Women should strive to be flawless, Men should strive to be exceptional



Get off my lawn!
Jul 12, 2019
Men are attracted foremost to youth (flawlessness). Looking younger (flawless) means smooth skin, long dense hair, slender body. Most women know this and strive to look younger. But some women didn't get the memo, and try to be exceptional, getting ridiculous size lip, breast and butt implants. They almost always end up looking gross. The rare exception being a young and slender woman, who is attractive in spite of her autistic body modifications.

Women are attracted foremost to exceptional characteristics in men. There are non physical ways to become exceptional (billionaire, doctor, sports/media/music star,etc...) , but in 2020 they are far less common and more difficult to achieve than physical exceptionalism, good on you if you achieve non physical exceptional status by 2020 standards, you have won at life, but such is so rare it is not worth talking about. The exceptional physical characteristics that are most important are: being tall, having good bone and teeth structure, good muscular body, being dimorphic. Sure it is still desirable for a man to maintain good hair and skin, they are not particularly important unless they are legitimately exceptionally good or bad (top or bottom 5% of men). Just looking and being average for a man is not enough, he needs to look or be exceptional in some way. The ugly or even average, non exceptional, man that does nothing but maintain his appearance for years, is comparable to the freaky woman that gets ridiculously sized lip, butt and breast implants.
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Reactions: DidntRead, Jerzy Bondov, Saturn and 8 others
just have no failos and have good body and you will be top 10%
  • +1
Reactions: OOGABOOGA and Chadelite
Legit Theory, bump.
probably legit theory tbh
  • +1
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@currycel123 check this nibba
Bookmarked OP
those chicks are disgusting, damn
Cope. Women have 100 better looking guys desperately messaging them on social media simply for being a female with a vagina. They literally have to do nothing. They can be fat, skinny, underdeveloped, ugly, narcy, bitchy, unemployed, boring and they'll still have smv 1000 times their looksmatch male counterpart.
  • Ugh..
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Cope. Women have 100 better looking guys desperately messaging them on social media simply for being a female with a vagina. They literally have to do nothing. They can be fat, skinny, underdeveloped, ugly, narcy, bitchy, unemployed, boring and they'll still have smv 1000 times their looksmatch male counterpart.
no shit sherlock he’s talking about the ideals to strive for, obviously women don’t have to do anything, but many still do
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 1100
Cope. Women have 100 better looking guys desperately messaging them on social media simply for being a female with a vagina. They literally have to do nothing. They can be fat, skinny, underdeveloped, ugly, narcy, bitchy, unemployed, boring and they'll still have smv 1000 times their looksmatch male counterpart.

Room temp
The ugly or even average, non exceptional, man that does nothing but maintain his appearance for years, is comparable to the freaky woman that gets ridiculously sized lip, butt and breast implants.
  • JFL
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Good post but not quite there. Skin and hair are just as important. If you’re bald, you’re never considered exceptional unless your bone structure is literally in the top 0.00001%.
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