

Sep 10, 2024
There's a saying: you are what you eat. While this may feel like an oversimplification, it's impossible to deny that what we consume plays a crucial role in how we feel, look, and function.
Food is your skincare, food is your supplements. Stop buying into marketing fads and just eat your superfoods.
To maintain gut balance, probiotics and prebiotics should be regular players in your diet. Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods, replenish and support the microbiome, while prebiotics provide the fibre that these bacteria feed on.
Probiotic-rich foods:
Yogurt (look for unsweetened varieties)
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi
Miso and tempeh
Prebiotic-rich foods:
Garlic and onions
Chicory root
An imbalanced gut can lead to inflammation, which in turn, triggers issues like acne and eczema. The gut-skin connection is real. If you've been struggling with unexplained breakouts, redness, or even dullness, healing the gut should be a top priority.
Foods for Gut-Healthy Skin:
Leafy greens: Rich in fibre and antioxidants, reduce inflammation and support digestion.
Berries: High in Vitamin C and polyphenols, berries help protect the skin from oxidative stress.
Fatty fish: Salmon and mackerel are packed with omega-3s, which reduce inflammation in both the gut and skin.
Turmeric: anti-inflammatory helps your gut and skin.
Fibre-rich foods are KEY:
Chia seeds
Beans and legumes
Whole grains
Why? Fibre is a carb that serves as a prebiotic, promoting a healthy microbiome. Rather than being broken down by digestive organs, fibre passes through the body to support healthy bowel movements.
Antioxidants help protect your cells and reduce inflammation throughout the body, keeping both your gut and skin in check Sources of antioxidants:
Vitamin C: citrus, bell peppers, and strawberries.
Vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocado.
Take half your body weight and drink that amount in ounces of water. You hear it everywhere and thats because it's SO important, water is essential for moisturizing the skin and preventing dryness, helping maintain a healthy skin barrier, also great for a healthy gut.
Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods can feed the harmful bacteria in your gut, throwing your microbiome out of balance. Leading to inflammation, which can lead to an unhealthy gut and, over time, more serious health issues.
The bottom line is what you eat matters more than you realise. Eat and drink your skincare.
You can buy every single skincare item on the planet but with an unhealthy gut, eating tons of processed and refined sugars daily nothing will change. Skincare is a fucking scam
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Good thread, most people will still cope with jewcreams jfl
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skincare IS a scam

just take 5mg isotret permadose and chill

i had brutal acne before and i dont get ANY ACNE AT ALL now

and im having 0 SIDES except for slightly dry lips, JFL at anyone scared of isotret, this drug is fucking goated
  • +1
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skincare IS a scam

just take 5mg isotret permadose and chill

i had brutal acne before and i dont get ANY ACNE AT ALL now

and im having 0 SIDES except for slightly dry lips, JFL at anyone scared of isotret, this drug is fucking goated
I might try. I‘m worried it might be too aggressive for my skin but ngas stay hyping it up
There's a fundamental truth about skincare that should always be followed. Sealing moisture.

Basically what you want to do is seal moisture. Fancy skincare products outside medicated skin products are just elaborate ways of pulling and sealing moisture. Humectants are substances that draw water into itself. Occlusives are substances that seal moisture.

Skincare products is all about sealing moisture. For example, the reason you see glycerin in most skincare products is because glycerin pulls moisture from your skin and air. By itself, it would actually dehydrate your skin as the glycerin will pull moisture from your skin only for the glycerin itself to dry out very quickly, leaving your cells worst than before. Skincare products add other things to mitigate this. Which is why 1 small tub of product can have over 30 ingredients, the next brand having 40 different ingredients but the same core function.

The universal standard of skincare routines is basically a occlusive, a humectant, and moisture. Moisture from taking a shower or washing your face, combined with a strategy of sealing that moisture around occlusives and humectants. Meaning, you can reduce your costs greatly by keeping this core essence in your routine. Moisture, then seal.

These are things like, buying very thick occlusives. Vaseline is dirt cheap, as well as jelly's. Some people use Tallow. With occlusives you want to make sure to do it right after a shower or washing your face. Dont even pat your face dry. Since dirty bacteria from towel can also be trapped by occlusives, but most importantly you want that moisture from all of that steam and water.

My hack is to get LANOLIN wax since it acts as both a occlusive and a humectant. It pulls in moisture from the air and keeps it on the skin. Meaning, 1 product on your face after shower. Thats all you need. 1 product. If your not allergic to wool or sheep, this product is basically a gift. Apply dime sized amount then let it unwax itself.

The only product i would recommend other than these cheap occulant of choice (Vaseline/lanolin/beef tallow), is a face steamer. And its the same principle of taking a long hot shower and applying a occulant afterwards. So if you already have lanolin or beef tallow on your skin, you can just steam your face and seal in that moisture without applying more product or having to reshower just to seal in the moisture again.
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  • +1
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There's a fundamental truth about skincare that should always be followed. Sealing moisture.

Basically what you want to do is seal moisture. Fancy skincare products outside medicated skin products are just elaborate ways of pulling and sealing moisture. Humectants are substances that draw water into itself. Occlusives are substances that seal moisture.

Skincare products is all about sealing moisture. For example, the reason you see glycerin in most skincare products is because glycerin pulls moisture from your skin and air. By itself, it would actually dehydrate your skin as the glycerin will pull moisture from your skin only for the glycerin itself to dry out very quickly, leaving your cells worst than before. Skincare products add other things to mitigate this. Which is why 1 small tub of product can have over 30 ingredients, the next brand having 40 different ingredients but the same core function.

The universal standard of skincare routines is basically a occlusive, a humectant, and moisture. Moisture from taking a shower or washing your face, combined with a strategy of sealing that moisture around occlusives and humectants. Meaning, you can reduce your costs greatly by keeping this core essence in your routine. Moisture, then seal.

These are things like, buying very thick occlusives. Vaseline is dirt cheap, as well as jelly's. Some people use Tallow. With occlusives you want to make sure to do it right after a shower or washing your face. Dont even pat your face dry. Since dirty bacteria from towel can also be trapped by occlusives, but most importantly you want that moisture from all of that steam and water.

My hack is to get LANOLIN wax since it acts as both a occlusive and a humectant. It pulls in moisture from the air and keeps it on the skin. Meaning, 1 product on your face after shower. Thats all you need. 1 product. If your not allergic to wool or sheep, this product is basically a gift. Apply dime sized amount then let it unwax itself.

The only product i would recommend other than these cheap occulant of choice (Vaseline/lanolin/beef tallow), is a face steamer. And it’s the same principle of taking a long hot shower and applying a occulant afterwards. So if you already have lanolin or beef tallow on your skin, you can just steam your face and seal in that moisture without applying more product or having to reshower just to seal in the moisture again.
Read every word but u forgot about clogged pores being an issue.
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Water but true
Sadly some people need skincare because of clogged pores:feelswhy:
You are low IQ and incompetent to speak on human nutrition science. Nothing but Jewish propaganda spouted from your mouth.

Humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and fiber are contra-indicated for human metabolic processes. Stop speaking in this area immediately.
  • +1
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horrible thread. Absolutly wrong. Eat meat and only meat which are the only real usable anti oxidant and anti inflammatory without antinutrient ( polyphenols JFL ) and pesticides
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Reactions: Disrupted Gene and Never Get Up
You are low IQ and incompetent to speak on human nutrition science. Nothing but Jewish propaganda spouted from your mouth.

Humans are obligate hyper carnivores. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and fiber are contra-indicated for human metabolic processes. Stop speaking in this area immediately.
Suck my dick
  • +1
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horrible thread. Absolutly wrong. Eat meat and only meat which are the only real usable anti oxidant and anti inflammatory without antinutrient ( polyphenols JFL ) and pesticides
Suck my dick
  • +1
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Dietary collagen might be cope but use of tret+spf mogs
I'm not apologizing ?
Let him rot with his carbohydrates that he thinks is “healthmaxxing” him when in reality it’s killing him. Less competition for me.
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Let him rot with his carbohydrates that he thinks is “healthmaxxing” him when in reality it’s killing him. Less competition for me.
jfl so true, nowadays people are peasants trying to convince themself horse food is good for them
True to an extent, but skincare still does matter, the amount of people who can go on a labrat diet like this can feel like is very low, and unlikely and it’s setting unrealistic standards to dieting, supplements are the way to go but they cant outweigh your shitty habits
99% of skincare is cope.

Only non-copes:
1) retinoids
2) copper peptides
3) spf
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Let him rot with his carbohydrates that he thinks is “healthmaxxing” him when in reality it’s killing him. Less competition for me.

Yea i was flabbergasted by that.

I find it interesting when people say superfood. They are all literally just regular produce recommendations.

Regular plants are not giving the significant boost of nutrition most people think they are. In matter of fact, you could be severely malnourishing yourself. The reason is bioavailability and spectrum.

I was vegan for a long time. Years. I can say that meat has a bunch more residual nutrients and cover a greater amount of macro and micro nutrients than what a plant based diet would cover. Plants have a very specific range of nutrients in high amounts by comparison.

But superfood claims are a larp because they dont talk about bioavailability. Yea, that seed may have insane amounts of calcium or some other niche micro, but the nutrients lipo'd in a piece of meat are far more bioavail than the raw version of a fruit or veggie, as well as just getting more nutrients. So your getting a more stable, and broad range of nutrients eating meat than you are wasting your carbs with bread (essentially zero micronutrients) and veggies (high specific nutrient amount, but various bioavailability's, as well as other issues like sugar, or amount of material needed).

Then to top it off, you can get higher quality meat "farm raised, different animals different diets etc". Its a far better investment

Veggies is best as a micro, unless your doing something very specific with it like juicing. But this will cost hundreds for only a few weeks and not something your doing more than once or twice a year. High quality juicer and only drinking juice from raw veggies for a few days or so. This would saturate your cells and body with nutrients in a way higher concentration for a very prolonged period of time, combined with autophagy and -20+ pounds for a proper reset.
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Yea i was flabergasted by that.

I find it interesting when people say things about superfoods. They are all literally just regular produce recommendations.

Imo, regular plants in most forms are not giving the significant boost of nutrition most people think they are. In matter of fact, you could be severely malnourishing yourself. The reason is bioavailability.

I was vegan for a long time. Years. I can say that meat has a bunch more residual nutrients and cover a greater amount of macro nutrients than what a plant based diet would cover. Plants have a very specific range of nutrients in high amounts by comparison.

But superfood claims are a larp precisely because of this. They dont talk about bioavailability. The nutrients lipo'd in a piece of meat are far more bioavail than the raw version of a fruit or veggie. So your getting a more stable, and broad range of nutrients eating meat than you are wasting your carbs with bread (essentially zero micronutrients) and veggies (high nutrient count, but various bioavailability's, as well as insufficient volume to nutrient count). Veggies is best as a micro, unless your doing something very specific with it like juicing.

High quality juicer and only drinking juice from raw veggies for a few days or so. This would saturate your cells and body with nutrients in a way higher concentration for a very prolonged period of time, combined with autophagy and -20+ pounds for a proper reset.
Fruit and vegetables are not food for humans. We are obligate hyper carnivores.
Fruit and vegetables are not food for humans. We are obligate hyper carnivores.
They are food, otherwise we would not be able to eat them, enjoy them. I wont argue against gods common sense but i still get what you mean.

I think they are food in a sense of medicine. They are supplementary. Thats literally the role. Just like spices (since spices are the same thing). Its common sense kind of. If you have a meal with main dish animal protein, since meat tends to be very broad and cover a wide array of nutrients, eventually you will need some greater amount of micro that the meat isnt touching much. Thats why veggies are supplementary in most national dietary standards. Option like onions, steamed broccoli etc. Since plants nutrient profiled are more specific, less broad and more concentrated, you get synergy and reach a full spectrum nutrient profiles when you combine a small amount of plants with a main profile of animal meat.

If you juice veggies and fruits and only drink that all day for your food for like a week, your getting a very high concentrate of vitamin water. Once again, would only be useful in very specific areas of improvement such as if you wanted to satisfy your micro requirement while those micros are being used to better clean your system though autophagy caused by the juice fast.

If you use a real juicer and not the centrifugal kind, your not eating any of the fibers which are actually the things bad for you, but getting the same nutrients. Things that are inedible simply have harmful compounds. You cant process a meals worthy volume of juice lighter fluid with antifereeze and expect to get anything remotely digestible.

One thing i will agree with op here is probiotics. Self explanatory but kombucha and fermented veggies are the best due to the beneficial acids and microbial matrix that can jump start to your gut after eating heavy meals. But unless your brewing, it is a waste of money retail wise
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They are food, otherwise we would not be able to eat them, enjoy them. I wont argue against gods common sense but i still get what you mean.

I think they are food in a sense of medicine. They are supplementary. Thats literally the role. Just like spices (since spices are the same thing). Its common sense kind of. If you have a meal with main dish animal protein, since meat tends to be very broad and cover a wide array of nutrients, eventually you will need some greater amount of micro that the meat isnt touching much. Thats why veggies are supplementary in most national dietary standards. Option like onions, steamed broccoli etc. Since plants nutrient profiled are more specific, less broad and more concentrated, you get synergy and reach a full spectrum nutrient profiles when you combine a small amount of plants with a main profile of animal meat.

If you juice veggies and fruits and only drink that all day for your food for like a week, your getting a very high concentrate of vitamin water. Once again, would only be useful in very specific areas of improvement such as if you wanted to satisfy your micro requirement while those micros are being used to better clean your system though autophagy caused by the juice fast.

If you use a real juicer and not the centrifugal kind, your not eating any of the fibers which are actually the things bad for you, but getting the same nutrients. Things that are inedible simply have harmful compounds. You cant process a meals worthy volume of juice lighter fluid with antifereeze and expect to get anything remotely digestible.
You are so incorrect that it’s laughable.

You are so incorrect that it’s laughable.


The guy in the video is talking about Randle cycle activation. Basically, its very bad to mix fruits with meats/fats during the same time period. Once again, i agree. This is mainly because of the reactions between those elements.

Also, fruit is very bad for you from a nutrient profile perspective. Almost as if looking at the sugar with modern science is like god telling you to not eat it as much. Its a dessert, one best eaten by itself at a separate time.

Also, none of those fruits are superfoods. The only superfoods are found within vegetable nutrient profiles and proper dosage would only work if you had a juicer which concentrates those nutrients without the indigestible fibers as well as the storage issues that cause oxidization to its oils which turn processed versions more toxic than the taw. Also highlighting that juicing should only be done during a fast where you can avoid that Randle cycle activation, as well as primarily using veggies and not fruits because obviously sugar content.
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The guy in the video is talking about Randle cycle activation. Basically, its very bad to mix fruits with meats/fats during the same time period. Once again, i agree. This is mainly because of the reactions between those elements.

Also, fruit is very bad for you from a nutrient profile perspective. Almost as if looking at the sugar with modern science is like god telling you to not eat it as much. Its a dessert, one best eaten by itself at a separate time.

Also, none of those fruits are superfoods. The only superfoods are found within vegetable nutrient profiles and proper dosage would only work if you had a juicer which concentrates those nutrients without the indigestible fibers as well as the storage issues that cause oxidization to its oils which turn processed versions more toxic than the taw. Also highlighting that juicing should only be done during a fast where you can avoid that Randle cycle activation, as well as primarily using veggies and not fruits because obviously sugar content.
Fruits and vegetables being a “food” is an oxymoron.

Food for humans = muscle meat and associated fats of large ruminant animals

Poison = everything else
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All y‘all can suck my dick I stole ts off twitter
skincare IS a scam

just take 5mg isotret permadose and chill

i had brutal acne before and i dont get ANY ACNE AT ALL now

and im having 0 SIDES except for slightly dry lips, JFL at anyone scared of isotret, this drug is fucking goated
I did Accutane for my severe acne back In the day. it did cure my acne but its been years and now it all comes back IF I eat bullshit foods and live a bad lifestyle. for example recently I have been getting little to no sleep, lots of stress, and have been eating a lot of junk/processed foods unsurprisingly my acne has come back in full force when before this with a healthy lifestyle and diet (evolutionarily consistent) I had maybe 1 pimple a week IF that.

accutane should be an absolute last resort after u have tried correcting diet and lifestyle (id suggest an elimination diet starting with only red meat and water). Some people think accutane damages the skin, stunts growth/puberty causes acne to. become acne scars, etc. in general u should be vert sus of a drug that messes with your bodies balance.

Im 100% certain that If I went back in time and could help my younger self I would have delt with my acne without drugs and without all the side effects which have negative long lasting effects.
skincare IS a scam

just take 5mg isotret permadose and chill

i had brutal acne before and i dont get ANY ACNE AT ALL now

and im having 0 SIDES except for slightly dry lips, JFL at anyone scared of isotret, this drug is fucking goated
miring but with that baby dosage you’re gonna be waiting YEARS until you’ve reached the cumulative exposure needed to permanently lower sebum production
Fruits and vegetables being a “food” is an oxymoron.

Food for humans = muscle meat and associated fats of large ruminant animals

Poison = everything else
why would we be designed to be drawn to poison?

unless your suggesting that all modern fruit is in a sense a form of processed food given that we genetically modified it via breeding like with dogs or cats.... (?)
I did Accutane for my severe acne back In the day. it did cure my acne but its been years and now it all comes back IF I eat bullshit foods and live a bad lifestyle. for example recently I have been getting little to no sleep, lots of stress, and have been eating a lot of junk/processed foods unsurprisingly my acne has come back in full force when before this with a healthy lifestyle and diet (evolutionarily consistent) I had maybe 1 pimple a week IF that.

accutane should be an absolute last resort after u have tried correcting diet and lifestyle (id suggest an elimination diet starting with only red meat and water). Some people think accutane damages the skin, stunts growth/puberty causes acne to. become acne scars, etc. in general u should be vert sus of a drug that messes with your bodies balance.

Im 100% certain that If I went back in time and could help my younger self I would have delt with my acne without drugs and without all the side effects which have negative long lasting effects.
Im experiencing literally 0 sides because of the low dose that i take
There's a saying: you are what you eat. While this may feel like an oversimplification, it's impossible to deny that what we consume plays a crucial role in how we feel, look, and function.
Food is your skincare, food is your supplements. Stop buying into marketing fads and just eat your superfoods.
To maintain gut balance, probiotics and prebiotics should be regular players in your diet. Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria found in fermented foods, replenish and support the microbiome, while prebiotics provide the fibre that these bacteria feed on.
Probiotic-rich foods:
Yogurt (look for unsweetened varieties)
Fermented vegetables like sauerkraut and kimchi
Miso and tempeh
Prebiotic-rich foods:
Garlic and onions
Chicory root
An imbalanced gut can lead to inflammation, which in turn, triggers issues like acne and eczema. The gut-skin connection is real. If you've been struggling with unexplained breakouts, redness, or even dullness, healing the gut should be a top priority.
Foods for Gut-Healthy Skin:
Leafy greens: Rich in fibre and antioxidants, reduce inflammation and support digestion.
Berries: High in Vitamin C and polyphenols, berries help protect the skin from oxidative stress.
Fatty fish: Salmon and mackerel are packed with omega-3s, which reduce inflammation in both the gut and skin.
Turmeric: anti-inflammatory helps your gut and skin.
Fibre-rich foods are KEY:
Chia seeds
Beans and legumes
Whole grains
Why? Fibre is a carb that serves as a prebiotic, promoting a healthy microbiome. Rather than being broken down by digestive organs, fibre passes through the body to support healthy bowel movements.
Antioxidants help protect your cells and reduce inflammation throughout the body, keeping both your gut and skin in check Sources of antioxidants:
Vitamin C: citrus, bell peppers, and strawberries.
Vitamin E: almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocado.
Take half your body weight and drink that amount in ounces of water. You hear it everywhere and thats because it's SO important, water is essential for moisturizing the skin and preventing dryness, helping maintain a healthy skin barrier, also great for a healthy gut.
Refined sugars, artificial sweeteners, and processed foods can feed the harmful bacteria in your gut, throwing your microbiome out of balance. Leading to inflammation, which can lead to an unhealthy gut and, over time, more serious health issues.
The bottom line is what you eat matters more than you realise. Eat and drink your skincare.
You can buy every single skincare item on the planet but with an unhealthy gut, eating tons of processed and refined sugars daily nothing will change. Skincare is a fucking scam
@Never Get Up

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