World of warcraft was the best time of my life



Spreading dickpill like the plague
Jan 18, 2019
My social life death was when I got to 12 until that point nothing was special and I had friends even some girl friends that I would visit and was above average status then my gay mom decided I should get braces and the faggot orthodontist (curses be upon his family and bloodline may they all be incels) extracted 2 teeth and made me wear this shit

You don't need to be a genius to know that this is death sentence on any kid going with this shit to school
I had to fight the first day I got it and I won but my enemy had brother that was 4 years older and they came and attacked me few days later with few of my "friends" biggest betrayal of all time I had no friends after that point :feelscry: and I realized how unfair life is :blackpill:

Naturally I looked online and got into MMOs started with free ones and then ended in World of warcraft which was the best time of my life... a virtual world where you are not judged based on your looks but your actual hardwork/achievements/personality
I was lucky to make real good friends in that game unfortunately they are not from my country but it's better than anything
I was very blackpilled as young from my experiences on my own and I knew that this is the best I will ever have (world of warcraft, it was also the prime time TBC-WOTLK, right now wow is cucked) I planed to LDAR playing wow until I get 20 and then probably kill myself and that would be good life... I thought because I knew nothing good will be afterwards when there is no more WoW but at 20 I got bluepilled hard from youtube gurus and started wageslaving, gymcelling, and watching lion.jpg youtube video + pua garbage
my parents also divorced when I was young and it was very harsh place growing up my dad physicaly hit my mom and would yell and throw shit tell me that my mom is a whore and I should go kill myself and later he got scammed at work and we ended up being super poo it was chaotic af

I have never got to make facebook/instagram or any social media circle because I had no friend and just LDAR playing WoW and tbh even tho I watched pua garbage I never tried even once to pick a women It's one of my copes that maybe I am gl and it's all in my head... I am waiting to lookmax a bit more then I try for the first time
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try osrs
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They announced vanilla wow to come soon if I don't ascend I plan to rot reliving my childhood and then rope when I run out of money :feelsyay:
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  • So Sad
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im so sorry you got betrayed by your own friends like that... that wouldve destroyed me
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Orthos have no fucking clue what they're doing jfl. Extracting from a 12 year old. They don't give a fuck about the cause of the symptoms, in fact they probably wouldn't want the cause and solutions to be public knowledge cause then they couldn't make money off of peole with improper growth.

You could mouthbreathe the whole meeting with an ortho and they wouldn't even fucking mention it. More extractions for them, which equals more money. Conspiracies aside, this shit is depressing and is robbing people of good development, facial attractiveness, open airways, and thus focus and sleep. It's a joke how much money we spend on correction when in reality we should be doing intensive studies on facial development, posture, oral posture, diet, breastfeeding, sleeping on hard/soft surfaces.

Just ranting. Everything about how we "treat" malocclusions is fucked.
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Good luck with life my friend :feelsokman:
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If you actually look like that kid in that photo it's not over for you, far from it in fact.

In fact you should be thanking God because you will actually be able to get girls very easily.
If you actually look like that kid in that photo it's not over for you, far from it in fact.

In fact you should be thanking God because you will actually be able to get girls very easily.
JFL that kid is going to look like that post puberty due to extraction and braces ruining your face

never do ever braces and if you have to then do them after you are 20

My dad has insane forawrd growth and is low inhib af his presence alone is scary he could murder someone if they pissed him off because of his low temper but nobody dare because of he look like it
my mom also have good forward growth and overall very good features but I was ruined by bracers and only doing damage control at this point
JFL that kid is going to look like that post puberty due to extraction and braces ruining your face

never do ever braces and if you have to then do them after you are 20
That recessed chin is bad, yes. Fact is that guy could still pick up a decent ethnic chick, with a little game. Stop whining now

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