Would you cut contact if you started liking a women?



Adidasmaxxed Chad
Dec 8, 2018
I blackpill women regularly and they still like me or even agree with me. I met a women who is supportive, does whatever I want and seems to be highly interested in myself. Unfortunately, whenever I catch myself being too clingy, I notice she kinda doesnt know how to act around it or just lets me be beta. On the other hand when I am pretty much always either unbothered or annoyed by women and show it, they like it. Should I just end it right here and then before I make a clown out of myself for showing too much emotion? It is always the same with these dumb women, they asked me all the time for a relationship but whenever you gave them what they wanted, they lose interest. There is no other solution than to just pump and dump tbh
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Damn ended it with her, now she calls me every 5 minutes
Not every woman
I did a very toxic move on her
I told her that I met a girl today even though I didnt. So before that she was already blowing up my phone, now she told me she is willing to do everything I want from her.

I am honest, it hurts myself to be a piece of shit but thats is how you keep women
Dn rd bend over punk
JFL at clinging to any of them,

I keep them all in a rotation

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