Working out actually kills testosterone



avg sub5 latino
Jun 12, 2024
Actually probably just some cope from some tiktokcells, but they were talking bout the fact that working out for long periods of time can actually reduce testosterone due to high stress levels (or cortisol) in the body wich i think we all know reduces T by up to 44% depending on how high these levels are. (Just workout 3 days a week and focus on shoulders, upper chest, neck AND back to reduce these sympthoms and build a good frame at the same time)
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Wah wah cry me a river
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It's not bullshit. Anyone who takes the gym seriously, has overreached/trained before from too much volume.

The symptoms of an overreached/trained state mirrors depression. Your libido is crashed, you're exhausted, and moody all day.

Besides, there is a huge point of diminishing returns with each extra set you do in the gym. Doing 20 sets for a muscle vs 10 will barely give you additional gains. The majority of the time, that extra volume will give you WORSE results with even MORE fatigue
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It's not bullshit. Anyone who takes the gym seriously, has overreached/trained before from too much volume.

The symptoms of an overreached/trained state mirrors depression. Your libido is crashed, you're exhausted, and moody all day.

Besides, there is a huge point of diminishing returns with each extra set you do in the gym. Doing 20 sets for a muscle vs 10 will barely give you additional gains. The majority of the time, that extra volume will give you WORSE results with even MORE fatigue
How many sets per week do you recommend for chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms etc?
From what I heard you should be aiming for closer to 20 on everything except arms.
How many sets per week do you recommend for chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms etc?
From what I heard you should be aiming for closer to 20 on everything except arms.

20? Fuck no. I know where you're hearing these recommendations as well, because that's what the "evidence based" fitness influencers are promoting atm. What they keep intentionally ignoring is the flaws with the studies that they base 10-20 sets/muscle/week from.

The studies being promoted use non-trained people (barely any experience with the gym), short rest periods, and "voluntary failure" (they actually don't go to muscle failure because they are so inexperienced).

This is why actual bodybuilders, both enhanced and natty completely disregard the 10-20 set recommendation. When you're actually training hard (TO OR CLOSE TO FAILURE) with heavy weight, and adequate rest periods (fully resting between sets so you can lift the most amount of weight with the most energy), the maximum amount of sets in a week for most people will be 10-12/muscle.

There's SEVERAL jacked natty, and enhanced bodybuilders rn growing like crazy from 6-8 sets to failure/muscle/week. That range also works best for me.
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The "Mike Mentzer" 1 set/muscle is too low and extreme. But so is the 10-20 sets high volume method.

Anywhere from 6-10 sets/muscle/week will maximize growth for most people imo, IF they are training to failure.

If someone trains light and far from failure, then they will need more sets, and that's the only time I could see 15+ sets working. But then the root issue is training intensity, and they are being inefficient and wasting time
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20? Fuck no. I know where you're hearing these recommendations as well, because that's what the "evidence based" fitness influencers are promoting atm. What they keep intentionally ignoring is the flaws with the studies that they base 10-20 sets/muscle/week from.

The studies being promoted use non-trained people (barely any experience with the gym), short rest periods, and "voluntary failure" (they actually don't go to muscle failure because they are so inexperienced).

This is why actual bodybuilders, both enhanced and natty completely disregard the 10-20 set recommendation. When you're actually training hard (TO OR CLOSE TO FAILURE) with heavy weight, and adequate rest periods (fully resting between sets so you can lift the most amount of weight with the most energy), the maximum amount of sets in a week for most people will be 10-12/muscle.

There's SEVERAL jacked natty, and enhanced bodybuilders rn growing like crazy from 6-8 sets to failure/muscle/week. That range also works best for me.
How long do you rest between sets? Sometimes towards the end of the workout I take 4 mins or more to recover fully for the next set and sometimes I wonder if i'm just being lazy
How long do you rest between sets? Sometimes towards the end of the workout I take 4 mins or more to recover fully for the next set and sometimes I wonder if i'm just being lazy

As long as you need. Anywhere from 2-5 minutes is perfectly acceptable, and superior to rushing your sets.

You want to fully rest between sets so your cardiovascular system doesn't hit failure before your muscles.
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