Women being degenerate



Popo Crew
Aug 11, 2018

JFL. Women sexually assault males they like. Something similar has happened to me several times.

JFL. Women sexually assault males they like. Something similar has happened to me several times.

dude he wanted it wtf and wheres your avi is this your doppleganger?
muh degeneracy
muh morals
  • +1
Reactions: kobecel and The Dude Abides
Says mr "muh islam", "muh caliphate", "muh huly buuk"
when tf did i say muh islam muh caliphate lol
only thing that will save these incels from this degeneracy and inceldom is islam keep crying
when tf did i say muh islam muh caliphate lol
only thing that will save these incels from this degeneracy and inceldom is islam keep crying
Lol awhile back you made a thread about how the goal of islam is to make a caliphate so that ethnics could violate "pale white grandmas, sisters, daughters, mothers".
Or post, not thread
Lol Africans animals nothing special
Lol awhile back you made a thread about how the goal of islam is to make a caliphate so that ethnics could violate "pale white grandmas, sisters, daughters, mothers".
Or post, not thread
keep crying for them and me
  • +1
Reactions: CupOfCoffee
not with that body ROIDED lol
You mean a guy who is facially better looking than you (yes, ive seen pics of you), better skin tone than you, taller than you? I already get a shitload of ioi, I'm just high inhib or they aren't my racial preference
You mean a guy who is facially better looking than you (yes, ive seen pics of you), better skin tone than you, taller than you? I already get a shitload of ioi, I'm just high inhib or they aren't my racial preference
@CupOfCoffee imagine saying you have better skin tone as a negro south american (i cant even identify you)
and no you're not better looking than me, you saw selfies of me taken with an iphone 4
  • you're a virgin
  • that pathetic frame ON roids its srsly over

unless you're a PSL 6 you don't mog me and its close even if you MIGHT
better looking facially is atleast 1 point
any less than that and it's a matter of preference.
  • +1
Reactions: CupOfCoffee
@CupOfCoffee imagine saying you have better skin tone as a negro south american (i cant even identify you)
and no you're not better looking than me, you saw selfies of me taken with an iphone 4
  • you're a virgin
  • that pathetic frame ON roids its srsly over
unless you're a PSL 6 you don't mog me and its close even if you MIGHT
better looking facially is atleast 1 point
any less than that and it's a matter of preference.
Lol! When did I ever say I was virgin? Nice assumption, cause I'm not. My shoulder to waist ratio is pretty good. Negro south american? Bro, my mom is a white American and my dad is Mexican, boyo. You must have me confused with somebody else.
Lol! When did I ever say I was virgin? Nice assumption, cause I'm not. My shoulder to waist ratio is pretty good. Negro south american? Bro, my mom is a white American and my dad is Mexican, boyo. You must have me confused with somebody else.
are you the guy with long curly hair?
you look like a native american mixed with a black
Well, Mexicans (mayans and Aztecs) are native to the americas. What feature about me looks niggerish other than my nose? Everything else seems pretty European other than my tan skin and dark hair.
Well, Mexicans (mayans and Aztecs) are native to the americas. What feature about me looks niggerish other than my nose? Everything else seems pretty European other than my tan skin and dark hair.
that was my first impression, you reminded me of that guy from twilight, you dont look european boyo, its obvious youre south american
He looks like my Grandma's Bangladeshi house maid
Keep coping, Arab subhumans. You will have to oilmaxx, Dubaitoiletgirlmax, and betabuxx to ascend.

Lol, I don't look European. Literally no one thinks I am Mexican until I say it. How do I not have European features if my mom is of European descent?
If only you all got a glimpse of what full blooded (which the majority here are) mexicans and south americans look like
South Africa doesn't have MeToo yet. So I can't be upset about this.

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