Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China

Collagen or rope

Collagen or rope

Apr 23, 2020

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Turn China into a rich, powerful, and prosperous country under the leadership of the Communist Party and Chairman Mao!
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View attachment 1610359 View attachment 1610360 Turn China into a rich, powerful, and prosperous country under the leadership of the Communist Party and Chairman Mao!
In little over 70 years, the Communist Party of China transformed one of the sickest, poorest, weakest and most backwards societies on earth, ravaged by a century of western imperialism and Japanese aggression, into a burgeoning superpower. Today, a resplendent New China stands tall in the East.

Without the incredibly successful and correct Communist Party, there would be no New China!

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Didn't mao starve u niggas to death during "the great leap forwards" I don't get why chinese like him.
  • JFL
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Didn't mao starve u niggas to death during "the great leap forwards" I don't get why chinese like him.
Chairman Mao unified a war-torn China and freed it from foreign imperialism and colonialism, and for that he will always be remembered as the founder of the PRC and our Great Helmsman.
  • JFL
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They are based nowadays but they also killed original Chinese culture, they were cucks at the start
They are based nowadays but they also killed original Chinese culture, they were cucks at the start
They killed the retarded parts of Chinese culture like fengshui and foot binding but kept the beautiful aspects of it.
  • JFL
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They are based nowadays but they also killed original Chinese culture, they were cucks at the start
nah they are still cringe, literally genociding uighurs and invading hong kong.
Taiwan is the real traditional china tbh.
They killed the retarded parts of Chinese culture like fengshui and foot binding but kept the beautiful aspects of it.
I dont know about Chinese culture but whenever things like they did happens, that place gets cucked you know
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  • JFL
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nvm I forgot i was in a cumskin/curry dominated incel forum.

I would like china if that was the case tbh.
We killed over a million americucks with our lab made virus. Meanwhile uyghur population has been increasing. So you are wrong.
  • JFL
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Nor would there be more than 40 million deaths due to negligence of the state, imbecile one-child policy, an authoritarian state that prohibits freedom of expression, among various shit coming from a dictatorship.

But cool, the average Chinese has a per capita income similar to a Brazilian:feelsgood:
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Nor would there be more than 40 million deaths due to negligence of the state, imbecile one-child policy, an authoritarian state that prohibits freedom of expression, among various shit coming from a dictatorship.

But cool, the average Chinese has a per capita income similar to a Brazilian:feelsgood:
China has almost twice the GDP per capita as Brazil (12k vs 7k)

Amazing stuff. Long live the CCP!
We killed over a million americucks with our lab made virus. Meanwhile uyghur population has been increasing. So you are wrong.
You only made america's gene pool stronger. Also you guys clearly assimilate and genocide uighurs inshallah the Turan unity will wipe the pathetic so called "communist" nation of china.
You only made america's gene pool stronger. Also you guys clearly assimilate and genocide uighurs inshallah the Turan unity will wipe the pathetic so called "communist" nation of china.
China is fascist
You only made america's gene pool stronger. Also you guys clearly assimilate and genocide uighurs inshallah the Turan unity will wipe the pathetic so called "communist" nation of china.
How is infecting 80 million+ americucks with long COVID strengthening their gene pool?

Cope all Muslim nations love China and are allied with the CCP.:feelswat:
  • JFL
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Free Taiwan
Free Tibet
Free uzi
39EA0172 0274 4916 AD96 AEABD504E36E
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How is infecting 80 million+ americucks with long COVID strengthening their gene pool?

Cope all Muslim nations love China and are allied with the CCP.:feelswat:
Most young people who die of covid are obese or have some respiratory problem, so yes, you are strengthening the gene pool, similar to the black plague in europe.

Not to mention that this virus solves a major problem in developed countries, the age pyramid and social security, the disease has wiped out many elderly people.
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Uyghur genocide is a proven hoax

Also Hong Kong is China
Legit uyghurs get many benefits compared to Han majority. Uyghurs straight up love China the most (along with Tibetans).
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My chinese classmate told me smthing very interesting today. I asked him if he thinks moa zedong is evil, he immediately replied with no. I asked him why, did he not kill 50 million chinese? He answered me like this, ‘these are all lies if you are building your country to a powerful economic powerhouse and you’re strong the west will hate you. If you’re soft and listen to america and west, and allow them to destroy your country they will love you.’ he gave Gorbachev as an example who was loved by the west, but he ended the once powerful soviet union.
Based classmate tbh u should listen to him
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Legit uyghurs get many benefits compared to Han majority. Uyghurs straight up love China the most (along with Tibetans).
Idk about Tibet to me they appear to want separation but they’re still china. To me china respects their minorities too much by not trying to Sinocize or integrate them. So it preserves their culutr(which is why I laugh when people say they’re genociding them)

When you compare to how the Kurds are treated in the Middle East as well as the non Spanish autonomous regions in Spain China is much more humanitarian in dealing with them.
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Idk about Tibet to me they appear to want separation but they’re still china. To me china respects their minorities too much by not trying to Sinocize or integrate them. So it preserves their culutr(which is why I laugh when people say they’re genociding them)

When you compare to how the Kurds are treated in the Middle East as well as the non Spanish autonomous regions in Spain China is much more humanitarian in dealing with them.
The Tibetans love China. Do you know how shit Tibet was before its liberation? Random people would get picked off the street to become sacrifices for Dalai Lama. The liberation of Tibet is one of the greatest human rights miracles in history
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