would gymcelling ascend me


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If I got my hair back with my skinny ass physique

Also I'm going to be completely honest, I have widish hips and a narrow ribcage, is it over for my frame
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View attachment 860874

If I got my hair back with my skinny ass physique

Also I'm going to be completely honest, I have widish hips and a narrow ribcage, is it over for my frame
Jfl you absolutely look good enough to get cute white beckies. Wtf are you doing here?
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Clean bulk and gym or forever be a beta framecel.
  • JFL
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View attachment 860874

If I got my hair back with my skinny ass physique

Also I'm going to be completely honest, I have widish hips and a narrow ribcage, is it over for my frame
bro you on tik tok?

swear i've seen a video of you with some other eboys
Jfl you absolutely look good enough to get cute white beckies. Wtf are you doing here?
i have no hair anymore (jfl) and even when I looked like that I was super high inhib and avoided women srs
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yes definitely.
over for tallfagcels
Did you tan? You looked a lot more pale on that caillou picture
Also your frame is decent, bit muscle on it wouldn't be a bad idea tho
Thought that was an outline of a chad but normie when I looked closer
bruh you're already normie with great height, why wouldn't you gymcel? tired of your bdd ass threads, you're so mentally fragile
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Did you tan? You looked a lot more pale on that caillou picture
Also your frame is decent, bit muscle on it wouldn't be a bad idea tho
i have insane tanning genetics actually, i used to live in florida and would be looking god tier tan 24/7 while everyone else was cumskin.

IMG 20200512 112033

only issue is i moved to the middle of a field so now i have no sunlight. im currently trying to cope with beta carotene but im also on accutane which is making me SUPER pale (due to cell regen)
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jfl, good base to gymmaxx brah, i started as a gigaframelet and now i have a decent physique, you'd prob pack on muscle quick.

do it
im in military bro we aren't allowed to have beards

i can hairmaxx though and gymcel
Gymcel for better body but I don't yhink it will change your appeal facially
bruh you're already normie with great height, why wouldn't you gymcel? tired of your bdd ass threads, you're so mentally fragile
sorry brother i appreciate the mental support serious, my family never once gave me positive reinforcement so i get very self conscious fast.

you guys are fucking awesome, you have no idea how much it helps.
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View attachment 860874

If I got my hair back with my skinny ass physique

Also I'm going to be completely honest, I have widish hips and a narrow ribcage, is it over for my frame

get on a good lifting program, start lifting

calculate your BF

you should leanmaxx while lifting for beginner gainz
sorry brother i appreciate the mental support serious, my family never once gave me positive reinforcement so i get very self conscious fast.

you guys are fucking awesome, you have no idea how much it helps.
alright man, just know you are at a better starting place than most. I wouldn't be so self-conscious in your position
Gymcel for better body but I don't yhink it will change your appeal facially
i doubt it will either but im hoping to catch some height whores who value height. when i was standing in a line this short pretty white girl was like creaming her pants talking to me. she was looking straight up at me asking me mad questions then staring at me when i had to part ways for a second. and then this high tier normie average height dude tried to butt in but she completely ignored him to direct all her attention to me and that was fucking lifefuel because he facially mogged me. i couldn't get her info because she was in the navy and i am in a different military branch so i would never see her again.

im just hoping to find more girls like that. she was pretty too. red hair with bright green eyes.
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yes get your lil ass in the gym
Your frame is fine bro not that wide but hips aren’t wide either from what I’ve seen pretty average

at your height it might (chances very much are tbh) be tough to get a ripped physique without peds, but when you’re skinny every bit of muscle counts so natty gymcelling is still very much worth it
Yes, look at my documents for the best gymmaxxing advice.

The information doesn't come from me but many different fitness channels and most serious lifters will agree with what I wrote despite the fact that I am not gymmaxxed yet.

Also, watch this youtube channel, the guy gives great advice, and I made my program based on his advice: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG-3rEW4IrDNa7-9iGByc2A


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Gym ascends almost everyone.
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You need to ogre maxx tbh
Fuck your "frame." That's all bullshit. Anyone who busts their ass in the gym, eats enough meat/protien, and trains for the pump will get big. And YES you will ascend. Tbh, skinnyish frames like yours are the foundation of the Frank Zane's and Jeff Seid's of the world. You have a great starting place.

Train for the pump. 8-12 reps - failure within those reps, i.e. you shouldn't be able to do 13, and it shouldn't be too heavy to keep you from getting to 8. Do a typical bro split. 5-6 days for each body area. Chest day, arm day, back day, leg day, shoulder day. Start each day with the major compound lift for that body part, then pump pump pump and more pump.

Will you be the strongest dude in the gym with this program? nope. But you'll be the biggest and look the best.

FYI I'm 5'8" and have 20-inch arms. No steroids no sarms.

GET OFF THIS FUCKING WEBSITE AND START LIFTING. When you get big, it will be like you entered a different universe. Trust me.

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