"Women like tall men" is the biggest bs of the century



Apr 2, 2024
This whole idea of "women liking tall men" is a con to target short insecure guys to profit off from.

Recently on the internet, there has been an increase in marketing and advertisements for products that claim to be able to make you "taller". They are courses such as "6ft6 method" which is one of the highly marketed one on social media. They range from $30-300 depening on their popularity and contains stretching excercises and nutrition mostly. There are also other kinds of products that targets men's insecurity such as a medical capsule to make you taller or a more popular product called "rizz soles". a 3 inches thick sole. The video starts off by "women love tall men, buy your rizz soles to make yourself 3 inches taller and attract women"

This whole new trend of selling height increasement courses and products is amazingly profitable when you have an entire spectrum of short insecure guys who believe that you have to be tall to get women. Im not even gonna be surprise if those guys who film videos asking women what their preference is in a guy's height is one of those who is selling these courses or products.

The truth is, the internet has lied to men into believing that they are unvaluable, undesirable and unwanted if they are not 6 foot. In order to profit off from them they add additional security of "women like men who are 6ft tall". Maybe women do like a 6ft guy. But based on my personal experience as someone who is 6ft3, no women is gonna worship you and become insanely attracted to you just because you are of a certain height. Our society has been lied to that being 6ft makes you a pussy magnet. It was all just a con to earn profit from us and nobody has realised it at all.
  • JFL
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copium overdose

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meanwhile i fucked multiple women based on height alone and they told me they don’t like short guys and showed physical signs of enjoying my height
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I have a genuine question. Why does a guy who says "muh height doesn't matter, it's all bs" "women don't care about height" happens to be above 6ft 😕
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Height is one aspect of the holy trinity.

Hair > height > face in no particular order. The more severity of one of these physical characteristics being subpar the more traction it'd gain.

You got hairloss, LL, plastic surgery forums.

& For the NT part you got redpill coaches with their courses.
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Why is he coping, especially as someone’s who’s 6’3
  • JFL
Reactions: theonewhocantascend
I have a genuine question. Why does a guy who says "muh height doesn't matter, it's all bs" "women don't care about height" happens to be above 6ft 😕
Cuz he be lacking somewhere else that's not enabling him to land a woman.

Let it be NT, hair, money or etc...
  • +1
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meanwhile i fucked multiple women based on height alone and they told me they don’t like short guys and showed physical signs of enjoying my height
You never fucked a woman, buddy
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  • JFL
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Cuz he be lacking somewhere else that's not enabling him to land a woman.

Let it be NT, hair, money or etc...
Women will fuck a 6'3 homeless guy rather than 5'6 rich and outgoing guy
  • JFL
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meanwhile i fucked multiple women based on height alone and they told me they don’t like short guys and showed physical signs of enjoying my height
Fakecel, get the f outta here. :rage:
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SEA women like tall westerners
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Dnr manlet cope
  • JFL
Reactions: theonewhocantascend
Why is he coping, especially as someone’s who’s 6’3
Reducing competition, he understands his privilege and is trying to prevent manlets from adapting. Faggot probably wears lifts himself
  • JFL
Reactions: theonewhocantascend and butterworld
Height is one aspect of the holy trinity.

Hair > height > face in no particular order. The more severity of one of these physical characteristics being subpar the more traction it'd gain.

You got hairloss, LL, plastic surgery forums.

& For the NT part you got redpill coaches with their courses.
Cope, holy trinity is race, height, face

JFL if you think that short indian can mog bald white guy
  • Hmm...
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nigga done used up all the copium
braindead responses, he’s right, height alone will never make you a pussy magnet
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you are absolutely right. the quantity and quality of women dating tallcels (men with only height to bring to the table) is extremely low. most "tall normie slayer" stories told by heightpillers are the wide-framed and/or moneymaxxed ones used as an example to prove the heightpill. and ignore the faggots here claiming that height is more important than face, cuz i'm literally the proof of the opposite
you are absolutely right. the quantity and quality of women dating tallcels (men with only height to bring to the table) is extremely low. most "tall normie slayer" stories told by heightpillers are the wide-framed and/or moneymaxxed ones used as an example to prove the heightpill. and ignore the faggots here claiming that height is more important than face, cuz i'm literally the proof of the opposite
braindead responses, he’s right, height alone will never make you a pussy magnet
That's a reddit post I thought I made it clear.

I branded "whitepill" to troll
But on a serious note, I can't tell you how far height gets you, because I'm 6'2 premium manlet.
You have to be 6'4 or so to reap tall privilege.
When a sub 6'4 says height doesn't get him anywhere, he means it won't CARRY you. You are just tall enough to make the cut.
That's a reddit post I thought I made it clear.

I branded "whitepill" to troll
But on a serious note, I can't tell you how far height gets you, because I'm 6'2 premium manlet.
You have to be 6'4 or so to reap tall privilege.

yea, height alone can only be a thing if ur 6'4 or above
Cope, holy trinity is race, height, face

JFL if you think that short indian can mog bald white guy
I don't get why race is so important if JBW doesn't even work on white girls.

Not that being asian or black (depending on your area) isn't a major failo, but that's not the same as JBW. That's just don't be asian or black. :lul:
my brother is 6 4 and Ltn, based of his life i can say this is bs

It's not that you're not tall enough, but that you still do not have enough human, material and financial resources to compensate for the lack of genetic resources.

If only you had a house like this in a city like this, with a Bentley in front of the house, nobody would have cared that you were 5.4 or whatever..

I don't get why race is so important if JBW doesn't even work on white girls.

Not that being asian or black (depending on your area) isn't a major failo, but that's not the same as JBW. That's just don't be asian or black. :lul:
It is usually because white race features is considered more attractive

Chad jaw is very rare in asia for example, also white skin itself is even more important in ethnic countries

Imagine asian/india skin whitening/bleaching industry, so unironically it matters even more in these countries, since whiter you are, better status you have

Also white people are usually even perceived as more intelligent, and objectively they probably are in general

If you look at asian countries, and you had to name in by attractivness level, you would probably choose:

Japan, south korea, taiwan, ...

Whitest to the blackest skinned countries, even by economic standard

Yes, JBW doesn't help in white countries, if you are not ethnic, but we are talking blackpill globally
meanwhile i fucked multiple women based on height alone and they told me they don’t like short guys and showed physical signs of enjoying my height
Bro, WTF is up with your profile pic? LOL. Unhinged.
  • JFL
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