Why You Shouldn't Masturbate [SCIENTIFIC REASONS]



Fire burning inside
Dec 4, 2021
When you are about to cum, your body extracts heaps of precious proteins, minerals and other goodies from your organs, including the brain. All this is sent into the sperm from the most holy purpose of creating a new human being.

So you masturbate every day, you are constantly leeching important nutrients from your body, zinc for example. You are also depleting your testosterone and other hormones. As the days go by, your brain becomes clouded and more stupid while your organs become weaker and weaker. Sickness await to sprout in your body and alert you of your wrong living. Your eyesight worsens. The hormonal imbalance positions you into becoming easily upset and reactive, like a woman.

The truth is that your sperm is physically full of nutrients, it contains the "creative sex force" or your life force. It is a strong force that makes you vital, shimmering, aware, concentrated. It can be used to rebuild your body, when you stop wasting it. Or more easily, it can be used to materialise all your dreams in the physical world.

See it as like "Willpower fuel" that can make a boy become the chef or the astronaut he always wanted to become. You will become more creative and bright and the extra testosterone will make you "alpha". You get what you want. It is what made little art school rejected Hitler into a man who killed millions of people and almost conquered the world.

When you waste your creative sex force masturbating, you will feel relaxed and nice temporarily. After that, you've got 2-3 days of being more angry, unstable, depressed, under the influence of bad thoughts and generally reactive.

You will feel apathetic and lazy. As your life force replenishes, you will feel more alive and active again. But there are far worse problems than that. Sooner or later, the everyday masturbator will be punished for the misuse of his creative organ with a sickness. Either impotency or bladder cancer. Each time you masturbate, you are lowering your sex force below the spine even, corrupting your mind and becoming more vile.

The more risen your force is, the more you are close to your best version of bhenchod you!

Conversely the more downwards your energy goes, the more you strengthen the satan inside you.

Just start striving to masturbate less and less. Once a week at most. It is okay if you fail again and again and again, and again.

Even if you have a breakdown and do ungodly deeds to yourself 4 days in a row. Just don't stop trying. Remember that deep down, you know that you want more than this and that you don't truly like this. You will realise that it is just the evil influences of you own personal addiction, "demons" that you are fighting, and that you can ignore them and say "No".

You have control over yourself, they want you to think you don't. As long as you don't stop trying, you will be bettering yourself. Strive to calm down your perverse sexuality, then strive to masturbate even less than once a week.

Massage your sexual organ and stimulate it to keep it healthy and away from degenerating. But do not have sexual thoughts while doing it.
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Masturbation, or self-pleasuring, is touching and rubbing parts of your body for sexual pleasure, such as the penis, scrotum, clitoris, vulva, breasts and anus. Masturbation can involve a person exploring their own body, but can also happen between two people (mutual masturbation). If masturbation is occurring between people (mutual masturbation), consent needs to be given and obtained.

Masturbation is a common behaviour that is seen at all ages from childhood, through the teen years and throughout adulthood by people of any gender. It’s a healthy way for people to explore bodies, to find out what feels good sexually, and how to achieve an orgasm.

Sexual pleasure through masturbation can be a very normal part of a person’s sexual experience. How frequent people masturbate is different for each person. It might be several times a day, a week or a month to not masturbating at all. How often a person masturbates is not a problem unless the time spent masturbating is replacing other aspects of a healthy and balanced life – for example school, work, responsibilities, social activities.

Sexual health benefits of masturbation​

Some of the known sexual health benefits of masturbation include:

  • It can release sexual tension and let people explore their sexuality by themselves.
  • It’s a form of sexual activity that’s available to people of all genders, including people in partnered relationships, people who don’t have a partner, people who are not having sex with their partner, or people who are abstaining from sex.
  • It lets people become familiar with their own sexual responses which can help them to communicate their wants and needs to their sexual partner or partners.

General health benefits of masturbation​

Some of the general health benefits of masturbation may include that it:

  • helps in relaxation
  • promotes better sleep
  • promotes the release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (called endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing
  • reduces stress
  • enhances self-esteem and body image.

Myths and taboo around masturbation​

Even though masturbation is a common part of sexuality, some people feel ashamed or embarrassed about masturbation, partly because of outdated myths.

Masturbation has been incorrectly blamed for a range of health problems, including:

  • infertility
  • blindness
  • mental health issues
  • sexual perversion
  • reduced sexual function.

1. Masturbation can help make your pelvic floor stronger.​

Yup, jacking off can really get you—or more specifically, your pelvic floor—jacked. "An orgasm creates a series of muscle contractions in the pelvic floor," Holly Richmond, Ph.D., LMFT, somatic psychologist, certified sex therapist, and K-Y partner, tells mbg. "So essentially, orgasming is like a mini workout for your pelvic floor," she says.
This diamond-shaped group of internal muscles work together to support our pelvic organs, including the vagina, uterus, bladder, and bowels. If the pelvic floor muscles are weak, these organs can literally fall out of place, known as prolapse. Weak pelvic floor muscles are also associated with urinary and bowel incontinence (for instance, leaking every time you sneeze), lower back and pelvic floor pain, discomfort during penetrative sex for vulva owners, and constipation. Masturbating won't heal these things, but it's a great way to help prevent pelvic floor weakness

2. Masturbation can help dull pain.​

Got a headache? Feeling achy from your last CrossFit workout? Try masturbating. "Masturbation can have pain-relieving benefits because orgasming releases dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, the bodies feel-good hormones and neurotransmitters, into the body," Shweta Pai, M.D., urogynecologist and Love Wellness adviser, tells mbg. In fact, one classic study by famous sexologist Beverly Whipple, Ph.D., R.N., found that vaginal stimulation can actually increase someone's pain tolerance threshold by over 40%. Pretty impressive.
The endorphin and hormone release isn't going to heal an injury like a torn muscle, broken bone, or other serious medical issue, but it can help lower your pain sensitivity.

4. Masturbating helps relieve stress.​

During your last pleasurable sexual experience (with or without a partner) you probably weren't thinking about your never-ending to-do list or upcoming presentation. "Sexual pleasure forces us to tune into our body's reactions to pleasure, rather than staying in our head where it's easy to be preoccupied and stressed," says Richmond. And masturbating definitely counts as sexual pleasure.
If the solo session includes an orgasm, there's additional stress-busting benefits. One study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that orgasming releases oxytocin, which Pai says results in decreased levels of cortisol in the body. And when cortisol levels are decreased, so are feelings of stress.

6. Masturbating may increase your libido.​

Masturbating can make you want more sex—not less. "Sex begets sex," Richmond explains. Meaning, the more one has sex, they more one hungers for it. "Humans like to do things that make them feel good (yes, it's almost that simple), and due to the surge of dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin we get during sex (whether it's solo or partnered), sex feels good."
This perk is especially noteworthy for vulva owners who struggle to get turned on. In fact, according to Pai, "masturbation is regularly used as part of a treatment plan for vulva owners with sexual dysfunction and low sex drive."

7. It may also help men last longer in bed.​

For people with penises, masturbating before partnered sex can sometimes help you last longer with your partner because it'll take you longer to masturbate the second time around. Of course, this isn't a guarantee for everyone because everybody's bodies are different. Silicon Valley–based holistic psychologist and sex coach Pam Costa, M.A., also says to keep in mind your refractory period, or the amount of time it usually takes your body to recover and be able to accept sexual stimulation again.

8. Masturbation can improve sleep.​

Having an orgasm before bed can help you fall asleep faster, says Rebecca Alvarez Story, M.A., sexologist and founder of intimate care marketplace Bloomi. In general, self-pleasuring quiets the mind, an essential ingredient for hitting the hay. And if you have an orgasm, there's the release of oxytocin, which has been shown to promote sleep, she says.
Beyond just getting you to fall sleep, shining your pearl or pole may promote deep sleep. Story explains: "Norepinephrine and serotonin, which are released during orgasm, help your body get into your REM cycles better, which makes your rest more restful." Indeed, a 2019 study found more than half of people who masturbated before bed and had an orgasm reported better sleep quality.

9. But it can also make you feel more energized.​

Not everyone gets sleepy after masturbating. According to Story, some folks find that masturbation energizes them. The only way to find out what it does for you? Trial and error. "If you get a hit of energy after orgasming, a quick morning orgasm is a great way to start the day refreshed," she says. Climax, then coffee, anyone?

10. Masturbating can help improve your skin.​

We've all heard about the post-orgasm glow. The beauty benefits of sex are real, and they also apply to masturbating. But the skin-boosting benefits go beyond the sex flush: One study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found having an orgasm increases your body's estrogen levels, which are known to help with healthier-looking skin (and hair!).
"Masturbating reduces stress levels, which can reduce some of the body's stress such as the overproduction of sweat and acne," Pai adds. "So a regular masturbation practice really can make someone's skin look clearer." And hey, a visit with your vibe is a whole lot more fun than a visit to the dermatologist.

11. It might even count as a workout.​

Or at least an active recovery workout. "Research suggests that sex burns a decent number of calories," says Rachel Needle, Psy.D., a licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist in West Palm Beach, Florida. Currently, there's no research on how many calories solo sex burns. But one 2013 study published in the journal PLOS One found that during partnered sex, men burn 4.2 calories per minute and women burn 3.1 calories per minute.
Depending on how much you're bumping and grinding during your own solo sesh, Needle says the calorie burn is likely similar during masturbation. "It's an aerobic workout."

12. Masturbating may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.​

If you have a prostate (aka have a penis), regular ejaculation may help reduce your risk of prostate cancer. "Research on the topic found that compared to men who ejaculated four to seven times per month across their lifetimes, men who ejaculated 21 or more times a month enjoyed about a 31% lower risk of prostate cancer," says Richmond.

13. It may improve cognitive function.​

In one 2017 study published in the Journals of Gerontology, researchers had 73 people over the age of 50 complete a cognitive assessment and a questionnaire about how often they get it on (solo or with a partner). And what did they find? That those who had sex more frequently score way higher on the memory and verbal fluency tests, compared to infrequent copulators.

14. Masturbation is a safer sex practice.​

Unlike most partnered forms of sex, masturbating cannot lead to pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. That makes it one of the best forms of safer sex. If you're in a predicament with a partner where other safer sex precautions aren't available, mutual masturbation can be a fun, very hot way to still have a sexual experience with each other that isn't risking anyone's health.

15. You get to know your body better.​

Masturbation is a way to get in touch with your body and learn what turns you on. Most people actually don't know what types of touch their body enjoys well enough to relay that information to a partner, Costa says And that's where masturbating comes in. "Masturbating allows you to explore what touches, pressures, intensities, and strokes your body responds to," she explains.
If you have a vulva, she suggests getting a hand mirror, some lube, and watching as you touch yourself. "That way you can connect the sensation to the exact part of your vulva," she says. When you get down there, don't rush right to your clit or vagina. Stroke, squeeze, and massage your inner and outer labia. Massage and apply pressure to your pubic mound. Tap and pinch your clitoral hood. "Really explore the entire vulva," she says.
If you have a penis, she says, "Go beyond just stroking your shaft. Explore the pleasure potential of your stroking, tapping, squeezing, applying pressure to your balls, perineum, anus, and head and discovering what feels good."

16. It can lead to more pleasurable partnered play.​

We might want our partners to just intuitively know where our "it" spots are, but, spoiler alert: That's not realistic! "You can't expect your partner to be a mind-reader of your body," says Costa. "You need to communicate to them what feels good!"
By masturbating, you can learn exactly what makes you feel good sexually. Then you can take this information back to your partner. "Not only will you know how to pleasure yourself better, but you'll be able to teach it to your partner," says Story. "It's a win-win!"

17. You may feel more confident.​

"Masturbating is essential for developing self-awareness, body-awareness, self-acceptance, and confidence," Richmond says. Obviously, this translates in the bedroom. But she says, "In my practice, I've seen this confidence carry over outside the bedroom, too."
Costa agrees, adding, "I've seen a regular masturbation practice give someone the confidence they never had before to ask for a raise, ask someone out, and more."
Yes, masturbating is very powerful indeed.
  • JFL
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Reactions: falcon1, zeshama, Daniel Plainview and 6 others
Masturbation, or self-pleasuring, is touching and rubbing parts of your body for sexual pleasure, such as the penis, scrotum, clitoris, vulva, breasts and anus. Masturbation can involve a person exploring their own body, but can also happen between two people (mutual masturbation). If masturbation is occurring between people (mutual masturbation), consent needs to be given and obtained.

Masturbation is a common behaviour that is seen at all ages from childhood, through the teen years and throughout adulthood by people of any gender. It’s a healthy way for people to explore bodies, to find out what feels good sexually, and how to achieve an orgasm.

Sexual pleasure through masturbation can be a very normal part of a person’s sexual experience. How frequent people masturbate is different for each person. It might be several times a day, a week or a month to not masturbating at all. How often a person masturbates is not a problem unless the time spent masturbating is replacing other aspects of a healthy and balanced life – for example school, work, responsibilities, social activities.

Sexual health benefits of masturbation​

Some of the known sexual health benefits of masturbation include:

  • It can release sexual tension and let people explore their sexuality by themselves.
  • It’s a form of sexual activity that’s available to people of all genders, including people in partnered relationships, people who don’t have a partner, people who are not having sex with their partner, or people who are abstaining from sex.
  • It lets people become familiar with their own sexual responses which can help them to communicate their wants and needs to their sexual partner or partners.

General health benefits of masturbation​

Some of the general health benefits of masturbation may include that it:

  • helps in relaxation
  • promotes better sleep
  • promotes the release of the brain’s opioid-like neurotransmitters (called endorphins), which cause feelings of physical and mental wellbeing
  • reduces stress
  • enhances self-esteem and body image.

Myths and taboo around masturbation​

Even though masturbation is a common part of sexuality, some people feel ashamed or embarrassed about masturbation, partly because of outdated myths.

Masturbation has been incorrectly blamed for a range of health problems, including:

  • infertility
  • blindness
  • mental health issues
  • sexual perversion
  • reduced sexual function.

Normie nonsense.
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  • JFL
Reactions: zeshama, Ubuntucel, vtribal and 13 others
Absolute W, the only context doing anything sexual is healthy is with a woman
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I did not read, but I agree. South Asians can’t resist Pakistani chads.
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Mogs basement arm chair sexologist

Reminder to everyone that this man is a virgin that copes with; 'Islam is telling me to wait till before marriage.

Even the gorgeous Adriana Lima waited till then, although I'm sure she had a cock or two in her mouth between time'
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Reactions: Deleted member 13626 and Lev Peshkov
Cope, masturbation is healthy and necessary, nofap copers are retarted

Cope, your 72 virgins are not waiting for you once you've rotted to death in your basement.
  • JFL
Reactions: Kristin and rydofx

1. Masturbation can help make your pelvic floor stronger.​

Yup, jacking off can really get you—or more specifically, your pelvic floor—jacked. "An orgasm creates a series of muscle contractions in the pelvic floor," Holly Richmond, Ph.D., LMFT, somatic psychologist, certified sex therapist, and K-Y partner, tells mbg. "So essentially, orgasming is like a mini workout for your pelvic floor," she says.
This diamond-shaped group of internal muscles work together to support our pelvic organs, including the vagina, uterus, bladder, and bowels. If the pelvic floor muscles are weak, these organs can literally fall out of place, known as prolapse. Weak pelvic floor muscles are also associated with urinary and bowel incontinence (for instance, leaking every time you sneeze), lower back and pelvic floor pain, discomfort during penetrative sex for vulva owners, and constipation. Masturbating won't heal these things, but it's a great way to help prevent pelvic floor weakness


Keep copying and pasting normie nonsense, because it helps you live content as an impotent grown-ass man.
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6. Masturbating may increase your libido.​

Masturbating can make you want more sex—not less. "Sex begets sex," Richmond explains. Meaning, the more one has sex, they more one hungers for it. "Humans like to do things that make them feel good (yes, it's almost that simple), and due to the surge of dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin we get during sex (whether it's solo or partnered), sex feels good."
This perk is especially noteworthy for vulva owners who struggle to get turned on. In fact, according to Pai, "masturbation is regularly used as part of a treatment plan for vulva owners with sexual dysfunction and low sex drive."
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Reactions: Meteor21, AscendingHero and never_lucky
if you eat a healthy diet and live an overall healthy lifestyle, masturbating wont negatively effect your health.
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Reactions: Deleted member 14978, Deleted member 13626 and Deleted member 16384
I have to disagree with this one, man. I recently broke a nearly 2 month streak. It was the best decision I had made. I was already in a bad headspace but abstaining from masturbation somehow made it worse, I realize this after I notice the difference of how I feel before and after the abstaining. Maybe it works for others, but not for me.
  • +1
Reactions: never_lucky
if you eat a healthy diet and live an overall healthy lifestyle, masturbating wont negatively effect your health.

Another coping man that has no access to sex.
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and subhuman incel
Cope, masturbation is healthy and necessary, nofap copers are retarted
Coomer found. How is masturbating necessary? Nofap is cringe but masturbating and watching porn is even worse.
  • +1
Reactions: Introvertednarc
I have to disagree with this one, man. I recently broke a nearly 2 month streak. It was the best decision I had made. I was already in a bad headspace but abstaining from masturbation somehow made it worse, I realize this after I notice the difference of how I feel before and after the abstaining. Maybe it works for others, but not for me.

It made a weak chinned, recessed, scrawny ethnic that doesn't workout or eat the right food, become even more at war with himself?

I have to ask the obvious, but what did you expect?
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 13626, rydofx and 1 other person
I've reported you for spamming btw Mr Al Qaeda
  • JFL
Reactions: rydofx and subhuman incel

Reminder to everyone that this man is a virgin that copes with; 'Islam is telling me to wait till before marriage.

Even the gorgeous Adriana Lima waited till then, although I'm sure she had a cock or two in her mouth between time'
@DIONYSIAN JBSLAYER is this true bhai? Ma sha Allah, keep waiting until marriage.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16384
I've reported you for spamming btw Mr Al Qaeda
If you lose zinc from masturbating, just eat zinc rich foods like pumpkin seeds and you will be fine. and the testosterone drop is a myth btw.
If you lose zinc from masturbating, just eat zinc rich foods like pumpkin seeds and you will be fine. and the testosterone drop is a myth btw.

Without doubt you gotta believe these things because you don't have sex, lol.

I recommend escorts.
  • JFL
Reactions: subhuman incel
It made a weak chinned, recessed, scrawny ethnic that doesn't workout or eat the right food, become even more at war with himself?

I have to ask the obvious, but what did you expect?
This has got nothing to do with my lack of bones or proper diet. You have to accept that people are different and what works for you doesn't work for everyone.
if you eat mcdonalds everyday, ye then maybe the nutrient depletion will affect you. its legit just getting the nutrients back when you lose that, its not hard if you eat a balanced diet not filled with fastfood. you cant believe everything you read on the internet brother. believe me im smart.
  • +1
Reactions: Manlet44
Without doubt you gotta believe these things because you don't have sex, lol.

I recommend escorts.
im broke atm, i would go for it if you would gift me some money. also if i had money i probably would fix my face first cause i need that more. wtf does having sex to do with those things, stop changing the subject lol.
This has got nothing to do with my lack of bones or proper diet. You have to accept that people are different and what works for you doesn't work for everyone.

People need drugs when they are lacking in other areas of life.

You need masturbation as it's a coping mechanism. You're right, what works for someone with a full-filling a purposeful life, won't work for someone without.

I imagine you were the last one to get chosen in school 5 aside football (Soccer)
  • JFL
Reactions: subhuman incel
I have to disagree with this one, man. I recently broke a nearly 2 month streak. It was the best decision I had made. I was already in a bad headspace but abstaining from masturbation somehow made it worse, I realize this after I notice the difference of how I feel before and after the abstaining. Maybe it works for others, but not for me.
And this is exactly why you lost all of your hair at such a tender age.
  • JFL
Reactions: subhuman incel
People need drugs when they are lacking in other areas of life.

You need masturbation as it's a coping mechanism. You're right, what works for someone with a more full-filling a purposeful life, won't work for someone without.

I imagine you were the last one to always get chosen in school 5 aside football (Soccer)
I don't need drugs but I sure as hell don't need to take away my only form of sexual release either. I could always go escortmaxxing but that's degenerate. So I don't have anything else but this.
  • Woah
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People need drugs when they are lacking in other areas of life.

You need masturbation as it's a coping mechanism. You're right, what works for someone with a full-filling a purposeful life, won't work for someone without.

I imagine you were the last one to get chosen in school 5 aside football (Soccer)
i got chosen last every single time :pepefrown::pepefrown::pepefrown:.
@DIONYSIAN JBSLAYER is this true bhai? Ma sha Allah, keep waiting until marriage.
OP thinks he is a slayer for being in a ltr with a 30 year roasty, delusional pajeet, no wonder he seeks validation on PSL forums cause he doesn't get any in real life
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and Michael Myers
And this is exactly why you lost all of your hair at such a tender age.
People put the evil eye on me :feelswah: I used to have good hair but no one praised God for it, now I am an untermensch suffering from hairloss.
OP thinks he is a slayer for being in a ltr with a 30 year roasty, delusional pajeet, no wonder he seeks validation on PSL forums cause he doesn't get any in real life
You should know he was a gay stripper, I'm sure he will encourage us to become one as well.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16384
You should know he was a gay stripper, I'm sure he will encourage us to become one as well.

Imagine doing gay for pay in your early 20s and still thinking you are a big MAN
  • JFL
Reactions: Introvertednarc and Michael Myers
People put the evil eye on me :feelswah: I used to have good hair but no one praised God for it, now I am an untermensch suffering from hairloss.

Dude. This thread is for young Zoomer men who want to better themselves. Take the exit. You failed.

We all know what happens here, you get into boring chit chat with other invisible creatures on this earth and the dialogue goes on for 5 pages
  • JFL
Reactions: subhuman incel
if you eat mcdonalds everyday, ye then maybe the nutrient depletion will affect you. its legit just getting the nutrients back when you lose that, its not hard if you eat a balanced diet not filled with fastfood. you cant believe everything you read on the internet brother. believe me im smart.

Imagine doing gay for pay in your early 20s and still thinking you are a big MAN
What happens to a mfer when he doesn't embrace Islam, you are on the right path my brother. Keep at it.
Dude. This thread is for young Zoomer men who want to better themselves. Take the exit. You failed.

We all know what happens here, you get into boring chit chat with other invisible creatures on this earth and the dialogue goes on for 5 pages
At what age does one stop being young? You were pretending I'm an old man.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 16384
Coomer found. How is masturbating necessary? Nofap is cringe but masturbating and watching porn is even worse.
Cope, masturbation is necessary for those without a woman.
  • +1
Reactions: subhuman incel
@OldVirgin how has being a coomer affected you? did you agree with the statements OP posted?
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Reactions: Deleted member 5786
Read my 16 points and see if I am wrong
Doesn't matter because masturbation is cringe and degenerate.

You can achieve all of the supposed "benefits" of masturbation through sex, which is the only medium one should be doing anything sexual.
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16384
Doesn't matter because masturbation is cringe and degenerate.

You can achieve all of the supposed "benefits" of masturbation through sex, which is the only medium one should be doing anything sexual.

Sex definitely mogs masturbation if it's with your wife , otherwise masturbation mogs
  • JFL
Reactions: fogdart
Cope, masturbation is necessary for those without a woman.
Touching yourself because you cannot get play is the definition of cope :ROFLMAO: hiring an escort is more dignified
  • +1
Reactions: TITUS
Touching yourself because you cannot get play is the definition of cope :ROFLMAO: hiring an escort is more dignified
Escortmaxxing means u stick your dick in a filthy place

Imagine getting cozy with a whore 🤮
  • +1
Reactions: subhuman incel
Escortmaxxing means u stick your dick in a filthy place
porn, escorts, sex, slaying is all cope. everything is fucking cope in this world. just do what makes you happy. if its murdering other people, then go for it. if its being annoying cunt to everyone around you, then go for it. if its being a rapist, then go for it. if its shitposting on looksmax, then go for it. if its fapping, the go for it. nigga asshole dick cancer faggot smd trash @OldVirgin
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: horizontallytall, Deleted member 13626, Deleted member 5786 and 1 other person
porn, escorts, sex, slaying is all cope. everything is fucking cope in this world. just do what makes you happy. if its murdering other people, then go for it. if its being annoying cunt to everyone around you, then go for it. if its being a rapist, then go for it. if its shitposting on looksmax, then go for it. if its fapping, the go for it. nigga asshole dick cancer faggot smd trash @OldVirgin
All u need is death, death is the ultimate cure
  • Woah
Reactions: subhuman incel

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