Woud you lose 15 IQ points to become a 10psl right now?



Nov 11, 2018
Of fucking course.
Statistically you wouldn't be able to graduate college most likely or be qualified to do many jobs.
If you are 10/10 psl you don’t need to do jobs . Play your game well and meet a rich femoid - Jeremy Meeks
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i'd still be average iq so of course, who fucking cares about high iq your a giga chad
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Bro ofc not . girls love intelligent dude
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Bro ofc not . girls love intelligent dude
I disagree . If intelligence was the deciding factor , I should be Pussy drowned
Bro ofc not . girls love intelligent dude
All girls care is looks .

I am Ivy League educated validactorian student - all scholarships - zero student loans . MD / MBA . GPA 4. Winner of numerous academic awards , credited for landmark research in neuroscience , covered in press and media for my work , executive position in big organization . Can’t hsvs better academic and professional career at age 36.

High iQ is actually a turn off for women - they don’t like nerds or “ academically focused “ guys . They want GOOD looking , cool , popular , easy going Chads / Tyrone’s with average IQ and average jobs . Even educated women like doctors , accountants etc want cool chads . I have dated 5 girls in my life ( I am 36) and all were way below my status and intelligence. No MD girl would even look at me . They would rather date and marry good looking male nurses or struggling musicians or Tyrone personal trainers . ( all 3 real examples - 3 Stacie Docs marrying these guys ).
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Iii allreadyyyy d8ddddd do tttthat loopplll, worthg hhhh itttttt btorrro
Nope, my identity, hobbies and type of friend I have(I have few friends but only very high IQ ones) are centered around my IQ. I prefer that than being able to attract pussies with superior phenotype envelope. If I was ugly I would reconsider though.
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It's no contest. I'd gladly lose 15 IQ points to be a 10 PSL.
High iq answer inbound. Yes I would because a true perfect man is also the smartest man so this is more a question of delete incel.exe or keep it
Yes, IQ=cope
Unless you're a literal retard like @Veganist then you should always say yea
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id lose 30
I'd lose 30 if my IQ was 150 to start with. Then again, if I had 150, my judgement might be different. Huh
I'd lose 15 IQ points for fucking free

I hate having to think because I can and everybody forces me too

I'd still have a 125 IQ LMFAO
I'd lose 30 if my IQ was 150 to start with. Then again, if I had 150, my judgement might be different. Huh
the higher iq u have the more u relise looks matter more and iq matters less
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Leave a like for more bragging and flexing
a good 20
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the higher iq u have the more u relise looks matter more and iq matters less
You'd think so, but why the fuck are all these engineers and IT twinks betabuxing instead of going our route?
You'd think so, but why the fuck are all these engineers and IT twinks betabuxing instead of going our route?
being an engineer or IT twink doesnt give u the opportunity to trade IQ for looks
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being an engineer or IT twink doesnt give u the opportunity to trade IQ for looks
It's not a literal trade, their high mental capabilities (and sometimes good paying jobs) should enable them to make clearer observations of the world around them. Improving your looks is like a no-brainer basically
It's not a literal trade, their high mental capabilities (and sometimes good paying jobs) should enable them to make clearer observations of the world around them. Improving your looks is like a no-brainer basically
engineers rnt automatically high iq and perception to think about blackpill theory on their own, its not like many of us did, we find the forums with information on it already. and only after time of being exposed to this material can we develop our own thoughts.
Yes, iq is pretty high so i can sacrifice it easily
engineers rnt automatically high iq and perception to think about blackpill theory on their own, its not like many of us did, we find the forums with information on it already. and only after time of being exposed to this material can we develop our own thoughts.
I was just using engineers as an example. Women deep inside know that looks are at the top, and they spend time, money, effort to learn to apply makeup and surgeries/botox what not, but they dont say it directly like that. Empirical evidence and anecdote proves it, an analytically minded person should see the difference between how girls treat him vs how they treat the actually attractive guy, and he should be upset about it. This also could be hindsight bias cuz I got exposed to these sites and it clarified a lot to me. I think people deep inside are very blackpilled but as you go to the surface they act bluepilled, probably an evolutionary advantage to think that you can change things and that not all hope is lost. In fact, the idea behind this site is blue pilled, we looksmax and what not but truth is we're genetic trash shitposting on an anonymous forum.
I was just using engineers as an example. Women deep inside know that looks are at the top, and they spend time, money, effort to learn to apply makeup and surgeries/botox what not, but they dont say it directly like that. Empirical evidence and anecdote proves it, an analytically minded person should see the difference between how girls treat him vs how they treat the actually attractive guy, and he should be upset about it. This also could be hindsight bias cuz I got exposed to these sites and it clarified a lot to me. I think people deep inside are very blackpilled but as you go to the surface they act bluepilled, probably an evolutionary advantage to think that you can change things and that not all hope is lost. In fact, the idea behind this site is blue killed, we looksmax and what not but truth is we're genetic trash shitposting on an anonymous forum.
guys r brainwashed thru out their lifes that what matters to them is working hard and other stuff that isnt looks
guys r brainwashed thru out their lifes that what matters to them is working hard and other stuff that isnt looks
Yeah this too makes it harder for men to realize that looks really should come before everything else in terms of self-improvement. It's the only valid place to start.
Lmao yes
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what is this question :lul: lost 15 iq by reading it
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what is this question :lul: lost 15 iq by reading it
Think of the consequences of losing 1 standard Deviation of IQ. You'll be a dumb fuck working min. wage all life. I probably wouldn't do it tbh.
im conflicted cause I wanna be a naval aviator and one day, a sickening astronaut... if i lose any IQ points, i'd prob not make it through the pipelines.
I'd trade all muh iq pts
Yes, I'd just commit crime and find a billionaire's daughter to marry.
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Hell I'd lose 40
Think of the consequences of losing 1 standard Deviation of IQ. You'll be a dumb fuck working min. wage all life. I probably wouldn't do it tbh.
PSL 10 is an automatic world wide super model sensation, wtf are you even talking about.
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the higher iq u have the more u relise looks matter more and iq matters less

Wow i must have an iq of 200 for realizing that in kindergarden and starting to analyze faces and making assumptions on who would have the most girls around him in the class when having the first day of school in the 5th grade. I was right in 99% of the cases.

But Its cope. I am still avg iq.
Hell I'd lose 40

PSL 10 is an automatic world wide super model sensation, wtf are you even talking about.
Not a bad point ngl
I'd trade IQ points for HEIGHT, let alone a nicer face lol
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I've always struggled with this question, because I really like being 'smart' (I get very high standardized test scores and grades). However, look at where it's gotten me. I am all alone and miserable. Meanwhile I've had to watch my idiot chad friend take every girl I've dreamed about away from me. I can't imagine the euphoria he feels with so many social experiences. So yes, I would.
Then that would make me a 185 iq GigaChad
I'd go from ~3-4 stdevs to 2-3 stdevs.
Why not. I'm well above the average IQ which doesn't grant me any privileges in everyday life. If I could give up 15 IQ points in exchange for a 10 psl face, I'd still be average IQ but everyone would treat me like a Greek God, I could make loads of money by being a famous model, and pussies would be an endless commodity for me.
Idk 85 is is already too low for me to lose another 15 points
Idk 85 is is already too low for me to lose another 15 points
Yeah at 85 every point is precious. At 75 you're basically as useful as an 8 year old.

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