Women Are More Promiscuous Than Men



Feb 25, 2019
What are some other widely held beliefs about female infidelity that aren't true?
There's this sense that women won't "stray" if they are happily partnered. But more than a third of women who were stepping out in one study described their marriages as "happy" or "very happy." We think women are naturally more cozy and domestic and need that to thrive sexually. But Cynthia Graham and her colleagues found that twice as many women reported lack of interest in sex in a relationship after a year as men did. Rather than assuming this is because "women just like sex less," many experts are now considering that women need variety, novelty, and sexual adventure every bit as much as men do, and possibly more. And when they don’t get it, they shut down sexually.

Psychologist Marta Meana summarized it very succinctly when she told me, "Long-term relationships are particularly hard on female desire." We're so sure that it's men who are "wired to roam" and get bored with monogamy faster than women do. But women are the ones who struggle especially with the institutionalization of roles and domesticity dampening their desire, as experts including Esther Perel and Meana have found.
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Water is wet
“Moving In With Your Boyfriend Can Kill Your Sex Drive” was how Newsweek distilled a 2017 study of more than 11,500 British adults aged 16 to 74. It found that for “women only, lack of interest in sex was higher among those in a relationship of over one year in duration,” and that “women living with a partner were more likely to lack interest in sex than those in other relationship categories.” A 2012 study of 170 men and women aged 18 to 25 who were in relationships of up to nine years similarly found that women’s sexual desire, but not men’s, “was significantly and negatively predicted by relationship duration after controlling for age, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction.” Two oft-cited German longitudinal studies, published in 2002 and 2006, show female desire dropping dramatically over 90 months, while men’s holds relatively steady.

So that's it...
not only we're struggling in finding someone who's attracted, but now they get easily tired of us. I mean... this is life? Being treated like trash.
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It's over

JFL if you want an LTR in 2019
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Woman are more promiscuous because it's easier for them to be promiscuous. That's common knowledge on this subreddit
Thanks for my daily cortisol boost.
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Vice. I keep mixing them and Vox up because they're both terrible.
Women are predisposed by their genetics to have affairs
Vice. I keep mixing them and Vox up because they're both terrible.
Except this is from multiple sources. As much as I hate Vice, everywhere, even Psychology Today, is reporting the same.
This very disturbing news for someone like myself who only wants a monogamous relationship. I was with my ex for 3 years and wasn't even close to thinking about getting with another girl the whole time. She broke my heart and now I know why. Fucking whore.
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My best friend and I were talking today and he gave me this very prescient advice:
"She was never yours, it was just your turn."
I will never have a blonde, green eyed, 21 y/o with a wicked fitness body ever again and I'm not sure how to go on knowing that. Even if I get a gym hoe milf one day, which I won't, how do I go on knowing she'll be bored of me in a year but I won't be bored of her?

A recent Oxford University study suggests 57% of men and 47% of women are inclined to stray. And in an Indiana University survey of 900 participants, the male and female "cheaters" were separated by a mere four percentage points.One organization provides a stat that 54% of women and 57% of men fess up to infidelity in any relationship they have had. And in the under 35 years of age category, a full 50% of the victims of the recent security hack of AshleyMadison.com—tagline, "Life is short, have an affair"—are women.
Using a small camera that was inserted into
participants' vaginas to detect blood flow, a measure of excitement that does not lie, Chivers discovered that while women said they were turned on by the idea of sex with a partner or friend, they were actually much more excited by the idea of sex with a stranger. A German longitudinal study of thousands of couples found that while men and women in long term committed relationships started off with comparable sex drives, male sexual desire for a partner ebbed slowly over the course of a decade or more. In stark contrast, women's libidos plunged dramatically—after just three years of committed "bliss." It's possible, the research of Chivers and her colleagues suggests, that women struggle with monogamy even more than men do, and that they crave variety and novelty more than their male partners. "I want to have sex all night long," a Catholic woman in her late forties, faithful in her marriage of over two decades, told me not long ago. "Just not with my husband."
Reminder that women are hoes through millions of years of evolution.
It seems all hopeless for someone wanting something that actually means a lot...

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