Women were polled on what body they found most attractive and the Bulky guy won.



Oct 13, 2024
How do leanmaxxers respond to that? Do you think these foids were lying?

  • +1
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size is most important

"bulky" is assumed to also be tall & broad

and also saying that is "bulky" is retarded jfl, if he cut just a few % of bf he'd start looking like a competing bodybuilder
  • +1
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Swimmers physique is seen as most attractive

Lean is law
IMG 2640
IMG 2638
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: the next o'pry, deadstock and piec
size is most important

"bulky" is assumed to also be tall & broad

and also saying that is "bulky" is retarded jfl, if he cut just a few % of bf he'd start looking like a competing bodybuilder
That's not retarded at all, man. Yes. If he cut, he would be lean. But he's not cutting, because he's on a bulk. And not just a few %. He's clearly in the upper teens. That's not 12% body fat. It's more likely 18%.
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How do leanmaxxers respond to that? Do you think these foids were lying?

number 14 almost got mogged by seth rogan, can't take this shit seriously
they're rating the pictures not the bodies


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  • JFL
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That's not retarded at all, dope. Yes. If he cut, he would be lean. But he's not cutting, because he's on a bulk. And not just a few %. He's clearly in the upper teens. That's not 12% body fat. It's more likely 18%.
all I'm saying that to a gym-goer the difference between 1 and 4 is just a few months

not like it matters, look how many votes 9 got, do you really think that bodytype is actually attractive? like half of men have that kind of body, yet none of them get any attention lol

pointless to even think about bodytypes because it's so far down the list of things that matter
This is body only, and lean physiques are still preferable. So for top smv you still need to be lean for face definition
  • +1
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Swimmers physique is seen as most attractive

Lean is law
View attachment 3279332View attachment 3279334
Yes. You are coping. A lot of women like the swimmer look too tbf, but there are many women that like bulky men. I don’t know which is more popular.

why do you think so ?
Women just told you it isn't
Coping. A lot of women like filled out bear/wrestler/bulked physiques and don’t care about visible abs. The only real issue with it is if you have a lot of face fat at a higher body fat percentage.

This is body only, and lean physiques are still preferable. So for top smv you still need to be lean for face definition
Depends on your fat distribution. If you’re not overweight, it usually won’t make a ton of difference. You’re just going from 18% to 12% body fat.

number 14 almost got mogged by seth rogan, can't take this shit seriously
they're rating the pictures not the bodies
They don’t know who the women are and there are genuinely people that like skinny fat or chubby guys. They’re just not the majority.
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all I'm saying that to a gym-goer the difference between 1 and 4 is just a few months

not like it matters, look how many votes 9 got, do you really think that bodytype is actually attractive? like half of men have that kind of body, yet none of them get any attention lol

pointless to even think about bodytypes because it's so far down the list of things that matter
I’ve seen women attracted to really skinny guys before, although I’m guessing they assumed he was tall too. Physical attraction for men is a combination of face, height and body. Height is genetic and face is mostly unchangeable too unless you’re obese. The body is almost totally in our control. I’ve seen a couple of Gymcelling experiments. Two were for short guys and one was for an ugly guy. They all got decent returns. As long as you’re not a dwarf or physically deformed, if you have a good body you can pull women.
Yes. You are coping. A lot of women like the swimmer look too tbf, but there are many women that like bulky men. I don’t know which is more popular.

Coping. A lot of women like filled out bear/wrestler/bulked physiques and don’t care about visible abs. The only real issue with it is if you have a lot of face fat at a higher body fat percentage.

Depends on your fat distribution. If you’re not overweight, it usually won’t make a ton of difference. You’re just going from 18% to 12% body fat.

They don’t know who the women are and there are genuinely people that like skinny fat or chubby guys. They’re just not the majority.

Pure cope :soy:

Lower bf = more defined face

Stop coping gymcel and get mogged by Andrew:ogre:

This is body only, and lean physiques are still preferable. So for top smv you still need to be lean for face definition
This is sort of true, but your face isn’t going to change a ton between 18 and 12% body fat. Losing fat really makes a difference when you’re obese. We’re talking about staying in the healthy range. Just with fluff around your muscular Build.

Pure cope :soy:

Lower bf = more defined face

Stop coping gymcel and get mogged by Andrew:ogre:

View attachment 3279343
This lean obsessions seems to be more for the boys. I respect the dedication, but as long as you’re healthy and have some muscles, women will show interest.

IMG 0198

I don’t think even you believe that women wouldn’t be attracted to this body due to it’s lack of muscle definition.

They all got decent returns. As long as you’re not a dwarf or physically deformed, if you have a good body you can pull women.
beyond massive cope

"gymcel results" = a few women that are extreme outliers biting the hook after hundreds or thousands of online messages

using your body as a man to attract women is just retarded, women are barely attracted to it in the first place
that's as if a woman tried to attract men based on how good her nails were done, would that be a valid strategy? no, men don't give a fuck about it
but if she ran some "online experiment" for a long time she'd probably get some weird ass nigga that is attracted to it, there are all kinds of weirdos out there

and I say this as a gymcel
(not to mention that all the gymcel experiments I've seen the guys actually have really good bodybuilding genes, wide shoulders, good insertions, good sized wrists - they just have average faces
so it's not even something available to most men anyway)
Coping. A lot of women like filled out bear/wrestler/bulked physiques and don’t care about visible abs. The only real issue with it is if you have a lot of face fat at a higher body fat percentage.
I was defending your point 80IQ nigger go rope now
Dont listen to women. Look at their actions
beyond massive cope

"gymcel results" = a few women that are extreme outliers biting the hook after hundreds or thousands of online messages

using your body as a man to attract women is just retarded, women are barely attracted to it in the first place
that's as if a woman tried to attract men based on how good her nails were done, would that be a valid strategy? no, men don't give a fuck about it
but if she ran some "online experiment" for a long time she'd probably get some weird ass nigga that is attracted to it, there are all kinds of weirdos out there

and I say this as a gymcel
(not to mention that all the gymcel experiments I've seen the guys actually have really good bodybuilding genes, wide shoulders, good insertions, good sized wrists - they just have average faces
so it's not even something available to most men anyway)
This is a massive cope by men that don’t want to put in the work (not necessarily you). There was a video floating around this site from YouTube of an ogre gymcel that got so many matches. Being fit is the key to getting an abundance of women.

No. It would be like a woman trying to attract a man by using her body, which makes all the sense in the world.

There needs to be more gymcelfishing experiments to debunk this stuff.

If you really are a gymcel and you have a good body, start a dating profile and show off your physique (preferably in a way that looks natural). If you’re not Tyrion Lannister or a burn victim, you should get matches.
I think that #10 is the most attractive.
Being fit is the key to getting an abundance of women
Dissapointed no

look bro, I wish it was true - it would make everything so much easier
the gym is the easiest looksmax of them all

but it's just another level of cope - "I'll work hard in the gym and surely will be rewarded! Surely it's not all based on unchangable genetics and my muscles matter!"
No. It would be like a woman trying to attract a man by using her body, which makes all the sense in the world.
no, you are falling into the trap of thinking the genders are symmetric and alike
they are not

women are on the other side of reproduction, they function completely differently
I don't want to go on a whole evopsych spiel, but just think about it - why would women be as attracted to the male body as men are to the female?
men are wired to seek out women to impregnate, and they make that choice based on how their body looks, they are also much more horny and have less discriminating standards because someone has to drive the reproduction, and women aren't going to do it

on the other hand, women care much more about things like social status, or height, or fighting capacity (historically ofc, all of this evolved in a primal environment)
but above all, I'd say women don't care about men at all, they just see them as a means to an end, a tool

do you really think a man's body and a woman's have the same level of appeal? if you do, there is no hope for you because it would mean you cannot think critically
  • +1
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View attachment 3279350
look bro, I wish it was true - it would make everything so much easier
the gym is the easiest looksmax of them all

but it's just another level of cope - "I'll work hard in the gym and surely will be rewarded! Surely it's not all based on unchangable genetics and my muscles matter!"

no, you are falling into the trap of thinking the genders are symmetric and alike
they are not

women are on the other side of reproduction, they function completely differently
I don't want to go on a whole evopsych spiel, but just think about it - why would women be as attracted to the male body as men are to the female?
men are wired to seek out women to impregnate, and they make that choice based on how their body looks, they are also much more horny and have less discriminating standards because someone has to drive the reproduction, and women aren't going to do it

on the other hand, women care much more about things like social status, or height, or fighting capacity (historically ofc, all of this evolved in a primal environment)
but above all, I'd say women don't care about men at all, they just see them as a means to an end, a tool

do you really think a man's body and a woman's have the same level of appeal? if you do, there is no hope for you because it would mean you cannot think critically
I get what you’re saying, but there’s another part to this. Yes. Men are wired to look for fertility in women. That’s why they want young women with wide hips. At the same time, women are wired to look for protection and provisioning. That’s why so many women care about height (and that’s part of a man’s looks). Muscles are another part of it. I’m going to have to do Gymcelling experiments on dating apps myself. Chadfishing is funny, but we all knew that Chad could get away with almost anything and still have women trying to jump their bones.
I get what you’re saying, but there’s another part to this. Yes. Men are wired to look for fertility in women. That’s why they want young women with wide hips. At the same time, women are wired to look for protection and provisioning. That’s why so many women care about height (and that’s part of a man’s looks). Muscles are another part of it. I’m going to have to do Gymcelling experiments on dating apps myself. Chadfishing is funny, but we all knew that Chad could get away with almost anything and still have women trying to jump their bones.
and there's another angle you are not seeing/considering: how female sexuality works
women are not aroused in the same way as men, and by that I mean externally - so men, are aroused by the woman, aka the woman is the object of desire

women do not work that way (well, majority of women, and I'll get back to this later), they are aroused more internally, for them, the man is NOT the object of desire, THEY are the object of desire
they get off on being the desired one, by having the man obsess over them, giving them attention - notice how this is part of *every single* romance/sex novel women read
obviously it's just not any male, but an extremely high value chad - but his desire for the woman is a crucial factor, the average and unassuming female self insert main character seemingly "conquers" this extremely important male
in essence, women have a very narcissistic sexuality...

but not all of them are exactly the same, some lean more into the narcissistic/internal, and some more into external, some so much so that they almost resemble male sexuality, by placing men as the object of desire - and these women are the women that are getting caught in the chadfish & gymcel experiments

they do exist, but the % of them is small, and as they have a more male-like sexuality as a woman, they almost always are absolute whores

the whole notion that men are supposed to "prettify" themselves (whole looksmaxxing & gymceling) and attract women with their appearance is inherently feminine & therefore asinine
it's not how the genders are supposed to work, and that's why most men are failing so much in sex/dating today, they just don't have the tools for this sexual strategy to succeed, men aren't given the inherent desirability that women have

wouldn't that be a world where you could just go to the gym for a year and then post a pic to the Internet and have bitches simping & jumping on your dick? so exactly like it is for women *now*?
fucking sign me up lol

and now that I'm already ranting, this is one of the biggest reasons why I don't even date and probably never will - what is the point if the woman does not even desire you at all, and is just using you as a sort of a human dildo in her fantasy where she is the queen and you are a replaceable peasant who is there to provide desire & attention?
entire realm of dating is wholly gynocentric, from the very first moment where the male has to fullfill a laundry list of requirements to even qualify for the permission to humiliate himself when trying to get a permission to simp for the woman long term (LTR), all the way to the actual act of sex itself which entirely revolves around the woman herself & pleasing her
even on this supposedly "blackpilled" site you have tons of threads on how to "perform" for a woman aka how to diminish your own enjoyment of the act for her's sake...
how many such threads you think are on lipstickalley or similar female-only forums/spaces? fucking 0 obviously, women are raised from birth with the idea that men are supposed to "serve" them & provide for them

Obviously the situation changes a little when the man involved has a much higher SMV than the woman (chad), but that's such a minority of real life encounters so please don't come at me with the "b-but chad!" cope

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  • +1
Reactions: mazzi and AsGoodAsItGets
and there's another angle you are not seeing/considering: how female sexuality works
women are not aroused in the same way as men, and by that I mean externally - so men, are aroused by the woman, aka the woman is the object of desire

women do not work that way (well, majority of women, and I'll get back to this later), they are aroused more internally, for them, the man is NOT the object of desire, THEY are the object of desire
they get off on being the desired one, by having the man obsess over them, giving them attention - notice how this is part of *every single* romance/sex novel women read
obviously it's just not any male, but an extremely high value chad - but his desire for the woman is a crucial factor, the average and unassuming female self insert main character seemingly "conquers" this extremely important male
in essence, women have a very narcissistic sexuality...

but not all of them are exactly the same, some lean more into the narcissistic/internal, and some more into external, some so much so that they almost resemble male sexuality, by placing men as the object of desire - and these women are the women that are getting caught in the chadfish & gymcel experiments

they do exist, but the % of them is small, and as they have a more male-like sexuality as a woman, they almost always are absolute whores

the whole notion that men are supposed to "prettify" themselves (whole looksmaxxing & gymceling) and attract women with their appearance is inherently feminine & therefore asinine
it's not how the genders are supposed to work, and that's why most men are failing so much in sex/dating today, they just don't have the tools for this sexual strategy to succeed, men aren't given the inherent desirability that women have

wouldn't that be a world where you could just go to the gym for a year and then post a pic to the Internet and have bitches simping & jumping on your dick? so exactly like it is for women *now*?
fucking sign me up lol

and now that I'm already ranting, this is one of the biggest reasons why I don't even date and probably never will - what is the point if the woman does not even desire you at all, and is just using you as a sort of a human dildo in her fantasy where she is the queen and you are a replaceable peasant who is there to provide desire & attention?
entire realm of dating is wholly gynocentric, from the very first moment where the male has to fullfill a laundry list of requirements to even qualify for the permission to humiliate himself when trying to get a permission to simp for the woman long term (LTR), all the way to the actual act of sex itself which entirely revolves around the woman herself & pleasing her
even on this supposedly "blackpilled" site you have tons of threads on how to "perform" for a woman aka how to diminish your own enjoyment of the act for her's sake...
how many such threads you think are on lipstickalley or similar female-only forums/spaces? fucking 0 obviously, women are raised from birth with the idea that men are supposed to "serve" them & provide for them

Obviously the situation changes a little when the man involved has a much higher SMV than the woman (chad), but that's such a minority of real life encounters so please don't come at me with the "b-but chad!" cope

To conclude: the average man is fucked

A woman has to view you as superior in every regard for a relationship to succeed

No only that, you have to be one of, if not the best option around in terms of SMV compared to guys she's exposed to. That's why it's so important to only LTR girls with no social media (if you're at least HTN that is, earning good money and good status). You need to be GL as well as the most well rounded guy in her environment, otherwise you risk getting cucked
“Women” in general don’t matter when it comes to the data which has been averaged out between all the age groups which were polled. I guarantee that bulky physique wasn’t picked the most by the 18-22 range. This isn’t even taking into account the social niche which they fit into. A goth chick is more likely to prefer a lean physique with *some* muscle (think Brad Pitt in Fight Club) compared to a sorority girl who would tend to prefer a more athletic, muscular build required to be competitive in sports like american football. Any post trying to generalise women as a whole without specifying is a complete waste of time, it’s over if you aren’t nichemaxxing in 2024.
  • +1
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“Women” in general don’t matter when it comes to the data which has been averaged out between all the age groups which were polled. I guarantee that bulky physique wasn’t picked the most by the 18-22 range.
What do you think they picked? And which bodies do you think were picked by older women?
goth chick is more likely to prefer a lean physique with *some* muscle (think Brad Pitt in Fight Club) compared to a sorority girl who would tend to prefer a more athletic, muscular build required to be competitive in sports like american football.
Why’s this?
number 14 almost got mogged by seth rogan, can't take this shit seriously
they're rating the pictures not the bodies
i wouldn't wanna have his T levels jfl
  • +1
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the second you are forced to compete with your SMV, you are already fucked
this was never meant to be this way, we as a species didn't evolve for men to compete with their physical attractiveness, it was meant to be a minor component

women were meant to attract, and men were meant to *take*

men using their physical attractiveness to attract women is like a fish trying to climb a tree, no wonder almost all of men are failing abysmally, with a fleeting percentage (chads) having any success at all
A woman has to view you as superior
exactly, and female sexuality has this convenient feature that when a woman sees you as superior, she actually becomes attracted
and it does not matter how that superiority is gained, be it natural or artificial (aka through reduced female rights as it was in the past)

so nowdays with the asinine "equality" movement, straight out of the gate 50% of men are fucked
and I'd say it's more than 50, more like 80 since you have to be significantly superior for her to actually see it as that
we even have DEI or initiatives for women to help them become superior to men in the workplace, the last tool men have had since the industrial revolution has made men's physical strength a mostly useless attribute
  • +1
Reactions: mazzi
Firstly this didn't happen, you just made this up. But I will pretend it did happen and answer your question anyway...
Average young white woman in 2024 looks like this...

Only natural that a fatty would find another fatty attractive.

I don't care what fatties think because I don't find fatties attractive. Let me know when someone conducts a study of the preferences of only fit sub 25 BMI white women.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: moredatesmorerapes, valentine and uksucks
Firstly this didn't happen, you just made this up. But I will pretend it did happen and answer your question anyway...
Average young white woman in 2024 looks like this...

Only natural that a fatty would find another fatty attractive.

I don't care what fatties think because I don't find fatties attractive. Let me know when someone conducts a study of the preferences of only fit sub 25 BMI white women.
Does she have to be white? No
“Women” in general don’t matter when it comes to the data which has been averaged out between all the age groups which were polled. I guarantee that bulky physique wasn’t picked the most by the 18-22 range. This isn’t even taking into account the social niche which they fit into. A goth chick is more likely to prefer a lean physique with *some* muscle (think Brad Pitt in Fight Club) compared to a sorority girl who would tend to prefer a more athletic, muscular build required to be competitive in sports like american football. Any post trying to generalise women as a whole without specifying is a complete waste of time, it’s over if you aren’t nichemaxxing in 2024.
This is just a cope.

Firstly this didn't happen, you just made this up. But I will pretend it did happen and answer your question anyway...
Average young white woman in 2024 looks like this...

Only natural that a fatty would find another fatty attractive.

I don't care what fatties think because I don't find fatties attractive. Let me know when someone conducts a study of the preferences of only fit sub 25 BMI white women.
It did happen. Being bulked up doesn’t make you a fatty. That’s just your body dysmorphia. You’re coping over the fact that the bulky guy won.

IMG 0200

Most women chose 7 on Twitter.
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  • +1
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at no point in human history until now did men think "yeah i need to become smaller"

leanmaxing is an obese subhuman problem, it's also a coping low fighting success problem. ie "i'm so small and narrow framed, i'll never be good at combat, so why get big and strong to compete with other men?"

most importantly it is the result of steroids allowing men to pack on lbs of muscle while losing weight, and teenagers seeing this think that they were "leanmaxing" when it was just roids, and not understanding they wouldn't get the same results without roids+outlier genetic response
  • +1
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basement dwelling boneless twinks with no life experience their muh diseased looking malnourished male model body is ideal
This is just a cope.

It did happen. Being bulked up doesn’t make you a fatty. That’s just your body dysmorphia. You’re coping over the fact that the bulky guy won.

View attachment 3279903

Most women chose 7 on Twitter.
proud to be 1. i dont care if these fat bitches dont find it attractive i know for a fact theyre jealous of my 26 waist
You have zero argument against what I said. Retard.
I don’t need an argument, retard. You provided no evidence. You’re just going off of feels.

proud to be 1. i dont care if these fat bitches dont find it attractive i know for a fact theyre jealous of my 26 waist
If you’re happy, I’m happy for you. Although it’s a cope to think that they’re all just fat.
  • Love it
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I don’t need an argument, retard. You provided no evidence. You’re just going off of feels.
Get back to me when you can find a single sex icon for young women who has body type 4 :forcedsmile:
they get off on being the desired one, by having the man obsess over them, giving them attention - notice how this is part of *every single* romance/sex novel women read
Brootal factmogged that graycel.

I know where he's coming from. Every redpiller or gym coper thinks this. This is akin to religious thinking. "It will all be okay in the end" No, we are fucked.

This is a massive cope by men that don’t want to put in the work (not necessarily you).
Extreme cope. Most men put in more work from the time they're a child that it will not even compare to how much women have to put in to get a comparable result

Don't get me wrong, I like this. I like working 24/7, eating healthy, going to the gym everyday (yes Sundays included). But you cannot just outwork your way into the elite.

There is some semblance of truth to your fact before the online dating era, where you were compared to the rest of the town. But now, you're competing against men of the rest of the world for mediocre pussy. Get this right. The is exactly what gynocracy is and what Giorgio is talking about.

the whole notion that men are supposed to "prettify" themselves (whole looksmaxxing & gymceling) and attract women with their appearance is inherently feminine & therefore asinine
it's not how the genders are supposed to work, and that's why most men are failing so much in sex/dating today, they just don't have the tools for this sexual strategy to succeed, men aren't given the inherent desirability that women have

wouldn't that be a world where you could just go to the gym for a year and then post a pic to the Internet and have bitches simping & jumping on your dick? so exactly like it is for women *now*?
fucking sign me up lol
'Oh Ive been going to the gym for 2 years sarrr. Send bobs and vegene" :forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

and now that I'm already ranting, this is one of the biggest reasons why I don't even date and probably never will - what is the point if the woman does not even desire you at all, and is just using you as a sort of a human dildo in her fantasy where she is the queen and you are a replaceable peasant who is there to provide desire & attention?
entire realm of dating is wholly gynocentric, from the very first moment where the male has to fullfill a laundry list of requirements to even qualify for the permission to humiliate himself when trying to get a permission to simp for the woman long term (LTR), all the way to the actual act of sex itself which entirely revolves around the woman herself & pleasing her
Women just lay like a fish.

even on this supposedly "blackpilled" site you have tons of threads on how to "perform" for a woman aka how to diminish your own enjoyment of the act for her's sake...
how many such threads you think are on lipstickalley or similar female-only forums/spaces? fucking 0 obviously, women are raised from birth with the idea that men are supposed to "serve" them & provide for them
Holy shit brutal fact.

the second you are forced to compete with your SMV, you are already fucked
this was never meant to be this way, we as a species didn't evolve for men to compete with their physical attractiveness, it was meant to be a minor component

women were meant to attract, and men were meant to *take*

men using their physical attractiveness to attract women is like a fish trying to climb a tree, no wonder almost all of men are failing abysmally, with a fleeting percentage (chads) having any success at all

exactly, and female sexuality has this convenient feature that when a woman sees you as superior, she actually becomes attracted
and it does not matter how that superiority is gained, be it natural or artificial (aka through reduced female rights as it was in the past)

so nowdays with the asinine "equality" movement, straight out of the gate 50% of men are fucked
and I'd say it's more than 50, more like 80 since you have to be significantly superior for her to actually see it as that
we even have DEI or initiatives for women to help them become superior to men in the workplace, the last tool men have had since the industrial revolution has made men's physical strength a mostly useless attribute
It's everywhere. I was just having a looks at games.

"The new Uncharted is great. DEI Wins again"
Get back to me when you can find a single sex icon for young women who has body type 4 :forcedsmile:
Any superhero actor when they aren't filming.

Jason Momoa??? Specifically Aqua Man physique is my ideal physique. Is it  Natty attainable? : r/nattyorjuice

Extreme cope. Most men put in more work from the time they're a child that it will not even compare to how much women have to put in to get a comparable result

Don't get me wrong, I like this. I like working 24/7, eating healthy, going to the gym everyday (yes Sundays included). But you cannot just outwork your way into the elite.

There is some semblance of truth to your fact before the online dating era, where you were compared to the rest of the town. But now, you're competing against men of the rest of the world for mediocre pussy. Get this right. The is exactly what gynocracy is and what Giorgio is talking about.
I agree that men have to put in a lot more work than women, but that's just life. And yes. Men have to work 5x harder than their grandfathers did for women that are worth 5x less than their grandmothers. My only point is that you can get women. And even good looking women as long as you're in good physical shape.
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  • JFL
Reactions: AverageTevvezFan
Who cares what whores like?
Any superhero actor when they aren't filming.

Jason Momoa??? Specifically Aqua Man physique is my ideal physique. Is it  Natty attainable? : r/nattyorjuice
Jason Momoa has hardly any appeal to uni girls compared to the prettyboy archetype of Chico or Vinnie. Robust prettyboys also do well, such as Momoa when he was in his late teens/early 20s. Not these days though.
Jason Momoa has hardly any appeal to uni girls compared to the prettyboy archetype of Chico or Vinnie. Robust prettyboys also do well, such as Momoa when he was in his late teens/early 20s. Not these days though.
I've saw an interview of college girls picking Momoa's bulked body as the most attractive. This just feels like cope.
Speaking personally and any other guy who has has radically different BF% can tell you that they get way more attention at lower bf than "bulky"
  • +1
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Speaking personally and any other guy who has has radically different BF% can tell you that they get way more attention at lower bf than "bulky"
As long as you're in the healthy range you're fine and a lot of women prefer bulky. Certainly they prefer it to under 10% body fat.

Bulk vs Shredded which one are you? #hardwork #workhard #trainhard  #training #beastmode #gains #muscle #sweat #gym #gymlife... – @riptoned on  Tumblr

There's this narrative that the dad bod phenomenon is cap from women, when it's much easier to explain by saying that women like men that work out, but aren't afraid to eat pizza and ice cream. Just like when men say they like curvy women, they're not necessarily talking about fat women. They're talking about women that are filled out.
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As long as you're in the healthy range you're fine and a lot of women prefer bulky. Certainly they prefer it to under 10% body fat.

Bulk vs Shredded which one are you? #hardwork #workhard #trainhard  #training #beastmode #gains #muscle #sweat #gym #gymlife... – @riptoned on  Tumblr

There's this narrative that the dad bod phenomenon is cap from women, when it's much easier to explain by saying that women like men that work out, but aren't afraid to eat pizza and ice cream. Just like when men say they like curvy women, they're not necessarily talking about fat women. They're talking about women that are filled out.

Bro ur failing rule number one: never ever listen to what women say. No, women want abs. But I agree that the ultra lean gross roid 5% bf is gross
Bro ur failing rule number one: never ever listen to what women say. No, women want abs. But I agree that the ultra lean gross roid 5% bf is gross
The biggest slayers in my High School and College were all filled out football players. It's not just what they say. Some women like abs, but what they really care about are things like shoulders, chests and arms. Lean or bulky... as long as you're fit, women will be attracted to you.
The biggest slayers in my High School and College were all filled out football players. It's not just what they say. Some women like abs, but what they really care about are things like shoulders, chests and arms. Lean or bulky... as long as you're fit, women will be attracted to you.
ur 100 percent wrong. This is a hill I will die on because I have been so many different body fat levels in my life and its night and day difference how much MORE attention and complements and approaches I get when I am 12-14% rather than 18-20%

my brother has experienced the exact same.

Maybe we just have a different idea what "bulky" is but having defined abs is the MOST important thing for having an ideal body type for women
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ur 100 percent wrong. This is a hill I will die on because I have been so many different body fat levels in my life and its night and day difference how much MORE attention and complements and approaches I get when I am 12-14% rather than 18-20%

my brother has experienced the exact same.

Maybe we just have a different idea what "bulky" is but having defined abs is the MOST important thing for having an ideal body type for women
Yeah. We just disagree. Almost all of the women I’ve talked to have said they don’t care much about abs. I’ve seen plenty of interviews online of women saying they can take or leave abs, and I’ve seen polling from wome that shows that they don’t necessarily prefer the body with abs like this one. Is there an eco psych reason that you think they’d want abs? Broad shoulders and big arms are easily explainable. What do you think it is about abs that draws women in?

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