Women are like cats, they play with their food



Feb 28, 2022
I’m beginning to realize women are so intuitive they see right through men. They know those that are born chad and those that are putting on a front by looksmaxing and learning game (basically cheating genetics, in terms of facial features and neurologically)

Look at Drake, who was dorky and ugly his whole childhood and teen years. Now women clown on him and see him as a front

I’ve been getting crazy ioi’s since putting effort but it’s always felt disenguine bc even tho really attractive or slutty women show interest, I’ll get tons of eye contact avoidance or women will cover themselves up when I make eye contact or walk past them. That means promiscuous women already know that I’m just acting or insecure, I’m not a player but just a joke.

Women only really care about if a man can dick them down hard or if they can trick the man into being a financial and emotional servant

I’m too overweight or broke for any of those things currently
You are just ugly, stop overthinking

No ioi's happened if you we're overweight
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You are just ugly, stop overthinking

No ioi's happened if you we're overweight
I know, but the human ego won’t allow me to let go of the cope

I’ve had a dental assistant sit down on the chair while I was reclined back and she put her hand on my thigh while talking to me. Recently at my new job I’ve had a women in hr breath softly/ slightly moan when standing behind me before she asked me if I need any help with the training videos. I tried to play it cool but when we made eye contact she licked her whole mouth in an O shape, clockwise. Then she kinda got weirded out when I seemed really nervous

+ daily women fix their hair when I walk in a room or past them. Or times when I’m the only one around and they pull up their pants or shorts really high when they’re walking past me in front of me. It’s like I can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not

I look like the type of guy women fuck behind their boyfriends backs or at a dive bar. But I have high inhibitions and act skittish

Like girls who come across as wholesome or women that take the buses that look poor or homeless, are scared of me or are grossed out
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I know, but the human ego won’t allow me to let go of the cope

I’ve had a dental assistant sit down on the chair while I was reclined back and she put her hand on my thigh while talking to me. Recently at my new job I’ve had a women in hr breath softly/ slightly moan when standing behind me before she asked me if I need any help with the training videos. I tried to play it cool but when we made eye contact she licked her whole mouth in an O shape, clockwise. Then she kinda got weirded out when I seemed really nervous

+ daily women fix their hair when I walk in a room or past them. Or times when I’m the only one around and they pull up their pants or shorts really high when they’re walking past me in front of me. It’s like I can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not

I look like the type of guy women fuck behind their boyfriends backs or at a dive bar. But I have high inhibitions and act skittish

Like girls who come across as wholesome or women that take the buses that look poor or homeless, are scared of me or are grossed out
KIZ61ca63 hannibal lecter
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Reactions: greycel, watah, lowtiernormiechad and 3 others
You have the writing style of a psychopath,what is the point of writing with all that detail

You are overanalyzing and mental masturbating, Something tells me you're not 100% sure, because if you were you would have acted and you wouldn't be here describing every little detail of the situation
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Reactions: watah, AustinCutler and WhoTookVendetta
My oneitis won't stop playing with me. Well bitch dinner time is over... :what:
You have the writing style of a psychopath,what is the point of writing with all that detail

You are overanalyzing and mental masturbating, Something tells me you're not 100% sure, because if you were you would have acted and you wouldn't be here describing every little detail of the situation
I identify as neurodivergent but maybe a form of highly self aware asbergers if that was still a medical term.

I genuinely don’t understand how to react to people’s body language or communication irl. My bad if it comes across as schizo

Also bullying as an ugly child takes it toll. Especially when the brain is developing, that’s probably a large portion of men that are misdiagnosed with autism, when it’s really just improperly developed brains from lack of certain social situations/ life experiences
And like I do to cats, I torture women and engage in psychological warfare with them
I know, but the human ego won’t allow me to let go of the cope

I’ve had a dental assistant sit down on the chair while I was reclined back and she put her hand on my thigh while talking to me. Recently at my new job I’ve had a women in hr breath softly/ slightly moan when standing behind me before she asked me if I need any help with the training videos. I tried to play it cool but when we made eye contact she licked her whole mouth in an O shape, clockwise. Then she kinda got weirded out when I seemed really nervous

+ daily women fix their hair when I walk in a room or past them. Or times when I’m the only one around and they pull up their pants or shorts really high when they’re walking past me in front of me. It’s like I can’t tell if it’s on purpose or not

I look like the type of guy women fuck behind their boyfriends backs or at a dive bar. But I have high inhibitions and act skittish

Like girls who come across as wholesome or women that take the buses that look poor or homeless, are scared of me or are grossed out
Bigger larper than the @WishIwasChico guy
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Reactions: watah and AustinCutler
My oneitis won't stop playing with me. Well bitch dinner time is over... :what:
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
Bigger larper than the @WishIwasChico guy
I’m dead serious about everything. Men notice it too, every job I go to men notice the attention I get and they hate me. Start rumors or watch me close when a female coworkers walks past. I’ve quit and have been fired from good places this past two years bc of men and how women are around me. I’m also short and ugly with bad skin but there’s something there that I think appeals to women. Like Pete Davidson or lip from shameless. Fry cook energy
I’m dead serious about everything. Men notice it too, every job I go to men notice the attention I get and they hate me. Start rumors or watch me close when a female coworkers walks past. I’ve quit and have been fired from good places this past two years bc of men and how women are around me. I’m also short and ugly with bad skin but there’s something there that I think appeals to women. Like Pete Davidson or lip from shameless. Fry cook energy
Ok so basically u have to go up to the girls when they smile at u

and literally bite their face off

And then they will be emotionally so tramutized

She will be permanently attached to u
  • JFL
Reactions: greycel and AustinCutler
i literally can't even tell what you're trying to say. the flow of this isn't really good for a reader. you first say that you put in a lot of effort and receive ioi, then you say that women ignore you or something?

getting women as a sub chad is really difficult in the short-term setting. a lot of the guys i know who slay a lot at the bars either work there or are there nearly everyday. women are too busy with their options, heartbreak and societal pressures to instantly have sex with you. i wouldn't take it too personally.
Ok so basically u have to go up to the girls when they smile at u

and literally bite their face off

And then they will be emotionally so tramutized

She will be permanently attached to u
The second parts easy.

Women will purposefully allow themselves into toxic situations out of boredom. They’re born sociopaths, and all genuine sociopaths carry a heavy burnden of boredom. Imagine all the food you ate had no flavor, maybe you’d taste it if it was really spicy or shitty with too many seasoning. That’s like emotions for sociopaths

That’s why women chase after the bad boys, it gets them to “feel young again” basically before their brains fully developed into low emotion good quality genes seekers, as nature intended

I’ve had a few women try to force interactions with me even if they first dislike me, then liked me, then repulsed by me, then obsess over me. All for the movie plot in their head where they get to play victim or idk what.

Guaranteed there’s innocent men that been metoo’d
i literally can't even tell what you're trying to say. the flow of this isn't really good for a reader. you first say that you put in a lot of effort and receive ioi, then you say that women ignore you or something?

getting women as a sub chad is really difficult in the short-term setting. a lot of the guys i know who slay a lot at the bars either work there or are there nearly everyday. women are too busy with their options, heartbreak and societal pressures to instantly have sex with you. i wouldn't take it too personally.
Sorry about that. I’m just genuinely lost so it’s all scattered thoughts that come across as blabbering

Idk how nt people have energy for all those social interactions. And combined with work, schooling, hobbies, outings. It’s not even worth it at the end

Getting rich and fucking German escorts is the way
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That’s why women chase after the bad boys, it gets them to “feel young again” basically before their brains fully developed into low emotion good quality genes seekers, as nature intended
😍🤮👹👦🏿🙁👑😭😡😂😂🤡🩸🌎🤘🫡✅🇮🇱❌☺️🫡🔫ℹ thoughts🔪😂

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