Would you rather be a 6'4'' gl curry or a 5'7'' average nord?

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Apr 20, 2021
Choose wisely
  • JFL
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Reactions: disheartenedcel, normie_joe and rubberduck
curry is out of question even if I had to be a dwarf
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Reactions: looks>books, mathis, disheartenedcel and 6 others
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Reactions: looks>books and boss8055
nord, cuz averge nord is like low htn
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Reactions: mathis, normie_joe, HTN_Mentalcel and 4 others
Top percentile so chadpreet?
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Reactions: <6PSLcel
What the fuck is this absolutely autistic question?

In what UNIVERSE would you pick nord?
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Reactions: normie_joe, IndraBC, CarrotMaxxer and 10 others
What the fuck is this absolutely autistic question?

In what UNIVERSE would you pick nord?
if the nord is higher IQ i pick nord
  • JFL
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Reactions: mathis, Costcosuperstore, mirrormogger and 3 others
6.4 Curry defintely, especially if he has face
Plus if he has good frame and body with sex appeal he's a slayer
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Reactions: midlatinocel, coisbhai, Shkreliii and 1 other person
curry but would have to be like top 0,1%, and still would just bleach my skin

otherwise option C. rope
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Reactions: mathis, mirrormogger and <6PSLcel
5'7 nord is an incel lol
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  • JFL
Reactions: normie_joe, CarrotMaxxer, midlatinocel and 7 others
Nord. If your ancestors shit on the street what respect is there to admire upon
Who cares about ancestors. It's about looks and smv
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Reactions: LegitUser, maxxmclooks and <6PSLcel
Depending on how you see it so is a 6'4'' gl Indian
Nigga is your brain fried lol hes gl which means good looking? And hes 6'4 in what world is he incel
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Reactions: normie_joe, midlatinocel, LegitUser and 2 others
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Reactions: normie_joe and LowTierVitoBss
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Reactions: <6PSLcel
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  • JFL
Reactions: mathis, mirrormogger and <6PSLcel
height is cope, im 6'5 low mtn and it hasnt helped me to this day
You can't know that unless you've lived a life NOT being 6'5'' or above average height.
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Reactions: midlatinocel, LowTierVitoBss and <6PSLcel
You can't know that unless you've lived a life NOT being 6'5'' or above average height.
im saying i rather be like htn and short as opposed to my current self
Obviously curry
It's like salludon vs average nobody
How short we going
like 5'7 and mid htn or better I'd be fine with, ofc thats the lowest id go, im not saying height is completely useless but for attracting foids so long as u arent like 3 inches or shorter than the average ur fine
like 5'7 and mid htn or better I'd be fine with, ofc thats the lowest id go, im not saying height is completely useless but for attracting foids so long as u arent like 3 inches or shorter than the average ur fine
5'7'' is DEFINITELY more than 3 inches shorter than the average where i'm at
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Reactions: LegitUser, Shkreliii and <6PSLcel
Curry (Indian) is the obvious choice. Even if you believe the myth that Indian men cannot date White women, you can always date Indian women.

The only way this is an actual debate would be if you had to choose between living as an Indian in India, or living as a Norwegian in Norway. Then, I would probably choose Nord.
  • JFL
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Reactions: normie_joe and rand anon
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Reactions: disheartenedcel, normie_joe, midlatinocel and 1 other person
lol well thats an exception since the averge is 6'1, but even in sweden what i said would be alright
Curry (Indian) is the obvious choice. Even if you believe the myth that Indian men cannot date White women, you can always date Indian women.
You must be Indian yourself to not gag at the thought of the smell
I'm surprised more people didn't mention racemaxxing
its impossible to ascend to any meaningful level as a curry without racemaxx
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Reactions: Dylan
lol well thats an exception since the averge is 6'1, but even in sweden what i said would be alright
I've actually been to Sweden and the tall people are actually taller than they are here. It's just in sweden you have like 7ft machines and 5ft9 manlets. In the Netherlands everyone is around 6ft2 give or take 2 inches
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: Shkreliii and <6PSLcel
5'7'' is DEFINITELY more than 3 inches shorter than the average where i'm at
Exactly, im 6'03 without shoes. And i only height mog in migrant areas. People in inner cities are 6'3 and mog me facially
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Reactions: midlatinocel
A bunch of curries voting curry
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Reactions: mathis and <6PSLcel
I've actually been to Sweden and the tall people are actually taller than they are here. It's just in sweden you have like 7ft machines and 5ft9 manlets. In the Netherlands everyone is around 6ft2 give or take 2 inches
ye but face trumps height tho, jfl if u think a girl will drool over a 6'4 mtn as opposed to like a 5'7 chadlite pretty boy like damian kater
I've actually been to Sweden and the tall people are actually taller than they are here. It's just in sweden you have like 7ft machines and 5ft9 manlets. In the Netherlands everyone is around 6ft2 give or take 2 inches
So fucking true.
Theres 6'4 crazy looking guys. With crazy good faces to the point that everyone else becomes invisible in their gaze.
Im seen an actual 7'2 ACTUAL. 7'2 face mog me
  • So Sad
Reactions: midlatinocel
ye but face trumps height tho, jfl if u think a girl will drool over a 6'4 mtn as opposed to like a 5'7 chadlite pretty boy like damian kater
Ofcourse. But that wasnt the question, it was very flawed though. I think they have both success in their own rights.
It all depends on how they pull of their height really.
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Reactions: <6PSLcel
Exactly, im 6'03 without shoes. And i only height mog in migrant areas. People in inner cities are 6'3 and mog me facially
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Reactions: <6PSLcel
Ofcourse. But that wasnt the question, it was very flawed though. I think they have both success in their own rights.
It all depends on how they pull of their height really.
yeah ik, me and dylan branched off from the original question
jfl if u think a girl will drool over a 6'4 mtn as opposed to like a 5'7 chadlite pretty boy like damian kater
This seems logical until you put it to the test IRL
  • JFL
Reactions: <6PSLcel
Ofcourse. But that wasnt the question, it was very flawed though. I think they have both success in their own rights.
It all depends on how they pull of their height really.
I honestly don't know what i'd do. Part of me wants to say curry and ascend, but the other half wants to say nord because genetics
Curry and it's not close.
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Reactions: normie_joe
only if the curry was 0.01% in looks with a good frame and mogger bones, would still michael jackson my skin and get eye lightening
5’7 Nord and geomax, you’d slay

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