"Women can't be loyal" is a cope for beta males and sub-Chads/Tyrones



Jan 2, 2019
Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
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i mean is that really loyalty tho Lol she’s loyal cus of ur facial structure and height not cus she loves you
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Doesn't take into account hedonic adaptation. Chad after a year of looking at him = MTN.
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but its scientifically proven that women's interest to their partner drops significiantly over a long period
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Doesn't take into account hedonic adaptation. Chad after a year of looking at him = MTN.

Also, actual real Chads are rare, like maybe 1-5% of the population. The vast majority if women will never actually settle down with one and the ones that do won't just throw them away.
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They loyalty is dependent on how much they’d lose without you and how steep the competition for you is
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but its scientifically proven that women's interest to their partner drops significiantly over a long period
This means absolutely nothing when most 'partners' are sub-Chads.

What would this data look like if all women were dating Chads?
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Women only cheat when they are not satisfied.
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97% of men should mgtow
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Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
this is the most bluepill cuck shit i've ever seen on this forum, shut the fuck up.
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And there are plenty of Chads who have been abused and divorce raped by psycho bitches they were too blue pilled to see through.
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Women only cheat when they are not satisfied.
but chads get cheated on all the time, Espicially in areas like LA where there's a lot of chads.
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And there are plenty of Chads who have been abused and divorce raped by psycho bitches they were too blue pilled to see through.
Any example?
Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
but chads get cheated on all the time, Espicially in areas like LA where there's a lot of chads.
When you are around people that are equal or higher value to your partner for a some time you will not be as satisfied with your partner
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Depp, literally thought of 1 second for an obvious answer
poor guy

however also consider that his wife was also good looking, and a famous actress
poor guy

however also consider that his wife was also good looking, and a famous actress
well no shit, of course a chad is gonna live a happy life with a becky. Just like most Normies could live a happy life with a subhuman.
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if men had the options of women do you think they wouldn't sleep around, Like even if you were married to a hot girl you really think Most men wouldn't cheat if another hot girl flirts with them? It's literally the same thing for women.
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well no shit, of course a chad is gonna live a happy life with a becky. Just like most Normies could live a happy life with a subhuman.
I think its less about looks and more about Amber being an actress, well 90% of the reason is that she was deranged.
Anyway even less attractive actresses are exposed to many more attractive men than an attractive woman with a regular profession.
Any example?
Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Alain Delon (went through 3 divorces), Channing Tatum's wife divorced him and a few days later she was partying with another guy, Kevin Costner, Joe Jonas. Lots of athletes too. It's peak rotter mentality to think good looks immunize you from this shit.
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Not loyalty. But fear
They are afraid to lose chad
I think its less about looks and more about Amber being an actress, well 90% of the reason is that she was deranged.
Anyway even less attractive actresses are exposed to many more attractive men than an attractive woman with a regular profession.
na women know what's out there. That's why even stacys get cheated on.
Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Alain Delon (went through 3 divorces), Channing Tatum's wife divorced him and a few days later she was partying with another guy, Kevin Costner, Joe Jonas. Lots of athletes too. It's peak rotter mentality to think good looks immunize you from this shit.
must improve my pop culture drama knowledge

Alain Delon (went through 3 divorces)
delon gang on suicide watch
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Yes but a chad who will actually settle and be with them after is rare
that is the case, which is why women always think about chad. But they actually stupidly think that another chad will want to settle with them cause they're deluded about looks.
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Ya and even as Chad inevitably looks worse over time it’s still ok because A. She’s likely aging harder and B. The guy has already proven his genetic worth
If Chad is the end all be all then why did Tom Brady's Wife cheat on him with her Jiu Jitsu Instructor....?
And before you cite this as an outlier,there's been a growing trend of many such cases of attractive high Status
Men in the past decade including Robert Pattinson etc who got cheated on by their partner.

Truth is that Modern Women dont give a fckn shit about Chad as much as sexually frustrated blackpillers like
to think,they want Power.Chad to Modern women is just an Accessory/Toy to play with until they get bored
and need a new more stimulating Toy.
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Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
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Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
I'm a redpiller but I agree with you 100%. You're right on the money.
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but chads get cheated on all the time, Espicially in areas like LA where there's a lot of chads.
Just because a man is a Chad, doesn't mean he pleases her hypergamy instincts you jabonie.
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Just because a man is a Chad, doesn't mean he pleases her hypergamy instincts you jabonie.
but looks is all that matters right? so being good in bed and stuff like that don't matter.
Theyre loyal to mtns as well
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If Chad is the end all be all then why did Tom Brady's Wife cheat on him with her Jiu Jitsu Instructor....?
And before you cite this as an outlier,there's been a growing trend of many such cases of attractive high Status
Men in the past decade including Robert Pattinson etc who got cheated on by their partner.

Truth is that Modern Women dont give a fckn shit about Chad as much as sexually frustrated blackpillers like
to think,they want Power.Chad to Modern women is just an Accessory/Toy to play with until they get bored
and need a new more stimulating Toy.
Either BecauseTom Brady isn't red pilled, his wife was a whore to begin with, or both.

Some women will cheat on any man no matter what. Some women will never cheat no matter what. And some women will cheat if she isn't kept in check by a knowing man. I prefer to be the knowing type of man (red pilled) with the woman who won't cheat no matter what.
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but looks is all that matters right? so being good in bed and stuff like that don't matter.
No. Looks is not all that matters. Everything matters.
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Either BecauseTom Brady isn't red pilled, his wife was a whore to begin with, or both.

Some women will cheat on any man no matter what. Some women will never cheat no matter what. And some women will cheat if she isn't kept in check by a knowing man. I prefer to be the knowing type of man (red pilled) with the woman who won't cheat no matter what.

Sometimes its just being in the right place at the right time.At Brady's level he is probably hardly ever home or
around his Wife that often,which leaves her vulnerable to connect emotionally with someone else who at that
time happened to be her Jiu Jitsu Instructor
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Sometimes its just being in the right place at the right time.At Brady's level he is probably hardly ever home or
around his Wife that often,which leaves her vulnerable to connect emotionally with someone else who at that
time happened to be her Jiu Jitsu Instructor
Yes, whatever can be broken must be broken. Still though what kind of man would allow his wife to participate in a hobby that involves rolling around on the floor in multiple positions with another man? Brady was a retard. And forget red pill or blue pill, doesn't anybody have principals anymore?
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Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
I have a friend who is 6 ‘3, green eyes, hunter eyes, extremely good physique get cheated on by a girl who is way under his league. Women in the west are gaslighted to think they are perfect.
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Faggots like TFM and MGTOW/redpiller copers in general love to repeat the 'all women are like that' meme which is the idea that all women are whores who will never ever stay loyal to any man, that 99.9% of marriages end in divorce rape or betabucks, etc.

But here is the brutal truth...

There are plenty of Chads who are in happy marriages/relationships.

The idea that women can't or won't stay loyal to any man is just another cope that loser non-Chads (especially the redpill/MGTOW types) made up to make themselves feel better. Getting divorce raped or cheated on stings less if you can tell yourself that this 'simply happens to everyone' and that 'no woman is loyal'. In truth, no woman will ever be loyal TO THEM because they are NOT CHAD.

Just fucking lol if you think there are no women who are happy simply staying with their chad boyfriend or husband.

Like damn nearly every other bullshit cope, this one was invented by sub-chads to comfort sub-Chads.
Chad's get divorced raped cheated and thrown into the dustbins
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