men have over women when they realise how psychology weak bitches are, and have the resolve to break them.
cope, but im open to read it, what book is that?
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iF YOu look at the stastic of Tinder. You can easily know that Tinder is not real life. Most of user are men and minority are women who are not even seeking of relationship. Most guys wants relationship. Most women are looking attention or one nice stand with best looking guy possible.
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cope, but im open to read it, what book is that?
Read Pimp, story of my life by iceberg slim.

That book has a bit more game scattered through it, but its not a how to guide on how to pimp, more an autobiography with a few gems of gold here and there, that reveal female nature on a deeper level than any PUAs can explain or understand.

This book was called the lost interviews with iceberg slim, i read it all and there were only about 7 pages with good game, thats why i suggested the his main book to you.

I took a pic of all 7 pages of game, that were in this book 'lost interviews', ill pm you all pics of the 7 pages
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Interesting theory. So tinder is the stock market & we're on the precipice of the equivalent "Great Depression"?
Well, I didn't talk about it but it can be extended upon. The comparison doesn't hold up as well because a stock crash happens when the market is artificially liquid and inflated. This usually happens because central banks print too much cash and send it into the financial sphere. Then the crash is almost automatic once the market inevitably becomes stops being so liquid. In 1929 it happened because the central banks brutally stopped printing money. Kinda like making someone a heroin addict and then suddenly stop giving him heroine.

In this comparison a Great Depression would happen when currency becomes too liquid and artificially inflated. The currency here is pussy, so for a Great Depression to happen according to the same mechanics girls would have to open their legs up at an insane rate and then stop altogether. The effects would be similar. In a depression, assets prices plummet and the real economy collapses.
In theory if girls were to do as mentioned, pussy would become very common and quickly drop in value (hyperinflation = currency worth less) and then suddenly it becomes very rare and the market doesn't have time to adapt to the new value of the currency, so it crashes the whole economy. The assets' prices would drop severely (= here, men's perceived value measured in pussy) and this would of course leave the dating scene devastated as no one can assess the value of anyone correctly.
The thing is, I don't think online dating is big enough yet to have such an extensive impact on the general dating scene, and what's more pussy isn't a currency as volatile as fiat currency, so it's unlikely that that scenario would happen to begin with.

Realistically though a dating "depression" will probably happen but it won't follow this comparison. Instead it would be like assets leaving the market at a higher rate than new assets come in, eg men will begin leaving the dating scene en masse. I think as men catch up on the trickery this is what will happen, but of course this is debatable and the details can be discussed. This could have several effects. This is long so tell me if you're interested in what those effects could be.
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Tinder usually negatively affects your looks because most people look better in motion. Especially if your body fluidity, voice, dominant personality are strengths for you. A picture can't display that. I've been left swiped by girls, then met them a year or so down the line and took them home quite easily. Not because I changed, but because tinder is bullshit.
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Can't see your videos
EDIT : fixed
This is all false, irl game works even better these days, because the competition is so weak. I said 1/1000 men have the game of a pimp, among millenials its probably 1/10000.

The fact that there is so little leadership or game among guys, makes this pimping even more powerful today than ever before.

Look at women their sexual fantasies, they are becoming more and more extreme (rape and murder fantasies on the rise).

Why is that? Again, because the lack of masculinity is SO extreme, these girls are EXTREMELY THIRSTY for some leadership and game. Again, these are natural needs all women have innately, they cant feel like a women without these needs being met, and thats why women now are more depressed than ever.

A pimp in 2020 has more value than a pimp in 1970s
I think you're right, but maybe a bit too red pilled. The thing is if you don't have any excessive failo and you have something that you're insanely high on (status, looks, game, etc) you will have insane success just because you're exceptional in that one thing. You can be average in anything but if you're 0.01% in any one of those then bingo. Most guys, especially here, will never have the ability to have so insane levels of game that it offsets poor looks.
That being said, once you're above average in looks and maybe in status, having good game gets you higher than a braindead Chad (see Amnesia).
And it's true, women today are THIRSTING for strong, masculine men, obviously in looks, but especially in behaviour. I've seen it first hand time and again. The broken ones (more and more of them) want abusive bad boys, the still sane ones want true men who make them feel like women. A dude with boundaries, self-respect, mental strength, persistance, resilience, etc.
Improving one's game may be more powerful than improving one's looks tbh. Though they usually go hand-in-hand.
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Can't see your videos
EDIT : fixed

I think you're right, but maybe a bit too red pilled. The thing is if you don't have any excessive failo and you have something that you're insanely high on (status, looks, game, etc) you will have insane success just because you're exceptional in that one thing. You can be average in anything but if you're 0.01% in any one of those then bingo. Most guys, especially here, will never have the ability to have so insane levels of game that it offsets poor looks.
That being said, once you're above average in looks and maybe in status, having good game gets you higher than a braindead Chad (see Amnesia).
And it's true, women today are THIRSTING for strong, masculine men, obviously in looks, but especially in behaviour. I've seen it first hand time and again. The broken ones (more and more of them) want abusive bad boys, the still sane ones want true men who make them feel like women. A dude with boundaries, self-respect, mental strength, persistance, resilience, etc.
Improving one's game may be more powerful than improving one's looks tbh. Though they usually go hand-in-hand.

Not to brag but my game has elavated to a pimps level almost, due to studying it so deeply and being a naturally deep thinker.

I am a 5ft7 framecel with a below average face. I havent hit on girls because of covid lockdown, but i have interacted with many and i have no problem making them giggly and give me IOIs, after just talking to them for 1minute. I truly think its easier now than ever before, you can just sense the thirstiness in women, and its like I make their day just talking to them like I do (like a pimp lol), these girls have been only interacting with simps all their lives, even most dads put their daughters on pedestal and show no masculinity (especially modern white dads ngl).

So long as your IQ and social understanding is average or a little above average, you can have a top 1st percentile level game no problem, if you put enough research and thought into it. As well as a little practise. This took me 2 years to reach this level, but i improved quicker in the beginning and then steady improvements after the beginning, much like how gymcelling works.
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bro u dont know what youre talking bout, western women are not raised to submit to you. THEY DON'T NEED US at all family culture is none existent anymore in western society, bro they dont give a flying fuck about masculinity but if they need to fuck they will fuck the best genetically gifted male available and keep going with their lives. they dont need you to protect them as the pimps did, they dont need you to buy them nice things since they have good jobs too, the governement is providing and protecting them, again they dont fucking need us.
Agreed but Why do you even bother eplying to this retarded guy? Muh game muh pimping he is out of touch virgin
  • JFL
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Agreed but Why do you even bother eplying to this retarded guy? Muh game muh pimping he is out of touch virgin
Sei 7909096

She could get any gigaChad of any race, she has all the status and money she needs so there is no need to golddig or statusdig (the guy is less famous and rich than her anyway).

So how does blackpill theory explain why she is with him of all guys? Literally a 10/10 famous prime aged stacy whos rich af. If that guy posted his pics here, he would be told to ropemax.
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Not to brag but my game has elavated to a pimps level almost, due to studying it so deeply and being a naturally deep thinker.

I am a 5ft7 framecel with a below average face. I havent hit on girls because of covid lockdown, but i have interacted with many and i have no problem making them giggly and give me IOIs, after just talking to them for 1minute. I truly think its easier now than ever before, you can just sense the thirstiness in women, and its like I make their day just talking to them like I do (like a pimp lol), these girls have been only interacting with simps all their lives, even most dads put their daughters on pedestal and show no masculinity (especially modern white dads ngl).

So long as your IQ and social understanding is average or a little above average, you can have a top 1st percentile level game no problem, if you put enough research and thought into it. As well as a little practise. This took me 2 years to reach this level, but i improved quicker in the beginning and then steady improvements after the beginning, much like how gymcelling works.
Legit tbh. Though I am a strong high tier normie I'm only 5'8.75 and without having my game I would never have fucked any girl. I had a Becky who would probably have left her boyfriend for me if I asked. I was a virgin until 20 because I always shot myself in the foot so many times not because of looks but because of my behaviour. I did a year in social sciences with mostly females and I got such a bad rep for hitting on so many girls, so many dates and easy girls that I fucked up. But now I'm much more calibrated and mog a lot of guys game-wise and it makes a ton of difference.
It requires a lot of effort tbh and not everybody has the opportunities or will or time for that
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Not to brag but my game has elavated to a pimps level almost, due to studying it so deeply and being a naturally deep thinker.

I am a 5ft7 framecel with a below average face. I havent hit on girls because of covid lockdown, but i have interacted with many and i have no problem making them giggly and give me IOIs, after just talking to them for 1minute. I truly think its easier now than ever before, you can just sense the thirstiness in women, and its like I make their day just talking to them like I do (like a pimp lol), these girls have been only interacting with simps all their lives, even most dads put their daughters on pedestal and show no masculinity (especially modern white dads ngl).

So long as your IQ and social understanding is average or a little above average, you can have a top 1st percentile level game no problem, if you put enough research and thought into it. As well as a little practise. This took me 2 years to reach this level, but i improved quicker in the beginning and then steady improvements after the beginning, much like how gymcelling works.
Btw do you actually disrespect girls? I tease them and treat them like what they are, children, but I don't outright disrespect them. I have trouble imagining what you mean by "pimp"
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