Why You Should Looksmax (Note: Threads must pertain to Looksmaxxing)


Deleted member 2846

Aug 17, 2019
Why looksmax? Almost every human interaction is looks based.

The most brutal of them all is the Reality Pill.

The Reality Pill is ugly, average, and attractive people will all live in completely different realities. We will all experience life differently. At the end of the day, the ugly people will say “life is suffering” while the attractive people will say “life is what you make of it.”

Social media, Instagram, Snapchat, have all intertwined our realities, so we can see how other people live. We will see the attractive people at parties on the weekend while the rest of us rot at home or hang out with friends. The depression we are seeing nowadays is caused by the realization that we have “different lives.” But these “different lives” can be cut open and dissected.

There are people that were born attractive, tall, rich, into a loving family. They traveled the world with their families at a young age, experiencing a
dozen different countries and cultures by the time they are done with finished with high school. They go onto a private university and graduate with no debt, getting a job that their father had connections with. They will fly around the world, visit friends in different countries, party in Europe, go to the beaches in Australia during their homeland’s winter. They will have validation from dozens of girls a week. They will be happy, healthy, and enjoying life. They don’t have to worry about how they will pay their next utility bill or rent. They don’t have to check their bank account after they went out for dinner with a friend. Their lives will be set; parents setting up multi-million dollar trust funds.

People see this life on a daily basis. They scroll through their Instagram feeds, looking at the travel accounts, looking at the 20-something year old guys who are traveling to a new country every 2 weeks, partying every night, attractive. Then they look at their own life:

They see the bleakness, the averageness. The bland weekends. Every weekend is repetitive. Every work week feels like three days long instead of five. They are trying to pay back the student loans. They wonder why they are so depressed, so bored, so burnt out at 22.

Here lay two completely different realities. We can know see other people’s lives, their reality. We see it is different than ours. We have the power to see their lives, but now we also have the power to make ours better.

Looksmaxxing is the gateway out of averageness. It is guaranteed to make your life better. Improve your looks and you will improve your reality. Your whole world will get better. Girls starting to pay more attention to you, your co-workers showing you more respect, random people start to do things they’ve never done, holding the door open for an extra second, smiling at you as you walk past them.

Looksmaxxing is the only way to make your life better. Think about it. Your life will literally change before your eyes, it’s almost unimaginable. Your goal should be to literally change your reality. You want to have a taste of what it’s like to be born blessed? Looksmax. Looksmax like your live depends on it (because it does). Every overtime hour you work, every rep you, every hour you research your surgery, every time you do your skin routine: it counts.

Life isn’t fair. You need to cheat the system to win if you weren’t born into it. You need to literally invest in yourself to win. The biggest investment is you.

Remember boyos, everything stems from lookism: racism, sexism, bullying, etc. Being good looking surpass it all.
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Too real. Should be motto of the site tbh.
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If you are ugly then life isnt good
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Remember boyos, everything stems from lookism: racism, sexism, bullying, etc. Being good looking surpass it all.
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I pray to god I look my killer in his eyes
Snatch his soul up out that shirt let's take him for that ride
  • JFL
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tbh i feel like all of ur blackpill threads are literally the same
good thread though
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This is the peak of delusion and mental retardation. Saying this stupid shit would mean to say that you are the same person to every person, aslong as you are not hideous you will easily weave your way throughout life, maybe sexless yes. But ucan do anything aslong as you are not straight up bad to look at. Stop saying shit like "every interaction is a blackpill, like people react to people very very differently to the way another person would react to another person. So many variables stfu
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This is the kind of shit that motivates me. I’m literally going to spend $50k if I have to at this point tbh
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  • JFL
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Remember boyos, everything stems from lookism: racism, sexism, bullying, etc. Being good looking surpass it all.
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The benefits of looking better go way way beyond just getting your dick wet. It will make all other aspects of your life better as well
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The benefits of looking better go way way beyond just getting your dick wet. It will make all other aspects of your life better as well
How much did your life improve after looksmaxxing?
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Perma Stick this post please
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My main goal to looksmax is to not get thrown in jail or #Metooed by some bitch. I also want to have sex with +5/10 foids
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The reality is we don't know how good/bad we have it until we realize what we don't have.
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The reality is we don't know how good/bad we have it until we realize what we don't have.

I didn't realize how bad my youth was untill I looksmaxed in my early 20s and was treated as an entirely different type of human being. I always used to think that most people lived an at least somewhat similar life to my subhuman one:
I was able to cope decently with my 'non ideal' childhood. 'Oh people aren't really having much sex and relationships/girls aren't fun at all. 'Oh most people have large difficulties making friends and fitting in. Oh most people are being treated poorly by people they don't know. Most people don't have a supportive social circle. Most people aren't rewarded/praised much for their effort. Getting positive/friendly responses from girls is extremely rare for everyone. etc.'

Now? I feel like I basically got robbed of a normal human experience in the first 20 years of my life. Depression went through the roof.
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Why looksmax? Almost every human interaction is looks based.

The most brutal of them all is the Reality Pill.
100% true. The main reason for my looksmaxing efforts. Reality pill, halo-effect, the game of life on easier mode (instead of more difficult mode)

In action/video. For people that can't read.

Or how having fun when going out difference as a Chad(lite) at the bar vs some black normie man (forget about the panel discussion, it's BS)
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100% true. The main reason for my looksmaxing efforts. Reality pill, halo-effect, the game of life on easier mode (instead of more difficult mode)

In action/video. For people that can't read.

Or how having fun when going out difference as a Chad(lite) at the bar vs some black normie man (forget about the panel discussion, it's BS)

studies with women are always misleading because it’s in men’s nature to help them. i would love to see the results of a 3psl man and a 6psl instead.
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Life isn’t fair. You need to cheat the system to win if you weren’t born into it. You need to literally invest in yourself to win. The biggest investment is you

based and knowledgepilled post

i've added that line to my sig ngl
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studies with women are always misleading because it’s in men’s nature to help them. i would love to see the results of a 3psl man and a 6psl instead.
I don't know conclusive proof of this.
But I think, it to be somewhat similar. To large extend. Maybe the exchange will be different. Like men offer the most valuable thing they can give: resources, time and effort.
And women likely the most valuable thing they can give: sex, emotional support, and nurturing stuff like food making or whatever.

I think it to be pretty similar for men also.
* I read research (the behavior based ones, not the stupid questionnaire ones) and they show that women find looks almost as important as men (and we all know how looks obsessed men are).
* My personal observation in life so far.
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I don't know conclusive proof of this.
But I think, it to be somewhat similar. To large extend. Maybe the exchange will be different. Like men offer the most valuable thing they can give: resources, time and effort.
And women likely the most valuable thing they can give: sex, emotional support, and nurturing stuff like food making or whatever.

I think it to be pretty similar for men also.
* I read research (the behavior based ones, not the stupid questionnaire ones) and they show that women find looks almost as important as men (and we all know how looks obsessed men are).
* My personal observation in life so far.
a man will help a woman with her bags well before he helps another man.
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a man will help a woman with her bags well before he helps another man.
But a random female might help a Chad with his bags also, whereas Mr. Random normie will never get any help from her
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Prime example is that fagget Meeks
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Yes this is true but thinking like this all the time will drive you bonkers. You make a joke and it doesn't land? Must be because you're ugly. You ask some friends to hang out and they don't feel like it? You must have not looked that good last time you hung out. A person ahead of you doesn't hold the door open for you? Ugly. etc.

Life is pretty complex though, I try to think of looks more as a multiplier for your other efforts rather than the sole benchmark. (And it can multiply your efforts by 0.1 for instance if you're ugly, you will get one tenth the rewards an average person would)

Ultimately though I think there's two categories that matter most. Attractive and unattractive. Most people think of looks as a sliding scale, and they are. But in terms of what affects your life most it's whether or not the opposite sex enjoys looking at you and fantasizes about fucking you when they do. If they don't it doesn't really matter tons whether you're a PSL 1 or 4 your life will generally be the same.

It's kind of like money. People think there's all kinds of class levels but ultimately there's two: the working class and those so wealthy they don't have to work. Being a guy who is "not that bad looking really" is kind of like being a doctor... you're doing great... but ultimately you have more in common with the kid flipping burgers at mcdonald's than you do with the heris to fortunes.

This is why the generic bluepilled looksmaxxing advice doesn't work. It's too weak. It's like trying to get rich by asking your boss for a dollar an hour raise. It helps but it doesn't take you out of the shitty category your life is in. You must take drastic action and ASCEND. If you do not make the biggest improvement in your looks out of anyone you know you are probably not going to change your life very much.
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[LolQUOTE="Superking, post: 1227491, member: 1927"]
Yes this is true but thinking like this all the time will drive you bonkers. You make a joke and it doesn't land? Must be because you're ugly. You ask some friends to hang out and they don't feel like it? You must have not looked that good last time you hung out. A person ahead of you doesn't hold the door open for you? Ugly. etc.

Life is pretty complex though, I try to think of looks more as a multiplier for your other efforts rather than the sole benchmark. (And it can multiply your efforts by 0.1 for instance if you're ugly, you will get one tenth the rewards an average person would)

Ultimately though I think there's two categories that matter most. Attractive and unattractive. Most people think of looks as a sliding scale, and they are. But in terms of what affects your life most it's whether or not the opposite sex enjoys looking at you and fantasizes about fucking you when they do. If they don't it doesn't really matter tons whether you're a PSL 1 or 4 your life will generally be the same.

It's kind of like money. People think there's all kinds of class levels but ultimately there's two: the working class and those so wealthy they don't have to work. Being a guy who is "not that bad looking really" is kind of like being a doctor... you're doing great... but ultimately you have more in common with the kid flipping burgers at mcdonald's than you do with the heris to fortunes.

This is why the generic bluepilled looksmaxxing advice doesn't work. It's too weak. It's like trying to get rich by asking your boss for a dollar an hour raise. It helps but it doesn't take you out of the shitty category your life is in. You must take drastic action and ASCEND. If you do not make the biggest improvement in your looks out of anyone you know you are probably not going to change your life very much.
Great post bruh
But 1 and 4 is a hell lot of difference
I was rated 4 And i am more than happy with my looks and i rarely leave club alone..
I dont get any surgeries because i think i wouldnt do significantly better return of investment is not worth it
Shed a tear tbh. Legit post.
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Whitepillers rise up!
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Why looksmax? Almost every human interaction is looks based.

The most brutal of them all is the Reality Pill.

The Reality Pill is ugly, average, and attractive people will all live in completely different realities. We will all experience life differently. At the end of the day, the ugly people will say “life is suffering” while the attractive people will say “life is what you make of it.”

Social media, Instagram, Snapchat, have all intertwined our realities, so we can see how other people live. We will see the attractive people at parties on the weekend while the rest of us rot at home or hang out with friends. The depression we are seeing nowadays is caused by the realization that we have “different lives.” But these “different lives” can be cut open and dissected.

There are people that were born attractive, tall, rich, into a loving family. They traveled the world with their families at a young age, experiencing a
dozen different countries and cultures by the time they are done with finished with high school. They go onto a private university and graduate with no debt, getting a job that their father had connections with. They will fly around the world, visit friends in different countries, party in Europe, go to the beaches in Australia during their homeland’s winter. They will have validation from dozens of girls a week. They will be happy, healthy, and enjoying life. They don’t have to worry about how they will pay their next utility bill or rent. They don’t have to check their bank account after they went out for dinner with a friend. Their lives will be set; parents setting up multi-million dollar trust funds.

People see this life on a daily basis. They scroll through their Instagram feeds, looking at the travel accounts, looking at the 20-something year old guys who are traveling to a new country every 2 weeks, partying every night, attractive. Then they look at their own life:

They see the bleakness, the averageness. The bland weekends. Every weekend is repetitive. Every work week feels like three days long instead of five. They are trying to pay back the student loans. They wonder why they are so depressed, so bored, so burnt out at 22.

Here lay two completely different realities. We can know see other people’s lives, their reality. We see it is different than ours. We have the power to see their lives, but now we also have the power to make ours better.

Looksmaxxing is the gateway out of averageness. It is guaranteed to make your life better. Improve your looks and you will improve your reality. Your whole world will get better. Girls starting to pay more attention to you, your co-workers showing you more respect, random people start to do things they’ve never done, holding the door open for an extra second, smiling at you as you walk past them.

Looksmaxxing is the only way to make your life better. Think about it. Your life will literally change before your eyes, it’s almost unimaginable. Your goal should be to literally change your reality. You want to have a taste of what it’s like to be born blessed? Looksmax. Looksmax like your live depends on it (because it does). Every overtime hour you work, every rep you, every hour you research your surgery, every time you do your skin routine: it counts.

Life isn’t fair. You need to cheat the system to win if you weren’t born into it. You need to literally invest in yourself to win. The biggest investment is you.

Remember boyos, everything stems from lookism: racism, sexism, bullying, etc. Being good looking surpass it all.
I thought you were a NT is everything type of guy
[LolQUOTE="Superking, post: 1227491, member: 1927"]
Yes this is true but thinking like this all the time will drive you bonkers. You make a joke and it doesn't land? Must be because you're ugly. You ask some friends to hang out and they don't feel like it? You must have not looked that good last time you hung out. A person ahead of you doesn't hold the door open for you? Ugly. etc.

Life is pretty complex though, I try to think of looks more as a multiplier for your other efforts rather than the sole benchmark. (And it can multiply your efforts by 0.1 for instance if you're ugly, you will get one tenth the rewards an average person would)

Ultimately though I think there's two categories that matter most. Attractive and unattractive. Most people think of looks as a sliding scale, and they are. But in terms of what affects your life most it's whether or not the opposite sex enjoys looking at you and fantasizes about fucking you when they do. If they don't it doesn't really matter tons whether you're a PSL 1 or 4 your life will generally be the same.

It's kind of like money. People think there's all kinds of class levels but ultimately there's two: the working class and those so wealthy they don't have to work. Being a guy who is "not that bad looking really" is kind of like being a doctor... you're doing great... but ultimately you have more in common with the kid flipping burgers at mcdonald's than you do with the heris to fortunes.

This is why the generic bluepilled looksmaxxing advice doesn't work. It's too weak. It's like trying to get rich by asking your boss for a dollar an hour raise. It helps but it doesn't take you out of the shitty category your life is in. You must take drastic action and ASCEND. If you do not make the biggest improvement in your looks out of anyone you know you are probably not going to change your life very much.
Great post bruh
But 1 and 4 is a hell lot of difference
I was rated 4 And i am more than happy with my looks and i rarely leave club alone..
I dont get any surgeries because i think i wouldnt do significantly better return of investment is not worth it

If you rarely leave the club alone you're a 5.
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Also nice mind changing @cocainecowboy
which post of me do you refer to? or just wanted me to comment on prettyboymaxxings thread vs. new thread?
I agree Looksmaxxing is a healthy and good way of improving yourself which everyone should do but there is a point where it can become bad.
Knowing when to stop is very important otherwise it can end up consuming your entire life or you could end up looking like a plastic Ken doll, at a certain point you should just accept how much you have improved and move on with your life.

Also I don't agree with the social media part, alot of Instagram celebrities fake there lives, they fake going on holidays and going out partying every night to exaggerate how good there life is, it's good to remember this otherwise you can feel like your missing out on a life which nobody is actually living
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Analyze this mind change.
it’s not a “mind change” jfl. i knew someone would point this out. i go from each end of the spectrum, complete blackpill to some bluepill. ofc, not everyone will ascend. not everyone will get a change of reality. some people, some wont.

my opinion lies in the middle of these two posts, with some people being able to ascend and some won’t. now obviously that won’t make a good message for people (as it won’t get good feedback because it’s not black or white like ppl like here).

sure, these posts are obviously some projection, but it resonated with a lot of users here. reality is not black and white. most of my rant-ish posts, however, are black and white, because they are more appealing to the users. the fact is most users here are too old for a reality change. this post was, at the end of the day, meant for users like me (the young, above average users). the guys in their mid 20’s, unless they seriously change, won’t change their reality. it’s ironic because they read this and think they will, but they won’t.

i could write my “grey” opinion, but why would i do that when no one gives a fuck? people here want to hear black or white. no one wants to read an opinion that lies in the middle because it’s not entertaining or stirs up emotion. these post was a “motivational” post for a lot of people, but mostly for myself and it just so happened that it resonated with others.

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Analyze this mind change.
its not necessarily a mind change, just looking at it from different perspectives

there are people who are doing cope looksmaxxes and are completely deluded about themselves and have unrealistic goals or surgeries/ideas for maxxing that won't really change their lives. the old post mainly targets those people

the old post doesnt say despite people here being delusional, that looksmaxxing and increasing looks shouldnt be done.

what prettyboymaxxing said above that it's not so black and white

also the post above explains it too i guess
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OP weren't you saying that getting surgeries is a waste of money and useless for most of all ?
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I agree Looksmaxxing is a healthy and good way of improving yourself which everyone should do but there is a point where it can become bad.
Knowing when to stop is very important otherwise it can end up consuming your entire life or you could end up looking like a plastic Ken doll, at a certain point you should just accept how much you have improved and move on with your life.

Also I don't agree with the social media part, alot of Instagram celebrities fake there lives, they fake going on holidays and going out partying every night to exaggerate how good there life is, it's good to remember this otherwise you can feel like your missing out on a life which nobody is actually living

Good post, utilize surgery to fix flaws and slightly improve what you have but realize more doesn't always equal better.
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At the end of the day, the ugly weak bitches and faggots people will say “life is suffering” while the attractive people will say “life is what you make of it.”
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  • JFL
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Can't looksmax a long midface
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  • Hmm...
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lol posting a just be good looking thread on a looksmaxxing site and people calling you a genius
  • JFL
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lol posting a just be good looking thread on a looksmaxxing site and people calling you a genius

just post a be good looking thread on a lookmaxxing site to become a genius theory
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Why looksmax? Almost every human interaction is looks based.

The most brutal of them all is the Reality Pill.

The Reality Pill is ugly, average, and attractive people will all live in completely different realities. We will all experience life differently. At the end of the day, the ugly people will say “life is suffering” while the attractive people will say “life is what you make of it.”

Social media, Instagram, Snapchat, have all intertwined our realities, so we can see how other people live. We will see the attractive people at parties on the weekend while the rest of us rot at home or hang out with friends. The depression we are seeing nowadays is caused by the realization that we have “different lives.” But these “different lives” can be cut open and dissected.

There are people that were born attractive, tall, rich, into a loving family. They traveled the world with their families at a young age, experiencing a
dozen different countries and cultures by the time they are done with finished with high school. They go onto a private university and graduate with no debt, getting a job that their father had connections with. They will fly around the world, visit friends in different countries, party in Europe, go to the beaches in Australia during their homeland’s winter. They will have validation from dozens of girls a week. They will be happy, healthy, and enjoying life. They don’t have to worry about how they will pay their next utility bill or rent. They don’t have to check their bank account after they went out for dinner with a friend. Their lives will be set; parents setting up multi-million dollar trust funds.

People see this life on a daily basis. They scroll through their Instagram feeds, looking at the travel accounts, looking at the 20-something year old guys who are traveling to a new country every 2 weeks, partying every night, attractive. Then they look at their own life:

They see the bleakness, the averageness. The bland weekends. Every weekend is repetitive. Every work week feels like three days long instead of five. They are trying to pay back the student loans. They wonder why they are so depressed, so bored, so burnt out at 22.

Here lay two completely different realities. We can know see other people’s lives, their reality. We see it is different than ours. We have the power to see their lives, but now we also have the power to make ours better.

Looksmaxxing is the gateway out of averageness. It is guaranteed to make your life better. Improve your looks and you will improve your reality. Your whole world will get better. Girls starting to pay more attention to you, your co-workers showing you more respect, random people start to do things they’ve never done, holding the door open for an extra second, smiling at you as you walk past them.

Looksmaxxing is the only way to make your life better. Think about it. Your life will literally change before your eyes, it’s almost unimaginable. Your goal should be to literally change your reality. You want to have a taste of what it’s like to be born blessed? Looksmax. Looksmax like your live depends on it (because it does). Every overtime hour you work, every rep you, every hour you research your surgery, every time you do your skin routine: it counts.

Life isn’t fair. You need to cheat the system to win if you weren’t born into it. You need to literally invest in yourself to win. The biggest investment is you.

Remember boyos, everything stems from lookism: racism, sexism, bullying, etc. Being good looking surpass it all.

I am making an indepth for my reincarnation or me know depending on weather i am roping or not so it is easy as possible and i'm trying to connect dots in all this shit
Somewhat repetitive but nonetheless high iq post. This is something which needs to be echoed through this site. Very good op 👍.
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Great thread. Looks are the singular most important factor in determining one's quality of life.
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The social circle and peole laughing at jokes are more than legit. I feet it on my own skin.
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This should be perma pinned
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