Why younger zoomers tump older zoomers when it comes to modern e-status maxxing



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
I questioned how younger zoomers (born after 2000) can feel so comfortable about posting videos of themselves to tiktok without fear of ridicule

I remember one of the foids in my class in school posted vids of herself singing to youtube and it was a point made by some people talking behind her back saying how it's "absolutely shameful" to put yourself on youtube.
I had a youtube channel doing commentary over video games at the time so I didnt dare reveal my channel to anyone except my closest friend as having someone play my audios in class would be brutal.

Anyway after over a decade on youtube I finally posted vids of myself lifting this year thus revealing my face on youtube for the first time but I was safe in the knowledge that the algorithm would only feed my videos to gymcels around the world and not normies in my close proximity like tiktok does.

Making the leap to posting myself to tiktok where my vids may potentially be viewed by guys from my hometown who I haven't seen in over a decade since I left school still somehow holds me back as if that fear of classroom ridicule never goes away despite it being completely irrational now

I have questioned if younger zoomers just dont have that same ever lasting fear of peer ridicule (even if it happens entirely behind their back and they'd likely never hear about it)
Is it a case that younger zoomers were just nicer to each other in school so they didn't have the fear of being brutally roasted like us older zoomers had?

Or was it a case that younger zoomers just grew up in an era where posting tiktoks of themselves was as normal for them as posting a facebook status giving your cringe unwanted opinions were for us?

Looking back, the shit that people put on their bebo pages and comments people left on other people's pages and statuses that people put up on facebook were giga cringe but at the time it was just what teens did

Whereas now the prospect of posting a tiktok seems daunting to an older zoomer because of how alien it is but to younger zoomers it comes completely naturally with no shame attached

I feel I'll never have the ability to post a vid of myself to tiktok like this thus never have the ability to e-statusmax for younger foid appeal

Although perhaps moving country with allow me to release my low inhib and post tiktoks

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bookmarkerd, will read when sober
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I think it's due to rising autism rates. I post on my socials sometimes (usually tiktok) and usually its quite autistic. Same with my friends.

For example one of my friends, posts on his tiktok story every night a video of him rating football teams using one of thsoe gay ass filters. nobody questions it. Its a weird phenomenon!
I think it's due to rising autism rates. I post on my socials sometimes (usually tiktok) and usually its quite autistic. Same with my friends.

For example one of my friends, posts on his tiktok story every night a video of him rating football teams using one of thsoe gay ass filters. nobody questions it. Its a weird phenomenon!
You might be right. I've always been a closet aspie who never dared expose my aspieness to normies
I remember being good mates with a shameless aspie in college and tried distance myself from the cringe when he would maintain his aspieness around normies rather than adjusting his behaviour

The biggest drama seeking foid on Irish tiktok who I'd always assumed to be the typical psycopathic status seeking NT made a video saying she was recently diagnosed as autistic which I thought was comical but I suppose it explains her lack of shame and willingness to be cringe online.

It took me a while to get my head around young zoomers making no posts to instagram but posting stories and still tryna build up followers until it was explained to me by a young zoomer that they're afraid of not getting enough likes if they make a regular post.
So you're probably quite right about the rising autism rates being the reason for every young zoomer being a tiktoker
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I questioned how younger zoomers (born after 2000) can feel so comfortable about posting videos of themselves to tiktok without fear of ridicule

I remember one of the foids in my class in school posted vids of herself singing to youtube and it was a point made by some people talking behind her back saying how it's "absolutely shameful" to put yourself on youtube.
I had a youtube channel doing commentary over video games at the time so I didnt dare reveal my channel to anyone except my closest friend as having someone play my audios in class would be brutal.

Anyway after over a decade on youtube I finally posted vids of myself lifting this year thus revealing my face on youtube for the first time but I was safe in the knowledge that the algorithm would only feed my videos to gymcels around the world and not normies in my close proximity like tiktok does.

Making the leap to posting myself to tiktok where my vids may potentially be viewed by guys from my hometown who I haven't seen in over a decade since I left school still somehow holds me back as if that fear of classroom ridicule never goes away despite it being completely irrational now

I have questioned if younger zoomers just dont have that same ever lasting fear of peer ridicule (even if it happens entirely behind their back and they'd likely never hear about it)
Is it a case that younger zoomers were just nicer to each other in school so they didn't have the fear of being brutally roasted like us older zoomers had?

Or was it a case that younger zoomers just grew up in an era where posting tiktoks of themselves was as normal for them as posting a facebook status giving your cringe unwanted opinions were for us?

Looking back, the shit that people put on their bebo pages and comments people left on other people's pages and statuses that people put up on facebook were giga cringe but at the time it was just what teens did

Whereas now the prospect of posting a tiktok seems daunting to an older zoomer because of how alien it is but to younger zoomers it comes completely naturally with no shame attached

I feel I'll never have the ability to post a vid of myself to tiktok like this thus never have the ability to e-statusmax for younger foid appeal

Although perhaps moving country with allow me to release my low inhib and post tiktoks


weird looking chaps

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