Will taking lgd with my heighmaxxing stack have any bad effects?



Feb 3, 2020

Will taking the sarm lgd with my heighmaxxing stack reduce the efficacy of my heighmaxxing stack of
mk 677
CJC-1295 with dac
Folinic acid
Folic acid
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Will taking the sarm lgd with my heighmaxxing stack reduce the efficacy of my heighmaxxing stack of
mk 677
CJC-1295 with dac
Folinic acid
Folic acid
Also should I be taking anything else with this?
  • WTF
Reactions: Deleted member 4946
Also should I be taking anything else with this?

Please bro I've been working to get enough money for this stuff. Will lgd ruin the heighmaxxing stack. I understand its already a poor heighmaxxing stack.

Please bro I've been working to get enough money for this stuff. Will lgd ruin the heighmaxxing stack. I understand its already a poor heighmaxxing stack.
I will say this again do not take anything else except for hexarelin, si wu tang, glucosamine chondroitin msm, sam-e, folic acid, folinic acid, meclizine, BMP formula and ecdysterone mk677 is major cope so is CJC no dac, GH levels barely drop until like after age 25, if those levels weren't enough for growing it should be iMPOSSIBLE to grow taller during puberty, but it isn't in fact they shoot up 10 inches with those 'regular growth hormone' levels
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I will say this again do not take anything else except for hexarelin, si wu tang, glucosamine chondroitin msm, sam-e, folic acid, folinic acid, meclizine, BMP formula and ecdysterone mk677 is major cope so is CJC no dac, GH levels barely drop until like after age 25, if those levels weren't enough for growing it should be iMPOSSIBLE to grow taller during puberty, but it isn't in fact they shoot up 10 inches with those 'regular growth hormone' levels
You don't even know mechanism of the growth and you recommend a random stack. Just great...
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I will say this again do not take anything else except for hexarelin, si wu tang, glucosamine chondroitin msm, sam-e, folic acid, folinic acid, meclizine, BMP formula and ecdysterone mk677 is major cope so is CJC no dac, GH levels barely drop until like after age 25, if those levels weren't enough for growing it should be iMPOSSIBLE to grow taller during puberty, but it isn't in fact they shoot up 10 inches with those 'regular growth hormone' levels
Thanks for the reply. I get that mk 677 is cope but I saw on a website that CJC-1295 with dac and mk 677 works synergistically.

"But, combining MK-677 (which is a potent GH Secretagogue that results in several new and strong GH pulses in the body) with CJC-1295 DAC (which provides an amplifying GH bleed effect) results in a 1 + 1 = 3 type of results.

By that I mean that by combining the two, they work synergistically to provide benefits that would otherwise be impossible to achieve with each compound used on their own separately.

CJC-1295 DAC amplifies the strength of the MK-677 pulses essentially, resulting in sky-high HGH/IGF-1 levels."
"3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week)

25mg MK-677 before bed every day

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and shouldn’t even be necessary unless your goal in life is to compete at a high level.

The dosage for this protocol is a range because some individuals can achieve a much higher IGF-1 level than others with a lower dose, whereas some individuals need a higher dose to reach that same IGF-1 level."

"3333.33-5000mcg CJC-1295 DAC subQ inject before bed – Monday, Wednesday, Saturday (10,000-15,000mcg – 10-15mg total per week)

25mg MK-677 before bed every day

With this protocol, you can reach an IGF-1 level close to (or exceed) 700ng/mL.

Which is absurdly high, and shouldn’t even be necessary unless your goal in life is to compete at a high level.

The dosage for this protocol is a range because some individuals can achieve a much higher IGF-1 level than others with a lower dose, whereas some individuals need a higher dose to reach that same IGF-1 level."

I'm only looking for an inch of height so will that stack with lgd be enough?

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